7.29 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var tap = require('tap');
4var path = require('path');
5var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
6var concat = require('concat-stream');
8var stripFullStack = require('./common').stripFullStack;
10tap.test('exit ok', function (t) {
11 t.plan(2);
13 var tc = function (rows) {
14 t.same(rows.toString('utf8'), [
15 'TAP version 13',
16 '# array',
17 '# hi',
18 'ok 1 should be deeply equivalent',
19 'ok 2 should be deeply equivalent',
20 'ok 3 should be deeply equivalent',
21 'ok 4 should be deeply equivalent',
22 'ok 5 should be deeply equivalent',
23 '',
24 '1..5',
25 '# tests 5',
26 '# pass 5',
27 '',
28 '# ok',
29 '', // yes, these double-blank-lines at the end are required.
30 '' // if you can figure out how to remove them, please do!
31 ].join('\n'));
32 };
34 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, 'exit', 'ok.js')]);
35 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
36 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
37 t.equal(code, 0);
38 });
41tap.test('exit fail', function (t) {
42 t.plan(2);
44 var tc = function (rows) {
45 t.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
46 'TAP version 13',
47 '# array',
48 'ok 1 should be deeply equivalent',
49 'ok 2 should be deeply equivalent',
50 'ok 3 should be deeply equivalent',
51 'ok 4 should be deeply equivalent',
52 'not ok 5 should be deeply equivalent',
53 ' ---',
54 ' operator: deepEqual',
55 ' expected: [ [ 1, 2, [ 3, 4444 ] ], [ 5, 6 ] ]',
56 ' actual: [ [ 1, 2, [ 3, 4 ] ], [ 5, 6 ] ]',
57 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/exit/fail.js:$LINE:$COL)',
58 ' stack: |-',
59 ' Error: should be deeply equivalent',
60 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
61 ' at $TEST/exit/fail.js:$LINE:$COL',
62 ' at eval (eval at <anonymous> ($TEST/exit/fail.js:$LINE:$COL))',
63 ' at eval (eval at <anonymous> ($TEST/exit/fail.js:$LINE:$COL))',
64 ' at Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/exit/fail.js:$LINE:$COL)',
65 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
66 ' ...',
67 '',
68 '1..5',
69 '# tests 5',
70 '# pass 4',
71 '# fail 1'
72 ].join('\n') + '\n\n');
73 };
75 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, 'exit', 'fail.js')]);
76 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
77 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
78 t.notEqual(code, 0);
79 });
82tap.test('too few exit', function (t) {
83 t.plan(2);
85 var tc = function (rows) {
86 t.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
87 'TAP version 13',
88 '# array',
89 'ok 1 should be deeply equivalent',
90 'ok 2 should be deeply equivalent',
91 'ok 3 should be deeply equivalent',
92 'ok 4 should be deeply equivalent',
93 'ok 5 should be deeply equivalent',
94 'not ok 6 plan != count',
95 ' ---',
96 ' operator: fail',
97 ' expected: 6',
98 ' actual: 5',
99 ' at: process.<anonymous> ($TAPE/index.js:$LINE:$COL)',
100 ' stack: |-',
101 ' Error: plan != count',
102 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
103 ' ...',
104 '',
105 '1..6',
106 '# tests 6',
107 '# pass 5',
108 '# fail 1'
109 ].join('\n') + '\n\n');
110 };
112 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, '/exit/too_few.js')]);
113 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
114 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
115 t.notEqual(code, 0);
116 });
119tap.test('more planned in a second test', function (t) {
120 t.plan(2);
122 var tc = function (rows) {
123 t.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
124 'TAP version 13',
125 '# first',
126 'ok 1 should be truthy',
127 '# second',
128 'ok 2 should be truthy',
129 'not ok 3 plan != count',
130 ' ---',
131 ' operator: fail',
132 ' expected: 2',
133 ' actual: 1',
134 ' at: process.<anonymous> ($TAPE/index.js:$LINE:$COL)',
135 ' stack: |-',
136 ' Error: plan != count',
137 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
138 ' ...',
139 '',
140 '1..3',
141 '# tests 3',
142 '# pass 2',
143 '# fail 1'
144 ].join('\n') + '\n\n');
145 };
147 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, '/exit/second.js')]);
148 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
149 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
150 t.notEqual(code, 0);
151 });
154tap.test('todo passing', function (t) {
155 t.plan(2);
157 var tc = function (rows) {
158 t.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
159 'TAP version 13',
160 '# TODO todo pass',
161 'ok 1 should be truthy # TODO',
162 '',
163 '1..1',
164 '# tests 1',
165 '# pass 1',
166 '',
167 '# ok'
168 ].join('\n') + '\n\n');
169 };
171 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, '/exit/todo.js')]);
172 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
173 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
174 t.equal(code, 0);
175 });
178tap.test('todo failing', function (t) {
179 t.plan(2);
181 var tc = function (rows) {
182 t.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
183 'TAP version 13',
184 '# TODO todo fail',
185 'not ok 1 should be truthy # TODO',
186 ' ---',
187 ' operator: ok',
188 ' expected: true',
189 ' actual: false',
190 ' at: Test.<anonymous> ($TEST/exit/todo_fail.js:$LINE:$COL)',
191 ' ...',
192 '',
193 '1..1',
194 '# tests 1',
195 '# pass 1',
196 '',
197 '# ok'
198 ].join('\n') + '\n\n');
199 };
201 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, '/exit/todo_fail.js')]);
202 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
203 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
204 t.equal(code, 0);
205 });
208tap.test('forgot to call t.end()', function (t) {
209 t.plan(2);
211 var tc = function (rows) {
212 t.same(stripFullStack(rows.toString('utf8')), [
213 'TAP version 13',
214 '# first',
215 'ok 1 should be truthy',
216 '# oops forgot end',
217 'ok 2 should be truthy',
218 'not ok 3 test exited without ending: oops forgot end',
219 ' ---',
220 ' operator: fail',
221 ' at: process.<anonymous> ($TAPE/index.js:$LINE:$COL)',
222 ' stack: |-',
223 ' Error: test exited without ending: oops forgot end',
224 ' [... stack stripped ...]',
225 ' ...',
226 '',
227 '1..3',
228 '# tests 3',
229 '# pass 2',
230 '# fail 1'
231 ].join('\n') + '\n\n');
232 };
234 var ps = spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, '/exit/missing_end.js')]);
235 ps.stdout.pipe(concat(tc));
236 ps.on('exit', function (code) {
237 t.notEqual(code, 0);
238 });