1 | # testdouble.js (AKA td.js)
2 |
3 | [![npmjs](https://img.shields.io/badge/npm-testdouble-red.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/testdouble)
4 | [![unpkg](https://img.shields.io/badge/unpkg-download-blue.svg)](https://unpkg.com/testdouble/dist/)
5 |
6 | Welcome! Are you writing JavaScript tests and in the market for a mocking
7 | library to fake out real things for you? testdouble.js is an opinionated,
8 | carefully-designed test double library maintained by, oddly enough, a software
9 | agency that's also named [Test Double](http://testdouble.com). (The term "test
10 | double" was coined by Gerard Meszaros in his book [xUnit Test
11 | Patterns](http://xunitpatterns.com/Test%20Double.html).)
12 |
13 | If you practice test-driven development, testdouble.js was designed to promote
14 | terse, clear, and easy-to-understand tests. There's an awful lot to cover, so
15 | please take some time and enjoy our documentation, which is designed to show you
16 | how to make the most out of test doubles in your tests.
17 |
18 | This library was designed to work for both Node.js and browser interpeters. It's
19 | also test-framework agnostic, so you can plop it into a codebase using Jasmine,
20 | Mocha, Tape, Jest, or our own
21 | [teenytest](https://github.com/testdouble/teenytest).
22 |
23 | ## Install
24 |
25 | ```
26 | $ npm install -D testdouble
27 | ```
28 |
29 | If you just want to fetch the browser distribution, you can also curl it from
30 | [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/testdouble/dist/).
31 |
32 | We recommend requiring the library in a test helper and setting it globally for
33 | convenience to the shorthand `td`:
34 |
35 | ```js
36 | // ES import syntax
37 | import * as td from 'testdouble'
38 |
39 | // CommonJS modules (e.g. Node.js)
40 | globalThis.td = require('testdouble')
41 |
42 | // Global set in our browser distribution
43 | window.td
44 | ```
45 |
46 | (You may need to configure your linter to ignore the `td` global.
47 | Instructions:
48 | [eslint](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#specifying-globals),
49 | [standard](https://github.com/standard/standard/#i-use-a-library-that-pollutes-the-global-namespace-how-do-i-prevent-variable-is-not-defined-errors).)
50 |
51 | If you're using testdouble.js in conjunction with another test framework, you
52 | may also want to check out one of these extensions:
53 |
54 | * [testdouble-jest](https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble-jest)
55 | * [testdouble-chai](https://github.com/basecase/testdouble-chai)
56 | * [testdouble-jasmine](https://github.com/BrianGenisio/testdouble-jasmine)
57 | * [testdouble-qunit](https://github.com/alexlafroscia/testdouble-qunit/tree/master/packages/testdouble-qunit)
58 | * [testdouble-vitest](https://github.com/mcous/testdouble-vitest)
59 |
60 | ## Getting started
61 |
62 | Mocking libraries are more often abused than used effectively, so figuring out
63 | how to document a mocking library so as to only encourage healthy uses has
64 | proven to be a real challenge. Here are a few paths we've prepared for getting
65 | started with testdouble.js:
66 |
67 | * The [API section of this README](#api) so you can get started stubbing and
68 | verifying right away
69 | * A [20-minute
70 | video](http://blog.testdouble.com/posts/2016-06-05-happier-tdd-with-testdouble-js)
71 | overview of the library, its goals, and basic usage
72 | * A [comparison between testdouble.js and
73 | Sinon.js](http://blog.testdouble.com/posts/2016-03-13-testdouble-vs-sinon.html),
74 | in case you've already got experience working with Sinon and you're looking
75 | for a high-level overview of how they differ
76 | * The full testdouble.js [documentation](/docs), which describes at length how
77 | to (and how not to) take advantage of the various features of testdouble.js.
78 | Its outline is in [docs/README.md](/docs#readme)
79 |
80 | Of course, if you're unsure of how to approach writing an isolated test with
81 | testdouble.js, we welcome you to [open an issue on GitHub to ask a
82 | question](https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js/issues/new).
83 |
84 | ## API
85 |
86 | ### `td.replace()` and `td.replaceEsm()` for replacing dependencies
87 |
88 | The first thing a test double library needs to do is give you a way to replace
89 | the production dependencies of your [subject under
90 | test](https://github.com/testdouble/contributing-tests/wiki/Subject) with fake
91 | ones controlled by your test.
92 |
93 | We provide a top-level function called `td.replace()` that operates in two
94 | different modes: CommonJS module replacement and object-property replacement.
