1 | /// <reference types="node" />
2 | import { type GzipOptions, type ZlibOptions } from 'minizlib';
3 | import { type Stats } from 'node:fs';
4 | import { type ReadEntry } from './read-entry.js';
5 | import { type WarnData } from './warn-method.js';
6 | import { WriteEntry } from './write-entry.js';
7 | /**
8 | * The options that can be provided to tar commands.
9 | *
10 | * Note that some of these are only relevant for certain commands, since
11 | * they are specific to reading or writing.
12 | *
13 | * Aliases are provided in the {@link TarOptionsWithAliases} type.
14 | */
15 | export interface TarOptions {
16 | /**
17 | * Perform all I/O operations synchronously. If the stream is ended
18 | * immediately, then it will be processed entirely synchronously.
19 | */
20 | sync?: boolean;
21 | /**
22 | * The tar file to be read and/or written. When this is set, a stream
23 | * is not returned. Asynchronous commands will return a promise indicating
24 | * when the operation is completed, and synchronous commands will return
25 | * immediately.
26 | */
27 | file?: string;
28 | /**
29 | * Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors. Defaults false.
30 | */
31 | strict?: boolean;
32 | /**
33 | * The effective current working directory for this tar command
34 | */
35 | cwd?: string;
36 | /**
37 | * When creating a tar archive, this can be used to compress it as well.
38 | * Set to `true` to use the default gzip options, or customize them as
39 | * needed.
40 | *
41 | * When reading, if this is unset, then the compression status will be
42 | * inferred from the archive data. This is generally best, unless you are
43 | * sure of the compression settings in use to create the archive, and want to
44 | * fail if the archive doesn't match expectations.
45 | */
46 | gzip?: boolean | GzipOptions;
47 | /**
48 | * When creating archives, preserve absolute and `..` paths in the archive,
49 | * rather than sanitizing them under the cwd.
50 | *
51 | * When extracting, allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and
52 | * extracting through symbolic links. By default, the root `/` is stripped
53 | * from absolute paths (eg, turning `/x/y/z` into `x/y/z`), paths containing
54 | * `..` are not extracted, and any file whose location would be modified by a
55 | * symbolic link is not extracted.
56 | *
57 | * **WARNING** This is almost always unsafe, and must NEVER be used on
58 | * archives from untrusted sources, such as user input, and every entry must
59 | * be validated to ensure it is safe to write. Even if the input is not
60 | * malicious, mistakes can cause a lot of damage!
61 | */
62 | preservePaths?: boolean;
63 | /**
64 | * When extracting, do not set the `mtime` value for extracted entries to
65 | * match the `mtime` in the archive.
66 | *
67 | * When creating archives, do not store the `mtime` value in the entry. Note
68 | * that this prevents properly using other mtime-based features (such as
69 | * `tar.update` or the `newer` option) with the resulting archive.
70 | */
71 | noMtime?: boolean;
72 | /**
73 | * Set to `true` or an object with settings for `zlib.BrotliCompress()` to
74 | * create a brotli-compressed archive
75 | *
76 | * When extracting, this will cause the archive to be treated as a
77 | * brotli-compressed file if set to `true` or a ZlibOptions object.
78 | *
79 | * If set `false`, then brotli options will not be used.
80 | *
81 | * If both this and the `gzip` option are left `undefined`, then tar will
82 | * attempt to infer the brotli compression status, but can only do so based
83 | * on the filename. If the filename ends in `.tbr` or `.tar.br`, and the
84 | * first 512 bytes are not a valid tar header, then brotli decompression
85 | * will be attempted.
86 | */
87 | brotli?: boolean | ZlibOptions;
88 | /**
89 | * A function that is called with `(path, stat)` when creating an archive, or
90 | * `(path, entry)` when extracting. Return true to process the file/entry, or
91 | * false to exclude it.
92 | */
93 | filter?: (path: string, entry: Stats | ReadEntry) => boolean;
94 | /**
95 | * A function that gets called for any warning encountered.
96 | *
97 | * Note: if `strict` is set, then the warning will throw, and this method
98 | * will not be called.
99 | */
100 | onwarn?: (code: string, message: string, data: WarnData) => any;
101 | /**
102 | * When extracting, unlink files before creating them. Without this option,
103 | * tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks. With
104 | * this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any symlink that
105 | * would affect the location of an extracted file.
106 | */
107 | unlink?: boolean;
108 | /**
109 | * When extracting, strip the specified number of path portions from the
110 | * entry path. For example, with `{strip: 2}`, the entry `a/b/c/d` would be
111 | * extracted to `{cwd}/c/d`.
