1 | <script src="dist/js/tether.js"></script>
2 | <script src="docs/js/markAttachment.js"></script>
3 | <script src="docs/js/intro.js"></script>
4 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="docs/css/intro.css"></link>
5 |
6 | Tether
7 | ======
8 |
9 | Tether is a JavaScript library for efficiently making an absolutely positioned
10 | element stay next to another element on the page. For example, you might
11 | want a tooltip or dialog to open, and remain, next to the relevant item
12 | on the page.
13 |
14 | Tether includes the ability to constrain the element within the viewport, its
15 | scroll parent, any other element on the page, or a fixed bounding box. When it
16 | exceeds those constraints it can be pinned to the edge, flip to the other
17 | side of its target, or hide itself.
18 |
19 | Tether optimizes its location placement to result in the minimum amount of
20 | 'jankyness' as the page is scrolled and resized. The page can maintain 60fps
21 | scrolling even with dozens or hundreds of tethers on screen (pop open the
22 | devtools timeline as you scroll this page).
23 |
24 | Tether is 5kb minified and gzipped, and supports IE9+, and all modern
25 | browsers.
26 |
27 | <h2 class="projects-header">Projects Built With Tether</h2>
28 | <p class="projects-paragraph">
29 | <a href="http://github.hubspot.com/select/docs/welcome"><span>Select</span><img src="http://github.hubspot.com/os-icons/select-icon.png" /></a>
30 | <a href="http://github.hubspot.com/drop/docs/welcome"><span>Drop</span><img src="http://github.hubspot.com/os-icons/drop-icon.png" /></a>
31 | <a href="http://github.hubspot.com/tooltip/docs/welcome"><span>Tooltip</span><img src="http://github.hubspot.com/os-icons/tooltip-icon.png" /></a>
32 | <a href="http://github.hubspot.com/shepherd/docs/welcome"><span>Shepherd</span><img src="http://github.hubspot.com/os-icons/shepherd-icon.png" /></a>
33 | </p>
34 |
35 | Usage
36 | -----
37 |
38 | The element to be moved is called the 'element'.
39 | The element in the page it's to be attached to is called the 'target'.
40 |
41 | To use Tether, you define a point on the target and a point on the element.
42 | Tether moves the element to keep those two points on top of each other.
43 |
44 | That point is called the attachment (we've marked it in the examples with
45 | a red <span class="attachment-mark"></span>). For example, if you'd like
46 | the element to sit on the left of the target:
47 |
48 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example='usage'>new Tether({
49 | element: yellowBox,
50 | target: greenBox,
51 | attachment: 'top right',
52 | targetAttachment: 'top left'
53 | });
54 | </code></pre><output data-example='usage'></output>
55 |
56 | Attachment
57 | ----------
58 |
59 | You can move the attachment points of both the element and the target.
60 |
61 | For example, lets move the element's attachment:
62 |
63 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
64 | element: yellowBox,
65 | target: greenBox,
66 | attachment: <mark>'bottom left'</mark>,
67 | targetAttachment: 'top left'
68 | });
69 | </code></pre><output></output>
70 |
71 | We can also change the target's attachment point:
72 |
73 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
74 | element: yellowBox,
75 | target: greenBox,
76 | attachment: 'bottom left',
77 | targetAttachment: <mark>'bottom right'</mark>
78 | });
79 | </code></pre><output></output>
80 |
81 | There are two more attachment points we haven't seen yet, center and middle:
82 |
83 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
84 | element: yellowBox,
85 | target: greenBox,
86 | attachment: <mark>'middle center'</mark>,
87 | targetAttachment: <mark>'middle center'</mark>
88 | });
89 | </code></pre><output></output>
90 |
91 | All told, Tether provides six built in attachment positions:
92 |
93 | - left
94 | - center
95 | - right
96 | - top
97 | - middle
98 | - bottom
99 |
100 | The syntax of the attachment properties is: `"vertical-attachment horizontal-attachment"`.
101 |
102 | You must always supply an `attachment`. If you don't supply a `target-attachment`, it is
103 | assumed to be the mirror image of `attachment`.
