2 |
3 | [three-js] exposes real modules now via three/examples/jsm/...
4 | For example to import the Orbit, do
5 |
6 | ```js
7 | import { OrbitControls } from "three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls"
8 | ```
9 |
10 | # three-orbitcontrols
11 |
12 | > is the [three.js] OrbitControls from official repo examples
13 |
14 | ## Installation
15 |
16 | To install with npm do
17 |
18 | ```bash
19 | npm install three
20 | npm install three-orbitcontrols
21 | ```
22 |
23 | ## Usage
24 |
25 | All credit goes to [OrbitControls.js][original_orbitcontrols] contributors.
26 | See also [official OrbitControls documentation][orbitcontrols_documentation].
27 |
28 | I have just **stolen** the code and modified to export it as a module so you can do something like
29 |
30 | ```javascript
31 | const THREE = require('three')
32 | const OrbitControls = require('three-orbitcontrols')
33 | // ES6 also works, i.e.
34 | // import OrbitControls from 'three-orbitcontrols'
35 |
36 | // Init THREE scene (add your code)
37 |
38 | const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, width / height, 0.1, 1000)
39 | camera.position.z = 5
40 |
41 | const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas })
42 |
43 | const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement)
44 | controls.enableDamping = true
45 | controls.dampingFactor = 0.25
46 | controls.enableZoom = false
47 | ```
48 |
49 | Please note that:
50 |
51 | 1. You call `OrbitControls` directly instead of `THREE.OrbitControls`.
52 | 2. This package does not depend directly on [three.js], which is declared as a peer dependency.
53 |
54 | See also examples:
55 |
56 | - [CommonJS example](https://github.com/fibo/three-orbitcontrols/tree/master/example.js): clone this repo, install deps and launch `npm run example_commonjs`.
57 | - [TypeScript example](https://github.com/fibo/three-orbitcontrols/tree/master/example.ts): clone this repo, install deps and launch `npm run example_typescript`.
58 |
59 | ## Changelog
60 |
61 | See [OrbiControls.js history here](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/commits/master/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js).
62 |
63 | Please also note that this repo's minor version equals [three.js] release number.
64 |
65 | ## Motivation
66 |
67 | There is another package similar to this one: [three-orbit-controls].
68 | I decided to create another package with a different approach, see [this issue for the rationale](https://github.com/mattdesl/three-orbit-controls/issues/17).
69 |
70 | I am using this package for my [3d tic tac toe canvas](https://github.com/fibo/tris3d-canvas): see also online [demo](http://g14n.info/tris3d-canvas/example/).
71 |
72 |
73 | I am using this package for my [3d tic tac toe](http://tris3d.net) online game.
74 | -->
75 |
76 | ## License
77 |
78 | License is the same as [three.js], i.e. [MIT].
79 |
80 | [original_orbitcontrols]: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js "OrbitControls.js"
81 | [orbitcontrols_documentation]: https://threejs.org/docs/#examples/controls/OrbitControls "OrbitControls documentation"
82 | [three.js]: http://threejs.org/ "three.js"
83 | [MIT]: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/LICENSE "three.js license"
84 | [three-orbit-controls]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/three-orbit-controls "three-orbit-controls"