27.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as tg from './core/types/typegram';
2import * as tt from './telegram-types';
3import { Deunionize, PropOr, UnionKeys } from './deunionize';
4import ApiClient from './core/network/client';
5import { Guard, Guarded, MaybeArray } from './core/helpers/util';
6import Telegram from './telegram';
7import { FmtString } from './format';
8type Tail<T> = T extends [unknown, ...infer U] ? U : never;
9type Shorthand<FName extends Exclude<keyof Telegram, keyof ApiClient>> = Tail<Parameters<Telegram[FName]>>;
11 * Narrows down `C['update']` (and derived getters)
12 * to specific update type `U`.
13 *
14 * Used by [[`Composer`]],
15 * possibly useful for splitting a bot into multiple files.
16 */
17export type NarrowedContext<C extends Context, U extends tg.Update> = Context<U> & Omit<C, keyof Context>;
18export type FilteredContext<Ctx extends Context, Filter extends tt.UpdateType | Guard<Ctx['update']>> = Filter extends tt.UpdateType ? NarrowedContext<Ctx, Extract<tg.Update, Record<Filter, object>>> : NarrowedContext<Ctx, Guarded<Filter>>;
19export declare class Context<U extends Deunionize<tg.Update> = tg.Update> {
20 readonly update: U;
21 readonly telegram: Telegram;
22 readonly botInfo: tg.UserFromGetMe;
23 readonly state: Record<string | symbol, any>;
24 constructor(update: U, telegram: Telegram, botInfo: tg.UserFromGetMe);
25 get updateType(): Extract<UnionKeys<U>, tt.UpdateType>;
26 get me(): string;
27 /**
28 * @deprecated Use ctx.telegram instead
29 */
30 get tg(): Telegram;
31 get message(): PropOr<U, "message">;
32 get editedMessage(): PropOr<U, "edited_message">;
33 get inlineQuery(): PropOr<U, "inline_query">;
34 get shippingQuery(): PropOr<U, "shipping_query">;
35 get preCheckoutQuery(): PropOr<U, "pre_checkout_query">;
36 get chosenInlineResult(): PropOr<U, "chosen_inline_result">;
37 get channelPost(): PropOr<U, "channel_post">;
38 get editedChannelPost(): PropOr<U, "edited_channel_post">;
39 get callbackQuery(): PropOr<U, "callback_query">;
40 get poll(): PropOr<U, "poll">;
41 get pollAnswer(): PropOr<U, "poll_answer">;
42 get myChatMember(): PropOr<U, "my_chat_member">;
43 get chatMember(): PropOr<U, "chat_member">;
44 get chatJoinRequest(): PropOr<U, "chat_join_request">;
45 get chat(): Getter<U, 'chat'>;
46 get senderChat(): PropOr<GetUpdateContent<U>, "sender_chat", undefined>;
47 get from(): PropOr<GetUpdateContent<U>, "from", undefined>;
48 get inlineMessageId(): string | undefined;
49 get passportData(): tg.PassportData | undefined;
50 get webAppData(): {
51 data: {
52 json<T>(): T;
53 text(): string;
54 };
55 button_text: string;
56 } | undefined;
57 /**
58 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.webhookReply}
59 */
60 get webhookReply(): boolean;
61 set webhookReply(enable: boolean);
62 has<Filter extends tt.UpdateType | Guard<Context['update']>>(filters: MaybeArray<Filter>): this is FilteredContext<Context, Filter>;
63 /**
64 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerinlinequery
65 */
66 answerInlineQuery(...args: Shorthand<'answerInlineQuery'>): Promise<true>;
67 /**
68 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answercallbackquery
69 */
70 answerCbQuery(...args: Shorthand<'answerCbQuery'>): Promise<true>;
71 /**
72 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answercallbackquery
73 */
74 answerGameQuery(...args: Shorthand<'answerGameQuery'>): Promise<true>;
75 /**
76 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answershippingquery
77 */
78 answerShippingQuery(...args: Shorthand<'answerShippingQuery'>): Promise<true>;
79 /**
80 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerprecheckoutquery
81 */
82 answerPreCheckoutQuery(...args: Shorthand<'answerPreCheckoutQuery'>): Promise<true>;
83 /**
84 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagetext
85 */
86 editMessageText(text: string | FmtString, extra?: tt.ExtraEditMessageText): Promise<true | (tg.Update.Edited & tg.Message.TextMessage)>;
87 /**
88 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagecaption
89 */
90 editMessageCaption(caption: string | FmtString | undefined, extra?: tt.ExtraEditMessageCaption): Promise<true | (tg.Update.Edited & tg.Message.CaptionableMessage)>;
91 /**
92 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagemedia
93 */
94 editMessageMedia(media: tt.WrapCaption<tg.InputMedia>, extra?: tt.ExtraEditMessageMedia): Promise<true | (tg.Update.Edited & tg.Message)>;
95 /**
96 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagereplymarkup
97 */
98 editMessageReplyMarkup(markup: tg.InlineKeyboardMarkup | undefined): Promise<true | (tg.Update.Edited & tg.Message)>;