95 | Both modes will, by default, perform a deep clone of the real dependency which
96 | replaces all functions it encounters with fake test double functions which can,
97 | in turn, be configured by your test to either stub responses or assert
98 | invocations.
99 |
100 | For ES modules, you should use `td.replaceEsm()`. More details
101 | [here](docs/7-replacing-dependencies.md#how-module-replacement-works-for-es-modules-using-import).
102 |
103 | #### Module replacement with Node.js
104 |
105 | **`td.replace('../path/to/module'[, customReplacement])`**
106 |
107 | If you're using Node.js and don't mind using the CommonJS `require()` function
108 | in your tests (you can still use `import`/`export` in your production code,
109 | assuming you're compiling it down for consumption by your tests), testdouble.js
110 | uses a library we wrote called [quibble](https://github.com/testdouble/quibble)
111 | to monkey-patch `require()` so that your subject will automatically receive your
112 | faked dependencies simply by requiring them. This approach may be familiar if you've used something like
113 | [proxyquire](https://github.com/thlorenz/proxyquire), but our focus was to
114 | enable an even more minimal test setup.
115 |
116 | Here's an example of using `td.replace()` in a Node.js test's setup:
117 |
118 | ```js
119 | let loadsPurchases, generatesInvoice, sendsInvoice, subject
120 | module.exports = {
121 | beforeEach: () => {
122 | loadsPurchases = td.replace('../src/loads-purchases')
123 | generatesInvoice = td.replace('../src/generates-invoice')
124 | sendsInvoice = td.replace('../src/sends-invoice')
125 | subject = require('../src/index')
126 | }
127 | //…
128 | afterEach: function () { td.reset() }
129 | }
130 | ```
131 |
132 | In the above example, at the point when `src/index` is required, the module
133 | cache will be bypassed as `index` is loaded. If `index` goes on to subsequently
134 | require any of the `td.replace()`'d dependencies, it will receive a reference to
135 | the same fake dependencies that were returned to the test.
136 |
137 | Because `td.replace()` first loads the actual file, it will do its best to
138 | return a fake that is shaped just like the real thing. That means that if
139 | `loads-purchases` exports a function, a test double function will be created and
140 | returned. If `generates-invoice` exports a constructor, a constructor test
141 | double will be returned, complete with test doubles for all of the original's
142 | static functions and instance methods. If `sends-invoice` exports a plain
143 | object of function properties, an object will be returned with test double
144 | functions in place of the originals' function properties. In every case, any
145 | non-function properties will be deep-cloned.
146 |
147 | There are a few important things to keep in mind about replacing Node.js modules
148 | using `td.replace()`:
149 |
150 | * The test must `td.replace()` and `require()` everything in a before-each hook,
151 | in order to bypass the Node.js module cache and to avoid pollution between
152 | tests
153 | * Any relative paths passed to `td.replace()` are relative *from the test to the
154 | dependency*. This runs counter to how some other tools do it, but we feel it
155 | makes more sense
156 | * The test suite (usually in a global after-each hook) must call `td.reset()` to
157 | ensure the real `require()` function and dependency modules are restored after
158 | each test case.
159 |
160 | ##### Default exports with ES modules
161 |
162 | If your modules are written in the ES module syntax and they specify default
163 | exports (e.g. `export default function loadsPurchases()`), but are actually
164 | transpiled to CommonJS, just remember that you'll need to reference `.default`
165 | when translating to the CJS module format.
166 |
167 | That means instead of this:
168 |
169 | ```js
170 | loadsPurchases = td.replace('../src/loads-purchases')
171 | ```
172 |
173 | You probably want to assign the fake like this:
174 |
175 | ```js
176 | loadsPurchases = td.replace('../src/loads-purchases').default
177 | ```
178 |
179 | #### Property replacement
180 |
181 | **`td.replace(containingObject, nameOfPropertyToReplace[, customReplacement])`**
182 |
183 | If you're running tests outside Node.js or otherwise injecting dependencies
184 | manually (or with a DI tool like
185 | [dependable](https://github.com/testdouble/dependable)), then you may still use
186 | `td.replace` to automatically replace things if they're referenceable as
187 | properties on an object.
