1 | import { ToneAudioNode, ToneAudioNodeOptions } from "../../core/context/ToneAudioNode.js";
2 | import { Decibels, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js";
3 | export interface GateOptions extends ToneAudioNodeOptions {
4 | threshold: Decibels;
5 | smoothing: Time;
6 | }
7 | /**
8 | * Gate only passes a signal through when the incoming
9 | * signal exceeds a specified threshold. It uses {@link Follower} to follow the ampltiude
10 | * of the incoming signal and compares it to the {@link threshold} value using {@link GreaterThan}.
11 | *
12 | * @example
13 | * const gate = new Tone.Gate(-30, 0.2).toDestination();
14 | * const mic = new Tone.UserMedia().connect(gate);
15 | * // the gate will only pass through the incoming
16 | * // signal when it's louder than -30db
17 | * @category Component
18 | */
19 | export declare class Gate extends ToneAudioNode<GateOptions> {
20 | readonly name: string;
21 | readonly input: ToneAudioNode;
22 | readonly output: ToneAudioNode;
23 | /**
24 | * Follow the incoming signal
25 | */
26 | private _follower;
27 | /**
28 | * Test if it's greater than the threshold
29 | */
30 | private _gt;
31 | /**
32 | * Gate the incoming signal when it does not exceed the threshold
33 | */
34 | private _gate;
35 | /**
36 | * @param threshold The threshold above which the gate will open.
37 | * @param smoothing The follower's smoothing time
38 | */
39 | constructor(threshold?: Decibels, smoothing?: Time);
40 | constructor(options?: Partial<GateOptions>);
41 | static getDefaults(): GateOptions;
42 | /**
43 | * The threshold of the gate in decibels
44 | */
45 | get threshold(): Decibels;
46 | set threshold(thresh: Decibels);
47 | /**
48 | * The attack/decay speed of the gate.
49 | * @see {@link Follower.smoothing}
50 | */
51 | get smoothing(): Time;
52 | set smoothing(smoothingTime: Time);
53 | dispose(): this;
54 | }