4.39 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const lodash_1 = require("./wrap/lodash");
4const args_match_1 = require("./args-match");
5const calls_1 = require("./store/calls");
6const log_1 = require("./log");
7const store_1 = require("./store");
8const arguments_1 = require("./stringify/arguments");
9const stubbings_1 = require("./store/stubbings");
10const notify_after_satisfaction_1 = require("./matchers/notify-after-satisfaction");
11const clone_deep_if_possible_1 = require("./clone-deep-if-possible");
12const symbols_1 = require("./symbols");
13exports.default = (__userDoesRehearsalInvocationHere__, config = {}) => {
14 const last = calls_1.default.pop();
15 ensureRehearsalOccurred(last);
16 ensureCloneableIfCloneArgs(last, config);
17 if (calls_1.default.wasInvoked(last.testDouble, last.args, config)) {
18 notifyMatchers(last.testDouble, last.args, config);
19 warnIfStubbed(last.testDouble, last.args);
20 }
21 else {
22 log_1.default.fail(unsatisfiedErrorMessage(last.testDouble, last.args, config));
23 }
25const ensureRehearsalOccurred = (last) => {
26 if (!last) {
27 log_1.default.error('td.verify', `\
28No test double invocation detected for \`verify()\`.
30 Usage:
31 verify(myTestDouble('foo'))\
33 }
35function ensureCloneableIfCloneArgs(last, config) {
36 if (config.cloneArgs && (0, clone_deep_if_possible_1.default)(last.args) === symbols_1.default.uncloneable) {
37 return log_1.default.error('td.verify', `\
38Failed to deep-clone arguments. Ensure lodash _.cloneDeep works on them
40 }
42const notifyMatchers = (testDouble, expectedArgs, config) => {
43 lodash_1.default.each(calls_1.default.where(testDouble, expectedArgs, config), (invocation) => {
44 (0, notify_after_satisfaction_1.default)(expectedArgs, invocation.args);
45 });
47const warnIfStubbed = (testDouble, actualArgs) => {
48 if (lodash_1.default.some(stubbings_1.default.for(testDouble), (stubbing) => (0, args_match_1.default)(stubbing.args, actualArgs, stubbing.config))) {
49 log_1.default.warn('td.verify', `test double${stringifyName(testDouble)} was both stubbed and verified with arguments (${(0, arguments_1.default)(actualArgs)}), which is redundant and probably unnecessary.`, 'https://github.com/testdouble/testdouble.js/blob/main/docs/B-frequently-asked-questions.md#why-shouldnt-i-call-both-tdwhen-and-tdverify-for-a-single-interaction-with-a-test-double');
50 }
52const unsatisfiedErrorMessage = (testDouble, args, config) => baseSummary(testDouble, args, config) +
53 matchedInvocationSummary(testDouble, args, config) +
54 invocationSummary(testDouble, args, config);
55const stringifyName = (testDouble) => {
56 const name = store_1.default.for(testDouble).name;
57 return name ? ` \`${name}\`` : '';
59const baseSummary = (testDouble, args, config) => `\
60Unsatisfied verification on test double${stringifyName(testDouble)}.
62 Wanted:
63 - called with \`(${(0, arguments_1.default)(args)})\`${timesMessage(config)}${ignoreMessage(config)}.\
65const invocationSummary = (testDouble, args, config) => {
66 const calls = calls_1.default.for(testDouble);
67 if (calls.length === 0) {
68 return '\n\n But there were no invocations of the test double.';
69 }
70 else {
71 return lodash_1.default.reduce(calls, (desc, call) => desc + `\n - called with \`(${(0, arguments_1.default)(call.args)})\`.`, '\n\n All calls of the test double, in order were:');
72 }
74const matchedInvocationSummary = (testDouble, args, config) => {
75 const calls = calls_1.default.where(testDouble, args, config);
76 const expectedCalls = config.times || 0;
77 if (calls.length === 0 || calls.length > expectedCalls) {
78 return '';
79 }
80 else {
81 return lodash_1.default.reduce(lodash_1.default.groupBy(calls, 'args'), (desc, callsMatchingArgs, args) => desc + `\n - called ${pluralize(callsMatchingArgs.length, 'time')} with \`(${(0, arguments_1.default)(callsMatchingArgs[0].args)})\`.`, `\n\n ${pluralize(calls.length, 'call')} that satisfied this verification:`);
82 }
84const pluralize = (x, msg) => `${x} ${msg}${x === 1 ? '' : 's'}`;
85const timesMessage = (config) => config.times != null
86 ? ` ${pluralize(config.times, 'time')}`
87 : '';
88const ignoreMessage = (config) => config.ignoreExtraArgs != null
89 ? ', ignoring any additional arguments'
90 : '';