99 /**
100 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagelivelocation
101 */
102 editMessageLiveLocation(latitude: number, longitude: number, extra?: tt.ExtraEditMessageLiveLocation): Promise<true | (tg.Update.Edited & tg.Message.LocationMessage)>;
103 /**
104 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#stopmessagelivelocation
105 */
106 stopMessageLiveLocation(markup?: tg.InlineKeyboardMarkup): Promise<true | (tg.Update.Edited & tg.Message.LocationMessage)>;
107 /**
108 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage
109 */
110 sendMessage(text: string | FmtString, extra?: tt.ExtraReplyMessage): Promise<tg.Message.TextMessage>;
111 /**
112 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage
113 */
114 reply(...args: Shorthand<'sendMessage'>): Promise<tg.Message.TextMessage>;
115 /**
116 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchat
117 */
118 getChat(...args: Shorthand<'getChat'>): Promise<tg.ChatFromGetChat>;
119 /**
120 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#exportchatinvitelink
121 */
122 exportChatInviteLink(...args: Shorthand<'exportChatInviteLink'>): Promise<string>;
123 /**
124 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#createchatinvitelink
125 */
126 createChatInviteLink(...args: Shorthand<'createChatInviteLink'>): Promise<tg.ChatInviteLink>;
127 /**
128 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editchatinvitelink
129 */
130 editChatInviteLink(...args: Shorthand<'editChatInviteLink'>): Promise<tg.ChatInviteLink>;
131 /**
132 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#revokechatinvitelink
133 */
134 revokeChatInviteLink(...args: Shorthand<'revokeChatInviteLink'>): Promise<tg.ChatInviteLink>;
135 /**
136 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#banchatmember
137 */
138 banChatMember(...args: Shorthand<'banChatMember'>): Promise<true>;
139 /**
140 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#banchatmember
141 * @deprecated since API 5.3. Use {@link Context.banChatMember}
142 */
143 get kickChatMember(): (userId: number, untilDate?: number | undefined, extra?: Omit<{
144 chat_id: string | number;
145 user_id: number;
146 until_date?: number | undefined;
147 revoke_messages?: boolean | undefined;
148 }, "chat_id" | "user_id" | "until_date"> | undefined) => Promise<true>;
149 /**
150 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unbanchatmember
151 */
152 unbanChatMember(...args: Shorthand<'unbanChatMember'>): Promise<true>;
153 /**
154 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#restrictchatmember
155 */
156 restrictChatMember(...args: Shorthand<'restrictChatMember'>): Promise<true>;
157 /**
158 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#promotechatmember
159 */
160 promoteChatMember(...args: Shorthand<'promoteChatMember'>): Promise<true>;
161 /**
162 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatadministratorcustomtitle
163 */
164 setChatAdministratorCustomTitle(...args: Shorthand<'setChatAdministratorCustomTitle'>): Promise<true>;
165 /**
166 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatphoto
167 */
168 setChatPhoto(...args: Shorthand<'setChatPhoto'>): Promise<true>;
169 /**
170 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletechatphoto
171 */
172 deleteChatPhoto(...args: Shorthand<'deleteChatPhoto'>): Promise<true>;
173 /**
174 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchattitle
175 */
176 setChatTitle(...args: Shorthand<'setChatTitle'>): Promise<true>;
177 /**
178 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatdescription
179 */
180 setChatDescription(...args: Shorthand<'setChatDescription'>): Promise<true>;
181 /**
182 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#pinchatmessage
183 */
184 pinChatMessage(...args: Shorthand<'pinChatMessage'>): Promise<true>;
185 /**
186 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unpinchatmessage
187 */
188 unpinChatMessage(...args: Shorthand<'unpinChatMessage'>): Promise<true>;
189 /**
190 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unpinallchatmessages
191 */
192 unpinAllChatMessages(...args: Shorthand<'unpinAllChatMessages'>): Promise<true>;
193 /**
194 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#leavechat
195 */
196 leaveChat(...args: Shorthand<'leaveChat'>): Promise<true>;
197 /**
198 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatpermissions
199 */
200 setChatPermissions(...args: Shorthand<'setChatPermissions'>): Promise<true>;
201 /**
202 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatadministrators
