1 | # then-request
2 |
3 | A request library that returns promises and supports both browsers and node.js
4 |
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9 | <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href='https://app.codesponsor.io/link/gg9sZwctSLxyov1sJwW6pfyS/then/then-request'>
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11 | </a>
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13 | ## Installation
14 |
15 | npm install then-request
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | `request(method, url, options, callback?)`
20 |
21 | The following examples all work on both client and server.
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | var request = require('then-request');
25 |
26 | request('GET', 'http://example.com').done(function (res) {
27 | console.log(res.getBody());
28 | });
29 |
30 | request('POST', 'http://example.com/json-api', {json: {some: 'values'}}).getBody('utf8').then(JSON.parse).done(function (res) {
31 | console.log(res);
32 | });
33 |
34 | var FormData = request.FormData;
35 | var data = new FormData();
36 |
37 | data.append('some', 'values');
38 |
39 | request('POST', 'http://example.com/form-api', {form: data}).done(function (res) {
40 | console.log(res.getBody());
41 | });
42 | ```
43 |
44 | Or with ES6
45 |
46 | ```js
47 | import request, {FormData} from 'then-request';
48 |
49 | request('GET', 'http://example.com').done((res) => {
50 | console.log(res.getBody());
51 | });
52 |
53 | request('POST', 'http://example.com/json-api', {json: {some: 'values'}}).getBody('utf8').then(JSON.parse).done((res) => {
54 | console.log(res);
55 | });
56 |
57 | var FormData = request.FormData;
58 | var data = new FormData();
59 |
60 | data.append('some', 'values');
61 |
62 | request('POST', 'http://example.com/form-api', {form: data}).done((res) => {
63 | console.log(res.getBody());
64 | });
65 | ```
66 |
67 | **Method:**
68 |
69 | An HTTP method (e.g. `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` or `HEAD`). It is not case sensitive.
70 |
71 | **URL:**
72 |
73 | A url as a string (e.g. `http://example.com`). Relative URLs are allowed in the browser.
74 |
75 | **Options:**
76 |
77 | - `qs` - an object containing querystring values to be appended to the uri
78 | - `headers` - http headers (default: `{}`)
79 | - `body` - body for PATCH, POST and PUT requests. Must be a `Buffer`, `ReadableStream` or `String` (only strings are accepted client side)
80 | - `json` - sets `body` but to JSON representation of value and adds `Content-type: application/json`. Does not have any affect on how the response is treated.
81 | - `form` - You can pass a `FormData` instance to the `form` option, this will manage all the appropriate headers for you. Does not have any affect on how the response is treated.
82 | - `cache` - only used in node.js (browsers already have their own caches) Can be `'memory'`, `'file'` or your own custom implementaton (see https://github.com/ForbesLindesay/http-basic#implementing-a-cache).
83 | - `followRedirects` - defaults to `true` but can be explicitly set to `false` on node.js to prevent then-request following redirects automatically.
84 | - `maxRedirects` - sets the maximum number of redirects to follow before erroring on node.js (default: `Infinity`)
85 | - `allowRedirectHeaders` (default: `null`) - an array of headers allowed for redirects (none if `null`).
86 | - `gzip` - defaults to `true` but can be explicitly set to `false` on node.js to prevent then-request automatically supporting the gzip encoding on responses.
87 | - `agent` - (default: `false`) - An `Agent` to controll keep-alive. When set to `false` use an `Agent` with default values.
88 | - `timeout` (default: `false`) - times out if no response is returned within the given number of milliseconds.
89 | - `socketTimeout` (default: `false`) - calls `req.setTimeout` internally which causes the request to timeout if no new data is seen for the given number of milliseconds. This option is ignored in the browser.
90 | - `retry` (default: `false`) - retry GET requests. Set this to `true` to retry when the request errors or returns a status code greater than or equal to 400 (can also be a function that takes `(err, req, attemptNo) => shouldRetry`)
91 | - `retryDelay` (default: `200`) - the delay between retries (can also be set to a function that takes `(err, res, attemptNo) => delay`)
92 | - `maxRetries` (default: `5`) - the number of times to retry before giving up.
93 |
94 |
95 | **Returns:**
96 |
97 | A [Promise](https://www.promisejs.org/) is returned that eventually resolves to the `Response`. The resulting Promise also has an additional `.getBody(encoding?)` method that is equivallent to calling `.then(function (res) { return res.getBody(encoding?); })`.
98 |
99 | ### Response
100 |
101 | Note that even for status codes that represent an error, the promise will be resolved as the request succeeded. You can call `getBody` if you want to error on invalid status codes. The response has the following properties:
102 |
103 | - `statusCode` - a number representing the HTTP status code
104 | - `headers` - http response headers
105 | - `body` - a string if in the browser or a buffer if on the server
106 | - `url` - the URL that was requested (in the case of redirects on the server, this is the final url that was requested)
107 |
108 | It also has a method `getBody(encoding?)` which looks like:
109 |
110 | ```js
111 | function getBody(encoding) {
112 | if (this.statusCode >= 300) {
113 | var err = new Error('Server responded with status code ' + this.statusCode + ':\n' + this.body.toString(encoding));
114 | err.statusCode = this.statusCode;
115 | err.headers = this.headers;
116 | err.body = this.body;
117 | throw err;
118 | }
119 | return encoding ? this.body.toString(encoding) : this.body;
120 | }
121 | ```
122 |
123 | ### FormData
124 |
125 | ```js
126 | var FormData = require('then-request').FormData;
127 | ```
128 |
129 | Form data either exposes the node.js module, [form-data](https://www.npmjs.com/package/form-data), or the builtin browser object [FormData](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/FormData), as appropriate.
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131 | They have broadly the same API, with the exception that form-data handles node.js streams and Buffers, while FormData handles the browser's `File` Objects.
132 |
133 | ## License
134 |
135 | MIT