104 |
105 | ### Offset
106 |
107 | The six attachment points we provide are not always enough to place the element
108 | exactly where you want it. To correct this, we provide two more properties,
109 | `offset` and `targetOffset`.
110 |
111 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
112 | element: yellowBox,
113 | target: greenBox,
114 | attachment: 'top right',
115 | targetAttachment: 'top left',
116 | <mark>offset: '0 10px'</mark>
117 | });
118 | </code></pre><output></output>
119 |
120 | As you can see, we've moved the attachment point of the element 10px to the right.
121 | We can also move the attachment point of the target:
122 |
123 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
124 | element: yellowBox,
125 | target: greenBox,
126 | attachment: 'top right',
127 | targetAttachment: 'top left',
128 | offset: '0 10px',
129 | <mark>targetOffset: '20px 0'</mark>
130 | });
131 | </code></pre><output></output>
132 |
133 | The offset properties also accept percentages. Percentages in `offset` refer to
134 | the height and width of the element, `targetOffset` the height and width of
135 | the target.
136 |
137 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
138 | element: yellowBox,
139 | target: greenBox,
140 | attachment: 'top right',
141 | targetAttachment: 'top left',
142 | targetOffset: <mark>'0 75%'</mark>
143 | });
144 | </code></pre><output></output>
145 |
146 | The syntax of the offset properties is `"vertical-offset horizontal-offset"`
147 |
148 | Tether offers a couple of special attachments, using the `targetModifier`
149 | option:
150 |
151 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
152 | element: yellowBox,
153 | target: scrollBox,
154 | attachment: 'middle right',
155 | targetAttachment: 'middle left',
156 | targetModifier: 'scroll-handle'
157 | });
158 | </code></pre><output></output>
159 |
160 | Set the target to `document.body` to have the element follow the page's scroll bar.
161 |
162 | The `targetModifier` `visible` can be used to attach an element to the visible part
163 | of an element:
164 |
165 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
166 | element: yellowBox,
167 | target: document.body,
168 | attachment: 'middle center',
169 | targetAttachment: 'middle center',
170 | <mark>targetModifier: 'visible'</mark>
171 | });
172 | </code></pre><output deactivated></output>
173 |
174 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example="scroll-visible">new Tether({
175 | element: yellowBox,
176 | <mark>target: scrollBox</mark>,
177 | attachment: 'middle center',
178 | targetAttachment: 'middle center',
179 | targetModifier: 'visible'
180 | });
181 | </code></pre><output class="no-green scroll-page" data-example="scroll-visible"></output>
182 |
183 | Constraints
184 | -----------
185 |
186 | If you have tried any of the previous examples, you'll notice that it's pretty
187 | easy to scroll the regions in such a way that the element is hanging out on
188 | its own, with no target in sight.
189 |
190 | Constraints allow you to control what happens when the tethered element would
191 | have to fall outside of a defined region to maintain the attachment.
192 |
193 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
194 | element: yellowBox,
195 | target: greenBox,
196 | attachment: 'middle left',
197 | targetAttachment: 'middle left',
198 | <mark>constraints</mark>: [
199 | {
200 | to: 'scrollParent',
201 | pin: true
202 | }
203 | ]
204 | });
205 | </code></pre><output></output>
206 |
207 | We've created a constraint which will keep the element within its scroll
208 | parent by 'pinning' it to the edges if it tries to escape. For the sake
209 | of the example, we're also highlighting the pinned edge in red.
210 |
211 | Specify an array of sides if you'd only like to pin those edges:
212 |
213 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
214 | element: yellowBox,
215 | target: greenBox,
216 | attachment: 'middle left',
217 | targetAttachment: 'middle left',
218 | constraints: [
219 | {
220 | to: 'scrollParent',
221 | pin: <mark>['top']</mark>
222 | }
223 | ]
224 | });
225 | </code></pre><output></output>
226 |
227 | You might want to allow the element to change its attachment, if doing so
228 | would keep more of it within its assigned region:
229 |
230 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
231 | element: yellowBox,
232 | target: greenBox,
233 | attachment: 'top left',
234 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
235 | constraints: [
236 | {
237 | to: 'scrollParent',
238 | <mark>attachment: 'together'</mark>
239 | }
240 | ]
241 | });
242 | </code></pre><output></output>
243 |
244 | If you scroll the example a bit, you'll see it flip the attachment when necessary.
