1 | import { ToneAudioBuffer } from "../core/context/ToneAudioBuffer.js";
2 | import { ToneAudioBuffers } from "../core/context/ToneAudioBuffers.js";
3 | import { ftomf, intervalToFrequencyRatio } from "../core/type/Conversions.js";
4 | import { FrequencyClass } from "../core/type/Frequency.js";
5 | import {
6 | Frequency,
7 | Interval,
8 | MidiNote,
9 | NormalRange,
10 | Note,
11 | Time,
12 | } from "../core/type/Units.js";
13 | import { optionsFromArguments } from "../core/util/Defaults.js";
14 | import { noOp } from "../core/util/Interface.js";
15 | import { isArray, isNote, isNumber } from "../core/util/TypeCheck.js";
16 | import { Instrument, InstrumentOptions } from "../instrument/Instrument.js";
17 | import {
18 | ToneBufferSource,
19 | ToneBufferSourceCurve,
20 | } from "../source/buffer/ToneBufferSource.js";
21 | import { timeRange } from "../core/util/Decorator.js";
22 | import { assert } from "../core/util/Debug.js";
23 |
24 | interface SamplesMap {
25 | [note: string]: ToneAudioBuffer | AudioBuffer | string;
26 | [midi: number]: ToneAudioBuffer | AudioBuffer | string;
27 | }
28 |
29 | export interface SamplerOptions extends InstrumentOptions {
30 | attack: Time;
31 | release: Time;
32 | onload: () => void;
33 | onerror: (error: Error) => void;
34 | baseUrl: string;
35 | curve: ToneBufferSourceCurve;
36 | urls: SamplesMap;
37 | }
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 | export class Sampler extends Instrument<SamplerOptions> {
61 | readonly name: string = "Sampler";
62 |
63 | |
64 |
65 |
66 | private _buffers: ToneAudioBuffers;
67 |
68 | |
69 |
70 |
71 | private _activeSources: Map<MidiNote, ToneBufferSource[]> = new Map();
72 |
73 | |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | @timeRange(0)
79 | attack: Time;
80 |
81 | |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 | @timeRange(0)
87 | release: Time;
88 |
89 | |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 | curve: ToneBufferSourceCurve;
94 |
95 | |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 | constructor(samples?: SamplesMap, onload?: () => void, baseUrl?: string);
102 | /**
103 | * @param samples An object of samples mapping either Midi Note Numbers or
104 | * Scientific Pitch Notation to the url of that sample.
105 | * @param options The remaining options associated with the sampler
106 | */
107 | constructor(
108 | samples?: SamplesMap,
109 | options?: Partial<Omit<SamplerOptions, "urls">>
110 | );
111 | constructor(options?: Partial<SamplerOptions>);
112 | constructor() {
113 | const options = optionsFromArguments(
114 | Sampler.getDefaults(),
115 | arguments,
116 | ["urls", "onload", "baseUrl"],
117 | "urls"
118 | );
119 | super(options);
120 |
121 | const urlMap = {};
122 | Object.keys(options.urls).forEach((note) => {
123 | const noteNumber = parseInt(note, 10);
124 | assert(
125 | isNote(note) || (isNumber(noteNumber) && isFinite(noteNumber)),
126 | `url key is neither a note or midi pitch: ${note}`
127 | );
128 | if (isNote(note)) {
129 |
130 | const mid = new FrequencyClass(this.context, note).toMidi();
131 | urlMap[mid] = options.urls[note];
132 | } else if (isNumber(noteNumber) && isFinite(noteNumber)) {
133 |
134 | urlMap[noteNumber] = options.urls[noteNumber];
135 | }
136 | });
137 |
138 | this._buffers = new ToneAudioBuffers({
139 | urls: urlMap,
140 | onload: options.onload,
141 | baseUrl: options.baseUrl,
142 | onerror: options.onerror,
143 | });
144 | this.attack = options.attack;
145 | this.release = options.release;
146 | this.curve = options.curve;
147 |
148 | // invoke the callback if it's already loaded
149 | if (this._buffers.loaded) {
150 | // invoke onload deferred
151 | Promise.resolve().then(options.onload);
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | static getDefaults(): SamplerOptions {
156 | return Object.assign(Instrument.getDefaults(), {
157 | attack: 0,
158 | baseUrl: "",
159 | curve: "exponential" as const,
160 | onload: noOp,
161 | onerror: noOp,
162 | release: 0.1,
163 | urls: {},
164 | });
165 | }
166 |
167 | |
168 |
169 |
170 | private _findClosest(midi: MidiNote): Interval {
171 |
172 | const MAX_INTERVAL = 96;
173 | let interval = 0;
174 | while (interval < MAX_INTERVAL) {
175 |
176 | if (this._buffers.has(midi + interval)) {
177 | return -interval;
178 | } else if (this._buffers.has(midi - interval)) {
179 | return interval;
180 | }
181 | interval++;
182 | }
183 | throw new Error(`No available buffers for note: ${midi}`);
184 | }
185 |
186 | |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 | triggerAttack(
