1.56 kBYAMLView Raw
2 extends: ['eslint:all']
3 env:
4 es6: true
5 browser: true
6 rules:
7 array-bracket-spacing: 0
8 array-element-newline: 0
9 capitalized-comments: 0
10 computed-property-spacing: 0
11 curly: 0
12 dot-location: 0
13 eol-last: 0 # We don't need an extra EOL at the end of file.
14 func-names: 0
15 func-style: 0
16 id-length: 0
17 keyword-spacing: 0
18 linebreak-style: 0
19 max-len: [1, { code: 120 }]
20 max-params: [1, {max: 6}]
21 max-statements: [2, {max: 20}]
22 multiline-ternary: 0
23 new-cap: 1 # Functions must not start with a capital letter.
24 no-console: [1, { allow: ["warn", "error"] }]
25 no-extra-parens: [1, 'all', { nestedBinaryExpressions: false }]
26 no-implicit-globals: 0 # Because we always work in modules.
27 no-magic-numbers: [1, { "ignore": [0, 1] }]
28 no-negated-condition: 0
29 no-plusplus: 0 # I want to be able to use i++.
30 no-ternary: 0
31 no-use-before-define: [2, { functions: false, classes: true }]
32 object-curly-spacing: 0
33 object-shorthand: 1 # Can't do this becaue of IE11
34 one-var: 0
35 padded-blocks: 0
36 prefer-arrow-callback: 0
37 prefer-destructuring: 0
38 prefer-rest-params: 1 # IE11 prevents us to use this.
39 prefer-spread: 1 # IE11 prevents us to use this.
40 quote-props: 0
41 quotes: 0 # We can put single or double quotes if we want to.
42 sort-keys: 0
43 sort-vars: 0
44 space-before-function-paren: 0
45 space-in-parens: 0
46 strict: [2, 'global']
47 globals:
48 console: false
49 exports: false
50 module: false
51 require: false