245 | You can combine `pin` and `attachment` as well:
246 |
247 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
248 | element: yellowBox,
249 | target: greenBox,
250 | attachment: 'top left',
251 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
252 | constraints: [
253 | {
254 | to: 'scrollParent',
255 | attachment: 'together',
256 | <mark>pin: true</mark>
257 | }
258 | ]
259 | });
260 | </code></pre><output></output>
261 |
262 | Attachment will accept any of these values:
263 |
264 | - `element`: Only change the element's attachment
265 | - `target`: Only change the target's attachment
266 | - `both`: Change either's attachment (or both), as needed
267 | - `together`: Change both the element's and target's attachment at the same time (to
268 | 'flip' the element to the other side of the attachment)
269 | - `none`: Don't allow changes to attachment (the default)
270 |
271 | Together is the option you will use most commonly:
272 |
273 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
274 | element: yellowBox,
275 | target: greenBox,
276 | attachment: 'top right',
277 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
278 | constraints: [
279 | {
280 | to: 'scrollParent',
281 | attachment: <mark>'together'</mark>
282 | }
283 | ]
284 | });
285 | </code></pre><output></output>
286 |
287 | You can also provide different settings for the vertical and horizontal attachments:
288 |
289 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
290 | element: yellowBox,
291 | target: greenBox,
292 | attachment: 'top left',
293 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
294 | constraints: [
295 | {
296 | to: 'scrollParent',
297 | attachment: <mark>'together none'</mark>
298 | }
299 | ]
300 | });
301 | </code></pre><output></output>
302 |
303 | Whenever the element is out of the constrained area, we add the `tether-out-of-bounds`
304 | class to it. If you add some CSS to make items with that class `display: none`, the
305 | tether will hide.
306 |
307 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example="hide">new Tether({
308 | element: yellowBox,
309 | target: greenBox,
310 | attachment: 'middle center',
311 | targetAttachment: 'middle center',
312 | constraints: [
313 | {
314 | to: 'scrollParent'
315 | }
316 | ]
317 | });
318 | </code></pre><output data-example="hide"></output>
319 |
320 | You can also constrain the element to the viewport, you'll have to scroll the
321 | page to see this one.
322 |
323 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example="window">new Tether({
324 | element: yellowBox,
325 | target: greenBox,
326 | attachment: 'top left',
327 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
328 | constraints: [
329 | {
330 | to: <mark>'window'</mark>,
331 | attachment: 'together'
332 | }
333 | ]
334 | });
335 | </code></pre><output data-example="window" class="scroll-page"></output>
336 |
337 | You can, of course, use pin with the window as well to
338 | make it always visible no matter where the user scrolls:
339 |
340 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
341 | element: yellowBox,
342 | target: greenBox,
343 | attachment: 'top left',
344 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
345 | constraints: [
346 | {
347 | to: 'window',
348 | attachment: 'together',
349 | <mark>pin: true</mark>
350 | }
351 | ]
352 | });
353 | </code></pre><output deactivated class="scroll-page visible-enabled"></output>
354 |
355 | `to` can be any of:
356 |
357 | - `'scrollParent'`
358 | - `'window'`
359 | - any DOM element
360 | - an array of bound points relative to the body `[X1, Y1, X2, Y2]`
361 |
362 | You can also provide multiple constraints, keeping in mind that they are
363 | processed in the order supplied (the last one always has the final word).
364 |
365 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
366 | element: yellowBox,
367 | target: greenBox,
368 | attachment: 'top left',
369 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
370 | constraints: [
371 | {
372 | to: <mark>'scrollParent'</mark>,
373 | pin: true
374 | },
375 | {
376 | to: <mark>'window'</mark>,
377 | attachment: 'together'
378 | }
379 | ]
380 | });
381 | </code></pre><output></output>
382 |
383 | Optimization
384 | ------------
385 |
386 | ### Element Moving
387 |
388 | The goal of Tether's optimizer is to not have to change the positioning
389 | CSS as the page is scrolled or resized. To accomplish this it looks at the
390 | last few positions, finds commonalities, and uses them to decide whether to
391 | position the element absolutely or with fixed positioning.