188 |
189 | To illustrate, suppose our subject depends on `app.signup` below:
190 |
191 | ``` js
192 | app.signup = {
193 | onSubmit: function () {},
194 | onCancel: function () {}
195 | }
196 | ```
197 |
198 | If our goal is to replace `app.signup` during a test of `app.user.create()`,
199 | our test setup might look like this:
200 |
201 | ```js
202 | let signup, subject
203 | module.exports = {
204 | beforeEach: function () {
205 | signup = td.replace(app, 'signup')
206 | subject = app.user
207 | }
208 | // …
209 | afterEach: function () { td.reset() }
210 | }
211 | ```
212 |
213 | `td.replace()` will always return the newly-created fake imitation, even though
214 | in this case it's obviously still referenceable by the test and subject alike
215 | with `app.signup`. If we had wanted to only replace the `onCancel` function for
216 | whatever reason (though in this case, that would smell like a [partial
217 | mock](https://github.com/testdouble/contributing-tests/wiki/Partial-Mock)), we
218 | could have called `td.replace(app.signup, 'onCancel')`, instead.
219 |
220 | Remember to call `td.reset()` in an after-each hook (preferably globally so one
221 | doesn't have to remember to do so in each and every test) so that testdouble.js
222 | can replace the original. This is crucial to avoiding hard-to-debug test
223 | pollution!
224 |
225 | #### Specifying a custom replacement
226 |
227 | The library's [imitation
228 | feature](https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js/blob/main/src/imitate/index.js)
229 | is pretty sophisticated, but it's not perfect. It's also going to be pretty slow
230 | on large, complex objects. If you'd like to specify exactly what to replace a
231 | real dependency with, you can do so in either of the above modes by providing a
232 | final optional argument.
233 |
234 | When replacing a Node.js module:
235 |
236 | ```js
237 | generatesInvoice = td.replace('../generates-invoice', {
238 | generate: td.func('a generate function'),
239 | name: 'fake invoices'
240 | })
241 | ```
242 |
243 | When replacing a property:
244 |
245 | ```js
246 | signup = td.replace(app, 'signup', {
247 | onSubmit: td.func('fake submit handler'),
248 | onCancel: function () { throw Error('do not call me') }
249 | })
250 | ```
251 |
252 | ### `td.func()`, `td.object()`, `td.constructor()`, `td.instance()` and `td.imitate()` to create test doubles
253 |
254 | `td.replace()`'s imitation and injection convenience is great when your
255 | project's build configuration allows for it, but in many cases you'll want or
256 | need the control to create fake things directly. Each creation function can
257 | either imitate a real thing or be specified by passing a bit of configuration.
258 |
259 | Each test double creation function is very flexible and can take a variety of
260 | inputs. What gets returned generally depends on the number and type of configuration
261 | parameters passed in, so we'll highlight each supported usage separately with an
262 | example invocation:
263 |
264 | #### `td.func()`
265 |
266 | The `td.func()` function (also available as `td.function()`) returns a test
267 | double function and can be called in three modes:
268 |
269 | * **`td.func(someRealFunction)`** - returns a test double function of the same
270 | `name`, including a deep
271 | [imitation](https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js/blob/main/src/imitate/index.js)
272 | of all of its custom properties
273 | * **`td.func()`** - returns an anonymous test double function that can be used
274 | for stubbing and verifying any calls against it, but whose error messages and
275 | debugging output won't have a name to trace back to it
276 | * **`td.func('some name')`** - returns a test double function named `'some
277 | name'`, which will appear in any error messages as well as the debug info
278 | returned by passing the returned test double into
279 | [td.explain()](/docs/9-debugging.md#tdexplainsometestdouble)
280 | * **`td.func<Type>()`** - returns a test double function imitating the passed type.
281 | Examples and more details can be found in [using with TypeScript](/docs/10-using-with-typescript.md)
282 |
283 | #### `td.object()`
284 |
285 | The `td.object()` function returns an object containing test double functions,
286 | and supports three types of invocations:
287 |
288 | * **`td.object(realObject)`** - returns a deep
289 | [imitation](https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js/blob/main/src/imitate/index.js)
290 | of the passed object, where each function is replaced with a test double function
291 | named for the property path (e.g. If `realObject.invoices.send()` was a
292 | function, the returned object would have property `invoices.send` set to a
293 | test double named `'.invoices.send'`)
294 | * **`td.object(['add', 'subtract'])`** - returns a plain JavaScript object
295 | containing two properties `add` and `subtract` that are both assigned to test
296 | double functions named `'.add'` and `'.subtract'`, respectively
297 | * **`td.object('a Person'[, {excludeMethods: ['then']})`** - when passed with no
298 | args or with a string name as the first argument, returns an [ES
299 | Proxy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy).
