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3 | # The Definitive List of Text Extensions
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29 | A package that contains an array of every single file extension there is for text files
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34 | ## Usage
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36 | [Complete API Documentation.](http://master.textextensions.bevry.surge.sh/docs/)
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38 | ```typescript
39 | import list from 'textextensions'
40 | console.log(list)
41 | ```
42 |
43 | ```javascript
44 | const list = require('textextensions').default
45 | console.log(list)
46 | ```
47 |
48 | JSON also available via `textextensions/list.json`
49 |
50 | CDN access available via https://unpkg.com/textextensions/list.json
51 |
52 | Missing an extension? [Send a pull request!](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/edit/master/source/index.ts)
53 |
54 | Want a definitive list of binary extensions? Check out [bevry/binaryextensions](https://github.com/bevry/binaryextensions)
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56 | Want to detect if a file is text or binary? Check out [bevry/istextorbinary](https://github.com/bevry/istextorbinary)
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60 | ## Install
61 |
62 | ### [npm](https://npmjs.com "npm is a package manager for javascript")
63 |
64 | - Install: `npm install --save textextensions`
65 | - Import: `import pkg from ('textextensions')`
66 | - Require: `const pkg = require('textextensions').default`
67 |
68 | ### [Deno](https://deno.land "Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, it is an alternative for Node.js")
69 |
70 | ``` typescript
71 | import pkg from 'https://unpkg.com/textextensions@^6.11.0/edition-deno/index.ts'
72 | ```
73 | ### [Skypack](https://www.skypack.dev "Skypack is a JavaScript Delivery Network for modern web apps")
74 |
75 | ``` html
76 | <script type="module">
77 | import pkg from '//cdn.skypack.dev/textextensions@^6.11.0'
78 | </script>
79 | ```
80 | ### [unpkg](https://unpkg.com "unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm")
81 |
82 | ``` html
83 | <script type="module">
84 | import pkg from '//unpkg.com/textextensions@^6.11.0'
85 | </script>
86 | ```
87 | ### [jspm](https://jspm.io "Native ES Modules CDN")
88 |
89 | ``` html
90 | <script type="module">
91 | import pkg from '//dev.jspm.io/textextensions@6.11.0'
92 | </script>
93 | ```
94 | ### [Editions](https://editions.bevry.me "Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.")
95 |
96 | This package is published with the following editions:
97 | - `textextensions` aliases `textextensions/index.cjs` which uses the [Editions Autoloader](https://github.com/bevry/editions "You can use the Editions Autoloader to autoload the appropriate edition for your consumers environment") to automatically select the correct edition for the consumer's environment
98 | - `textextensions/source/index.ts` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") source code with [Import](https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/#modules "ECMAScript Modules") for modules
99 | - `textextensions/edition-browsers/index.js` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") compiled against [ES2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ES2022 "ECMAScript 2022") for web browsers with [Import](https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/#modules "ECMAScript Modules") for modules
100 | - `textextensions/edition-es2022/index.js` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") compiled against [ES2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ES2022 "ECMAScript 2022") for [Node.js](https://nodejs.org "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine") 6 || 8 || 10 || 12 || 14 || 16 || 18 || 20 || 21 with [Require](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v5.x/docs/api/modules.html "Node/CJS Modules") for modules
101 | - `textextensions/edition-es5/index.js` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") compiled against ES5 for [Node.js](https://nodejs.org "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine") 4 || 6 || 8 || 10 || 12 || 14 || 16 || 18 || 20 || 21 with [Require](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v5.x/docs/api/modules.html "Node/CJS Modules") for modules
102 | - `textextensions/edition-es2022-esm/index.js` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") compiled against [ES2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ES2022 "ECMAScript 2022") for [Node.js](https://nodejs.org "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine") 12 || 14 || 16 || 18 || 20 || 21 with [Import](https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/#modules "ECMAScript Modules") for modules
103 | - `textextensions/edition-types/index.d.ts` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") compiled Types with [Import](https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/#modules "ECMAScript Modules") for modules
104 | - `textextensions/edition-deno/index.ts` is [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ "TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.") source code made to be compatible with [Deno](https://deno.land "Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, it is an alternative to Node.js")
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110 | ## History
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112 | [Discover the release history by heading on over to the `HISTORY.md` file.](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/blob/HEAD/HISTORY.md#files)
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118 | ## Backers
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120 | ### Code
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122 | [Discover how to contribute via the `CONTRIBUTING.md` file.](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/blob/HEAD/CONTRIBUTING.md#files)
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124 | #### Authors
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126 | - [Benjamin Lupton](https://balupton.com) — Accelerating collaborative wisdom.
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128 | #### Maintainers
129 |
130 | - [Benjamin Lupton](https://balupton.com) — Accelerating collaborative wisdom.