203 */
204 getChatAdministrators(...args: Shorthand<'getChatAdministrators'>): Promise<(tg.ChatMemberOwner | tg.ChatMemberAdministrator)[]>;
205 /**
206 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmember
207 */
208 getChatMember(...args: Shorthand<'getChatMember'>): Promise<tg.ChatMember>;
209 /**
210 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmembercount
211 */
212 getChatMembersCount(...args: Shorthand<'getChatMembersCount'>): Promise<number>;
213 /**
214 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setpassportdataerrors
215 */
216 setPassportDataErrors(errors: readonly tg.PassportElementError[]): Promise<true>;
217 /**
218 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto
219 */
220 sendPhoto(photo: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraPhoto): Promise<tg.Message.PhotoMessage>;
221 /**
222 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto
223 */
224 replyWithPhoto(...args: Shorthand<'sendPhoto'>): Promise<tg.Message.PhotoMessage>;
225 /**
226 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmediagroup
227 */
228 sendMediaGroup(media: tt.MediaGroup, extra?: tt.ExtraMediaGroup): Promise<(tg.Message.DocumentMessage | tg.Message.AudioMessage | tg.Message.PhotoMessage | tg.Message.VideoMessage)[]>;
229 /**
230 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmediagroup
231 */
232 replyWithMediaGroup(...args: Shorthand<'sendMediaGroup'>): Promise<(tg.Message.DocumentMessage | tg.Message.AudioMessage | tg.Message.PhotoMessage | tg.Message.VideoMessage)[]>;
233 /**
234 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendaudio
235 */
236 sendAudio(audio: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraAudio): Promise<tg.Message.AudioMessage>;
237 /**
238 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendaudio
239 */
240 replyWithAudio(...args: Shorthand<'sendAudio'>): Promise<tg.Message.AudioMessage>;
241 /**
242 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddice
243 */
244 sendDice(extra?: tt.ExtraDice): Promise<tg.Message.DiceMessage>;
245 /**
246 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddice
247 */
248 replyWithDice(...args: Shorthand<'sendDice'>): Promise<tg.Message.DiceMessage>;
249 /**
250 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddocument
251 */
252 sendDocument(document: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraDocument): Promise<tg.Message.DocumentMessage>;
253 /**
254 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddocument
255 */
256 replyWithDocument(...args: Shorthand<'sendDocument'>): Promise<tg.Message.DocumentMessage>;
257 /**
258 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendsticker
259 */
260 sendSticker(sticker: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraSticker): Promise<tg.Message.StickerMessage>;
261 /**
262 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendsticker
263 */
264 replyWithSticker(...args: Shorthand<'sendSticker'>): Promise<tg.Message.StickerMessage>;
265 /**
266 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideo
267 */
268 sendVideo(video: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraVideo): Promise<tg.Message.VideoMessage>;
269 /**
270 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideo
271 */
272 replyWithVideo(...args: Shorthand<'sendVideo'>): Promise<tg.Message.VideoMessage>;
273 /**
274 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendanimation
275 */
276 sendAnimation(animation: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraAnimation): Promise<tg.Message.AnimationMessage>;
277 /**
278 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendanimation
279 */
280 replyWithAnimation(...args: Shorthand<'sendAnimation'>): Promise<tg.Message.AnimationMessage>;
281 /**
282 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideonote
283 */
284 sendVideoNote(videoNote: string | tg.InputFileVideoNote, extra?: tt.ExtraVideoNote): Promise<tg.Message.VideoNoteMessage>;
285 /**
286 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideonote
287 */
288 replyWithVideoNote(...args: Shorthand<'sendVideoNote'>): Promise<tg.Message.VideoNoteMessage>;
289 /**
290 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendinvoice
291 */
292 sendInvoice(invoice: tt.NewInvoiceParameters, extra?: tt.ExtraInvoice): Promise<tg.Message.InvoiceMessage>;
293 /**
294 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendinvoice
295 */
296 replyWithInvoice(...args: Shorthand<'sendInvoice'>): Promise<tg.Message.InvoiceMessage>;
297 /**
298 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendgame
299 */