300 | The proxy will automatically intercept any call made to it and shunt in a test
301 | double that can be used for stubbing or verification. More details can be
302 | found in [our full docs](/docs/4-creating-test-doubles.md#objectobjectname)
303 | * **`td.object<Interface>()`** - returns an object with methods exposed as test doubles
304 | that are typed according to the passed interface. Examples and more details can be found in
305 | [using with TypeScript](/docs/10-using-with-typescript.md)
306 |
307 | #### `td.constructor()`
308 |
309 | If your code depends on ES classes or functions intended to be called with
310 | `new`, then the `td.constructor()` function can replace those dependencies as
311 | well.
312 |
313 | * **`td.constructor(RealConstructor)`** - returns a constructor whose calls can
314 | be verified and whose static and `prototype` functions have all been replaced
315 | with test double functions using the same
316 | [imitation](https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js/blob/main/src/imitate/index.js)
317 | mechanism as `td.func(realFunction)` and `td.object(realObject)`
318 | * **`td.constructor(['select', 'save'])`** - returns a constructor with `select`
319 | and `save` properties on its `prototype` object set to test double functions
320 | named `'#select'` and `'#save'`, respectively
321 |
322 | When replacing a constructor, typically the test will configure stubbing &
323 | verification by directly addressing its prototype functions. To illustrate, that
324 | means in your test you might write:
325 |
326 | ```js
327 | const FakeConstructor = td.constructor(RealConstructor)
328 | td.when(FakeConstructor.prototype.doStuff()).thenReturn('ok')
329 |
330 | subject(FakeConstructor)
331 | ```
332 |
333 | So that in your production code you can:
334 |
335 | ```js
336 | const subject = function (SomeConstructor) {
337 | const thing = new SomeConstructor()
338 | return thing.doStuff() // returns "ok"
339 | }
340 | ```
341 |
342 | #### `td.instance()`
343 |
344 | As a shorthand convenience, `td.instance()` function will call
345 | `td.constructor()` and return a `new` instance of the fake constructor function
346 | it returns.
347 |
348 | The following code snippets are functionally equivalent:
349 |
350 | ```js
351 | const fakeObject = td.instance(RealConstructor)
352 | ```
353 |
354 | ```js
355 | const FakeConstructor = td.constructor(RealConstructor)
356 | const fakeObject = new FakeConstructor()
357 | ```
358 |
359 | #### `td.imitate()`
360 |
361 | **`td.imitate(realThing[, name])`**
362 |
363 | If you know you want to imitate something, but don't know (or care) whether it's
364 | a function, object, or constructor, you can also just pass it to `td.imitate()`
365 | with an optional name parameter.
366 |
367 | ### `td.when()` for stubbing responses
368 |
369 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options])`**
370 |
371 | Once you have your subject's dependencies replaced with test double functions,
372 | you'll want to be able to stub return values (and other sorts of responses)
373 | when the subject invokes the test double in the way that the test expects.
374 |
375 | To make stubbing configuration easy to read and grep, `td.when()`'s first
376 | argument isn't an argument at all, but rather a placeholder to demonstrate the
377 | way you're expecting the test double to be invoked by the subject, like so:
378 |
379 | ```js
380 | const increment = td.func()
381 | td.when(increment(5)).thenReturn(6)
382 | ```
383 |
384 | We would say that `increment(5)` is "rehearsing the invocation". Note that by
385 | default, a stubbing is only satisfied when the subject calls the test double
386 | exactly as it was rehearsed. This can be customized with [argument
387 | matchers](/docs/5-stubbing-results.md#loosening-stubbings-with-argument-matchers),
388 | which allow for rehearsals that do things like
389 | `increment(td.matchers.isA(Number))` or `save(td.matchers.contains({age: 21}))`.
390 |
391 | Also note that, `td.when()` takes an [optional configuration
392 | object](/docs/5-stubbing-results.md#configuring-stubbings) as a second
393 | parameter, which enables advanced usage like ignoring extraneous arguments and
394 | limiting the number of times a stubbing can be satisfied.
395 |
396 | Calling `td.when()` returns a number of functions that allow you to specify your
397 | desired outcome when the test double is invoked as demonstrated by your
398 | rehearsal. We'll begin with the most common of these: `thenReturn`.
