1.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const lodash_1 = require("../wrap/lodash");
4const args_match_1 = require("../args-match");
5const index_1 = require("./index");
6let callHistory = []; // <-- remember this to pop our DSL of when(<call>)/verify(<call>)
7index_1.default.onReset(() => { callHistory = []; });
8exports.default = {
9 log(testDouble, args, context) {
10 index_1.default.for(testDouble).calls.push({ args, context, cloneArgs: lodash_1.default.cloneDeep(args) });
11 return callHistory.push({ testDouble, args, context });
12 },
13 pop() {
14 return lodash_1.default.tap(callHistory.pop(), function (call) {
15 if (call != null) {
16 index_1.default.for(call.testDouble).calls.pop();
17 }
18 });
19 },
20 wasInvoked(testDouble, args, config) {
21 const matchingInvocationCount = this.where(testDouble, args, config).length;
22 if (config.times != null) {
23 return matchingInvocationCount === config.times;
24 }
25 else {
26 return matchingInvocationCount > 0;
27 }
28 },
29 where(testDouble, args, config) {
30 return lodash_1.default.filter(index_1.default.for(testDouble).calls, function (call) {
31 const pastArgs = config.cloneArgs ? call.cloneArgs : call.args;
32 return args_match_1.default(args, pastArgs, config);
33 });
34 },
35 for(testDouble) {
36 return index_1.default.for(testDouble).calls;
37 }