1 | import { Gain } from "../../core/context/Gain.js";
2 | import { NormalRange, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js";
3 | import { Envelope, EnvelopeOptions } from "./Envelope.js";
4 | /**
5 | * AmplitudeEnvelope is a Tone.Envelope connected to a gain node.
6 | * Unlike Tone.Envelope, which outputs the envelope's value, AmplitudeEnvelope accepts
7 | * an audio signal as the input and will apply the envelope to the amplitude
8 | * of the signal.
9 | * Read more about ADSR Envelopes on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthesizer#ADSR_envelope).
10 | *
11 | * @example
12 | * return Tone.Offline(() => {
13 | * const ampEnv = new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope({
14 | * attack: 0.1,
15 | * decay: 0.2,
16 | * sustain: 1.0,
17 | * release: 0.8
18 | * }).toDestination();
19 | * // create an oscillator and connect it
20 | * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().connect(ampEnv).start();
21 | * // trigger the envelopes attack and release "8t" apart
22 | * ampEnv.triggerAttackRelease("8t");
23 | * }, 1.5, 1);
24 | * @category Component
25 | */
26 | export declare class AmplitudeEnvelope extends Envelope {
27 | readonly name: string;
28 | private _gainNode;
29 | output: Gain;
30 | input: Gain;
31 | /**
32 | * @param attack The amount of time it takes for the envelope to go from 0 to it's maximum value.
33 | * @param decay The period of time after the attack that it takes for the envelope
34 | * to fall to the sustain value. Value must be greater than 0.
35 | * @param sustain The percent of the maximum value that the envelope rests at until
36 | * the release is triggered.
37 | * @param release The amount of time after the release is triggered it takes to reach 0.
38 | * Value must be greater than 0.
39 | */
40 | constructor(attack?: Time, decay?: Time, sustain?: NormalRange, release?: Time);
41 | constructor(options?: Partial<EnvelopeOptions>);
42 | /**
43 | * Clean up
44 | */
45 | dispose(): this;
46 | }