1 | WYSIWYG editor for Vuetify. Component simplifies integration [tiptap](https://github.com/scrumpy/tiptap) with [vuetify](https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify).
2 |
3 | [DEMO on codesanbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/p2wnzxyo90?fontsize=14&module=%2Fsrc%2Fexamples%2FSimple.vue)
4 | [
5 | 
6 | ](https://codesandbox.io/s/p2wnzxyo90?fontsize=14&module=%2Fsrc%2Fexamples%2FSimple.vue)
7 |
8 | ## Features
9 |
10 | - used vuetify components
11 | - internationalization (2 languages: en, ru)
12 | - everything is ready for use
13 | - props and events are available
14 | - the project is ready to actively develop if there is support (stars)!
15 |
16 | ## Installation
17 |
18 | ```
19 | yarn add tiptap-vuetify
20 | # Or
21 | npm install --save tiptap-vuetify
22 | ```
23 |
24 |
25 | ## Get started
26 |
27 | 1) Add `Vue.use` for plugin. You can select your icons group (`iconsGroup`, `'md'` by default).
28 |
29 | ```js
30 | import { TiptapVuetifyPlugin } from 'tiptap-vuetify'
31 | // don't forget to import styles
32 | import 'tiptap-vuetify/dist/main.css'
33 |
34 | Vue.use(TiptapVuetifyPlugin, {
35 | // optional, default to 'md' (default vuetify icons before v2.0.0)
36 | iconsGroup: 'md'
37 | })
38 | ```
39 |
40 | More about vuetify icons you can read [here](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/icons).
41 |
42 | 2) Use in your component. Here is a complete example:
43 |
44 | ```vue
45 | <template>
46 | <div>
47 | <!--Use the component in the right place of the template-->
48 | <tiptap-vuetify
49 | v-model="content"
50 | :extensions="extensions"
51 | />
52 |
53 | <!--Here's how to make a preview (optional)-->
54 | <h1>Preview</h1>
55 | <hr>
56 |
57 | <div
58 | class="tiptap-vuetify-editor__content"
59 | v-html="content"
60 | />
61 | </div>
62 | </template>
63 |
64 | <script>
65 | // import the component and the necessary extensions
66 | import { TiptapVuetify, Heading, Bold, Italic, Strike, Underline, Code, CodeBlock, Paragraph, BulletList, OrderedList,
67 | ListItem, Link, Blockquote, HardBreak, HorizontalRule, History
68 | } from 'tiptap-vuetify'
69 |
70 | export default {
71 | // specify in the list of components
72 | components: { TiptapVuetify },
73 | data: () => ({
74 | // declare extensions you want to use
75 | extensions: [
76 | // you can specify options for extension
77 | new Heading({
78 | levels: [1, 2, 3]
79 | }),
80 | new Bold(),
81 | new Italic(),
82 | new Strike(),
83 | new Underline(),
84 | new Code(),
85 | new CodeBlock(),
86 | new Paragraph(),
87 | new BulletList(),
88 | new OrderedList(),
89 | new ListItem(),
90 | new Link(),
91 | new Blockquote(),
92 | new HardBreak(),
93 | new HorizontalRule(),
94 | new History()
95 | ],
96 | // starting content for the editor
97 | content: `
98 | <h1>Yay Headlines!</h1>
99 | <p>All these <strong>cool tags</strong> are working now.</p>
100 | `
101 | })
102 | }
103 | </script>
104 | ```
105 |
106 | There is another use case with the script tag (CDN version of package):
107 |
108 | ```html
109 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/tiptap-vuetify"></script>
110 | ```
111 |
112 | Or
113 |
114 | ```html
115 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tiptap-vuetify"></script>
116 | ```
117 |
118 | ## Props
119 |
120 | ### extensions
121 |
122 | You can use the necessary extensions. The corresponding buttons are added automatically
123 | (in the order in which you specify the extension).
124 |
125 | How to import and use them can be seen in the example above.
126 |
127 | Available extensions:
128 |
129 | - `Bold`
130 | - `Italic`
131 | - `Strike`
132 | - `Underline`
133 | - `Code`
134 | - `CodeBlock`
135 | - `Paragraph`
136 | - `BulletList`
137 | - `OrderedList`
138 | - `ListItem`
139 | - `Link`
140 | - `Blockquote`
141 | - `HardBreak`
142 | - `HorizontalRule`
143 | - `History`
144 |
145 | ### toolbar-attributes
146 |
147 | You can specify your attributes for the toolbar (`<v-toolbar>` vuetify component).
148 |
149 | For example, change the color:
150 | ```vue
151 | :toolbar-attributes="{ color: 'yellow' }"
152 | ```
153 |
154 | ### editor-properties
155 |
156 | Tiptap `Editor` properties (passed to the constructor).
157 |
158 | You can see the full list of machines [here](https://github.com/scrumpy/tiptap#editor-properties).
159 |
160 | Only these machines are not available: `content`, `onUpdate`, they are used in this package.
161 | If you want to add extensions to the `extensions` property, then use the `native-extensions` prop of this package.
162 |
163 |
164 | ### native-extensions
165 |
166 | How to use:
167 |
168 | ```vue
169 | <tiptap-vuetify
170 | :native-extensions="nativeExtensions"
171 | />
172 | ```
173 |
174 | ```js
175 | // in script:
176 | data () {
177 | return {
178 | nativeExtensions: [new TiptapExtension1(), new TiptapExtension2()]
179 | }
180 | }
181 | ```
182 |
183 | ## Events
184 |
185 | ### @init
186 |
187 | **first argument** (object):
188 | ```ts
189 | {
190 | // tiptap editor instance
191 | editor: Editor
192 | }
193 | ```
194 |
195 | How to use:
196 |
197 | ```vue
198 | <tiptap-vuetify
199 | @init="onInit"
200 | />
201 | ```
202 |
203 | ## Slots
204 |
205 | ### toolbar
206 |
207 | How to use:
208 |
209 | 1) Since Vue `2.6.0` (new syntax):
210 |
211 | ```vue
212 | <tiptap-vuetify
213 | v-model="content"
214 | :extensions="extensions"
215 | :toolbar-attributes="{ color: 'yellow' }"
216 | >
217 | <template #toolbar="{ buttons, commands, isActive }">
218 | <!--You can render the buttons as you wish (you can see in the source code how this is done).-->
219 | <pre>{{ buttons }}</pre>
220 | </template>
221 | </tiptap-vuetify>
222 | ```
223 |
224 | 2) Before `2.6.0`:
225 |
226 | ```vue
227 | <tiptap-vuetify>
228 | <div
229 | slot="toolbar"
230 | slot-scope="{ buttons, commands, isActive }"
231 | >
232 | <!--You can render the buttons as you wish (you can see in the source code how this is done).-->
233 | <pre>{{ buttons }}</pre>
234 | </div>
235 | </tiptap-vuetify>
236 | ```
237 |
238 | ### footer
239 |
240 | Footer of the Editor.
241 |
242 | ### toolbar-before
243 |
244 | You can add content before the toolbar.
245 |
246 | ### toolbar-after
247 |
248 | You can add content after the toolbar.
249 |
250 |
251 | ## TODO
252 |
253 | - images uploading (free hosting by default)
254 | - emoticons