1 | import { AbstractParam } from "../context/AbstractParam.js";
2 | import { Positive, Time, UnitMap, UnitName } from "../type/Units.js";
3 | import { Timeline } from "../util/Timeline.js";
4 | import { ToneWithContext, ToneWithContextOptions } from "./ToneWithContext.js";
5 | export interface ParamOptions<TypeName extends UnitName> extends ToneWithContextOptions {
6 | units: TypeName;
7 | value?: UnitMap[TypeName];
8 | param: AudioParam | Param<TypeName>;
9 | convert: boolean;
10 | minValue?: number;
11 | maxValue?: number;
12 | swappable?: boolean;
13 | }
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | type AutomationType = "linearRampToValueAtTime" | "exponentialRampToValueAtTime" | "setValueAtTime" | "setTargetAtTime" | "cancelScheduledValues";
18 | interface TargetAutomationEvent {
19 | type: "setTargetAtTime";
20 | time: number;
21 | value: number;
22 | constant: number;
23 | }
24 | interface NormalAutomationEvent {
25 | type: Exclude<AutomationType, "setTargetAtTime">;
26 | time: number;
27 | value: number;
28 | }
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 | export type AutomationEvent = NormalAutomationEvent | TargetAutomationEvent;
33 |
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39 |
40 | export declare class Param<TypeName extends UnitName = "number"> extends ToneWithContext<ParamOptions<TypeName>> implements AbstractParam<TypeName> {
41 | readonly name: string;
42 | readonly input: GainNode | AudioParam;
43 | readonly units: UnitName;
44 | convert: boolean;
45 | overridden: boolean;
46 | |
47 |
48 |
49 | protected _events: Timeline<AutomationEvent>;
50 | |
51 |
52 |
53 | protected _param: AudioParam;
54 | |
55 |
56 |
57 | protected _initialValue: number;
58 | |
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60 |
61 | private _minOutput;
62 | |
63 |
64 |
65 | private readonly _minValue?;
66 | private readonly _maxValue?;
67 | |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 | protected readonly _swappable: boolean;
72 | |
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74 |
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76 |
77 | constructor(param: AudioParam, units?: TypeName, convert?: boolean);
78 | constructor(options: Partial<ParamOptions<TypeName>>);
79 | static getDefaults(): ParamOptions<any>;
80 | get value(): UnitMap[TypeName];
81 | set value(value: UnitMap[TypeName]);
82 | get minValue(): number;
83 | get maxValue(): number;
84 | /**
85 | * Type guard based on the unit name
86 | */
87 | private _is;
88 | /**
89 | * Make sure the value is always in the defined range
90 | */
91 | private _assertRange;
92 | /**
93 | * Convert the given value from the type specified by Param.units
94 | * into the destination value (such as Gain or Frequency).
95 | */
96 | protected _fromType(val: UnitMap[TypeName]): number;
97 | /**
98 | * Convert the parameters value into the units specified by Param.units.
99 | */
100 | protected _toType(val: number): UnitMap[TypeName];
101 | setValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time): this;
102 | getValueAtTime(time: Time): UnitMap[TypeName];
103 | setRampPoint(time: Time): this;
104 | linearRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], endTime: Time): this;
105 | exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], endTime: Time): this;
106 | exponentialRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this;
107 | linearRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this;
108 | targetRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this;
109 | exponentialApproachValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time, rampTime: Time): this;
110 | setTargetAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], startTime: Time, timeConstant: Positive): this;
111 | setValueCurveAtTime(values: UnitMap[TypeName][], startTime: Time, duration: Time, scaling?: number): this;
112 | cancelScheduledValues(time: Time): this;
113 | cancelAndHoldAtTime(time: Time): this;
114 | rampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime?: Time, startTime?: Time): this;
115 | /**
116 | * Apply all of the previously scheduled events to the passed in Param or AudioParam.
117 | * The applied values will start at the context's current time and schedule
118 | * all of the events which are scheduled on this Param onto the passed in param.
119 | */
120 | apply(param: Param | AudioParam): this;
121 | /**
122 | * Replace the Param's internal AudioParam. Will apply scheduled curves
123 | * onto the parameter and replace the connections.
124 | */
125 | setParam(param: AudioParam): this;
126 | dispose(): this;
127 | get defaultValue(): UnitMap[TypeName];
128 | protected _exponentialApproach(t0: number, v0: number, v1: number, timeConstant: number, t: number): number;
129 | protected _linearInterpolate(t0: number, v0: number, t1: number, v1: number, t: number): number;
130 | protected _exponentialInterpolate(t0: number, v0: number, t1: number, v1: number, t: number): number;
131 | }
132 | export {};