112 | *
113 | * Any entry whose entire path is stripped will be excluded.
114 | */
115 | strip?: number;
116 | /**
117 | * When extracting, keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the
118 | * file in the archive.
119 | */
120 | newer?: boolean;
121 | /**
122 | * When extracting, do not overwrite existing files at all.
123 | */
124 | keep?: boolean;
125 | /**
126 | * When extracting, set the `uid` and `gid` of extracted entries to the `uid`
127 | * and `gid` fields in the archive. Defaults to true when run as root, and
128 | * false otherwise.
129 | *
130 | * If false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and group
131 | * of the user running the process. This is similar to `-p` in `tar(1)`, but
132 | * ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked in this
133 | * implementation, and modes are set by default already.
134 | */
135 | preserveOwner?: boolean;
136 | /**
137 | * The maximum depth of subfolders to extract into. This defaults to 1024.
138 | * Anything deeper than the limit will raise a warning and skip the entry.
139 | * Set to `Infinity` to remove the limitation.
140 | */
141 | maxDepth?: number;
142 | /**
143 | * When extracting, force all created files and directories, and all
144 | * implicitly created directories, to be owned by the specified user id,
145 | * regardless of the `uid` field in the archive.
146 | *
147 | * Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`. Requires also setting the `gid`
148 | * option.
149 | */
150 | uid?: number;
151 | /**
152 | * When extracting, force all created files and directories, and all
153 | * implicitly created directories, to be owned by the specified group id,
154 | * regardless of the `gid` field in the archive.
155 | *
156 | * Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`. Requires also setting the `uid`
157 | * option.
158 | */
159 | gid?: number;
160 | /**
161 | * When extracting, provide a function that takes an `entry` object, and
162 | * returns a stream, or any falsey value. If a stream is provided, then that
163 | * stream's data will be written instead of the contents of the archive
164 | * entry. If a falsey value is provided, then the entry is written to disk as
165 | * normal.
166 | *
167 | * To exclude items from extraction, use the `filter` option.
168 | *
169 | * Note that using an asynchronous stream type with the `transform` option
170 | * will cause undefined behavior in synchronous extractions.
171 | * [MiniPass](http://npm.im/minipass)-based streams are designed for this use
172 | * case.
173 | */
174 | transform?: (entry: ReadEntry) => any;
175 | /**
176 | * Call `chmod()` to ensure that extracted files match the entry's mode
177 | * field. Without this field set, all mode fields in archive entries are a
178 | * best effort attempt only.
179 | *
180 | * Setting this necessitates a call to the deprecated `process.umask()`
181 | * method to determine the default umask value, unless a `processUmask`
182 | * config is provided as well.
183 | *
184 | * If not set, tar will attempt to create file system entries with whatever
185 | * mode is provided, and let the implicit process `umask` apply normally, but
186 | * if a file already exists to be written to, then its existing mode will not
187 | * be modified.
188 | *
189 | * When setting `chmod: true`, it is highly recommend to set the
190 | * {@link TarOptions#processUmask} option as well, to avoid the call to the
191 | * deprecated (and thread-unsafe) `process.umask()` method.
192 | */
193 | chmod?: boolean;
194 | /**
195 | * When setting the {@link TarOptions#chmod} option to `true`, you may
196 | * provide a value here to avoid having to call the deprecated and
197 | * thread-unsafe `process.umask()` method.
198 | *
199 | * This has no effect with `chmod` is not set to true, as mode values are not
200 | * set explicitly anyway. If `chmod` is set to `true`, and a value is not
201 | * provided here, then `process.umask()` must be called, which will result in
202 | * deprecation warnings.
203 | *
204 | * The most common values for this are `0o22` (resulting in directories
205 | * created with mode `0o755` and files with `0o644` by default) and `0o2`
206 | * (resulting in directores created with mode `0o775` and files `0o664`, so
207 | * they are group-writable).
208 | */
209 | processUmask?: number;
210 | /**
211 | * When parsing/listing archives, `entry` streams are by default resumed
212 | * (set into "flowing" mode) immediately after the call to `onReadEntry()`.
213 | * Set `noResume: true` to suppress this behavior.
214 | *
215 | * Note that when this is set, the stream will never complete until the
216 | * data is consumed somehow.
217 | *
218 | * Set automatically in extract operations, since the entry is piped to
219 | * a file system entry right away. Only relevant when parsing.
220 | */
221 | noResume?: boolean;
222 | /**
223 | * When creating, updating, or replacing within archives, this method will
224 | * be called with each WriteEntry that is created.
