96.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare module 'testcafe' {
2 global {
4 interface KeyModifiers {
5 ctrl?: boolean;
6 alt?: boolean;
7 shift?: boolean;
8 meta?: boolean;
9 }
11 interface CropOptions {
12 /**
13 * The top edge of the cropping rectangle. The coordinate is calculated from the element's top edge.
14 * If a negative number is passed, the coordinate is calculated from the element's bottom edge.
15 */
16 left?: number;
17 /**
18 * The left edge of the cropping rectangle. The coordinate is calculated from the element's left edge.
19 * If a negative number is passed, the coordinate is calculated from the element's right edge.
20 */
21 right?: number;
22 /**
23 * The bottom edge of the cropping rectangle. The coordinate is calculated from the element's top edge.
24 * If a negative number is passed, the coordinate is calculated from the element's bottom edge.
25 */
26 top?: number;
27 /**
28 * The right edge of the cropping rectangle. The coordinate is calculated from the element's left edge.
29 * If a negative number is passed, the coordinate is calculated from the element's right edge.
30 */
31 bottom?: number;
32 }
34 interface ActionOptions {
35 /**
36 * The speed of action emulation. Defines how fast TestCafe performs the action when running tests.
37 * A value between 1 (the maximum speed) and 0.01 (the minimum speed). If test speed is also specified in the CLI or
38 * programmatically, the action speed setting overrides test speed. Default is 1.
39 */
40 speed?: number;
41 }
43 interface TakeScreenshotOptions {
44 /**
45 * Specifies the path where the screenshots are saved.
46 */
47 path?: string;
48 /**
49 * Specifies that TestCafe should take full-page screenshots.
50 */
51 fullPage?: boolean;
52 }
54 interface TakeElementScreenshotOptions extends ActionOptions {
55 /**
56 * Allows to crop the target element on the screenshot.
57 */
58 crop?: CropOptions;
59 /**
60 * Controls if element's margins should be included in the screenshot.
61 * Set this property to `true` to include target element's margins in the screenshot.
62 * When it is enabled, the `scrollTargetX`, `scrollTargetY` and `crop` rectangle coordinates are calculated from
63 * the corners where top and left (or bottom and right) margins intersect
64 */
65 includeMargins?: boolean;
66 /**
67 * Controls if element's borders should be included in the screenshot.
68 * Set this property to `true` to include target element's borders in the screenshot.
69 * When it is enabled, the `scrollTargetX`, `scrollTargetY` and `crop` rectangle coordinates are calculated from
70 * the corners where top and left (or bottom and right) internal edges of the element intersect
71 */
72 includeBorders?: boolean;
73 /**
74 * Controls if element's paddings should be included in the screenshot.
75 * Set this property to `true` to include target element's paddings in the screenshot.
76 * When it is enabled, the `scrollTargetX`, `scrollTargetY` and `crop` rectangle coordinates are calculated from
77 * the corners where top and left (or bottom and right) edges of the element's content area intersect
78 */
79 includePaddings?: boolean;
80 /**
81 * Specifies the X coordinate of the scrolling target point.
82 * If the target element is too big to fit into the browser window, the page will be scrolled to put this point
83 * to the center of the viewport. The coordinates of this point are calculated relative to the target element.
84 * If the numbers are positive, the point is positioned relative to the top-left corner of the element.
85 * If the numbers are negative, the point is positioned relative to the bottom-right corner.
86 * If the target element fits into the browser window, these properties have no effect.
87 */
88 scrollTargetX?: number;
89 /**
90 * Specifies the Y coordinate of the scrolling target point.
91 * If the target element is too big to fit into the browser window, the page will be scrolled to put this point
92 * to the center of the viewport. The coordinates of this point are calculated relative to the target element.
93 * If the numbers are positive, the point is positioned relative to the top-left corner of the element.
94 * If the numbers are negative, the point is positioned relative to the bottom-right corner.
95 * If the target element fits into the browser window, these properties have no effect.
96 */
97 scrollTargetY?: number;
98 }
100 interface MouseActionOptions extends ActionOptions {
101 /**
102 * Mouse pointer X coordinate that define a point where the action is performed or started.
103 * If an offset is a positive integer, coordinates are calculated relative to the top-left corner of the target element.
104 * If an offset is a negative integer, they are calculated relative to the bottom-right corner.
105 * The default is the center of the target element.
106 */
107 offsetX?: number;
108 /**
109 * Mouse pointer Y coordinate that define a point where the action is performed or started.
110 * If an offset is a positive integer, coordinates are calculated relative to the top-left corner of the target element.
111 * If an offset is a negative integer, they are calculated relative to the bottom-right corner.
112 * The default is the center of the target element.
113 */
114 offsetY?: number;
115 /**
116 * Indicate which modifier keys are to be pressed during the mouse action.
117 */
118 modifiers?: KeyModifiers;
119 }
121 interface ClickActionOptions extends MouseActionOptions {
122 /**
123 * The initial caret position if the action is performed on a text input field. A zero-based integer.
124 * The default is the length of the input field content.
125 */
126 caretPos?: number;
127 }
129 interface TypeActionOptions extends ClickActionOptions {
130 /**
131 * `true` to remove the current text in the target element, and false to leave the text as it is.
132 */
133 replace?: boolean;
134 /**
135 * `true` to insert the entire block of current text in a single keystroke (similar to a copy & paste function),
136 * and false to insert the current text character by character.
137 */
138 paste?: boolean;
139 }
141 interface DragToElementOptions extends MouseActionOptions {
142 /**
143 * Mouse pointer X coordinate that defines a point where the dragToElement action is finished.
144 * If an offset is a positive integer, coordinates are calculated relative to the top-left corner of the destination element.
145 * If an offset is a negative integer, they are calculated relative to the bottom-right corner.
146 * By default, the dragToElement action is finished in the center of the destination element.
147 */
148 destinationOffsetX?: number;
149 /**
150 * Mouse pointer Y coordinate that defines a point where the dragToElement action is finished.
151 * If an offset is a positive integer, coordinates are calculated relative to the top-left corner of the destination element.
152 * If an offset is a negative integer, they are calculated relative to the bottom-right corner.
153 * By default, the dragToElement action is finished in the center of the destination element.
154 */
155 destinationOffsetY?: number;
156 }
158 interface ResizeToFitDeviceOptions {
159 /**
160 * `true` for portrait screen orientation; `false` for landscape.
161 */
162 portraitOrientation?: boolean;
163 }
165 interface AssertionOptions {
166 /**
167 * The amount of time, in milliseconds, allowed for an assertion to pass before the test fails if a
168 * selector property or a client function was used in assertion.
169 */
170 timeout?: number;
171 /**
172 * By default, a Promise is not allowed to be passed to an assertion unless it is a selector property
173 * or the result of a client function. Setting this property to `true` overrides that default.
174 */
175 allowUnawaitedPromise?: boolean;
176 }
178 interface Assertion<E = any> {
179 /**
180 * Asserts that `actual` is deeply equal to `expected`.
181 *
182 * @param expected - An expected value.
183 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
184 * @param options - Assertion options.
185 */
186 eql(expected: E, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
187 /**
188 * Asserts that actual is deeply equal to expected.
189 *
190 * @param expected - An expected value.
191 * @param options - Assertion options.
192 */
193 eql(expected: E, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
194 /**
195 * Assert that `actual` is not deeply equal to `unexpected`.
196 *
197 * @param unexpected - An unexpected value.
198 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
199 * @param options - Assertion options.
200 */
201 notEql(unexpected: E, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
202 /**
203 * Assert that `actual` is not deeply equal to `unexpected`.
204 *
205 * @param unexpected - An unexpected value.
206 * @param options - Assertion options.
207 */
208 notEql(unexpected: E, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
209 /**
210 * Asserts that `actual` is truthy.
211 *
212 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
213 * @param options - Assertion options.
214 */
215 ok(message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
216 /**
217 * Asserts that `actual` is truthy.
218 *
219 * @param options - Assertion options.
220 */
221 ok(options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
222 /**
223 * Asserts that `actual` is falsy.
224 *
225 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
226 * @param options - Assertion options.
227 */
228 notOk(message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
229 /**
230 * Asserts that `actual` is falsy.
231 *
232 * @param options - Assertion options.