300 sendGame(game: string, extra?: tt.ExtraGame): Promise<tg.Message.GameMessage>;
301 /**
302 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendgame
303 */
304 replyWithGame(...args: Shorthand<'sendGame'>): Promise<tg.Message.GameMessage>;
305 /**
306 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvoice
307 */
308 sendVoice(voice: string | tg.InputFile, extra?: tt.ExtraVoice): Promise<tg.Message.VoiceMessage>;
309 /**
310 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvoice
311 */
312 replyWithVoice(...args: Shorthand<'sendVoice'>): Promise<tg.Message.VoiceMessage>;
313 /**
314 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendpoll
315 */
316 sendPoll(poll: string, options: readonly string[], extra?: tt.ExtraPoll): Promise<tg.Message.PollMessage>;
317 /**
318 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendpoll
319 */
320 replyWithPoll(...args: Shorthand<'sendPoll'>): Promise<tg.Message.PollMessage>;
321 /**
322 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendpoll
323 */
324 sendQuiz(quiz: string, options: readonly string[], extra?: tt.ExtraPoll): Promise<tg.Message.PollMessage>;
325 /**
326 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendpoll
327 */
328 replyWithQuiz(...args: Shorthand<'sendQuiz'>): Promise<tg.Message.PollMessage>;
329 /**
330 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#stoppoll
331 */
332 stopPoll(...args: Shorthand<'stopPoll'>): Promise<tg.Poll>;
333 /**
334 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendchataction
335 */
336 sendChatAction(action: Shorthand<'sendChatAction'>[0], extra?: tt.ExtraSendChatAction): Promise<true>;
337 /**
338 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendchataction
339 *
340 * Sends the sendChatAction request repeatedly, with a delay between requests,
341 * as long as the provided callback function is being processed.
342 *
343 * The sendChatAction errors should be ignored, because the goal is the actual long process completing and performing an action.
344 *
345 * @param action - chat action type.
346 * @param callback - a function to run along with the chat action.
347 * @param extra - extra parameters for sendChatAction.
348 * @param {number} [extra.intervalDuration=8000] - The duration (in milliseconds) between subsequent sendChatAction requests.
349 */
350 persistentChatAction(action: Shorthand<'sendChatAction'>[0], callback: () => Promise<void>, { intervalDuration, ...extra }?: tt.ExtraSendChatAction & {
351 intervalDuration?: number;
352 }): Promise<void>;
353 /**
354 * @deprecated use {@link Context.sendChatAction} instead
355 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendchataction
356 */
357 replyWithChatAction(...args: Shorthand<'sendChatAction'>): Promise<true>;
358 /**
359 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendlocation
360 */
361 sendLocation(latitude: number, longitude: number, extra?: tt.ExtraLocation): Promise<tg.Message.LocationMessage>;
362 /**
363 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendlocation
364 */
365 replyWithLocation(...args: Shorthand<'sendLocation'>): Promise<tg.Message.LocationMessage>;
366 /**
367 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvenue
368 */
369 sendVenue(latitude: number, longitude: number, title: string, address: string, extra?: tt.ExtraVenue): Promise<tg.Message.VenueMessage>;
370 /**
371 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvenue
372 */
373 replyWithVenue(...args: Shorthand<'sendVenue'>): Promise<tg.Message.VenueMessage>;
374 /**
375 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendcontact
376 */
377 sendContact(phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, extra?: tt.ExtraContact): Promise<tg.Message.ContactMessage>;
378 /**
379 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendcontact
380 */
381 replyWithContact(...args: Shorthand<'sendContact'>): Promise<tg.Message.ContactMessage>;
382 /**
383 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.getStickerSet}
384 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getstickerset
385 */
386 getStickerSet(setName: string): Promise<tg.StickerSet>;
387 /**
388 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatstickerset
389 */
390 setChatStickerSet(setName: string): Promise<true>;
391 /**
392 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletechatstickerset
393 */
394 deleteChatStickerSet(): Promise<true>;
395 /**
396 * Use this method to create a topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this
397 * to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns information about the created topic as a
398 * ForumTopic object.
