1 | <h1 align="center">
2 | <img alt="threads.js" src="./docs/assets/logo-label.png" width="75%" />
3 | </h1>
4 | <p align="center">
5 | <a href="https://travis-ci.org/andywer/threads.js" target="_blank"><img alt="Build status" src="https://img.shields.io/travis/andywer/threads.js/v1.svg?style=flat-square"></a>
6 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/threads" target="_blank"><img alt="npm (tag)" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/threads.svg?style=flat-square"></a>
7 | <a href="https://gitter.im/threadsjs/community" target="_blank"><img alt="Chat room" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-gitter.im-orange" /></a>
8 | </p>
9 |
10 | <br />
11 |
12 | Offload CPU-intensive tasks to worker threads in node.js, web browsers and electron using one uniform API.
13 |
14 | Uses web workers in the browser, `worker_threads` in node 12+ and [`tiny-worker`](https://github.com/avoidwork/tiny-worker) in node 8 to 11.
15 |
16 | ### Features
17 |
18 | * First-class support for **async functions** & **observables**
19 | * Write code once, run it **on all platforms**
20 | * Manage bulk task executions with **thread pools**
21 | * Use **require()** and **import**/**export** in workers
22 | * Works great with **webpack**
23 |
24 | ### Version 0.x
25 |
26 | You can find the old version 0.12 of threads.js on the [`v0` branch](https://github.com/andywer/threads.js/tree/v0). All the content on this page refers to version 1.0 which is a rewrite of the library with a whole new API.
27 |
28 | ## Installation
29 |
30 | ```
31 | npm install threads tiny-worker
32 | ```
33 |
34 | *You only need to install the `tiny-worker` package to support node.js < 12. It's an optional dependency and used as a fallback if `worker_threads` are not available.*
35 |
36 | ## Platform support
37 |
38 | <details>
39 | <summary>Run on node.js</summary>
40 |
41 | <p></p>
42 |
43 | Running code using threads.js in node works out of the box.
44 |
45 | Note that we wrap the native `Worker`, so `new Worker("./foo/bar")` will resolve the path relative to the module that calls it, not relative to the current working directory.
46 |
47 | That aligns it with the behavior when bundling the code with webpack or parcel.
48 |
49 | </details>
50 |
51 | <details>
52 | <summary>Webpack build setup</summary>
53 |
54 | #### Webpack config
55 |
56 | Use with the [`threads-plugin`](https://github.com/andywer/threads-plugin). It will transparently detect all `new Worker("./unbundled-path")` expressions, bundles the worker code and replaces the `new Worker(...)` path with the worker bundle path, so you don't need to explicitly use the `worker-loader` or define extra entry points.
57 |
58 | ```sh
59 | npm install -D threads-plugin
60 | ```
61 |
62 | Then add it to your `webpack.config.js`:
63 |
64 | ```diff
65 | + const ThreadsPlugin = require('threads-plugin');
66 |
67 | module.exports = {
68 | // ...
69 | plugins: [
70 | + new ThreadsPlugin()
71 | ]
72 | // ...
73 | }
74 | ```
75 |
76 | #### Node.js bundles
77 |
78 | If you are using webpack to create a bundle that will be run in node (webpack config `target: "node"`), you also need to specify that the `tiny-worker` package used for node < 12 should not be bundled:
79 |
80 | ```diff
81 | module.exports = {
82 | // ...
83 | + externals: {
84 | + "tiny-worker": "tiny-worker"
85 | + }
86 | // ...
87 | }
88 | ```
89 |
90 | Make sure that `tiny-worker` is listed in your `package.json` `dependencies` in that case.
91 |
92 | #### When using TypeScript
93 |
94 | Note: You'll need to be using Typescript version 4+, as the types generated by threads.js are not supported in Typescript 3.
95 |
96 | Make sure the TypeScript compiler keeps the `import` / `export` statements intact, so webpack resolves them. Otherwise the `threads-plugin` won't be able to do its job.
97 |
98 | ```diff
99 | module.exports = {
100 | // ...
