1 | import { BasicTests } from "../../test/helper/Basic.js";
2 | import { MonoSynth } from "./MonoSynth.js";
3 | import { InstrumentTest } from "../../test/helper/InstrumentTests.js";
4 | import { CompareToFile } from "../../test/helper/CompareToFile.js";
5 | import { expect } from "chai";
6 | import { Offline } from "../../test/helper/Offline.js";
7 |
8 | describe("MonoSynth", () => {
9 | BasicTests(MonoSynth);
10 | InstrumentTest(MonoSynth, "C4");
11 |
12 | it("matches a file", () => {
13 | return CompareToFile(
14 | () => {
15 | const synth = new MonoSynth().toDestination();
16 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.1, 0.05);
17 | },
18 | "monoSynth.wav",
19 | 0.01
20 | );
21 | });
22 |
23 | context("API", () => {
24 | it("can get and set oscillator attributes", () => {
25 | const monoSynth = new MonoSynth();
26 | monoSynth.oscillator.type = "triangle";
27 | expect(monoSynth.oscillator.type).to.equal("triangle");
28 | monoSynth.dispose();
29 | });
30 |
31 | it("can get and set envelope attributes", () => {
32 | const monoSynth = new MonoSynth();
33 | monoSynth.envelope.attack = 0.24;
34 | expect(monoSynth.envelope.attack).to.equal(0.24);
35 | monoSynth.dispose();
36 | });
37 |
38 | it("can get and set filter attributes", () => {
39 | const monoSynth = new MonoSynth();
40 | monoSynth.filter.Q.value = 0.4;
41 | expect(monoSynth.filter.Q.value).to.be.closeTo(0.4, 0.001);
42 | monoSynth.dispose();
43 | });
44 |
45 | it("can get and set filterEnvelope attributes", () => {
46 | const monoSynth = new MonoSynth();
47 | monoSynth.filterEnvelope.baseFrequency = 400;
48 | expect(monoSynth.filterEnvelope.baseFrequency).to.equal(400);
49 | monoSynth.dispose();
50 | });
51 |
52 | it("can be constructed with an options object", () => {
53 | const monoSynth = new MonoSynth({
54 | envelope: {
55 | sustain: 0.3,
56 | },
57 | });
58 | expect(monoSynth.envelope.sustain).to.equal(0.3);
59 | monoSynth.dispose();
60 | });
61 |
62 | it("can get/set attributes", () => {
63 | const monoSynth = new MonoSynth();
64 | monoSynth.set({
65 | envelope: {
66 | decay: 0.24,
67 | },
68 | });
69 | expect(monoSynth.get().envelope.decay).to.equal(0.24);
70 | monoSynth.dispose();
71 | });
72 |
73 | it("is silent after triggerAttack if sustain is 0", async () => {
74 | return await Offline(() => {
75 | const synth = new MonoSynth({
76 | envelope: {
77 | attack: 0.1,
78 | decay: 0.1,
79 | sustain: 0,
80 | },
81 | }).toDestination();
82 | synth.triggerAttack("C4", 0);
83 | }, 0.5).then((buffer) => {
84 | expect(buffer.getTimeOfLastSound()).to.be.closeTo(0.2, 0.01);
85 | });
86 | });
87 | });
88 | });