1 | import {type Buffer} from 'node:buffer';
2 | import {type MergeExclusive, type TypedArray} from 'type-fest';
3 |
4 | export type FileOptions = MergeExclusive<
5 | {
6 | /**
7 | File extension.
8 |
9 | Mutually exclusive with the `name` option.
10 |
11 | _You usually won't need this option. Specify it only when actually needed._
12 | */
13 | readonly extension?: string;
14 | },
15 | {
16 | /**
17 | Filename.
18 |
19 | Mutually exclusive with the `extension` option.
20 |
21 | _You usually won't need this option. Specify it only when actually needed._
22 | */
23 | readonly name?: string;
24 | }
25 | >;
26 |
27 | export type DirectoryOptions = {
28 | /**
29 | Directory prefix.
30 |
31 | _You usually won't need this option. Specify it only when actually needed._
32 |
33 | Useful for testing by making it easier to identify cache directories that are created.
34 | */
35 | readonly prefix?: string;
36 | };
37 |
38 | /**
39 | The temporary path created by the function. Can be asynchronous.
40 | */
41 | export type TaskCallback<ReturnValueType> = (temporaryPath: string) => Promise<ReturnValueType> | ReturnValueType;
42 |
43 | /**
44 | Get a temporary file path you can write to.
45 |
46 | @example
47 | ```
48 | import {temporaryFile, temporaryDirectory} from 'tempy';
49 |
50 | temporaryFile();
51 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/4f504b9edb5ba0e89451617bf9f971dd'
52 |
53 | temporaryFile({extension: 'png'});
54 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/a9fb0decd08179eb6cf4691568aa2018.png'
55 |
56 | temporaryFile({name: 'unicorn.png'});
57 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/f7f62bfd4e2a05f1589947647ed3f9ec/unicorn.png'
58 |
59 | temporaryDirectory();
60 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/2f3d094aec2cb1b93bb0f4cffce5ebd6'
61 | ```
62 | */
63 | export function temporaryFile(options?: FileOptions): string;
64 |
65 | /**
66 | The `callback` resolves with a temporary file path you can write to. The file is automatically cleaned up after the callback is executed.
67 |
68 | @returns A promise that resolves after the callback is executed and the file is cleaned up.
69 |
70 | @example
71 | ```
72 | import {temporaryFileTask} from 'tempy';
73 |
74 | await temporaryFileTask(tempFile => {
75 | console.log(tempFile);
76 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/4f504b9edb5ba0e89451617bf9f971dd'
77 | });
78 | ```
79 | */
80 | export function temporaryFileTask<ReturnValueType>(callback: TaskCallback<ReturnValueType>, options?: FileOptions): Promise <ReturnValueType>;
81 |
82 | /**
83 | Get a temporary directory path. The directory is created for you.
84 |
85 | @example
86 | ```
87 | import {temporaryDirectory} from 'tempy';
88 |
89 | temporaryDirectory();
90 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/2f3d094aec2cb1b93bb0f4cffce5ebd6'
91 |
92 | temporaryDirectory({prefix: 'a'});
93 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/name_3c085674ad31223b9653c88f725d6b41'
94 | ```
95 | */
96 | export function temporaryDirectory(options?: DirectoryOptions): string;
97 |
98 | /**
99 | The `callback` resolves with a temporary directory path you can write to. The directory is automatically cleaned up after the callback is executed.
100 |
101 | @returns A promise that resolves after the callback is executed and the directory is cleaned up.
102 |
103 | @example
104 | ```
105 | import {temporaryDirectoryTask} from 'tempy';
106 |
107 | await temporaryDirectoryTask(tempDirectory => {
108 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/2f3d094aec2cb1b93bb0f4cffce5ebd6'
109 | })
110 | ```
111 | */
112 | export function temporaryDirectoryTask<ReturnValueType>(callback: TaskCallback<ReturnValueType>, options?: DirectoryOptions): Promise<ReturnValueType>;
113 |
114 | /**
115 | Write data to a random temp file.
116 |
117 | @example
118 | ```
119 | import {temporaryWrite} from 'tempy';
120 |
121 | await temporaryWrite('🦄');
122 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/2f3d094aec2cb1b93bb0f4cffce5ebd6'
123 | ```
124 | */
125 | export function temporaryWrite(fileContent: string | Buffer | TypedArray | DataView | NodeJS.ReadableStream, options?: FileOptions): Promise<string>;
126 |
127 | /**
128 | Write data to a random temp file. The file is automatically cleaned up after the callback is executed.
129 |
130 | @returns A promise that resolves after the callback is executed and the file is cleaned up.
131 |
132 | @example
133 | ```
134 | import {temporaryWriteTask} from 'tempy';
135 |
136 | await temporaryWriteTask('🦄', tempFile => {
137 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/4f504b9edb5ba0e89451617bf9f971dd'
138 | });
139 | ```
140 | */
141 | export function temporaryWriteTask<ReturnValueType>(fileContent: string | Buffer | TypedArray | DataView | NodeJS.ReadableStream, callback: TaskCallback<ReturnValueType>, options?: FileOptions): Promise<ReturnValueType>;
142 |
143 | /**
144 | Synchronously write data to a random temp file.
145 |
146 | @example
147 | ```
148 | import {temporaryWriteSync} from 'tempy';
149 |
150 | temporaryWriteSync('🦄');
151 | //=> '/private/var/folders/3x/jf5977fn79jbglr7rk0tq4d00000gn/T/2f3d094aec2cb1b93bb0f4cffce5ebd6'
152 | ```
153 | */
154 | export function temporaryWriteSync(fileContent: string | Buffer | TypedArray | DataView, options?: FileOptions): string;
155 |
156 | export {default as rootTemporaryDirectory} from 'temp-dir';