225 | */
226 | onWriteEntry?: (entry: WriteEntry) => any;
227 | /**
228 | * When extracting or listing archives, this method will be called with
229 | * each entry that is not excluded by a `filter`.
230 | *
231 | * Important when listing archives synchronously from a file, because there
232 | * is otherwise no way to interact with the data!
233 | */
234 | onReadEntry?: (entry: ReadEntry) => any;
235 | /**
236 | * Pack the targets of symbolic links rather than the link itself.
237 | */
238 | follow?: boolean;
239 | /**
240 | * When creating archives, omit any metadata that is system-specific:
241 | * `ctime`, `atime`, `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and
242 | * `nlink`. Note that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary
243 | * for other time-based operations such as `tar.update`. Additionally, `mode`
244 | * is set to a "reasonable default" for mose unix systems, based on an
245 | * effective `umask` of `0o22`.
246 | *
247 | * This also defaults the `portable` option in the gzip configs when creating
248 | * a compressed archive, in order to produce deterministic archives that are
249 | * not operating-system specific.
250 | */
251 | portable?: boolean;
252 | /**
253 | * When creating archives, do not recursively archive the contents of
254 | * directories. By default, archiving a directory archives all of its
255 | * contents as well.
256 | */
257 | noDirRecurse?: boolean;
258 | /**
259 | * Suppress Pax extended headers when creating archives. Note that this means
260 | * long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative numeric
261 | * values may be interpreted incorrectly.
262 | */
263 | noPax?: boolean;
264 | /**
265 | * Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` value for everything
266 | * written to an archive.
267 | *
268 | * This is useful when creating archives that are intended to be
269 | * deterministic based on their contents, irrespective of the file's last
270 | * modification time.
271 | *
272 | * Overridden by `noMtime`.
273 | */
274 | mtime?: Date;
275 | /**
276 | * A path portion to prefix onto the entries added to an archive.
277 | */
278 | prefix?: string;
279 | /**
280 | * The mode to set on any created file archive, defaults to 0o666
281 | * masked by the process umask, often resulting in 0o644.
282 | *
283 | * This does *not* affect the mode fields of individual entries, or the
284 | * mode status of extracted entries on the filesystem.
285 | */
286 | mode?: number;
287 | /**
288 | * A cache of mtime values, to avoid having to stat the same file repeatedly.
289 | *
290 | * @internal
291 | */
292 | mtimeCache?: Map<string, Date>;
293 | /**
294 | * maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
295 | *
296 | * @internal
297 | */
298 | maxReadSize?: number;
299 | /**
300 | * Filter modes of entries being unpacked, like `process.umask()`
301 | *
302 | * @internal
303 | */
304 | umask?: number;
305 | /**
306 | * Default mode for directories. Used for all implicitly created directories,
307 | * and any directories in the archive that do not have a mode field.
308 | *
309 | * @internal
310 | */
311 | dmode?: number;
312 | /**
313 | * default mode for files
314 | *
315 | * @internal
316 | */
317 | fmode?: number;
318 | /**
319 | * Map that tracks which directories already exist, for extraction
320 | *
321 | * @internal
322 | */
323 | dirCache?: Map<string, boolean>;
324 | /**
325 | * maximum supported size of meta entries. Defaults to 1MB
326 | *
327 | * @internal
328 | */
329 | maxMetaEntrySize?: number;
330 | /**
331 | * A Map object containing the device and inode value for any file whose
332 | * `nlink` value is greater than 1, to identify hard links when creating
333 | * archives.
334 | *
335 | * @internal
336 | */
337 | linkCache?: Map<LinkCacheKey, string>;
338 | /**
339 | * A map object containing the results of `fs.readdir()` calls.
340 | *
341 | * @internal
342 | */
343 | readdirCache?: Map<string, string[]>;
344 | /**
345 | * A cache of all `lstat` results, for use in creating archives.
346 | *
347 | * @internal
348 | */
349 | statCache?: Map<string, Stats>;
350 | /**
351 | * Number of concurrent jobs to run when creating archives.
352 | *
353 | * Defaults to 4.
354 | *
355 | * @internal
356 | */
357 | jobs?: number;
358 | /**
359 | * Automatically set to true on Windows systems.
360 | *
361 | * When extracting, causes behavior where filenames containing `<|>?:`
362 | * characters are converted to windows-compatible escape sequences in the
363 | * created filesystem entries.
364 | *
365 | * When packing, causes behavior where paths replace `\` with `/`, and
366 | * filenames containing the windows-compatible escaped forms of `<|>?:` are
367 | * converted to actual `<|>?:` characters in the archive.