399 |
400 | #### `td.when().thenReturn()`
401 |
402 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options]).thenReturn('some value'[, more, values])`**
403 |
404 | The simplest example is when you want to return a specific value in exchange for
405 | a known argument, like so:
406 |
407 | ```js
408 | const loadsPurchases = td.replace('../src/loads-purchases')
409 | td.when(loadsPurchases(2018, 8)).thenReturn(['a purchase', 'another'])
410 | ```
411 |
412 | Then, in the hands of your subject under test:
413 |
414 | ```js
415 | loadsPurchases(2018, 8) // returns `['a purchase', 'another']`
416 | loadsPurchases(2018, 7) // returns undefined, since no stubbing was satisfied
417 | ```
418 |
419 | If you're not used to stubbing, it may seem contrived to think a test will know
420 | exactly what argument to pass in and expect back from a dependency, but in an
421 | isolated unit test this is not only feasible but entirely normal and expected!
422 | Doing so helps the author ensure the test remains minimal and obvious to
423 | future readers.
424 |
425 | Note as well that subsequent matching invocations can be stubbed by passing
426 | additional arguments to `thenReturn()`, like this:
427 |
428 | ```js
429 | const hitCounter = td.func()
430 | td.when(hitCounter()).thenReturn(1, 2, 3, 4)
431 |
432 | hitCounter() // 1
433 | hitCounter() // 2
434 | hitCounter() // 3
435 | hitCounter() // 4
436 | hitCounter() // 4
437 | ```
438 |
439 | #### `td.when().thenResolve()` and `td.when().thenReject()`
440 |
441 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options]).thenResolve('some value'[, more, values])`**
442 |
443 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options]).thenReject('some value'[, more, values])`**
444 |
445 | The `thenResolve()` and `thenReject()` stubbings will take whatever value is
446 | passed to them and wrap it in an immediately resolved or rejected promise,
447 | respectively. By default testdouble.js will use whatever `Promise` is globally
448 | defined, but you can specify your own like this:
449 |
450 | ```js
451 | td.config({promiseConstructor: require('bluebird')})`
452 | ```
453 |
454 | Because the Promise spec indicates that all promises must tick the event loop,
455 | keep in mind that any stubbing configured with `thenResolve` or `thenReject`
456 | must be managed as an asynchronous test (consult your test framework's
457 | documentation if you're not sure).
458 |
459 | #### `td.when().thenCallback()`
460 |
461 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options]).thenCallback('some value'[,other,
462 | args])`**
463 |
464 | The `thenCallback()` stubbing will assume that the rehearsed invocation has an
465 | additional final argument that takes a callback function. When this stubbing is
466 | satisfied, testdouble.js will invoke that callback function and pass in whatever
467 | arguments were sent to `thenCallback()`.
468 |
469 | To illustrate, consider this stubbing:
470 |
471 | ```js
472 | const readFile = td.replace('../src/read-file')
473 | td.when(readFile('my-secret-doc.txt')).thenCallback(null, 'secrets!')
474 | ```
475 |
476 | Then, the subject might invoke readFile and pass an anonymous function:
477 |
478 | ```js
479 | readFile('my-secret-doc.txt', function (err, contents) {
480 | console.log(contents) // will print 'secrets!'
481 | })
482 | ```
483 |
484 | If the callback isn't in the final position, or if the test double also needs to
485 | return something, callbacks can be configured using the
486 | [td.callback](/docs/5-stubbing-results.md#callback-apis-with-a-callback-argument-at-an-arbitrary-position)
487 | argument matcher.
488 |
489 | On one hand, `thenCallback()` can be a great way to write fast and clear
490 | synchronous isolated unit tests of production code that's actually asynchronous.
491 | On the other hand, if it's necessary to verify the subject behaves correctly
492 | over multiple ticks of the event loop, you can control this with the [`defer`
493 | and `delay` options](/docs/5-stubbing-results.md#defer).
494 |
495 | #### `td.when().thenThrow()`
496 |
497 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options]).thenThrow(new Error('boom'))`**
498 |
499 | The `thenThrow()` function does exactly what it says on the tin. Once this
500 | stubbing is configured, any matching invocations will throw the specified error.
501 |
502 | Note that because rehearsal calls invoke the test double function, it's possible
503 | to configure a `thenThrow` stubbing and then accidentally trigger it when you
504 | attempt to configure subsequent stubbings or verifications. In these cases,
505 | you'll need to work around it by re-ordering your configurations or `catch`'ing
506 | the error.