233 */
234 notOk(options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
235 /**
236 * Asserts that `actual` contains `expected`.
237 *
238 * @param expected - An expected value.
239 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
240 * @param options - Assertion options.
241 */
242 contains<R>(expected: EnsureString<E> | ElementOf<E> | Extend<E, R>, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
243 /**
244 * Asserts that `actual` contains `expected`.
245 *
246 * @param expected - An expected value.
247 * @param options - Assertion options.
248 */
249 contains<R>(expected: EnsureString<E> | ElementOf<E> | Extend<E, R>, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
250 /**
251 * Asserts that `actual` not contains `unexpected`.
252 *
253 * @param unexpected - An unexpected value.
254 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
255 * @param options - Assertion options.
256 */
257 notContains<R>(unexpected: EnsureString<E> | ElementOf<E> | Extend<E, R>, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
258 /**
259 * Asserts that `actual` not contains `unexpected`.
260 *
261 * @param unexpected - An unexpected value.
262 * @param options - Assertion options.
263 */
264 notContains<R>(unexpected: EnsureString<E> | ElementOf<E> | Extend<E, R>, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
265 /**
266 * Asserts that type of `actual` is `typeName`.
267 *
268 * @param typeName - The expected type of an `actual` value.
269 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
270 * @param options - Assertion options.
271 */
272 typeOf(typeName: 'function' | 'object' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'undefined' | 'null' | 'regexp', message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
273 /**
274 * Asserts that type of `actual` is `typeName`.
275 *
276 * @param typeName - The expected type of an `actual` value.
277 * @param options - Assertion options.
278 */
279 typeOf(typeName: 'function' | 'object' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'undefined' | 'null' | 'regexp', options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
280 /**
281 * Asserts that type of `actual` is not `typeName`.
282 *
283 * @param typeName - An unexpected type of an `actual` value.
284 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
285 * @param options - Assertion options.
286 */
287 notTypeOf(typeName: 'function' | 'object' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'undefined' | 'null' | 'regexp', message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
288 /**
289 * Asserts that type of `actual` is not `typeName`.
290 *
291 * @param typeName - An unexpected type of an `actual` value.
292 * @param options - Assertion options.
293 */
294 notTypeOf(typeName: 'function' | 'object' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'undefined' | 'null' | 'regexp', options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
295 /**
296 * Asserts that `actual` is strictly greater than `expected`.
297 *
298 * @param expected - A value that should be less than or equal to `actual`.
299 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
300 * @param options - Assertion options.
301 */
302 gt(expected: number, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
303 /**
304 * Asserts that `actual` is strictly greater than `expected`.
305 *
306 * @param expected - A value that should be less than or equal to `actual`.
307 * @param options - Assertion options.
308 */
309 gt(expected: number, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
310 /**
311 * Asserts that `actual` is greater than or equal to `expected`.
312 *
313 * @param expected - A value that should be less than `actual`.
314 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
315 * @param options - Assertion options.
316 */
317 gte(expected: number, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
318 /**
319 * Asserts that `actual` is greater than or equal to `expected`.
320 *
321 * @param expected - A value that should be less than `actual`.
322 * @param options - Assertion options.
323 */
324 gte(expected: number, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
325 /**
326 * Asserts that `actual` is less than `expected`.
327 *
328 * @param expected - A value that should be greater than or equal to `actual`.
329 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
330 * @param options - Assertion options.
331 */
332 lt(expected: number, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
333 /**
334 * Asserts that `actual` is less than `expected`.
335 *
336 * @param expected - A value that should be greater than or equal to `actual`.
337 * @param options - Assertion options.
338 */
339 lt(expected: number, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
340 /**
341 * Asserts that `actual` is less than or equal to `expected`.
342 *
343 * @param expected - A value that should be greater than `actual`.
344 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
345 * @param options - Assertion options.
346 */
347 lte(expected: number, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
348 /**
349 * Asserts that `actual` is less than or equal to `expected`.
350 *
351 * @param expected - A value that should be greater than `actual`.
352 * @param options - Assertion options.
353 */
354 lte(expected: number, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
355 /**
356 * Asserts that `actual` is within a range from `start` to `finish`. Bounds are inclusive.
357 *
358 * @param start - A lower bound of range (included).
359 * @param finish - An upper bound of range (included).
360 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
361 * @param options - Assertion options.
362 */
363 within(start: number, finish: number, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
364 /**
365 * Asserts that `actual` is within a range from `start` to `finish`. Bounds are inclusive.
366 *
367 * @param start - A lower bound of range (included).
368 * @param finish - An upper bound of range (included).
369 * @param options - Assertion options.
370 */
371 within(start: number, finish: number, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
372 /**
373 * Asserts that `actual` is not within a range from `start` to `finish`. Bounds are inclusive.
374 *
375 * @param start - A lower bound of range (included).
376 * @param finish - An upper bound of range (included).
377 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
378 * @param options - Assertion options.
379 */
380 notWithin(start: number, finish: number, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
381 /**
382 * Asserts that `actual` is not within a range from `start` to `finish`. Bounds are inclusive.
383 *
384 * @param start - A lower bound of range (included).
385 * @param finish - An upper bound of range (included).
386 * @param options - Assertion options.
387 */
388 notWithin(start: number, finish: number, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
389 /**
390 * Asserts that `actual` matches the regular expression.
391 *
392 * @param re - A regular expression that is expected to be matched.
393 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
394 * @param options - Assertion options.
395 */
396 match(re: RegExp, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
397 /**
398 * Asserts that `actual` matches the regular expression.
399 *
400 * @param re - A regular expression that is expected to be matched.
401 * @param options - Assertion options.
402 */
403 match(re: RegExp, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
404 /**
405 * Asserts that `actual` does not match the regular expression.
406 *
407 * @param re - A regular expression that is expected to be matched.
408 * @param message - An assertion message that will be displayed in the report if the test fails.
409 * @param options - Assertion options.
410 */
411 notMatch(re: RegExp, message?: string, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
412 /**
413 * Asserts that `actual` does not match the regular expression.
414 *
415 * @param re - A regular expression that is expected to be matched.
416 * @param options - Assertion options.
417 */
418 notMatch(re: RegExp, options?: AssertionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
419 }
421 interface ClientFunctionOptions {
422 /**
423 * Contains functions, variables or objects used by the client function internally.
424 * Properties of the `dependencies` object will be added to the client function's scope as variables.
425 */
426 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any};
427 /**
428 * If you need to call a client function from a Node.js callback, assign the current test controller to the `boundTestRun` option.
429 */
430 boundTestRun?: TestController;
431 }
433 interface ClientFunction<R = any, A extends any[]= any[]> {
434 /**
435 * Client function
436 *
437 * @param args - Function arguments.
438 */
439 (...args: A): Promise<R>;
440 /**
441 * Returns a new client function with a different set of options that includes options from the
442 * original function and new `options` that overwrite the original ones.
443 *
444 * @param options - New options.
445 */
446 with(options: ClientFunctionOptions): ClientFunction<R, A>;
447 }
449 interface ClientFunctionFactory {
450 <R, A extends any[]>(fn: (...args: A) => R, options?: ClientFunctionOptions): ClientFunction<R, A>
451 }
453 interface ClientScriptCommon {
454 page?: any;
455 }
457 interface ClientScriptContent extends ClientScriptCommon {
458 content?: string;
459 }
461 interface ClientScriptModule extends ClientScriptCommon {
462 module?: string;
463 }
465 interface ClientScriptPath extends ClientScriptCommon {
466 path?: string;
467 }
469 type ClientScript = ClientScriptContent | ClientScriptModule | ClientScriptPath;
471 interface TextRectangle {
472 /**
473 * Y-coordinate, relative to the viewport origin, of the bottom of the rectangle box.
474 */
475 bottom: number;
476 /**
477 * X-coordinate, relative to the viewport origin, of the left of the rectangle box.
478 */
479 left: number;
480 /**
481 * X-coordinate, relative to the viewport origin, of the right of the rectangle box.
482 */
483 right: number;
484 /**
485 * Y-coordinate, relative to the viewport origin, of the top of the rectangle box.
486 */
487 top: number;
488 /**
489 * Width of the rectangle box (This is identical to `right` minus `left`).
490 */
491 width: number;
492 /**
493 * Height of the rectangle box (This is identical to `bottom` minus `top`).
