2.64 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "terser",
3 "description": "JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+",
4 "homepage": "https://terser.org",
5 "author": "Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> (http://lisperator.net/)",
6 "license": "BSD-2-Clause",
7 "version": "4.6.1",
8 "engines": {
9 "node": ">=6.0.0"
10 },
11 "maintainers": [
12 "Fábio Santos <fabiosantosart@gmail.com>"
13 ],
14 "repository": "https://github.com/terser/terser",
15 "main": "dist/bundle.min.js",
16 "types": "tools/terser.d.ts",
17 "bin": {
18 "terser": "bin/terser"
19 },
20 "files": [
21 "bin",
22 "dist",
23 "tools",
25 "README.md",
26 "CHANGELOG.md",
27 "PATRONS.md"
28 ],
29 "dependencies": {
30 "commander": "^2.20.0",
31 "source-map": "~0.6.1",
32 "source-map-support": "~0.5.12"
33 },
34 "devDependencies": {
35 "acorn": "^7.0.0",
36 "astring": "^1.4.1",
37 "eslint": "^6.3.0",
38 "eslump": "^2.0.0",
39 "mocha": "^5.2.0",
40 "mochallel": "^2.0.0",
41 "pre-commit": "^1.2.2",
42 "rimraf": "^3.0.0",
43 "rollup": "^1.20.3",
44 "rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.1.1",
45 "semver": "^6.3.0"
46 },
47 "scripts": {
48 "test": "npm run build -- --configTest && node test/run-tests.js",
49 "test:compress": "npm run build -- --configTest && node test/compress.js",
50 "test:mocha": "npm run build -- --configTest && node test/mocha.js",
51 "lint": "eslint lib",
52 "lint-fix": "eslint --fix lib",
53 "build": "rimraf dist/* && rollup --config --silent",
54 "prepare": "npm run build",
55 "postversion": "echo 'Remember to update the changelog!'"
56 },
57 "keywords": [
58 "uglify",
59 "terser",
60 "uglify-es",
61 "uglify-js",
62 "minify",
63 "minifier",
64 "javascript",
65 "ecmascript",
66 "es5",
67 "es6",
68 "es7",
69 "es8",
70 "es2015",
71 "es2016",
72 "es2017",
73 "async",
74 "await"
75 ],
76 "eslintConfig": {
77 "parserOptions": {
78 "sourceType": "module"
79 },
80 "env": {
81 "es6": true
82 },
83 "globals": {
84 "describe": false,
85 "it": false,
86 "require": false,
87 "global": false,
88 "process": false
89 },
90 "rules": {
91 "brace-style": [
92 "error",
93 "1tbs",
94 {
95 "allowSingleLine": true
96 }
97 ],
98 "quotes": [
99 "error",
100 "double",
101 "avoid-escape"
102 ],
103 "no-debugger": "error",
104 "no-undef": "error",
105 "no-tabs": "error",
106 "semi": [
107 "error",
108 "always"
109 ],
110 "no-extra-semi": "error",
111 "no-irregular-whitespace": "error",
112 "space-before-blocks": [
113 "error",
114 "always"
115 ]
116 }
117 },
118 "pre-commit": [
119 "lint-fix",
120 "test"
121 ]