368 | *
369 | * @internal
370 | */
371 | win32?: boolean;
372 | /**
373 | * For `WriteEntry` objects, the absolute path to the entry on the
374 | * filesystem. By default, this is `resolve(cwd, entry.path)`, but it can be
375 | * overridden explicitly.
376 | *
377 | * @internal
378 | */
379 | absolute?: string;
380 | /**
381 | * Used with Parser stream interface, to attach and take over when the
382 | * stream is completely parsed. If this is set, then the prefinish,
383 | * finish, and end events will not fire, and are the responsibility of
384 | * the ondone method to emit properly.
385 | *
386 | * @internal
387 | */
388 | ondone?: () => void;
389 | /**
390 | * Mostly for testing, but potentially useful in some cases.
391 | * Forcibly trigger a chown on every entry, no matter what.
392 | */
393 | forceChown?: boolean;
394 | /**
395 | * ambiguous deprecated name for {@link onReadEntry}
396 | *
397 | * @deprecated
398 | */
399 | onentry?: (entry: ReadEntry) => any;
400 | }
401 | export type TarOptionsSync = TarOptions & {
402 | sync: true;
403 | };
404 | export type TarOptionsAsync = TarOptions & {
405 | sync?: false;
406 | };
407 | export type TarOptionsFile = TarOptions & {
408 | file: string;
409 | };
410 | export type TarOptionsNoFile = TarOptions & {
411 | file?: undefined;
412 | };
413 | export type TarOptionsSyncFile = TarOptionsSync & TarOptionsFile;
414 | export type TarOptionsAsyncFile = TarOptionsAsync & TarOptionsFile;
415 | export type TarOptionsSyncNoFile = TarOptionsSync & TarOptionsNoFile;
416 | export type TarOptionsAsyncNoFile = TarOptionsAsync & TarOptionsNoFile;
417 | export type LinkCacheKey = `${number}:${number}`;
418 | export interface TarOptionsWithAliases extends TarOptions {
419 | /**
420 | * The effective current working directory for this tar command
421 | */
422 | C?: TarOptions['cwd'];
423 | /**
424 | * The tar file to be read and/or written. When this is set, a stream
425 | * is not returned. Asynchronous commands will return a promise indicating
426 | * when the operation is completed, and synchronous commands will return
427 | * immediately.
428 | */
429 | f?: TarOptions['file'];
430 | /**
431 | * When creating a tar archive, this can be used to compress it as well.
432 | * Set to `true` to use the default gzip options, or customize them as
433 | * needed.
434 | *
435 | * When reading, if this is unset, then the compression status will be
436 | * inferred from the archive data. This is generally best, unless you are
437 | * sure of the compression settings in use to create the archive, and want to
438 | * fail if the archive doesn't match expectations.
439 | */
440 | z?: TarOptions['gzip'];
441 | /**
442 | * When creating archives, preserve absolute and `..` paths in the archive,
443 | * rather than sanitizing them under the cwd.
444 | *
445 | * When extracting, allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and
446 | * extracting through symbolic links. By default, the root `/` is stripped
447 | * from absolute paths (eg, turning `/x/y/z` into `x/y/z`), paths containing
448 | * `..` are not extracted, and any file whose location would be modified by a
449 | * symbolic link is not extracted.
450 | *
451 | * **WARNING** This is almost always unsafe, and must NEVER be used on
452 | * archives from untrusted sources, such as user input, and every entry must
453 | * be validated to ensure it is safe to write. Even if the input is not
454 | * malicious, mistakes can cause a lot of damage!
455 | */
456 | P?: TarOptions['preservePaths'];
457 | /**
458 | * When extracting, unlink files before creating them. Without this option,
459 | * tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks. With
460 | * this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any symlink that
461 | * would affect the location of an extracted file.
462 | */
463 | U?: TarOptions['unlink'];
464 | /**
465 | * When extracting, strip the specified number of path portions from the
466 | * entry path. For example, with `{strip: 2}`, the entry `a/b/c/d` would be
467 | * extracted to `{cwd}/c/d`.
468 | */
469 | 'strip-components'?: TarOptions['strip'];
470 | /**
471 | * When extracting, strip the specified number of path portions from the
472 | * entry path. For example, with `{strip: 2}`, the entry `a/b/c/d` would be
473 | * extracted to `{cwd}/c/d`.
474 | */
475 | stripComponents?: TarOptions['strip'];
476 | /**
477 | * When extracting, keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the
478 | * file in the archive.
479 | */
480 | 'keep-newer'?: TarOptions['newer'];
481 | /**
482 | * When extracting, keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the
483 | * file in the archive.