192 | notes: Frequency | Frequency[],
193 | time?: Time,
194 | velocity: NormalRange = 1
195 | ): this {
196 | this.log("triggerAttack", notes, time, velocity);
197 | if (!Array.isArray(notes)) {
198 | notes = [notes];
199 | }
200 | notes.forEach((note) => {
201 | const midiFloat = ftomf(
202 | new FrequencyClass(this.context, note).toFrequency()
203 | );
204 | const midi = Math.round(midiFloat) as MidiNote;
205 | const remainder = midiFloat - midi;
206 |
207 | const difference = this._findClosest(midi);
208 | const closestNote = midi - difference;
209 | const buffer = this._buffers.get(closestNote);
210 | const playbackRate = intervalToFrequencyRatio(
211 | difference + remainder
212 | );
213 |
214 | const source = new ToneBufferSource({
215 | url: buffer,
216 | context: this.context,
217 | curve: this.curve,
218 | fadeIn: this.attack,
219 | fadeOut: this.release,
220 | playbackRate,
221 | }).connect(this.output);
222 | source.start(time, 0, buffer.duration / playbackRate, velocity);
223 |
224 | if (!isArray(this._activeSources.get(midi))) {
225 | this._activeSources.set(midi, []);
226 | }
227 | (this._activeSources.get(midi) as ToneBufferSource[]).push(source);
228 |
229 |
230 | source.onended = () => {
231 | if (this._activeSources && this._activeSources.has(midi)) {
232 | const sources = this._activeSources.get(
233 | midi
234 | ) as ToneBufferSource[];
235 | const index = sources.indexOf(source);
236 | if (index !== -1) {
237 | sources.splice(index, 1);
238 | }
239 | }
240 | };
241 | });
242 | return this;
243 | }
244 |
245 | |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 | triggerRelease(notes: Frequency | Frequency[], time?: Time): this {
250 | this.log("triggerRelease", notes, time);
251 | if (!Array.isArray(notes)) {
252 | notes = [notes];
253 | }
254 | notes.forEach((note) => {
255 | const midi = new FrequencyClass(this.context, note).toMidi();
256 |
257 | if (
258 | this._activeSources.has(midi) &&
259 | (this._activeSources.get(midi) as ToneBufferSource[]).length
260 | ) {
261 | const sources = this._activeSources.get(
262 | midi
263 | ) as ToneBufferSource[];
264 | time = this.toSeconds(time);
265 | sources.forEach((source) => {
266 | source.stop(time);
267 | });
268 | this._activeSources.set(midi, []);
269 | }
270 | });
271 | return this;
272 | }
273 |
274 | |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 | releaseAll(time?: Time): this {
279 | const computedTime = this.toSeconds(time);
280 | this._activeSources.forEach((sources) => {
281 | while (sources.length) {
282 | const source = sources.shift() as ToneBufferSource;
283 | source.stop(computedTime);
284 | }
285 | });
286 | return this;
287 | }
288 |
289 | sync(): this {
290 | if (this._syncState()) {
291 | this._syncMethod("triggerAttack", 1);
292 | this._syncMethod("triggerRelease", 1);
293 | }
294 | return this;
295 | }
296 |
297 | |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 | triggerAttackRelease(
305 | notes: Frequency[] | Frequency,
306 | duration: Time | Time[],
307 | time?: Time,
308 | velocity: NormalRange = 1
309 | ): this {
310 | const computedTime = this.toSeconds(time);
311 | this.triggerAttack(notes, computedTime, velocity);
312 | if (isArray(duration)) {
313 | assert(
314 | isArray(notes),
315 | "notes must be an array when duration is array"
316 | );
317 | (notes as Frequency[]).forEach((note, index) => {
318 | const d = duration[Math.min(index, duration.length - 1)];
319 | this.triggerRelease(note, computedTime + this.toSeconds(d));
320 | });
321 | } else {
322 | this.triggerRelease(notes, computedTime + this.toSeconds(duration));
323 | }
324 | return this;
325 | }
326 |
327 | |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 | add(
334 | note: Note | MidiNote,
335 | url: string | ToneAudioBuffer | AudioBuffer,
336 | callback?: () => void
337 | ): this {
338 | assert(
339 | isNote(note) || isFinite(note),
340 | `note must be a pitch or midi: ${note}`
341 | );
342 | if (isNote(note)) {
343 |
344 | const mid = new FrequencyClass(this.context, note).toMidi();
345 | this._buffers.add(mid, url, callback);
346 | } else {
347 |
348 | this._buffers.add(note, url, callback);
349 | }
350 | return this;
351 | }
352 |
353 | |
354 |
355 |
356 | get loaded(): boolean {
357 | return this._buffers.loaded;
358 | }
359 |
360 | |
361 |
362 |
363 | dispose(): this {
364 | super.dispose();
365 | this._buffers.dispose();
366 | this._activeSources.forEach((sources) => {
367 | sources.forEach((source) => source.dispose());
368 | });
369 | this._activeSources.clear();
370 | return this;
371 | }
372 | }