1 | import { InputNode, OutputNode } from "../../core/context/ToneAudioNode.js";
2 | import { ToneAudioNode, ToneAudioNodeOptions } from "../../core/context/ToneAudioNode.js";
3 | import { NormalRange, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js";
4 | import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js";
5 | type BasicEnvelopeCurve = "linear" | "exponential";
6 | export type EnvelopeCurve = EnvelopeCurveName | number[];
7 | export interface EnvelopeOptions extends ToneAudioNodeOptions {
8 | attack: Time;
9 | decay: Time;
10 | sustain: NormalRange;
11 | release: Time;
12 | attackCurve: EnvelopeCurve;
13 | releaseCurve: EnvelopeCurve;
14 | decayCurve: BasicEnvelopeCurve;
15 | }
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43 | export declare class Envelope extends ToneAudioNode<EnvelopeOptions> {
44 | readonly name: string;
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62 | attack: Time;
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80 | decay: Time;
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97 | sustain: NormalRange;
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116 | release: Time;
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120 | private _attackCurve;
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124 | private _decayCurve;
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128 | private _releaseCurve;
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132 | protected _sig: Signal<"normalRange">;
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136 | output: OutputNode;
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140 | input: InputNode | undefined;
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151 | constructor(attack?: Time, decay?: Time, sustain?: NormalRange, release?: Time);
152 | constructor(options?: Partial<EnvelopeOptions>);
153 | static getDefaults(): EnvelopeOptions;
154 | /**
155 | * Read the current value of the envelope. Useful for
156 | * synchronizing visual output to the envelope.
157 | */
158 | get value(): NormalRange;
159 | /**
160 | * Get the curve
161 | * @param curve
162 | * @param direction In/Out
163 | * @return The curve name
164 | */
165 | private _getCurve;
166 | /**
167 | * Assign a the curve to the given name using the direction
168 | * @param name
169 | * @param direction In/Out
170 | * @param curve
171 | */
172 | private _setCurve;
173 | /**
174 | * The shape of the attack.
175 | * Can be any of these strings:
176 | * * "linear"
177 | * * "exponential"
178 | * * "sine"
179 | * * "cosine"
180 | * * "bounce"
181 | * * "ripple"
182 | * * "step"
183 | *
184 | * Can also be an array which describes the curve. Values
185 | * in the array are evenly subdivided and linearly
186 | * interpolated over the duration of the attack.
187 | * @example
188 | * return Tone.Offline(() => {
189 | * const env = new Tone.Envelope(0.4).toDestination();
190 | * env.attackCurve = "linear";
191 | * env.triggerAttack();
192 | * }, 1, 1);
193 | */
194 | get attackCurve(): EnvelopeCurve;
195 | set attackCurve(curve: EnvelopeCurve);
196 | /**
197 | * The shape of the release. See the attack curve types.
198 | * @example
199 | * return Tone.Offline(() => {
200 | * const env = new Tone.Envelope({
201 | * release: 0.8
202 | * }).toDestination();
203 | * env.triggerAttack();
204 | *
205 | * env.releaseCurve = [1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0];
206 | * env.triggerRelease(0.2);
207 | * }, 1, 1);
208 | */
209 | get releaseCurve(): EnvelopeCurve;
210 | set releaseCurve(curve: EnvelopeCurve);
211 | /**
212 | * The shape of the decay either "linear" or "exponential"
213 | * @example
214 | * return Tone.Offline(() => {
215 | * const env = new Tone.Envelope({
216 | * sustain: 0.1,
217 | * decay: 0.5
218 | * }).toDestination();
219 | * env.decayCurve = "linear";
220 | * env.triggerAttack();
221 | * }, 1, 1);
222 | */
223 | get decayCurve(): EnvelopeCurve;
224 | set decayCurve(curve: EnvelopeCurve);
225 | /**
226 | * Trigger the attack/decay portion of the ADSR envelope.
227 | * @param time When the attack should start.
228 | * @param velocity The velocity of the envelope scales the vales.
229 | * number between 0-1
230 | * @example
231 | * const env = new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope().toDestination();
232 | * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().connect(env).start();
233 | * // trigger the attack 0.5 seconds from now with a velocity of 0.2
234 | * env.triggerAttack("+0.5", 0.2);
235 | */
236 | triggerAttack(time?: Time, velocity?: NormalRange): this;
237 | /**
238 | * Triggers the release of the envelope.
239 | * @param time When the release portion of the envelope should start.
240 | * @example
241 | * const env = new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope().toDestination();
242 | * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator({
243 | * type: "sawtooth"
244 | * }).connect(env).start();
245 | * env.triggerAttack();
246 | * // trigger the release half a second after the attack
247 | * env.triggerRelease("+0.5");
248 | */
249 | triggerRelease(time?: Time): this;
250 | /**
251 | * Get the scheduled value at the given time. This will
252 | * return the unconverted (raw) value.
253 | * @example
254 | * const env = new Tone.Envelope(0.5, 1, 0.4, 2);
255 | * env.triggerAttackRelease(2);
256 | * setInterval(() => console.log(env.getValueAtTime(Tone.now())), 100);
257 | */
258 | getValueAtTime(time: Time): NormalRange;
259 | /**
260 | * triggerAttackRelease is shorthand for triggerAttack, then waiting
261 | * some duration, then triggerRelease.
262 | * @param duration The duration of the sustain.
263 | * @param time When the attack should be triggered.
264 | * @param velocity The velocity of the envelope.
265 | * @example
266 | * const env = new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope().toDestination();
267 | * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().connect(env).start();
268 | * // trigger the release 0.5 seconds after the attack
269 | * env.triggerAttackRelease(0.5);
270 | */
271 | triggerAttackRelease(duration: Time, time?: Time, velocity?: NormalRange): this;
272 | /**
273 | * Cancels all scheduled envelope changes after the given time.
274 | */
275 | cancel(after?: Time): this;
276 | /**
277 | * Connect the envelope to a destination node.
278 | */
279 | connect(destination: InputNode, outputNumber?: number, inputNumber?: number): this;
280 | /**
281 | * Render the envelope curve to an array of the given length.
282 | * Good for visualizing the envelope curve. Rescales the duration of the
283 | * envelope to fit the length.
284 | */
285 | asArray(length?: number): Promise<Float32Array>;
286 | dispose(): this;
287 | }
288 | interface EnvelopeCurveObject {
289 | In: number[];
290 | Out: number[];
291 | }
292 | interface EnvelopeCurveMap {
293 | linear: "linear";
294 | exponential: "exponential";
295 | bounce: EnvelopeCurveObject;
296 | cosine: EnvelopeCurveObject;
297 | sine: EnvelopeCurveObject;
298 | ripple: EnvelopeCurveObject;
299 | step: EnvelopeCurveObject;
300 | }
301 | type EnvelopeCurveName = keyof EnvelopeCurveMap;
302 | export {};