484 | */
485 | keepNewer?: TarOptions['newer'];
486 | /**
487 | * When extracting, keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the
488 | * file in the archive.
489 | */
490 | 'keep-newer-files'?: TarOptions['newer'];
491 | /**
492 | * When extracting, keep the existing file on disk if it's newer than the
493 | * file in the archive.
494 | */
495 | keepNewerFiles?: TarOptions['newer'];
496 | /**
497 | * When extracting, do not overwrite existing files at all.
498 | */
499 | k?: TarOptions['keep'];
500 | /**
501 | * When extracting, do not overwrite existing files at all.
502 | */
503 | 'keep-existing'?: TarOptions['keep'];
504 | /**
505 | * When extracting, do not overwrite existing files at all.
506 | */
507 | keepExisting?: TarOptions['keep'];
508 | /**
509 | * When extracting, do not set the `mtime` value for extracted entries to
510 | * match the `mtime` in the archive.
511 | *
512 | * When creating archives, do not store the `mtime` value in the entry. Note
513 | * that this prevents properly using other mtime-based features (such as
514 | * `tar.update` or the `newer` option) with the resulting archive.
515 | */
516 | m?: TarOptions['noMtime'];
517 | /**
518 | * When extracting, do not set the `mtime` value for extracted entries to
519 | * match the `mtime` in the archive.
520 | *
521 | * When creating archives, do not store the `mtime` value in the entry. Note
522 | * that this prevents properly using other mtime-based features (such as
523 | * `tar.update` or the `newer` option) with the resulting archive.
524 | */
525 | 'no-mtime'?: TarOptions['noMtime'];
526 | /**
527 | * When extracting, set the `uid` and `gid` of extracted entries to the `uid`
528 | * and `gid` fields in the archive. Defaults to true when run as root, and
529 | * false otherwise.
530 | *
531 | * If false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and group
532 | * of the user running the process. This is similar to `-p` in `tar(1)`, but
533 | * ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked in this
534 | * implementation, and modes are set by default already.
535 | */
536 | p?: TarOptions['preserveOwner'];
537 | /**
538 | * Pack the targets of symbolic links rather than the link itself.
539 | */
540 | L?: TarOptions['follow'];
541 | /**
542 | * Pack the targets of symbolic links rather than the link itself.
543 | */
544 | h?: TarOptions['follow'];
545 | /**
546 | * Deprecated option. Set explicitly false to set `chmod: true`. Ignored
547 | * if {@link TarOptions#chmod} is set to any boolean value.
548 | *
549 | * @deprecated
550 | */
551 | noChmod?: boolean;
552 | }
553 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesSync = TarOptionsWithAliases & {
554 | sync: true;
555 | };
556 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesAsync = TarOptionsWithAliases & {
557 | sync?: false;
558 | };
559 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesFile = (TarOptionsWithAliases & {
560 | file: string;
561 | }) | (TarOptionsWithAliases & {
562 | f: string;
563 | });
564 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesSyncFile = TarOptionsWithAliasesSync & TarOptionsWithAliasesFile;
565 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesAsyncFile = TarOptionsWithAliasesAsync & TarOptionsWithAliasesFile;
566 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesNoFile = TarOptionsWithAliases & {
567 | f?: undefined;
568 | file?: undefined;
569 | };
570 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesSyncNoFile = TarOptionsWithAliasesSync & TarOptionsWithAliasesNoFile;
571 | export type TarOptionsWithAliasesAsyncNoFile = TarOptionsWithAliasesAsync & TarOptionsWithAliasesNoFile;
572 | export declare const isSyncFile: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
573 | sync: true;
574 | } & {
575 | file: string;
576 | };
577 | export declare const isAsyncFile: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
578 | sync?: false | undefined;
579 | } & {
580 | file: string;
581 | };
582 | export declare const isSyncNoFile: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
583 | sync: true;
584 | } & {
585 | file?: undefined;
586 | };
587 | export declare const isAsyncNoFile: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
588 | sync?: false | undefined;
589 | } & {
590 | file?: undefined;
591 | };
592 | export declare const isSync: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
593 | sync: true;
594 | };
595 | export declare const isAsync: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
596 | sync?: false | undefined;
597 | };
598 | export declare const isFile: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
599 | file: string;
600 | };
601 | export declare const isNoFile: <O extends TarOptions>(o: O) => o is O & TarOptions & {
602 | file?: undefined;
603 | };
604 | export declare const dealias: (opt?: TarOptionsWithAliases) => TarOptions;
605 | //# sourceMappingURL=options.d.ts.map |
\ | No newline at end of file |