494 */
495 height: number;
496 }
498 interface NodeSnapshot {
499 /**
500 * The number of child HTML elements.
501 */
502 childElementCount: number;
503 /**
504 * The number of child nodes.
505 */
506 childNodeCount: number;
507 /**
508 * `true` if this node has child HTML elements.
509 */
510 hasChildElements: boolean;
511 /**
512 * `true` if this node has child nodes.
513 */
514 hasChildNodes: boolean;
515 /**
516 * The type of the node.
517 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType
518 */
519 nodeType: number;
520 /**
521 * The text content of the node and its descendants.
522 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent
523 */
524 textContent: string;
525 /**
526 * Attributes of the element.
527 */
528 attributes?: {[name: string]: string};
529 /**
530 * The size of the element and its position relative to the viewport.
531 */
532 boundingClientRect?: TextRectangle;
533 /**
534 * For checkbox and radio input elements, their current state. For other elements, `undefined`.
535 */
536 checked?: boolean | undefined;
537 /**
538 * The list of element's classes.
539 */
540 classNames?: string[];
541 /**
542 * The inner height of the element, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.
543 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientHeight
544 */
545 clientHeight?: number;
546 /**
547 * The width of the left border of the element.
548 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientLeft
549 */
550 clientLeft?: number;
551 /**
552 * The width of the top border of the element.
553 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientTop
554 */
555 clientTop?: number;
556 /**
557 * The inner width of the element, including padding but not the vertical scrollbar width, border, or margin.
558 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientWidth
559 */
560 clientWidth?: number;
561 /**
562 * `true` if the element is focused.
563 */
564 focused?: boolean;
565 /**
566 * The element's identifier.
567 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/id
568 */
569 id?: string;
570 /**
571 * The element's text content "as rendered".
572 * See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-innertext-idl-attribute
573 */
574 innerText?: string;
575 /**
576 * The namespace URI of the element. If the element does not have a namespace, this property is set to null.
577 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/namespaceURI
578 */
579 namespaceURI?: string | null;
580 /**
581 * The height of the element including vertical padding and borders.
582 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetHeight
583 */
584 offsetHeight?: number;
585 /**
586 * The number of pixels that the upper left corner of the element is offset by to the left within the `offsetParent` node.
587 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetLeft
588 */
589 offsetLeft?: number;
590 /**
591 * The number of pixels that the upper left corner of the element is offset by to the top within the offsetParent node.
592 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetTop
593 */
594 offsetTop?: number;
595 /**
596 * The width of the element including vertical padding and borders.
597 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetWidth
598 */
599 offsetWidth?: number;
600 /**
601 * Indicates that `<option>` element is currently selected. For other elements, `undefined`.
602 */
603 selected?: boolean | undefined;
604 /**
605 * For `<select>` element, the index of the first selected `<option>` element. For other elements, `undefined`.
606 */
607 selectedIndex?: number | undefined;
608 /**
609 * The height of the element's content, including content not visible on the screen due to overflow.
610 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollHeight
611 */
612 scrollHeight?: number;
613 /**
614 * The number of pixels that the element's content is scrolled to the left.
615 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollLeft
616 */
617 scrollLeft?: number;
618 /**
619 * The number of pixels that the element's content is scrolled upward.
620 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollTop
621 */
622 scrollTop?: number;
623 /**
624 * Either the width in pixels of the element's content or the width of the element itself, whichever is greater.
625 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollWidth
626 */
627 scrollWidth?: number;
628 /**
629 * The computed values of element's CSS properties.
630 */
631 style?: {[prop: string]: string};
632 /**
633 * The name of the element.
634 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/tagName
635 */
636 tagName?: string;
637 /**
638 * For input elements, the current value in the control. For other elements, `undefined`.
639 */
640 value?: string | undefined;
641 /**
642 * `true` if the element is visible.
643 */
644 visible?: boolean;
645 /**
646 * `true` if the element has the specified class name.
647 *
648 * @param className - Name of the class.
649 */
650 hasClass?(className: string): boolean;
651 /**
652 * Returns the computed value of the CSS property.
653 *
654 * @param propertyName - The name of the CSS property.
655 */
656 getStyleProperty?(propertyName: string): string;
657 /**
658 * Returns the value of the attribute.
659 *
660 * @param attributeName - The name of the attribute.
661 */
662 getAttribute?(attributeName: string): string;
663 /**
664 * Returns the value of the property from the `boundingClientRect` object.
665 *
666 * @param propertyName - The name of the property.
667 */
668 getBoundingClientRectProperty?(propertyName: string): number;
669 /**
670 * `true` if the element has the attribute.
671 *
672 * @param attributeName - The name of the attribute.
673 */
674 hasAttribute?(attributeName: string): boolean;
675 }
677 // Request Hook
678 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
680 interface RequestHook {
681 /**
682 * The `onRequest` method is called before sending the request.
683 */
684 onRequest(requestEvent: object): Promise<void>;
686 /**
687 * The `onResponse` method is called after sending the request
688 */
689 onResponse(responseEvent: object): Promise<void>;
690 }
692 interface RequestHookConstructor {
693 /**
694 * Creates a request hook
695 * @param requestFilterRules - determines which requests the hook handles
696 * @param responseEventConfigureOpts - defines whether to pass the response headers and body to the onResponse method
697 * @returns {RequestHook}
698 */
699 new (requestFilterRules?: Array<any>, responseEventConfigureOpts?: object): RequestHook;
700 }
702 // Request Logger
703 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 interface RequestLoggerOptions {
706 /**
707 * Specifies whether the request headers should be logged.
708 */
709 logRequestHeaders?: boolean;
710 /**
711 * Specifies whether the request body should be logged.
712 */
713 logRequestBody?: boolean;
714 /**
715 * Specifies whether the request body should be stored as a String or a Buffer.
716 */
717 stringifyRequestBody?: boolean;
718 /**
719 * Specifies whether the response headers should be logged.
720 */
721 logResponseHeaders?: boolean;
722 /**
723 * Specifies whether the response body should be logged.
724 */
725 logResponseBody?: boolean;
726 /**
727 * Specifies whether the response body should be stored as a string or a Buffer.
728 */
729 stringifyResponseBody?: boolean;
730 }
732 interface LoggedRequest {
733 /**
734 * The user agent that sent the request.
735 */
736 userAgent: string;
737 /**
738 * The request part of the logged request
739 */
740 request: RequestData;
741 /**
742 * The response part of the logged request
743 */
744 response: ResponseData;
745 }
747 interface RequestData {
748 /**
749 * The URL where the request is sent.
750 */
751 url: string;
752 /**
753 * The request's HTTP method.
754 */
755 method: string;
756 /**
757 * Request headers in the property-value form. Logged if the `logRequestHeaders` option is set to `true`.
758 */
759 headers: Record<string, string>;
760 /**
761 * The response body. Logged if the `logResponseBody` option is set to `true`.
762 * A [Buffer](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html) or string depending on the `stringifyResponseBody` option.
763 */
764 body: string | any;
765 /**
766 * The timestamp that specifies when the request was intercepted.
767 */
768 timestamp: number;
769 }
771 interface ResponseData {
772 /**
773 * The status code received in the response.
774 */
775 statusCode: number;
776 /**
777 * Response headers in the property-value form. Logged if the `logResponseHeaders` option is set to true.
778 */
779 headers: Record<string, string>;
780 /**
781 * The response body.
782 * Logged if the `logResponseBody` option is set to true.
783 * A Buffer or string depending on the `stringifyResponseBody` option.
784 */
785 body: string | any;
786 /**
787 * The timestamp that specifies when the response was intercepted.
788 */
789 timestamp: number;
790 }
792 interface RequestLogger extends RequestHook {
793 /**
794 * Returns whether the logger contains a request that matches the predicate.
795 * @param predicate - The predicate
796 */
797 contains(predicate: (request: LoggedRequest) => boolean): Promise<boolean>;
798 /**
799 * Returns the number of requests that match the predicate.
800 * @param predicate - The predicate
801 */
802 count(predicate: (request: LoggedRequest) => boolean): Promise<number>;
803 /**
804 * Clears all logged requests.
805 */
806 clear(): void;
807 /**
808 * Returns an array of logged requests.