399 *
400 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#createforumtopic
401 */
402 createForumTopic(...args: Shorthand<'createForumTopic'>): Promise<tg.ForumTopic>;
403 /**
404 * Use this method to edit name and icon of a topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in
405 * the chat for this to work and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the
406 * topic. Returns True on success.
407 *
408 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editforumtopic
409 */
410 editForumTopic(extra: tt.ExtraEditForumTopic): Promise<true>;
411 /**
412 * Use this method to close an open topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
413 * for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic.
414 * Returns True on success.
415 *
416 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#closeforumtopic
417 */
418 closeForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
419 /**
420 * Use this method to reopen a closed topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
421 * for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic.
422 * Returns True on success.
423 *
424 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#reopenforumtopic
425 */
426 reopenForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
427 /**
428 * Use this method to delete a forum topic along with all its messages in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an
429 * administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_delete_messages administrator rights.
430 * Returns True on success.
431 *
432 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deleteforumtopic
433 */
434 deleteForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
435 /**
436 * Use this method to clear the list of pinned messages in a forum topic. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
437 * for this to work and must have the can_pin_messages administrator right in the supergroup. Returns True on success.
438 *
439 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unpinallforumtopicmessages
440 */
441 unpinAllForumTopicMessages(): Promise<true>;
442 /**
443 * Use this method to edit the name of the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator
444 * in the chat for this to work and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
445 *
446 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editgeneralforumtopic
447 */
448 editGeneralForumTopic(name: string): Promise<true>;
449 /**
450 * Use this method to close an open 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the
451 * chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
452 *
453 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#closegeneralforumtopic
454 */
455 closeGeneralForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
456 /**
457 * Use this method to reopen a closed 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in
458 * the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. The topic will be automatically
459 * unhidden if it was hidden. Returns True on success.
460 *
461 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#reopengeneralforumtopic
462 */
463 reopenGeneralForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
464 /**
465 * Use this method to hide the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat
466 * for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. The topic will be automatically closed
467 * if it was open. Returns True on success.
468 *
469 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#hidegeneralforumtopic
470 */
471 hideGeneralForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
472 /**
473 * Use this method to unhide the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the
474 * chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
475 *
476 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unhidegeneralforumtopic
477 */
478 unhideGeneralForumTopic(): Promise<true>;
479 /**
480 * Use this method to clear the list of pinned messages in a General forum topic.
481 * The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_pin_messages administrator
482 * right in the supergroup.
