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5 <title>Tether – Marrying elements for life</title>
6 <meta name="description" content="Tether is a JavaScript and CSS library. It is free and open source and was developed by HubSpot developers Adam Schwartz (@adamfschwartz) and Zack Bloom (@zackbloom).">
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23 <div class="hero-wrap">
24 <table class="showcase hero"><tr><td>
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26 <div class="tether-target-demo">
27 <h1>Tether</h1>
28 <div class="mobile-copy">
29 <h2>Marrying elements for life</h2>
30 <p>
31 <a class="button" href="http://github.com/HubSpot/tether">★ On Github</a>
32 </p>
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41 <table class="showcase browser-demo"><tr><td>
42 <div class="showcase-inner">
43 <div class="section-copy" data-section="what">
44 <h2>What is Tether?</h2>
45 </div>
46 <div class="section-copy" data-section="how">
47 <h2>How Tether works.</h2>
48 </div>
49 <div class="section-copy" data-section="why">
50 <h2>Tether is powerful.</h2>
51 </div>
52 <div class="section-copy" data-section="outro">
53 <h2>Play with Tether</h2>
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71 <p>Tether is a low-level UI library that can be used to position any element on a page <i>next to any other element</i>.</p>
72 <p>It can be used for dropdown menus, tooltips, popovers, tours, help information, scroll guides, autocompletes, etc. The possibilities are endless.</p>
73 <p class="example-paragraph">In this example we're showing an action menu <em>tethered</em> to a list item.</p>
74 </div>
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76 </td></tr></table>
78 <table class="showcase browser-demo-section no-next-arrow" data-section="how"><tr><td>
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81 <p>Tether works by creating an absolutely positioned element and meticulously tracking the movements of a <i>target</i> which you specify.</p>
82 <p>The <i>target</i> and <i>element</i> can be tethered together in a variety of different ways.</p>
83 <p class="example-paragraph">Notice how the <i>tethered element</i> stays tethered to its <i>target</i> list item even as the left pane is scrolled up and down.</p>
84 </div>
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88 <table class="showcase browser-demo-section no-next-arrow" data-section="why"><tr><td>
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90 <div class="section-scroll-copy-inner">
91 <p>Tether can keep your element positioned properly even in some tough situations.</p>
92 <p>Tether handles all of the common pain points:</p>
93 <ul>
94 <li>Automatically detect collisions with the edge of the page or edge of the scrollParent</li>
95 <li>Automatically reposition on browser resize, scroll, and other events,</li>
96 <li>Constrain the position to any bounding box,</li>
97 </ul>
98 <p>...and a lot more.</p>
99 </div>
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103 <table class="showcase browser-demo-section no-next-arrow" data-section="outro"><tr><td>
104 <div class="section-scroll-copy">
105 <div class="section-scroll-copy-inner">
106 <p class="example-paragraph">Interact with this demo.</p>
107 <p>&nbsp;</p>
108 <p>To learn more, check out our <a href="/">documentation</a>.</p>
109 </div>
110 </div>
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119 <h1>Tether Family</h1>
120 <h2>These projects are all powered by Tether's positioning engine.</h2>
121 <div class="projects-list">
122 <a href="//github.hubspot.com/drop/docs/welcome" class="project">
123 <h1>Drop</h1>
124 <span class="os-icon drop-icon"></span>
125 <p>Create dropdowns, popovers, and more.</p>
126 </a>
127 <a href="//github.hubspot.com/tooltip/docs/welcome" class="project">
128 <h1>Tooltip</h1>
129 <span class="os-icon tooltip-icon"></span>
130 <p>Stylable tooltips built on Tether.</p>
131 </a>
132 <a href="//github.hubspot.com/select/docs/welcome" class="project">
133 <h1>Select</h1>
134 <span class="os-icon select-icon"></span>
135 <p>Stylable select elements built on Tether.</p>
136 </a>
137 <a href="//github.hubspot.com/shepherd/docs/welcome" class="project">
138 <h1>Shepherd</h1>
139 <span class="os-icon shepherd-icon"></span>
140 <p>Guide your users through a tour of your app.</p>
141 </a>
142 </div>
143 </div>
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