1 | # TeleJSON
2 |
3 | A library for teleporting rich data to another place.
4 |
5 | ## Install
6 |
7 | ```sh
8 | yarn add telejson
9 | ```
10 |
11 | ## What can it do, what can't it do:
12 |
13 | `JSON.parse` & `JSON.stringify` have limitation by design, because there are no data formats for things like
14 |
15 | - Date
16 | - Function
17 | - Class
18 | - Symbol
19 | - Error
20 | - etc.
21 |
22 | Also JSON doesn't support cyclic data structures.
23 |
24 | This library allows you to pass in data with all of the above properties.
25 | It will transform the properties to something that's allowed by the JSON spec whilst stringifying,
26 | and then convert back to the cyclic data structure when parsing.
27 |
28 | When parsing, **class instances** will be given the Class's name again.
29 | The prototype isn't copied over.
30 |
31 | **Functions** are supported, they are stringified and will be eval-ed when called.
32 | This lazy eval is important for performance.
33 | The eval happens via `eval()`
34 | Functions are stripped of comments and whitespace.
35 |
36 | > Obviously calling the function will only really work as expected if the functions were pure the begin with.
37 |
38 | **Regular expressions** just work.
39 |
40 | **Symbol** will be re-created with the same string. (resulting in a similar, but different symbol)
41 |
42 | **Dates** are parsed back into actual Date objects.
43 |
44 | **DOM Events** are processed to extract the internal (hidden) properties, resulting in an object containing the same properties but not being an instance of the original class.
45 |
46 | ## API
47 |
48 | You have 2 choices:
49 |
50 | ```js
51 | import { stringify, parse } from 'telejson';
52 |
53 | const Foo = function () {};
54 |
55 | const root = {
56 | date: new Date('2018'),
57 | regex1: /foo/,
58 | regex2: /foo/g,
59 | regex2: new RegExp('foo', 'i'),
60 | fn1: () => 'foo',
61 | fn2: function fn2() {
62 | return 'foo';
63 | },
64 | Foo: new Foo(),
65 | };
66 |
67 | // something cyclic
68 | root.root = root;
69 |
70 | const stringified = stringify(root);
71 | const parsed = parse(stringified);
72 | ```
73 |
74 | stringify and parse do not conform to the JSON.stringify or JSON.parse api.
75 | they take an data object and a option object.
76 |
77 | OR you can use use the `replacer` and `reviver`:
78 |
79 | ```js
80 | import { replacer, reviver } from 'telejson';
81 | import data from 'somewhere';
82 |
83 | const stringified = JSON.stringify(data, replacer(), 2);
84 | const parsed = JSON.parse(stringified, reviver(), 2);
85 | ```
86 |
87 | notice that both replacer and reviver need to be called! doing the following will NOT WORK:
88 |
89 | ```
90 | const stringified = JSON.stringify(data, replacer, 2);
91 | const parsed = JSON.parse(stringified, reviver, 2);
92 | ```
93 |
94 | ## options
95 |
96 | You either pass the options-object to `replacer` or as a second argument to `stringify`:
97 |
98 | ```js
99 | replacer({ maxDepth: 10 });
100 | stringify(date, { maxDepth: 10 });
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ### replacer
104 |
105 | `maxDepth`: controls how deep to keep stringifying. When max depth is reach,
106 | objects will be replaced with `"[Object]"`, arrays will be replaced with `"[Array(<length>)]"`.
107 | default value is `10`
108 | This option is really useful if your object is huge/complex, and you don't care about the deeply nested data.
109 |
110 | `space`: controls how to prettify the output string.
111 | default value is `undefined`, no white space is used.
112 | Only relevant when using `stringify`.
113 |
114 | `allowFunction`: When set to false, functions will not be serialized. (default = true)
115 |
116 | `allowRegExp`: When set to false, regular expressions will not be serialized. (default = true)
117 |
118 | `allowClass`: When set to false, class instances will not be serialized. (default = true)
119 |
120 | `allowError`: When set to false, error instances will not be serialized. (default = true)
121 |
122 | `allowDate`: When set to false, Date objects will not be serialized. (default = true)
123 |
124 | `allowUndefined`: When set to false, `undefined` will not be serialized. (default = true)
125 |
126 | `allowSymbol`: When set to false, Symbols will not be serialized. (default = true)
127 |
128 | ### reviver
129 |
130 | `lazyEval`: When set to false, lazy eval will be disabled. (default true)
131 |
132 | Note: disabling lazy eval will affect performance. Consider disabling it only if you truly need to.
133 |
134 | ## Requirements
135 |
136 | `telejson` depends on the collection type `Map`. If you support older browsers and devices which may not yet provide these natively (e.g. IE < 11) or which have non-compliant implementations (e.g. IE 11), consider including a global polyfill in your bundled application, such as `core-js` or `babel-polyfill`.
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138 | ## Contributing
139 |
140 | If you have any suggestions, please open an issue.
141 |
142 | All contributions are welcome!
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144 | ### run tests:
145 |
146 | first, build the package:
147 |
148 | ```sh
149 | yarn build
150 | ```
151 |
152 | then run the tests:
153 |
154 | ```sh
155 | yarn test
156 | ```
157 |
\ | No newline at end of file |