809 */
810 requests: Array<LoggedRequest>;
811 }
813 interface RequestLoggerFactory {
814 (
815 filter?: string | RegExp | object | ((req: any) => boolean),
816 options?: RequestLoggerOptions
817 ): RequestLogger;
818 }
820 // Request Mock
821 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
823 interface RequestMock {
824 /**
825 * Specifies requests to intercept
826 * @param filter - Specifies which requests should be mocked with a response that follows in the `respond` method.
827 */
828 onRequestTo(filter: string | RegExp | object | ((req: RequestOptions) => boolean)): RequestMock;
829 /**
830 * Specifies the mocked response.
831 * @param body - The mocked response body.
832 * @param statusCode - The response status code.
833 * @param headers - Custom headers added to the response in the property-value form.
834 */
835 respond(body?: object | string | ((req: RequestOptions, res: ResponseMock) => any), statusCode?: number, headers?: Record<string, string>): RequestMock;
836 }
838 interface RequestMockFactory {
839 (): RequestMock;
840 }
842 /**
843 * {@link https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/reference/test-api/requestmock/respond.html#requestoptions See documentation}.
844 */
845 interface RequestOptions {
846 /** The request headers in the property-value form. */
847 headers: Record<string, string>;
848 /** The request body. */
849 body: Buffer;
850 /** The URL of the resource. */
851 url: string;
852 /** The protocol to use. Default: http:. */
853 protocol: string;
854 /** The alias for the host. */
855 hostname: string;
856 /** The domain name or IP address of the server to issue the request to. Default: localhost. */
857 host: string;
858 /** The port of the remote server. Default: 80. */
859 port: number;
860 /**
861 * The request path. Should include query string if any. E.G. '/index.html?page=12'. An exception
862 * is thrown when the request path contains illegal characters. Currently, only spaces are
863 * rejected but that may change in the future. Default: '/'.
864 */
865 path: string;
866 /** The HTTP request method. Default: 'GET'. */
867 method: string;
868 /**
869 * Credentials that were used for authentication in the current session using NTLM or Basic
870 * authentication. For HTTP Basic authentication, these are `username` and `password`. NTLM
871 * authentication additionally specifies `workstation` and `domain`.
872 * See {@link https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/guides/advanced-guides/authentication.html#http-authentication HTTP Authentication}.
873 */
874 credentials: Record<string, string>;
875 /**
876 * If a proxy is used, the property contains information about its `host`, `hostname`, `port`,
877 * `proxyAuth`, `authHeader` and `bypassRules`.
878 */
879 proxy: Record<string, unknown>;
880 /**
881 * Specifies whether the request is an AJAX request (xhr or fetch).
882 */
883 isAjax: Boolean;
884 }
886 interface ResponseMock {
887 headers: Record<string, string>;
888 statusCode: number;
889 setBody(value: string): void;
890 }
892 interface Role {
894 }
896 interface RoleOptions {
897 /**
898 * Use this option to control which page is opened after you switch to the role.
899 *
900 * By default, TestCafe navigates back to the page that was opened previously to switching to the role.
901 * Set the `preserveUrl` option to true to save the URL to which the browser was redirected after logging in.
902 * TestCafe will navigate to the saved URL each time after you switch to this role.
903 *
904 * This option is useful if you store session-related data (like session ID) in the URL.
905 */
906 preserveUrl?: boolean;
907 }
909 interface RoleFactory {
910 (url: String, fn: (t: TestController) => Promise<any>, options?: RoleOptions): Role;
911 /**
912 * Creates an anonymous user role.
913 */
914 anonymous(): Role;
915 }
917 interface SelectorOptions {
918 /**
919 * If you need to call a selector from a Node.js callback, assign the current test
920 * controller to the `boundTestRun` option.
921 */
922 boundTestRun?: TestController;
923 /**
924 * The amount of time, in milliseconds, allowed for an element returned by the
925 * selector to appear in the DOM before the test fails.
926 */
927 timeout?: number;
928 /**
929 * Use this option to pass functions, variables or objects to selectors initialized with a function.
930 * The `dependencies` object's properties are added to the function's scope as variables.
931 */
932 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any};
933 /**
934 * `true` to additionally require the returned element to become visible within `options.timeout`.
935 */
936 visibilityCheck?: boolean;
937 }
939 interface SelectorAPI {
940 /**
941 * The number of child HTML elements.
942 */
943 childElementCount: Promise<number>;
944 /**
945 * The number of child nodes.
946 */
947 childNodeCount: Promise<number>;
948 /**
949 * `true` if this node has child HTML elements.
950 */
951 hasChildElements: Promise<boolean>;
952 /**
953 * `true` if this node has child nodes.
954 */
955 hasChildNodes: Promise<boolean>;
956 /**
957 * The type of the node.
958 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType
959 */
960 nodeType: Promise<number>;
961 /**
962 * The text content of the node and its descendants.
963 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent
964 */
965 textContent: Promise<string>;
966 /**
967 * Attributes of the element.
968 */
969 attributes: Promise<{[name: string]: string}>;
970 /**
971 * The size of the element and its position relative to the viewport.
972 */
973 boundingClientRect: Promise<TextRectangle>;
974 /**
975 * For checkbox and radio input elements, their current state. For other elements, `undefined`.
976 */
977 checked: Promise<boolean | undefined>;
978 /**
979 * The list of element's classes.
980 */
981 classNames: Promise<string[]>;
982 /**
983 * The inner height of the element, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.
984 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientHeight
985 */
986 clientHeight: Promise<number>;
987 /**
988 * The width of the left border of the element.
989 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientLeft
990 */
991 clientLeft: Promise<number>;
992 /**
993 * The width of the top border of the element.
994 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientTop
995 */
996 clientTop: Promise<number>;
997 /**
998 * The inner width of the element, including padding but not the vertical scrollbar width, border, or margin.
999 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientWidth
1000 */
1001 clientWidth: Promise<number>;
1002 /**
1003 * `true` if the element is focused.
1004 */
1005 focused: Promise<boolean>;
1006 /**
1007 * The element's identifier.
1008 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/id
1009 */
1010 id: Promise<string>;
1011 /**
1012 * The element's text content "as rendered".
1013 * See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-innertext-idl-attribute
1014 */
1015 innerText: Promise<string>;
1016 /**
1017 * The namespace URI of the element. If the element does not have a namespace, this property is set to null.
1018 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/namespaceURI
1019 */
1020 namespaceURI: Promise<string | null>;
1021 /**
1022 * The height of the element including vertical padding and borders.
1023 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetHeight
1024 */
1025 offsetHeight: Promise<number>;
1026 /**
1027 * The number of pixels that the upper left corner of the element is offset by to the left within the `offsetParent` node.
1028 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetLeft
1029 */
1030 offsetLeft: Promise<number>;
1031 /**
1032 * The number of pixels that the upper left corner of the element is offset by to the top within the offsetParent node.
1033 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetTop
1034 */
1035 offsetTop: Promise<number>;
1036 /**
1037 * The width of the element including vertical padding and borders.
1038 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetWidth
1039 */
1040 offsetWidth: Promise<number>;
1041 /**
1042 * Indicates that `<option>` element is currently selected. For other elements, `undefined`.
1043 */
1044 selected: Promise<boolean | undefined>;
1045 /**
1046 * For `<select>` element, the index of the first selected `<option>` element. For other elements, `undefined`.
1047 */
1048 selectedIndex: Promise<number | undefined>;
1049 /**
1050 * The height of the element's content, including content not visible on the screen due to overflow.
1051 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollHeight
1052 */
1053 scrollHeight: Promise<number>;
1054 /**
1055 * The number of pixels that the element's content is scrolled to the left.
1056 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollLeft
1057 */
1058 scrollLeft: Promise<number>;
1059 /**
1060 * The number of pixels that the element's content is scrolled upward.
1061 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollTop
1062 */
1063 scrollTop: Promise<number>;
1064 /**
1065 * Either the width in pixels of the element's content or the width of the element itself, whichever is greater.
1066 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollWidth
1067 */
1068 scrollWidth: Promise<number>;
1069 /**
1070 * The computed values of element's CSS properties.
1071 */
1072 style: Promise<{[prop: string]: string}>;
1073 /**
1074 * The name of the element.
1075 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/tagName
1076 */
1077 tagName: Promise<string>;
1078 /**
1079 * For input elements, the current value in the control. For other elements, `undefined`.