483 *
484 * @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
485 *
486 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unpinallgeneralforumtopicmessages
487 */
488 unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages(): Promise<true>;
489 /**
490 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.setStickerPositionInSet}
491 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setstickerpositioninset
492 */
493 setStickerPositionInSet(sticker: string, position: number): Promise<true>;
494 /**
495 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.setStickerSetThumbnail}
496 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setstickersetthumbnail
497 */
498 setStickerSetThumb(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setStickerSetThumbnail']>): Promise<true>;
499 setStickerSetThumbnail(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setStickerSetThumbnail']>): Promise<true>;
500 setStickerMaskPosition(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setStickerMaskPosition']>): Promise<true>;
501 setStickerKeywords(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setStickerKeywords']>): Promise<true>;
502 setStickerEmojiList(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setStickerEmojiList']>): Promise<true>;
503 deleteStickerSet(...args: Parameters<Telegram['deleteStickerSet']>): Promise<true>;
504 setStickerSetTitle(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setStickerSetTitle']>): Promise<true>;
505 setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail(...args: Parameters<Telegram['setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail']>): Promise<true>;
506 /**
507 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.deleteStickerFromSet}
508 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletestickerfromset
509 */
510 deleteStickerFromSet(sticker: string): Promise<true>;
511 /**
512 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#uploadstickerfile
513 */
514 uploadStickerFile(...args: Shorthand<'uploadStickerFile'>): Promise<tg.File>;
515 /**
516 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#createnewstickerset
517 */
518 createNewStickerSet(...args: Shorthand<'createNewStickerSet'>): Promise<true>;
519 /**
520 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#addstickertoset
521 */
522 addStickerToSet(...args: Shorthand<'addStickerToSet'>): Promise<true>;
523 /**
524 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.getMyCommands}
525 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getmycommands
526 */
527 getMyCommands(): Promise<tg.BotCommand[]>;
528 /**
529 * @deprecated use {@link Telegram.setMyCommands}
530 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setmycommands
531 */
532 setMyCommands(commands: readonly tg.BotCommand[]): Promise<true>;
533 /**
534 * @deprecated use {@link Context.replyWithMarkdownV2}
535 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage
536 */
537 replyWithMarkdown(markdown: string, extra?: tt.ExtraReplyMessage): Promise<tg.Message.TextMessage>;
538 /**
539 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage
540 */
541 replyWithMarkdownV2(markdown: string, extra?: tt.ExtraReplyMessage): Promise<tg.Message.TextMessage>;
542 /**
543 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage
544 */
545 replyWithHTML(html: string, extra?: tt.ExtraReplyMessage): Promise<tg.Message.TextMessage>;
546 /**
547 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletemessage
548 */
549 deleteMessage(messageId?: number): Promise<true>;
550 /**
551 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#forwardmessage
552 */
553 forwardMessage(chatId: string | number, extra?: Shorthand<'forwardMessage'>[2]): Promise<tg.Message>;
554 /**
555 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#copymessage
556 */
557 copyMessage(chatId: string | number, extra?: tt.ExtraCopyMessage): Promise<tg.MessageId>;
558 /**
559 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#approvechatjoinrequest
560 */
561 approveChatJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise<true>;
562 /**
563 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#declinechatjoinrequest
564 */
565 declineChatJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise<true>;
566 /**
567 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#banchatsenderchat
568 */
569 banChatSenderChat(senderChatId: number): Promise<true>;
570 /**
571 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unbanchatsenderchat
572 */
573 unbanChatSenderChat(senderChatId: number): Promise<true>;
574 /**
575 * Use this method to change the bot's menu button in the current private chat. Returns true on success.
576 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatmenubutton
577 */
578 setChatMenuButton(menuButton?: tg.MenuButton): Promise<true>;
579 /**
580 * Use this method to get the current value of the bot's menu button in the current private chat. Returns MenuButton on success.
581 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmenubutton
582 */
583 getChatMenuButton(): Promise<tg.MenuButton>;
584 /**
585 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setmydefaultadministratorrights
586 */
587 setMyDefaultAdministratorRights(extra?: Parameters<Telegram['setMyDefaultAdministratorRights']>[0]): Promise<true>;
588 /**
589 * @see https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getmydefaultadministratorrights
590 */
591 getMyDefaultAdministratorRights(extra?: Parameters<Telegram['getMyDefaultAdministratorRights']>[0]): Promise<tg.ChatAdministratorRights>;
593export default Context;
594type UpdateTypes<U extends Deunionize<tg.Update>> = Extract<UnionKeys<U>, tt.UpdateType>;
595export type GetUpdateContent<U extends tg.Update> = U extends tg.Update.CallbackQueryUpdate ? U['callback_query']['message'] : U[UpdateTypes<U>];
596type Getter<U extends Deunionize<tg.Update>, P extends string> = PropOr<GetUpdateContent<U>, P>;
597//# sourceMappingURL=context.d.ts.map
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