7.16 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var Parser = require("../lib/tlk-htmlparser");
2var Tree = require("../lib/htmltree");
3var JSON = require("../lib/tolojson");
5describe('htmlparser', function () {
6 function check(content, expected) {
7 try {
8 var txtExpected = JSON.stringify(expected, ' ');
9 var result = Parser.parse(content);
10 var txtResult = JSON.stringify(result, ' ');
11 if (txtExpected != txtResult) {
12 fail(content + "\n"
13 + "======== EXPECTED ========\n"
14 + txtExpected + "\n"
15 + "========= RESULT =========\n"
16 + txtResult + "\n");
17 }
18 }
19 catch (ex) {
20 if (ex.msg) {
21 fail("Exception: " + JSON.stringify(ex));
22 } else {
23 fail(ex + "\n" + ex.stack);
24 }
25 }
26 }
27 it('should deal with simple text', function () {
28 check(
29 'Hello world!',
30 {children:[{type: Tree.TEXT, text: 'Hello world!'}]}
31 );
32 });
33 it('should deal with simple text with HTML entities', function () {
34 check(
35 'a<b',
36 {children:[
37 {type: Tree.TEXT, text: 'a'},
38 {type: Tree.ENTITY, text: '<', pos: 1},
39 {type: Tree.TEXT, text: 'b'}
40 ]}
41 );
42 });
43 it('should deal with simple text with HTML entities and spaces', function () {
44 check(
45 'a < b',
46 {children:[
47 {type: Tree.TEXT, text: 'a '},
48 {type: Tree.ENTITY, text: '<', pos: 2},
49 {type: Tree.TEXT, text: ' b'}
50 ]}
51 );
52 });
53 it('should deal with lonely ampercents', function () {
54 check(
55 'a&b',
56 {children:[
57 {type: Tree.TEXT, text: 'a&b'}
58 ]}
59 );
60 });
61 it('should deal with simple void elements', function () {
62 ["area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"].forEach(function (name) {
63 check(
64 '<' + name + '>',
65 {children:[{type: Tree.TAG, name: name, attribs: {}, children:[], pos: 0, void: true}]}
66 );
67 });
68 });
69 it('should deal with simple autoclose elements', function () {
70 check(
71 '<$number/>',
72 {children:[
73 {type: Tree.TAG, name: '$number', attribs: {}, children:[], pos: 0, autoclose: true}
74 ]}
75 );
76 });
77 it('should deal with simple autoclose elements with attributes', function () {
78 check(
79 '<$number toto="yes"/>',
80 {children:[
81 {type: Tree.TAG, name: '$number', attribs: {toto: "yes"}, children:[], pos: 0, autoclose: true}
82 ]}
83 );
84 });
85 it('should deal with simple autoclose elements with attributes and space before last slash', function () {
86 check(
87 '<$number toto="yes" />',
88 {children:[
89 {type: Tree.TAG, name: '$number', attribs: {toto: "yes"}, children:[], pos: 0, autoclose: true}
90 ]}
91 );
92 });
93 it('should deal with simple autoclose element in a DIV', function () {
94 check(
95 '<div><$number/></div>',
96 {children:[{
97 type: Tree.TAG, name: "div", attribs: {}, children:[
98 {type: Tree.TAG, name: '$number', attribs: {}, children:[], pos: 5, autoclose: true}
99 ], pos: 0
100 }]}
101 );
102 });
103 it('should deal with simple autoclose elements with namespace', function () {
104 check(
105 '<tag:div/>',
106 {children:[
107 {type: Tree.TAG, name: 'tag:div', attribs: {}, children:[], pos: 0, autoclose: true}
108 ]}
109 );
110 });
111 it('should deal with attributes', function () {
112 check(
113 'name: <input disabled type="text" size=\'4\'>',
114 {
115 "children": [
116 {"type": 2, "text": "name: "},
117 {
118 "type": 1,
119 "name": "input",
120 "attribs": {"disabled": null, "type": "text", "size": "4"},
121 "children": [],
122 "pos": 6,
123 "void": true
124 }]
125 }
126 );
127 });
128 it('should deal with attributes and nested quotes', function () {
129 check(
130 '<a href="javascript:alert(\\"Yo!\\")">',
131 {
132 "children": [
133 {
134 "type": 1,
135 "name": "a",
136 "attribs": {"href": "javascript:alert(\"Yo!\")"},
137 "children": [],
138 "pos": 0
139 }]
140 }
141 );
142 });
143 it('should deal with nested tags', function () {
144 check(
145 'a<div>c<b>e</b>d</div>b',
146 {
147 "children": [
148 {"type": 2, "text": "a"},
149 {
150 "type": 1,
151 "name": "div",
152 "attribs": {},
153 "children": [
154 {"type": 2, "text": "c"},
155 {
156 "type": 1,
157 "name": "b",
158 "attribs": {},
159 "children": [{"type": 2, "text": "e"}],
160 "pos": 7
161 },
162 {"type": 2, "text": "d"}],
163 "pos": 1
164 },
165 {"type": 2, "text": "b"}]
166 }
167 );
168 });
169 it('should deal with comments', function () {
170 check(
171 'Hello<!-- Bouh! -->World!',
172 {
173 "children": [
174 {"type": 2, "text": "Hello"},
175 {"type": 5, "text": " Bouh! ", "pos": 5},
176 {"type": 2, "text": "World!"}]
177 }
178 );
179 });
180 it('should deal with doc types', function () {
181 check(
182 '<!DOCTYPE html>',
183 {
184 "children": [
185 {
186 "type": 6,
187 "name": "DOCTYPE",
188 "attribs": {"html": null},
189 "pos": 0
190 }]
191 } );
192 });
193 it('should deal with processing', function () {
194 check(
195 '<?xml-stylesheet href="default.css" title="Default style"?>',
196 {
197 "children": [
198 {
199 "type": 4,
200 "name": "xml-stylesheet",
201 "attribs": {
202 "href": "default.css",
203 "title": "Default style"
204 },
205 "pos": 0
206 }]
207 }
208 );
209 });