1080 */
1081 value: Promise<string | undefined>;
1082 /**
1083 * `true` if the element is visible.
1084 */
1085 visible: Promise<boolean>;
1086 /**
1087 * `true` if the element has the specified class name.
1088 *
1089 * @param className - The name of the class.
1090 */
1091 hasClass(className: string): Promise<boolean>;
1092 /**
1093 * Returns the computed value of the CSS property.
1094 *
1095 * @param propertyName - The name of the CSS property.
1096 */
1097 getStyleProperty(propertyName: string): Promise<string>;
1098 /**
1099 * Returns the value of the attribute.
1100 *
1101 * @param attributeName - The name of the attribute.
1102 */
1103 getAttribute(attributeName: string): Promise<string>;
1104 /**
1105 * Returns the value of the property from the `boundingClientRect` object.
1106 *
1107 * @param propertyName - The name of the property.
1108 */
1109 getBoundingClientRectProperty(propertyName: string): Promise<number>;
1110 /**
1111 * `true` if the element has the attribute.
1112 *
1113 * @param attributeName - The name of the attribute.
1114 */
1115 hasAttribute(attributeName: string): Promise<boolean>;
1116 /**
1117 * Creates a selector that returns an element's `shadowRoot`.
1118 */
1119 shadowRoot(): Selector;
1120 /**
1121 * Creates a selector that returns an element by its index in the matching set.
1122 *
1123 * @param index - A zero-based index of the element. If negative, then counted from the end of the matching set.
1124 */
1125 nth(index: number): Selector;
1126 /**
1127 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set by the specified text.
1128 *
1129 * @param text - The text in the element.
1130 */
1131 withText(text: string): Selector;
1132 /**
1133 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set using the specified regular expression.
1134 *
1135 * @param re - The regular expression for the text in the element.
1136 */
1137 withText(re: RegExp): Selector;
1138 /**
1139 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set by the specified text. Selects elements whose text content *strictly matches* this text.
1140 *
1141 * @param text - The text in the element.
1142 */
1143 withExactText(text: string): Selector;
1144 /**
1145 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set by the specified attribute and, optionally, attribute value.
1146 *
1147 * @param attrName - The attribute name.
1148 * @param attrValue - The attribute value.You can omit this parameter to select elements that have
1149 * the `attrName` attribute regardless of the value.
1150 */
1151 withAttribute(attrName: string | RegExp, attrValue?: string | RegExp): Selector;
1152 /**
1153 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set by cssSelector.
1154 *
1155 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1156 */
1157 filter(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1158 /**
1159 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set by the `filterFn` predicate.
1160 *
1161 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1162 * @param filterFn `node` - The current DOM node.
1163 * @param filterFn `idx` - Index of the current node among other nodes in the matching set.
1164 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1165 */
1166 filter(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number) => boolean,
1167 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1168 /**
1169 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set leaving only visible elements.
1170 */
1171 filterVisible(): Selector;
1172 /**
1173 * Creates a selector that filters a matching set leaving only hidden elements.
1174 */
1175 filterHidden(): Selector;
1176 /**
1177 * Finds all descendants of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `cssSelector`.
1178 *
1179 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1180 */
1181 find(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1182 /**
1183 * Finds all descendants of all nodes in the matching set and filters them using `filterFn` predicate.
1184 *
1185 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1186 * @param filterFn `node` - The current descendant node.
1187 * @param filterFn `idx` - A zero-based index of `node` among other descendant nodes.
1188 * @param filterFn `originNode` - A node from the left-hand selector's matching set whose descendants are being iterated.
1189 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1190 */
1191 find(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number, originNode: Element) => boolean,
1192 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1193 /**
1194 * Finds all parents of all nodes in the matching set (first element in the set will be the closest parent).
1195 */
1196 parent(): Selector;
1197 /**
1198 * Finds all parents of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `index`.
1199 *
1200 * @param index - A zero-based index of the parent (0 is the closest). If negative, then counted from the end of the matching set.
1201 */
1202 parent(index: number): Selector;
1203 /**
1204 * Finds all parents of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `cssSelector`.
1205 *
1206 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1207 */
1208 parent(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1209 /**
1210 * Finds all parents of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by the `filterFn` predicate.
1211 *
1212 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1213 * @param filterFn `node` - The current parent node.
1214 * @param filterFn `idx` - A zero-based index of `node` among other parent nodes.
1215 * @param filterFn `originNode` - A node from the left-hand selector's matching set whose parents are being iterated.
1216 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1217 */
1218 parent(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number, originNode: Element) => boolean,
1219 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1220 /**
1221 * Finds all child elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set.
1222 */
1223 child(): Selector;
1224 /**
1225 * Finds all child elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `index`.
1226 *
1227 * @param index - A zero-based index of the child. If negative, then counted from the end of the matching set.
1228 */
1229 child(index: number): Selector;
1230 /**
1231 * Finds all child elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `cssSelector`.
1232 *
1233 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1234 */
1235 child(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1236 /**
1237 * Finds all child elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by the `filterFn` predicate.
1238 *
1239 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1240 * @param filterFn `node` - The current child node.
1241 * @param filterFn `idx` - A zero-based index of `node` among other child nodes.
1242 * @param filterFn `originNode` - A node from the left-hand selector's matching set children parents are being iterated.
1243 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1244 */
1245 child(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number, originNode: Element) => boolean,
1246 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1247 /**
1248 * Finds all sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set.
1249 */
1250 sibling(): Selector;
1251 /**
1252 * Finds all sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `index`.
1253 *
1254 * @param index - a zero-based index of the sibling. If negative, then counted from the end of the matching set.
1255 */
1256 sibling(index: number): Selector;
1257 /**
1258 * nds all sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `cssSelector`.
1259 *
1260 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1261 */
1262 sibling(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1263 /**
1264 * Finds all sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by the `filterFn` predicate.
1265 *
1266 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1267 * @param filterFn `node` - The current sibling node.
1268 * @param filterFn `idx` - A zero-based index of `node` among other sibling nodes.
1269 * @param filterFn `originNode` - A node from the left-hand selector's matching set whose siblings are being iterated.
1270 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1271 */
1272 sibling(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number, originNode: Element) => boolean,
1273 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1274 /**
1275 * Finds all succeeding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set.
1276 */
1277 nextSibling(): Selector;
1278 /**
1279 * Finds all succeeding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `index`.
1280 *
1281 * @param index - A zero-based index of the succeeding sibling. If negative, then counted from the end of the matching set.
1282 */
1283 nextSibling(index: number): Selector;
1284 /**
1285 * Finds all succeeding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `cssSelector`.
1286 *
1287 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1288 */
1289 nextSibling(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1290 /**
1291 * Finds all succeeding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by the `filterFn` predicate.
1292 *
1293 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1294 * @param filterFn `node` - The current succeeding sibling node.
1295 * @param filterFn `idx` - A zero-based index of `node` among other succeeding sibling nodes.
1296 * @param filterFn `originNode` - A node from the left-hand selector's matching set whose succeeding siblings are being iterated.
1297 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1298 */
1299 nextSibling(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number, originNode: Element) => boolean,
1300 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1301 /**
1302 * Finds all preceding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set.
1303 */
1304 prevSibling(): Selector;
1305 /**
1306 * Finds all preceding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `index`.
1307 *
1308 * @param index - A zero-based index of the preceding sibling. If negative, then counted from the end of the matching set.
1309 */
1310 prevSibling(index: number): Selector;
1311 /**
1312 * Finds all preceding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by `cssSelector`.
1313 *
1314 * @param cssSelector - A CSS selector string.
1315 */
1316 prevSibling(cssSelector: string): Selector;
1317 /**
1318 * Finds all preceding sibling elements (not nodes) of all nodes in the matching set and filters them by the `filterFn` predicate.
1319 *
1320 * @param filterFn - The predicate.
1321 * @param filterFn `node` - The current preceding sibling node.
1322 * @param filterFn `idx` - A zero-based index of `node` among other preceding sibling nodes.
1323 * @param filterFn `originNode` - A node from the left-hand selector's matching set whose preceding siblings are being iterated.
1324 * @param dependencies - Predicate dependencies.