507 |
508 | #### `td.when().thenDo()`
509 |
510 | **`td.when(__rehearsal__[, options]).thenDo(function (arg1, arg2) {})`**
511 |
512 | For everything else, there is `thenDo()`. `thenDo` takes a function which will
513 | be invoked whenever satisfied with all the arguments and bound to the same
514 | `this` context that the test double function was actually invoked with. Whatever
515 | your `thenDo` function returns will be returned by the test double when the
516 | stubbing is satisfied. This configuration is useful for covering tricky cases
517 | not handled elsewhere, and may be a potential extension point for building on
518 | top of the library's stubbing capabilities.
519 |
520 | ### `td.verify()` for verifying interactions
521 |
522 | **`td.verify(__demonstration__[, options])`**
523 |
524 | If you've learned how to stub responses with `td.when()` then you already know
525 | how to verify an invocation took place with `td.verify()`! We've gone out of our
526 | way to make the two as symmetrical as possible. You'll find that they have
527 | matching function signatures, support the same argument matchers, and take the
528 | same options.
529 |
530 | The difference, then, is their purpose. While stubbings are meant to facilitate
531 | some behavior we want to exercise in our subject, verifications are meant to
532 | ensure a dependency was called in a particular expected way. Since `td.verify()`
533 | is an assertion step, it goes [at the
534 | end](https://github.com/testdouble/contributing-tests/wiki/Arrange-Act-Assert)
535 | of our test after we've invoked the subject under test.
536 |
537 | A trivial example might be:
538 |
539 | ```js
540 | module.exports = function shouldSaveThings () {
541 | const save = td.replace('../src/save')
542 | const subject = require('../src/index')
543 |
544 | subject({name: 'dataz', data: '010101'})
545 |
546 | td.verify(save('dataz', '010101'))
547 | }
548 | ```
549 |
550 | The above will verify that `save` was called with the two specified arguments.
551 | If the verification fails (say it passed `'010100'` instead), testdouble.js will
552 | throw a nice long error message to explain how the test double function was
553 | actually called, hopefully helping you spot the error.
554 |
555 | Just like with `td.when()`, more complex cases can be covered with [argument
556 | matchers](/docs/6-verifying-invocations.md#relaxing-verifications-with-argument-matchers)
557 | and [configuration
558 | options](/docs/6-verifying-invocations.md#configuring-verifications).
559 |
560 | A word of caution: `td.verify()` should be needed only sparingly. When you
561 | verify a function was called (as opposed to relying on what it returns) you're
562 | asserting that your subject has a side effect. Code with lots of side effects is
563 | bad, so mocking libraries are often abused to make side-effect heavy code easier
564 | to proliferate. In these cases, refactoring each dependency to return values
565 | instead is almost always the better design approach. A separate test smell with
566 | verifying calls is that sometimes—perhaps in the interest of maximal
567 | completeness—a test will verify an invocation that already satisfied a stubbing,
568 | but this is almost [provably
569 | unnecessary](/docs/B-frequently-asked-questions.md#why-shouldnt-i-call-both-tdwhen-and-tdverify-for-a-single-interaction-with-a-test-double).
570 |
571 | ### `td.listReplacedModules()` for listing the modules that were replaced
572 |
573 | **`td.listReplacedModules()`**
574 |
575 |
576 | Use `td.listReplacedModules()` to list the modules that are replaced. This function will return an array of the modules that are
577 | currently being replaced via `td.replace()` or `td.replaceEsm()`.
578 |
579 | The list is in no particular order, and returns the full path to the module that was replaced.
580 | The path is returned as a `file:` URL as is customary in ESM (this is true even if the
581 | replaced module was CJS).
582 |
583 | For example, if you do this:
584 |
585 | ```js
586 | td.replace('../src/save')
587 | ```
588 |
589 | Then
590 |
591 | ```js
592 | td.listReplacedModules()
593 | ```
594 |
595 | will return something like:
596 |
597 | ```js
598 | ['file:///users/example/code/foo/src/save.js']
599 | ```
600 |
601 | ### Other functions
602 |
603 | For other top-level features in the testdouble.js API, consult the [docs](/docs)
604 | directory:
605 |
606 | * [td.explain()](/docs/9-debugging.md#tdexplainsometestdouble) - for help
607 | debugging and introspecting test doubles
608 | * [td.config()](/docs/C-configuration.md#tdconfig) - for changing globally
609 | configurable options
610 | * [td.reset()](/docs/1-installation.md#resetting-state-between-test-runs) - for
611 | resetting testdouble.js state between tests
612 | * [td.matchers](/docs/5-stubbing-results.md#loosening-stubbings-with-argument-matchers)
613 | and [custom matchers](/docs/8-custom-matchers.md#custom-argument-matchers) for
614 | configuring more advanced stubbings and verifications