392 |
393 | If the element is fully contained within its scroll parent, its DOM node
394 | can also be moved inside the scroll parent, to avoid repaints as the
395 | container is scrolled.
396 |
397 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example="optimizer">new Tether({
398 | element: yellowBox,
399 | target: greenBox,
400 | attachment: 'top left',
401 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left'
402 | });
403 | </code></pre><output data-example="optimizer"></output>
404 |
405 | We are moving where the DOM node is, so if you have CSS which styles elements
406 | within the offset parent, you may see some rendering changes. Also note
407 | that this optimization works best if the scroll parent is the offset parent.
408 | In other words, **the scroll parent should be made position relative, fixed or
409 | absolute to enable this optimization.**
410 |
411 | If you do see stylistic changes occur when the element is moved,
412 | you might want to disable this optimization. You can do that by
413 | setting `optimizations.moveElement` to false.
414 |
415 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example="optimizer2">new Tether({
416 | element: yellowBox,
417 | target: greenBox,
418 | attachment: 'top left',
419 | targetAttachment: 'bottom left',
420 | optimizations: {
421 | <mark>moveElement: false</mark>
422 | }
423 | });
424 | </code></pre><output data-example="optimizer2"></output>
425 |
426 | ### GPU
427 |
428 | By default tether positions elements using CSS transforms. These transforms allow the
429 | tethered element to be moved as its own layer to not force a repaint of the underlying
430 | page.
431 |
432 | This method of positioning can cause some issues however, including color shifts and artifacts.
433 |
434 | If you experience these issues, you can disable this optimization by setting `optimizations.gpu`
435 | to false:
436 |
437 | <pre class="pre-with-output"><code class="lang-javascript" data-example>new Tether({
438 | element: yellowBox,
439 | target: greenBox,
440 | attachment: 'top left',
441 | optimizations: {
442 | <mark>gpu: false</mark>
443 | }
444 | });
445 | </code></pre><output></output>
446 |
447 | Methods
448 | -------
449 |
450 | The `Tether` constructor we've been using in these examples returns us a
451 | `Tether` object.
452 |
453 | The `Tether` object has these methods:
454 |
455 | - `setOptions({ options })` - Update any of the options (such as attachment)
456 | - `disable()` - Disable the tethering
457 | - `enable()` - Enable the tethering
458 | - `destroy()` - Disable and remove all references
459 | - `position()` - Manually trigger a repositioning
460 |
461 | Options
462 | -------
463 |
464 | The full list of options which can be passed to the `Tether` constructor and
465 | `setOptions`:
466 |
467 | - `element`: The DOM element, jQuery element, or a selector string of an element which will be moved
468 | - `target`: The DOM element, jQuery element, or a selector string of an element which the `element` will be attached to
469 | - `attachment`: A string of the form `'vert-attachment horiz-attachment'`
470 | - `vert-attachment` can be any of `'top'`, `'middle'`, `'bottom'`
471 | - `horiz-attachment` can be any of `'left'`, `'center'`, `'right'`
472 | - `targetAttachment`: A string similar to `attachment`.
473 | The one difference is that, if it's not provided, targetAttachment will assume the mirror
474 | image of `attachment`.
475 | - `offset`: A string of the form `'vert-offset horiz-offset'`
476 | - `vert-offset` and `horiz-offset` can be of the form `"20px"` or `"55%"`
477 | - `targetOffset`: A string similar to `offset`, but refering to the offset of the target
478 | - `targetModifier`: Can be set to `'visible'` or `'scroll-handle'`
479 | - `enabled`: Should the tether be enabled initially? Defaults to `true`.
