1 | import { expect } from "chai";
2 | import { BasicTests } from "../../test/helper/Basic.js";
3 | import { CompareToFile } from "../../test/helper/CompareToFile.js";
4 | import { InstrumentTest } from "../../test/helper/InstrumentTests.js";
5 | import { MonophonicTest } from "../../test/helper/MonophonicTests.js";
6 | import { Offline } from "../../test/helper/Offline.js";
7 | import { Frequency } from "../core/type/Frequency.js";
8 | import { Synth } from "./Synth.js";
9 |
10 | describe("Synth", () => {
11 | BasicTests(Synth);
12 | InstrumentTest(Synth, "C4");
13 | MonophonicTest(Synth, "C4");
14 |
15 | it("matches a file basic", () => {
16 | return CompareToFile(
17 | () => {
18 | const synth = new Synth().toDestination();
19 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.1, 0.05);
20 | },
21 | "synth_basic.wav",
22 | 0.3
23 | );
24 | });
25 |
26 | it("matches a file melody", () => {
27 | return CompareToFile(
28 | () => {
29 | const synth = new Synth().toDestination();
30 | synth.triggerAttack("C4", 0);
31 | synth.triggerAttack("E4", 0.1, 0.5);
32 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("G4", 0.5, 0.3);
33 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("B4", 0.5, 0.5, 0.2);
34 | },
35 | "synth_melody.wav",
36 | 0.3
37 | );
38 | });
39 |
40 | context("API", () => {
41 | it("can get and set oscillator attributes", () => {
42 | const simple = new Synth();
43 | simple.oscillator.type = "triangle";
44 | expect(simple.oscillator.type).to.equal("triangle");
45 | simple.dispose();
46 | });
47 |
48 | it("can get and set envelope attributes", () => {
49 | const simple = new Synth();
50 | simple.envelope.attack = 0.24;
51 | expect(simple.envelope.attack).to.equal(0.24);
52 | simple.dispose();
53 | });
54 |
55 | it("can be constructed with an options object", () => {
56 | const simple = new Synth({
57 | envelope: {
58 | sustain: 0.3,
59 | },
60 | oscillator: {
61 | type: "sine",
62 | },
63 | volume: -5,
64 | });
65 | expect(simple.envelope.sustain).to.equal(0.3);
66 | expect(simple.oscillator.type).to.equal("sine");
67 | expect(simple.volume.value).to.be.closeTo(-5, 0.1);
68 | simple.dispose();
69 | });
70 |
71 | it("can get/set attributes", () => {
72 | const simple = new Synth();
73 | simple.set({
74 | envelope: {
75 | decay: 0.24,
76 | },
77 | });
78 | expect(simple.get().envelope.decay).to.equal(0.24);
79 | simple.dispose();
80 | });
81 |
82 | it("can get does not include omited oscillator attributes", () => {
83 | const simple = new Synth();
84 | expect(simple.get().oscillator).to.not.have.key("frequency");
85 | expect(simple.get().oscillator).to.not.have.key("detune");
86 | expect(Object.keys(simple.get().oscillator)).to.include("type");
87 | simple.dispose();
88 | });
89 |
90 | it("can be trigged with a Tone.Frequency", () => {
91 | return Offline(() => {
92 | const synth = new Synth().toDestination();
93 | synth.triggerAttack(Frequency("C4"), 0);
94 | }).then((buffer) => {
95 | expect(buffer.isSilent()).to.be.false;
96 | });
97 | });
98 |
99 | it("is silent after triggerAttack if sustain is 0", () => {
100 | return Offline(() => {
101 | const synth = new Synth({
102 | envelope: {
103 | attack: 0.1,
104 | decay: 0.1,
105 | sustain: 0,
106 | },
107 | }).toDestination();
108 | synth.triggerAttack("C4", 0);
109 | }, 0.5).then((buffer) => {
110 | expect(buffer.getTimeOfLastSound()).to.be.closeTo(0.2, 0.01);
111 | });
112 | });
113 | });
114 |
115 | context("Transport sync", () => {
116 | it("is silent until the transport is started", () => {
117 | return Offline(({ transport }) => {
118 | const synth = new Synth().sync().toDestination();
119 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.5);
120 | transport.start(0.5);
121 | }, 1).then((buffer) => {
122 | expect(buffer.getTimeOfFirstSound()).is.closeTo(0.5, 0.1);
123 | });
124 | });
125 |
126 | it("stops when the transport is stopped", () => {
127 | return Offline(({ transport }) => {
128 | const synth = new Synth({
129 | envelope: {
130 | release: 0,
131 | },
132 | })
133 | .sync()
134 | .toDestination();
135 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.5);
136 | transport.start(0.5).stop(1);
137 | }, 1.5).then((buffer) => {
138 | expect(buffer.getTimeOfLastSound()).is.closeTo(1, 0.1);
139 | });
140 | });
141 |
142 | it("goes silent at the loop boundary", () => {
143 | return Offline(({ transport }) => {
144 | const synth = new Synth({
145 | envelope: {
146 | release: 0,
147 | },
148 | })
149 | .sync()
150 | .toDestination();
151 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.8, 0.5);
152 | transport.loopEnd = 1;
153 | transport.loop = true;
154 | transport.start();
155 | }, 2).then((buffer) => {
156 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0)).to.be.closeTo(0, 0.05);
157 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0.6)).to.be.closeTo(0.2, 0.05);
158 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.1)).to.be.closeTo(0, 0.05);
159 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.6)).to.be.closeTo(0.2, 0.05);
160 | });
161 | });
162 |
163 | it("can unsync", () => {
164 | return Offline(({ transport }) => {
165 | const synth = new Synth({
166 | envelope: {
167 | sustain: 1,
168 | release: 0,
169 | },
170 | })
171 | .sync()
172 | .toDestination()
173 | .unsync();
174 | synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 1, 0.5);
175 | transport.start().stop(1);
176 | }, 2).then((buffer) => {
177 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0)).to.be.closeTo(0, 0.05);
178 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0.6)).to.be.closeTo(0.6, 0.05);
179 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.4)).to.be.closeTo(0.6, 0.05);
180 | expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.6)).to.be.closeTo(0, 0.05);
181 | });
182 | });
183 | });
184 |
185 | context("Portamento", () => {
186 | it("can play notes with a portamento", () => {
187 | return Offline(() => {
188 | const synth = new Synth({
189 | portamento: 0.1,
190 | });
191 | expect(synth.portamento).to.equal(0.1);
192 | synth.frequency.toDestination();
193 | synth.triggerAttack(440, 0);
194 | synth.triggerAttack(880, 0.1);
195 | }, 0.2).then((buffer) => {
196 | buffer.forEach((val, time) => {
197 | if (time < 0.1) {
198 | expect(val).to.be.closeTo(440, 1);
199 | } else if (time < 0.2) {
200 | expect(val).to.within(440, 880);
201 | } else {
202 | expect(val).to.be.closeTo(880, 1);
203 | }
204 | });
205 | });
206 | });
207 | });
208 | });