1325 */
1326 prevSibling(filterFn: (node: Element, idx: number, originNode: Element) => boolean,
1327 dependencies?: {[key: string]: any}): Selector;
1328 /**
1329 * `true if` at least one matching element exists.
1330 */
1331 exists: Promise<boolean>;
1332 /**
1333 * The number of matching elements.
1334 */
1335 count: Promise<number>;
1336 /**
1337 * Adds custom selector properties.
1338 *
1339 * @param props - Property descriptors.
1340 * @param props `prop` - Property name.
1341 * @param props `[prop]` - The function that calculate property values. Executed on the client side in the browser.
1342 * @param props `node` - The matching DOM node for which custom property is calculated.
1343 */
1344 addCustomDOMProperties(props: {[prop: string]: (node: Element) => any}): Selector;
1345 /**
1346 * Adds custom selector methods.
1347 *
1348 * @param methods - Method descriptors.
1349 * @param methods `method` - The method name.
1350 * @param methods `[method]` - The function that contains method code. Executed on the client side in the browser.
1351 * @param methods `node` - The matching DOM node for which custom method is executed.
1352 * @param methods `methodParams` - Custom method parameters.
1353 */
1354 addCustomMethods(methods: {[method: string]: (node: Element, ...methodParams: any[]) => any }, opts?: {returnDOMNodes?: boolean}): Selector;
1355 /**
1356 * Returns a new selector with a different set of options that includes options from the
1357 * original selector and new `options` that overwrite the original ones.
1358 *
1359 * @param options - New options.
1360 */
1361 with(options?: SelectorOptions): Selector;
1362 }
1364 interface Selector extends SelectorAPI {
1365 /**
1366 * Creates parametrized selector.
1367 *
1368 * @param args - Selector parameters.
1369 */
1370 (...args: any[]): SelectorPromise;
1371 }
1373 interface SelectorPromise extends SelectorAPI, Promise<NodeSnapshot> {
1374 }
1376 interface SelectorFactory {
1377 (
1378 init:
1379 | string
1380 | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection)
1381 | Selector
1382 | NodeSnapshot
1383 | SelectorPromise,
1384 options?: SelectorOptions
1385 ): Selector;
1386 }
1388 interface HTTPAuthCredentials {
1389 /**
1390 * The user name for the account.
1391 */
1392 username: string;
1393 /**
1394 * The password for the account.
1395 */
1396 password: string;
1397 /**
1398 * The domain name.
1399 */
1400 domain?: string;
1401 /**
1402 * The workstation's ID in the local network.
1403 */
1404 workstation?: string;
1405 }
1407 interface FixtureFn {
1408 /**
1409 * Declares a test fixture.
1410 *
1411 * @param name - The name of the fixture.
1412 * @param tagArgs - tag function arguments required to support the "fixture`${x}`" syntax
1413 */
1414 (name: string | TemplateStringsArray, ...tagArgs: any[]): this;
1415 /**
1416 * Specifies a webpage at which all tests in a fixture start.
1417 *
1418 * @param url - The URL of the webpage where tests start.
1419 * @param tagArgs - tag function arguments required to support the "fixture.page`${x}`" syntax
1420 * To test webpages in local directories, you can use the `file://` scheme or relative paths.
1421 */
1422 page(url: string | TemplateStringsArray, ...tagArgs: any[]): this;
1423 /**
1424 * Specifies HTTP Basic or Windows (NTLM) authentication credentials for all tests in the fixture.
1425 *
1426 * @param credentials - Contains credentials used for authentication.
1427 */
1428 httpAuth(credentials: HTTPAuthCredentials): this;
1429 /**
1430 * Specifies the fixture hook that is executed before the start of the first test in the fixture.
1431 *
1432 * @param fn - An asynchronous hook function that contains initialization or clean-up code.
1433 * @param fn `ctx` - A fixture context object used to share variables between fixture hooks and test code.
1434 */
1435 before(fn: (ctx: {[key: string]: any}) => Promise<any>): this;
1436 /**
1437 * Specifies the fixture hook that is executed after the end of the last test in the fixture.
1438 *
1439 * @param fn - An asynchronous hook function that contains initialization or clean-up code.
1440 * @param fn `ctx` - A fixture context object used to share variables between fixture hooks and test code.
1441 */
1442 after(fn: (ctx: {[key: string]: any}) => Promise<any>): this;
1443 /**
1444 * Specifies the hook that is executed on the start of each test in the fixture.
1445 *
1446 * @param fn - An asynchronous hook function that contains initialization or clean-up code.
1447 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
1448 */
1449 beforeEach(fn: (t: TestController) => Promise<any>): this;
1450 /**
1451 * Specifies the hook that is executed on the end of each test in the fixture.
1452 *
1453 * @param fn - An asynchronous hook function that contains initialization or clean-up code.
1454 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
1455 */
1456 afterEach(fn: (t: TestController) => Promise<any>): this;
1457 /**
1458 * Skips execution of all tests in the fixture.
1459 */
1460 skip: this;
1461 /**
1462 * Skips execution of all tests, except whose that are in this fixture.
1463 */
1464 only: this;
1465 /**
1466 * Disables page caching for tests in this fixture.
1467 */
1468 disablePageCaching: this;
1469 /**
1470 * WARNING: This feature is experimental and is not recommended for everyday use. It can be removed in the future TestCafe versions.
1471 *
1472 * Disables page reloading which would happen right before each test in this fixture.
1473 */
1474 disablePageReloads: this;
1475 /**
1476 * Specifies the additional information for all tests in the fixture. This information can be used in reports.
1477 *
1478 * @param key - The name of the metadata entry
1479 * @param value - The value of the metadata entry
1480 */
1481 meta(key: string, value: string): this;
1482 /**
1483 * Specifies the additional information for all tests in the fixture. This information can be used in reports.
1484 *
1485 * @param data - Key-value pairs
1486 */
1487 meta(data: object): this;
1488 /**
1489 * Attaches hooks to all tests in the fixture
1490 *
1491 * @param hooks - The set of the RequestHook subclasses
1492 */
1493 requestHooks(...hooks: object[]): this;
1494 /**
1495 * Injects scripts into pages visited during the fixture execution.
1496 *
1497 * @param scripts - Scripts that should be added to the tested pages.
1498 */
1499 clientScripts (scripts: ClientScript | ClientScript[]): this;
1500 }
1502 interface TestFn {
1503 /**
1504 * Declares a test.
1505 *
1506 * @param name - The name of the test.
1507 * @param fn - An asynchronous function that contains test code.
1508 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
1509 */
1510 (name: string, fn: (t: TestController) => Promise<any>): this;
1511 /**
1512 * Specifies a webpage at which test starts.
1513 *
1514 * @param url - The URL of the webpage at which this test starts.
1515 * To test webpages in local directories, you can use the `file://` scheme or relative paths.
1516 */
1517 page(url: string): this;
1518 /**
1519 * Specifies HTTP Basic or Windows (NTLM) authentication credentials for the test.
1520 *
1521 * @param credentials - Contains credentials used for authentication.
1522 */
1523 httpAuth(credentials: HTTPAuthCredentials): this;
1524 /**
1525 * Specifies hook that is executed on the start of the test.
1526 *
1527 * @param fn - An asynchronous hook function that contains initialization or clean-up code.
1528 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
1529 */
1530 before(fn: (t: TestController) => Promise<any>): this;
1531 /**
1532 * Specifies hook that is executed on the end of the test.
1533 *
1534 * @param fn - An asynchronous hook function that contains initialization or clean-up code.
1535 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
1536 */
1537 after(fn: (t: TestController) => Promise<any>): this;
1538 /**
1539 * Skips test execution.
1540 */
1541 skip: this;
1542 /**
1543 * Skips execution of all tests, except this one.
1544 */
1545 only: this;
1546 /**
1547 * Disables page caching for this test.
1548 */
1549 disablePageCaching: this;
1550 /**
1551 * WARNING: This feature is experimental and is not recommended for everyday use. It can be removed in the future TestCafe versions.
1552 *
1553 * Disables page reloading which would happen right before this test.
1554 */
1555 disablePageReloads: this;
1556 /**
1557 * Specifies the additional information for the test. This information can be used in reports.
1558 *
1559 * @param key - The name of the metadata entry
1560 * @param value - The value of the metadata entry
1561 */
1562 meta(key: string, value: string): this;
1563 /**
1564 * Specifies the additional information for the test. This information can be used in reports.