131 |
132 | #### Contributors
133 |
134 | - [Benjamin Lupton](https://github.com/balupton) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=balupton "View the GitHub contributions of Benjamin Lupton on repository bevry/textextensions")
135 | - [Brian Lukoff](https://github.com/brianlukoff) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=brianlukoff "View the GitHub contributions of Brian Lukoff on repository bevry/textextensions")
136 | - [Connor Chen](https://github.com/connorjchen) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=connorjchen "View the GitHub contributions of Connor Chen on repository bevry/textextensions")
137 | - [Felipe Beline](https://github.com/fbeline) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=fbeline "View the GitHub contributions of Felipe Beline on repository bevry/textextensions")
138 | - [Jamy Timmermans](https://github.com/JamyDev) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=JamyDev "View the GitHub contributions of Jamy Timmermans on repository bevry/textextensions")
139 | - [Jason Caldwell](https://github.com/jaswrks) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=jaswrks "View the GitHub contributions of Jason Caldwell on repository bevry/textextensions")
140 | - [Joshua Evans](https://github.com/TheJoshuaEvans) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=TheJoshuaEvans "View the GitHub contributions of Joshua Evans on repository bevry/textextensions")
141 | - [Kaan Barmore-Genç](https://github.com/SeriousBug) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=SeriousBug "View the GitHub contributions of Kaan Barmore-Genç on repository bevry/textextensions")
142 | - [LvChengbin](https://github.com/LvChengbin) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=LvChengbin "View the GitHub contributions of LvChengbin on repository bevry/textextensions")
143 | - [monsterkodi](https://github.com/monsterkodi) — [view contributions](https://github.com/bevry/textextensions/commits?author=monsterkodi "View the GitHub contributions of monsterkodi on repository bevry/textextensions")
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145 | ### Finances
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147 | <span class="badge-githubsponsors"><a href="https://github.com/sponsors/balupton" title="Donate to this project using GitHub Sponsors"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/github-donate-yellow.svg" alt="GitHub Sponsors donate button" /></a></span>
148 | <span class="badge-thanksdev"><a href="https://thanks.dev/u/gh/bevry" title="Donate to this project using ThanksDev"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/thanksdev-donate-yellow.svg" alt="ThanksDev donate button" /></a></span>
149 | <span class="badge-patreon"><a href="https://patreon.com/bevry" title="Donate to this project using Patreon"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/patreon-donate-yellow.svg" alt="Patreon donate button" /></a></span>
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153 | <span class="badge-crypto"><a href="https://bevry.me/crypto" title="Donate to this project using Cryptocurrency"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/crypto-donate-yellow.svg" alt="crypto donate button" /></a></span>
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155 |
156 | #### Sponsors
157 |
158 | - [Andrew Nesbitt](https://nesbitt.io) — Software engineer and researcher
159 | - [Balsa](https://balsa.com) — We're Balsa, and we're building tools for builders.
160 | - [Codecov](https://codecov.io) — Empower developers with tools to improve code quality and testing.
161 | - [Poonacha Medappa](https://poonachamedappa.com)
162 | - [Rob Morris](https://github.com/Rob-Morris)
163 | - [Sentry](https://sentry.io) — Real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games.
164 | - [Syntax](https://syntax.fm) — Syntax Podcast
165 |
166 | #### Donors
167 |
168 | - [Andrew Nesbitt](https://nesbitt.io)
169 | - [Armen Mkrtchian](https://mogoni.dev)
170 | - [Balsa](https://balsa.com)
171 | - [Chad](https://opencollective.com/chad8)
172 | - [Codecov](https://codecov.io)
173 | - [dr.dimitru](https://veliovgroup.com)
174 | - [Elliott Ditman](https://elliottditman.com)
175 | - [entroniq](https://gitlab.com/entroniq)
176 | - [GitHub](https://github.com/about)
177 | - [Hunter Beast](https://cryptoquick.com)
178 | - [Jean-Luc Geering](https://github.com/jlgeering)
179 | - [Michael Duane Mooring](https://mdm.cc)
180 | - [Michael Harry Scepaniak](https://michaelscepaniak.com)
181 | - [Mohammed Shah](https://github.com/smashah)
182 | - [Mr. Henry](https://mrhenry.be)
183 | - [Nermal](https://arjunaditya.vercel.app)
184 | - [Pleo](https://pleo.io)
185 | - [Poonacha Medappa](https://poonachamedappa.com)
186 | - [Rob Morris](https://github.com/Rob-Morris)
187 | - [Robert de Forest](https://github.com/rdeforest)
188 | - [Sentry](https://sentry.io)
189 | - [ServieJS](https://github.com/serviejs)
190 | - [Skunk Team](https://skunk.team)
191 | - [Syntax](https://syntax.fm)
192 | - [WriterJohnBuck](https://github.com/WriterJohnBuck)
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198 | ## License
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200 | Unless stated otherwise all works are:
201 |
202 | - Copyright © [Benjamin Lupton](https://balupton.com)
203 |
204 | and licensed under:
205 |
206 | - [Artistic License 2.0](http://spdx.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0.html)
207 |
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