480 | - `classes`: A hash of classes which should be changed or disabled
481 | - `classPrefix`: The prefix placed at the beginning of the default classes, defaults to `'tether'`
482 | - `optimizations`: A hash of optimizations, used to disable them
483 | - `constraints`: An array of constraint definition objects. Each definition is of the form:
484 | - `to`: A DOM element, bounding box, the string `'window'`, or the string `'scrollParent'`
485 | - `pin`: `true` or an array of strings representing the sides of the constraint
486 | - `attachment`: A string of the form `"vert-modifier horiz-modifier"`, or a single value
487 | representing both
488 | - Each modifier should be one of `"none"`, `"together"`, `"element"`, `"target"`, or `"both"`.
489 | - `outOfBoundsClass`: An alternative to `"tether-out-of-bounds"`, useful if the class
490 | needs to be differentiated from that of another constraint.
491 | - `pinnedClass`: An alternative to `"tether-pinned"`, similar to `outOfBoundsClass`.
492 |
493 | Classes
494 | -------
495 |
496 | Tether adds a variety of classes to the element and target to allow you to style
497 | them based on their tethering.
498 |
499 | You can change the prefix of the classes with the `classPrefix` option. It is `'tether'` by
500 | default, but you could, for example, change it to be `'bill'` if you were building the bill
501 | library and all the classes would be `'bill-*'`.
502 |
503 | ```javascript
504 | new Tether({
505 | classPrefix: 'bill'
506 | });
507 | ```
508 |
509 | The sass/css is similarily configurable, see
510 | [tooltip](https://github.com/HubSpot/tooltip/blob/master/sass/tooltip-theme-arrows.sass#L14) for
511 | an example of how to make your own prefixed css file.
512 |
513 | All classes can be changed or disabled with the `classes` option. For example, to change the
514 | `tether-element` class to be `my-box`:
515 |
516 | ```javascript
517 | new Tether({
518 | classes: {
519 | element: 'my-box'
520 | }
521 | });
522 | ```
523 |
524 | You can also disable classes you're not going to use:
525 |
526 | ```javascript
527 | new Tether({
528 | classes: {
529 | out-of-bounds: false
530 | }
531 | });
532 | ```
533 |
534 | - `tether-element` is added to the element
535 | - `tether-target` is added to the target
536 | - `tether-enabled` is added to both elements when tether is not disabled
537 | - `tether-element-attached-[left,right,top,bottom,middle,center]` is added to both
538 | elements based on the elements attachment, if the element becomes detached (for
539 | example, if it's pinned), that class is removed. The class reflects how the
540 | element is actually attached, so if a constraint changes the attachment, that
541 | change will be reflected in the class.
542 | - `tether-target-attached-[left,right,top,bottom,middle,center]` is added to both
543 | elements based on the target's attachment. All of the characteristics are the
544 | same as for element-attached.
545 |
546 | ### Constraint-related Classes
547 |
548 | - `tether-out-of-bounds`, `tether-out-of-bounds-[side]` are added to both the element and the target
549 | when the element is placed outside of its constraint.
550 | - `tether-pinned`, `tether-pinned-[side]` are added to both the element and target when a constraint
551 | has pinned the element to the [side] of the container.
552 |
553 | Browser Support
554 | ---------------
555 |
556 | Tether supports IE9+, and all modern browsers.
557 |
558 | Google doesn't support IE8, Microsoft is dropping support in a few months, and not supporting it saves
559 | us a whole lot of trouble. If you are interested in adding support, get in touch, we're happy to accept
560 | a PR.
561 |
562 | Contributing
563 | ------------
564 |
565 | Please contribute! Tether is developed in Coffeescript, but if that's problematic for you, feel free
566 | to submit pull requests which just change the JavaScript files, we can adapt them as needed.
567 |
568 | To build Tether, you need:
569 |
570 | - Node.js
571 |
572 | #### Instructions
573 |
574 | - Install the build tool
575 |
576 | ```bash
577 | npm install -g gulp
578 | ```
579 |
580 | - Install the project
581 |
582 | ```bash
583 | # In the project directory
584 | npm install
585 | ```
586 |
587 | - Build / Watch
588 |
589 | ```bash
590 | gulp
591 | ```