1565 *
1566 * @param data - Key-value pairs
1567 */
1568 meta(data: object): this;
1569 /**
1570 * Attaches hooks to the test
1571 *
1572 * @param hooks - The set of the RequestHook subclasses
1573 */
1574 requestHooks(...hooks: object[]): this;
1575 /**
1576 * Injects scripts into pages visited during the test execution.
1577 *
1578 * @param scripts - Scripts that should be added to the tested pages.
1579 */
1580 clientScripts (scripts: ClientScript | ClientScript[]): this;
1581 }
1583 interface NativeDialogHistoryItem {
1584 /**
1585 * The type of the native dialog.
1586 */
1587 type: 'alert' | 'confirm' | 'beforeunload' | 'prompt';
1588 /**
1589 * Text of the dialog message.
1590 */
1591 text: string;
1592 /**
1593 * The URL of the page that invoked the dialog. Use it to determine if the dialog originated
1594 * from the main window or an `<iframe>`.
1595 */
1596 url: string;
1597 }
1599 interface BrowserConsoleMessages {
1600 /**
1601 * Messages output to the browser console by the console.log() method.
1602 */
1603 log: string[];
1604 /**
1605 * Warning messages output to the browser console by the console.warn() method.
1606 */
1607 warn: string[];
1608 /**
1609 * Error messages output to the browser console by the console.error() method.
1610 */
1611 error: string[];
1612 /**
1613 * Information messages output to the browser console by the console.info() method.
1614 */
1615 info: string[];
1616 }
1618 interface Browser {
1619 /**
1620 * The browser alias string specified when tests were launched.
1621 */
1622 alias: string;
1623 /**
1624 * The browser name.
1625 */
1626 name: string;
1627 /**
1628 * The browser version.
1629 */
1630 version: string;
1631 /**
1632 * The platform type.
1633 */
1634 platform: string;
1635 /**
1636 * `true` if the browser runs in headless mode.
1637 */
1638 headless: boolean;
1639 /**
1640 * The name and version of the operating system.
1641 */
1642 os: { name: string; version: string };
1643 /**
1644 * The name and version of the browser engine.
1645 */
1646 engine: { name: string; version: string };
1647 /**
1648 * The user agent string.
1649 */
1650 userAgent: string;
1651 /**
1652 * Formatted string with the browser's and operating system's name and version.
1653 */
1654 prettyUserAgent: string;
1655 }
1657 type WindowDescriptor = unknown;
1659 interface WindowFilterData {
1660 /**
1661 * The window title.
1662 */
1663 title: string;
1665 /**
1666 * The window URL.
1667 */
1668 url: URL;
1669 }
1671 interface TestController {
1672 /**
1673 * Dictionary that is shared between test hook functions and test code.
1674 */
1675 ctx: {[key: string]: any};
1676 /**
1677 * Dictionary that is shared between `fixture.before` and `fixture.after`, test hook functions and test code.
1678 */
1679 readonly fixtureCtx: {[key: string]: any};
1680 /**
1681 * Returns an object that contains browser information.
1682 */
1683 readonly browser: Browser;
1684 /**
1685 * Clicks a webpage element.
1686 *
1687 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element being clicked.
1688 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1689 */
1690 click(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1691 options?: ClickActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1692 /**
1693 * Right-clicks a webpage element.
1694 *
1695 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element being right-clicked.
1696 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1697 */
1698 rightClick(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1699 options?: ClickActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1700 /**
1701 * Double-clicks a webpage element.
1702 *
1703 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element being double-clicked.
1704 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1705 */
1706 doubleClick(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1707 options?: ClickActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1708 /**
1709 * Hovers the mouse pointer over a webpage element.
1710 *
1711 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element being hovered over.
1712 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1713 */
1714 hover(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1715 options?: MouseActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1716 /**
1717 * Drags an element by an offset.
1718 *
1719 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element being dragged
1720 * @param dragOffsetX - An X-offset of the drop coordinates from the mouse pointer's initial position.
1721 * @param dragOffsetY - An Y-offset of the drop coordinates from the mouse pointer's initial position.
1722 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1723 */
1724 drag(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1725 dragOffsetX: number,
1726 dragOffsetY: number,
1727 options?: MouseActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1728 /**
1729 * Drags an element onto another one.
1730 *
1731 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element being dragged.
1732 * @param destinationSelector - Identifies the webpage element that serves as the drop location.
1733 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1734 */
1735 dragToElement(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1736 destinationSelector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1737 options?: DragToElementOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1738 /**
1739 * Types the specified text into an input element.
1740 *
1741 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element that will receive input focus.
1742 * @param text - The text to be typed into the specified webpage element.
1743 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1744 */
1745 typeText(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1746 text: string,
1747 options?: TypeActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1748 /**
1749 * Selects text in input elements.
1750 *
1751 * @param selector - Identifies the webpage element whose text will be selected.
1752 * @param startPos - The start position of the selection. A zero-based integer.
1753 * @param endPos - The end position of the selection. A zero-based integer.
1754 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1755 */
1756 selectText(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1757 startPos?: number,
1758 endPos?: number,
1759 options?: ActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1760 /**
1761 * Selects `<textarea>` content.
1762 *
1763 * @param selector
1764 * @param startLine
1765 * @param startPos
1766 * @param endLine
1767 * @param endPos
1768 * @param options
1769 */
1770 selectTextAreaContent(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1771 startLine?: number,
1772 startPos?: number,
1773 endLine?: number,
1774 endPos?: number,
1775 options?: ActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1776 /**
1777 * Performs selection within editable content
1778 *
1779 * @param startSelector - Identifies a webpage element from which selection starts. The start position of selection is the first character of the element's text.
1780 * @param endSelector - Identifies a webpage element at which selection ends. The end position of selection is the last character of the element's text.
1781 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1782 */
1783 selectEditableContent(startSelector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1784 endSelector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1785 options?: ActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1786 /**
1787 * Presses the specified keyboard keys.
1788 *
1789 * @param keys - The sequence of keys and key combinations to be pressed.
1790 * @param options - A set of options that provide additional parameters for the action.
1791 */
1792 pressKey(keys: string, options?: ActionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1793 /**
1794 * Pauses a test for a specified period of time.
1795 *
1796 * @param timeout - The pause duration, in milliseconds.
1797 */
1798 wait(timeout: number): TestControllerPromise;
1799 /**
1800 * Navigates to the specified URL.
1801 *
1802 * @param url - The URL to navigate to. Absolute or relative to the current page.
1803 * You can use the `file://` scheme or relative paths to navigate to a webpage in a local directory.
1804 */
1805 navigateTo(url: string): TestControllerPromise;
1806 /**
1807 * Populates the specified file upload input with file paths.
1808 *
1809 * @param selector - Identifies the input field to which file paths are written.
1810 * @param filePath - The path to the uploaded file, or several such paths. Relative paths resolve from the folder with the test file.
1811 */
1812 setFilesToUpload(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1813 filePath: String | String[]): TestControllerPromise;
1814 /**
1815 * Removes all file paths from the specified file upload input.
1816 *
1817 * @param selector - Identifies the input field that needs to be cleared.
1818 */
1819 clearUpload(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection)): TestControllerPromise;
1820 /**
1821 * Takes a screenshot of the tested page.
1822 *
1823 * @param path - relative path to the screenshot file. Resolved from the screenshot directory specified by
1824 * using the `runner.screenshots` API method or the `screenshots-path` command line option.
1825 * If path doesn't have .png extension, it will be added automatically.
1826 */
1827 takeScreenshot(path?: string): TestControllerPromise;
1828 /**
1829 * Takes a screenshot of the tested page.
1830 *
1831 * @param options - TakeScreenshot Options
1832 */
1833 takeScreenshot(options: TakeScreenshotOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1834 /**
1835 * Takes a screenshot of the specified element.
1836 *
1837 * @param selector - Identifies the element for screenshot capturing.
1838 * @param path - relative path to the screenshot file. Resolved from the screenshot directory specified by
1839 * using the `runner.screenshots` API method or the `screenshots-path` command line option.
1840 * If path doesn't have .png extension, it will be added automatically.
1841 */
1842 takeElementScreenshot(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection),
1843 path?: string,
1844 options?: TakeElementScreenshotOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1845 /**
1846 * Sets the browser window size.