101 | module: {
102 | rules: [
103 | {
104 | test: /\.ts$/,
105 | loader: "ts-loader",
106 | + options: {
107 | + compilerOptions: {
108 | + module: "esnext"
109 | + }
110 | + }
111 | }
112 | ]
113 | },
114 | // ...
115 | }
116 | ```
117 |
118 | </details>
119 |
120 | <details>
121 | <summary>Parcel bundler setup</summary>
122 |
123 | <p></p>
124 |
125 | You need to import `threads/register` once at the beginning of your application code (in the master code, not in the workers):
126 |
127 | ```diff
128 | import { spawn } from "threads"
129 | + import "threads/register"
130 |
131 | // ...
132 |
133 | const work = await spawn(new Worker("./worker"))
134 | ```
135 |
136 | This registers the library's `Worker` implementation for your platform as the global `Worker`. This is necessary, since you cannot `import { Worker } from "threads"` or Parcel won't recognize `new Worker()` as a web worker anymore.
137 |
138 | Be aware that this might affect any code that tries to instantiate a normal web worker `Worker` and now instead instantiates a threads.js `Worker`. The threads.js `Worker` is just a web worker with some sugar on top, but that sugar might have unexpected side effects on third-party libraries.
139 |
140 | Everything else should work out of the box.
141 |
142 | </details>
143 |
144 | ## Getting Started
145 |
146 | ### Basics
147 |
148 | ```js
149 | // master.js
150 | import { spawn, Thread, Worker } from "threads"
151 |
152 | const auth = await spawn(new Worker("./workers/auth"))
153 | const hashed = await auth.hashPassword("Super secret password", "1234")
154 |
155 | console.log("Hashed password:", hashed)
156 |
157 | await Thread.terminate(auth)
158 | ```
159 |
160 | ```js
161 | // workers/auth.js
162 | import sha256 from "js-sha256"
163 | import { expose } from "threads/worker"
164 |
165 | expose({
166 | hashPassword(password, salt) {
167 | return sha256(password + salt)
168 | }
169 | })
170 | ```
171 |
172 | ### spawn()
173 |
174 | The `hashPassword()` function of the `auth` object in the master code proxies the call to the `hashPassword()` function in the worker:
175 |
176 | If the worker's function returns a promise or an observable then you can just use the return value as such in the master code. If the function returns a primitive value, expect the master function to return a promise resolving to that value.
177 |
178 | ### expose()
179 |
180 | Use `expose()` to make a function or an object containing methods callable from the master thread.
181 |
182 | In case of exposing an object, `spawn()` will asynchronously return an object exposing all the object's functions. If you `expose()` a function, `spawn` will also return a callable function, not an object.
183 |
184 | ## Usage
185 |
186 | <p>
187 | Find the full documentation on the <a href="https://threads.js.org/" rel="nofollow">website</a>:
188 | </p>
189 |
190 | - [**Quick start**](https://threads.js.org/getting-started)
191 | - [**Basic usage**](https://threads.js.org/usage)
192 | - [**Using observables**](https://threads.js.org/usage-observables)
193 | - [**Thread pools**](https://threads.js.org/usage-pool)
194 | - [**Advanced**](https://threads.js.org/usage-advanced)
195 |
196 | ## Webpack
197 |
198 | Threads.js works with webpack. Usually all you need to do is adding the
199 | [`threads-plugin`](https://github.com/andywer/threads-plugin).
200 |
201 | See [Build with webpack](https://threads.js.org/getting-started#build-with-webpack)
202 | on the website for details.
203 |
204 |
205 | ## API
206 |
207 | TODO
208 | -->
209 |
210 | ## Debug
211 |
212 | We are using the [`debug`](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug) package to provide opt-in debug logging. All the package's debug messages have a scope starting with `threads:`, with different sub-scopes:
213 |
214 | - `threads:master:messages`
215 | - `threads:master:spawn`
216 | - `threads:master:thread-utils`
217 | - `threads:pool:${poolName || poolID}`
218 |
219 | Set it to `DEBUG=threads:*` to enable all the library's debug logging. To run its tests with full debug logging, for instance:
220 |
221 | ```
222 | DEBUG=threads:* npm test
223 | ```
224 |
225 | ## License
226 |
227 | MIT