1847 *
1848 * @param width - The new width, in pixels.
1849 * @param height - The new height, in pixels.
1850 */
1851 resizeWindow(width: number, height: number): TestControllerPromise;
1853 /**
1854 * Fits the browser window into a particular device.
1855 *
1856 * @param deviceName - The name of the device as listed at https://github.com/DevExpress/device-specs/blob/master/viewport-sizes.json.
1857 * @param options - Provide additional information about the device.
1858 */
1859 resizeWindowToFitDevice(deviceName: string, options?: ResizeToFitDeviceOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1860 /**
1861 * Maximizes the browser window.
1862 */
1863 maximizeWindow(): TestControllerPromise;
1864 /**
1865 * Switches the test's browsing context to the specified `<iframe>`.
1866 *
1867 * @param selector - Identifies an `<iframe>` on the tested page.
1868 */
1869 switchToIframe(selector: string | Selector | NodeSnapshot | SelectorPromise | ((...args: any[]) => Node | Node[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection)): TestControllerPromise;
1870 /**
1871 * Switches the test's browsing context from an `<iframe>` back to the main window.
1872 */
1873 switchToMainWindow(): TestControllerPromise;
1875 /**
1876 * Opens a new browser window.
1877 *
1878 * @param url - The URL to open. Can be local or remote, absolute or relative.
1879 */
1880 openWindow(url: string): WindowDescriptorPromise;
1882 /**
1883 * Closes a browser window.
1884 *
1885 * @param windowDescriptor - The target window. If this parameter is omitted, the currently active window is selected.
1886 */
1887 closeWindow(windowDescriptor?: WindowDescriptor): TestControllerPromise;
1889 /**
1890 * Retrieves a `window` object that corresponds to the currently open window.
1891 */
1892 getCurrentWindow(): WindowDescriptorPromise;
1894 /**
1895 * Activates the window that corresponds to the `window` object.
1896 *
1897 * @param windowDescriptor - The target window.
1898 */
1899 switchToWindow(windowDescriptor: WindowDescriptor): TestControllerPromise;
1901 /**
1902 * Activates the first window that matches the criteria passed to the `filterFn` function
1903 *
1904 * @param filterFn - The predicate used to select windows.
1905 */
1906 switchToWindow(filterFn: (data: WindowFilterData) => boolean): TestControllerPromise;
1908 /**
1909 * Activates the window that launched, or was active during the launch of, the currently active window.
1910 */
1911 switchToParentWindow(): TestControllerPromise;
1913 /**
1914 * Activates the most recent of the previously active windows.
1915 */
1916 switchToPreviousWindow(): TestControllerPromise;
1918 /**
1919 * Executes function on client and returns it's result.
1920 *
1921 * @param fn - A function to be executed on the client side.
1922 * @param options - Function options.
1923 */
1924 eval(fn: Function, options?: ClientFunctionOptions): Promise<any>;
1925 /**
1926 * Specifies handler function for the browser native dialogs.
1927 *
1928 * @param fn - A regular or client function that will be triggered whenever a native dialog is invoked. null to
1929 * remove the native dialog handler.
1930 * @param fn `type` - The type of the native dialog.
1931 * @param fn `text` - Text of the dialog message.
1932 * @param fn `url` - The URL of the page that invoked the dialog. Use it to determine if the dialog originated from
1933 * the main window or an `<iframe>`.
1934 * @param options - Handler options.
1935 */
1936 setNativeDialogHandler(fn: ((type: 'alert' | 'confirm' | 'beforeunload' | 'prompt', text: string, url: string) => any) | null,
1937 options?: ClientFunctionOptions): TestControllerPromise;
1938 /**
1939 * Returns a stack of history entries (i.e., an array in which the latest dialog has an index of 0). Each entry
1940 * corresponds to a certain native dialog that appears in the main window or in an `<iframe>`.
1941 */
1942 getNativeDialogHistory(): Promise<NativeDialogHistoryItem[]>;
1943 /**
1944 * Returns an object that contains messages output to the browser console.
1945 */
1946 getBrowserConsoleMessages(): Promise<BrowserConsoleMessages>;
1947 /**
1948 * Starts an assertion chain and specifies assertion actual value.
1949 *
1950 * @param actual - An actual value of the assertion.
1951 */
1952 expect<A>(actual: A | Promise<A>): Assertion<A>;
1953 /**
1954 * Pauses the test and switches to the step-by-step execution mode.
1955 */
1956 debug(): TestControllerPromise;
1957 /**
1958 * Specifies the speed of test execution.
1959 *
1960 * @param speed - Specifies the test speed. Must be a number between 1 (the fastest) and 0.01 (the slowest).
1961 */
1962 setTestSpeed(speed: number): TestControllerPromise;
1963 /**
1964 * Specifies the amount of time within which TestCafe waits for the `window.load` event to fire before starting the test.
1965 *
1966 * @param duration - Specifies the amount of time within which TestCafe waits for the `window.load` event to fire before starting the test.
1967 */
1968 setPageLoadTimeout(duration: number): TestControllerPromise;
1969 /**
1970 * Switches user role.
1971 *
1972 * @param role - The role you need to use further in the test.
1973 */
1974 useRole(role: Role): TestControllerPromise;
1975 /**
1976 * Attaches the hooks during a test run
1977 *
1978 * @param hooks - The set of RequestHook subclasses
1979 */
1980 addRequestHooks(...hooks: object[]): TestControllerPromise;
1981 /**
1982 * Detaches the hooks during a test run
1983 *
1984 * @param hooks - The set of RequestHook subclasses
1985 */
1986 removeRequestHooks(...hooks: object[]): TestControllerPromise;
1987 }
1989 interface TestControllerPromise<T=any> extends TestController, Promise<T> {
1990 }
1992 interface WindowDescriptorPromise extends TestControllerPromise<WindowDescriptor> {
1993 }
1995 type ElementOf<T> = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : never;
1996 type Extend<T, E> = T extends E ? E : never;
1997 type EnsureString<T> = T extends string ? string : never;
1999 /**
2000 * Creates a selector.
2001 *
2002 * @param init - Selector initializer.
2003 * @param options - Selector options.
2004 */
2005 export const Selector: SelectorFactory;
2007 /**
2008 * Creates a client function.
2009 *
2010 * @param fn - Function code.
2011 * @param options - Function options.
2012 */
2013 export const ClientFunction: ClientFunctionFactory;
2015 /**
2016 * Creates a request mock
2017 */
2018 export const RequestMock: RequestMockFactory;
2020 /**
2021 * Creates a request logger
2022 */
2023 export const RequestLogger: RequestLoggerFactory;
2025 /** The RequestHook class used to create a custom HTTP request hook **/
2026 export const RequestHook: RequestHookConstructor;
2028 /**
2029 * Creates a user role.
2030 *
2031 * @param url - The URL of the login page.
2032 * @param fn - An asynchronous function that contains logic that authenticates the user.
2033 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
2034 * @param options - Role options.
2035 */
2036 export const Role: RoleFactory;
2038 /**
2039 * The test controller used to access test run API.
2040 */
2041 export const t: TestController;
2042 }
2045 /**
2046 * Creates a selector.
2047 *
2048 * @param init - Selector initializer.
2049 * @param options - Selector options.
2050 */
2051 export const Selector: SelectorFactory;
2053 /**
2054 * Creates a client function.
2055 *
2056 * @param fn - Function code.
2057 * @param options - Function options.
2058 */
2059 export const ClientFunction: ClientFunctionFactory;
2061 /**
2062 * Creates a request mock
2063 */
2064 export const RequestMock: RequestMockFactory;
2066 /**
2067 * Creates a request logger
2068 */
2069 export const RequestLogger: RequestLoggerFactory;
2071 /** The RequestHook class used to create a custom HTTP request hook **/
2072 export const RequestHook: RequestHookConstructor;
2074 /**
2075 * Creates a user role.
2076 *
2077 * @param url - The URL of the login page.
2078 * @param fn - An asynchronous function that contains logic that authenticates the user.
2079 * @param fn `t` - The test controller used to access test run API.
2080 * @param options - Role options.
2081 */
2082 export const Role: RoleFactory;
2084 /**
2085 * The test controller used to access test run API.
2086 */
2087 export const t: TestController;
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