5.79 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Tone } from "../Tone.js";
2import { Samples, Seconds } from "../type/Units.js";
3interface ToneAudioBufferOptions {
4 url?: string | AudioBuffer | ToneAudioBuffer;
5 reverse: boolean;
6 onload: (buffer?: ToneAudioBuffer) => void;
7 onerror: (error: Error) => void;
10 * AudioBuffer loading and storage. ToneAudioBuffer is used internally by all
11 * classes that make requests for audio files such as Tone.Player,
12 * Tone.Sampler and Tone.Convolver.
13 * @example
14 * const buffer = new Tone.ToneAudioBuffer("https://tonejs.github.io/audio/casio/A1.mp3", () => {
15 * console.log("loaded");
16 * });
17 * @category Core
18 */
19export declare class ToneAudioBuffer extends Tone {
20 readonly name: string;
21 /**
22 * stores the loaded AudioBuffer
23 */
24 private _buffer?;
25 /**
26 * indicates if the buffer should be reversed or not
27 */
28 private _reversed;
29 /**
30 * Callback when the buffer is loaded.
31 */
32 onload: (buffer: ToneAudioBuffer) => void;
33 /**
34 *
35 * @param url The url to load, or the audio buffer to set.
36 * @param onload A callback which is invoked after the buffer is loaded.
37 * It's recommended to use `ToneAudioBuffer.on('load', callback)` instead
38 * since it will give you a callback when _all_ buffers are loaded.
39 * @param onerror The callback to invoke if there is an error
40 */
41 constructor(url?: string | ToneAudioBuffer | AudioBuffer, onload?: (buffer: ToneAudioBuffer) => void, onerror?: (error: Error) => void);
42 constructor(options?: Partial<ToneAudioBufferOptions>);
43 static getDefaults(): ToneAudioBufferOptions;
44 /**
45 * The sample rate of the AudioBuffer
46 */
47 get sampleRate(): number;
48 /**
49 * Pass in an AudioBuffer or ToneAudioBuffer to set the value of this buffer.
50 */
51 set(buffer: AudioBuffer | ToneAudioBuffer): this;
52 /**
53 * The audio buffer stored in the object.
54 */
55 get(): AudioBuffer | undefined;
56 /**
57 * Makes an fetch request for the selected url then decodes the file as an audio buffer.
58 * Invokes the callback once the audio buffer loads.
59 * @param url The url of the buffer to load. filetype support depends on the browser.
60 * @returns A Promise which resolves with this ToneAudioBuffer
61 */
62 load(url: string): Promise<this>;
63 /**
64 * clean up
65 */
66 dispose(): this;
67 /**
68 * Set the audio buffer from the array.
69 * To create a multichannel AudioBuffer, pass in a multidimensional array.
70 * @param array The array to fill the audio buffer
71 */
72 fromArray(array: Float32Array | Float32Array[]): this;
73 /**
74 * Sums multiple channels into 1 channel
75 * @param chanNum Optionally only copy a single channel from the array.
76 */
77 toMono(chanNum?: number): this;
78 /**
79 * Get the buffer as an array. Single channel buffers will return a 1-dimensional
80 * Float32Array, and multichannel buffers will return multidimensional arrays.
81 * @param channel Optionally only copy a single channel from the array.
82 */
83 toArray(channel?: number): Float32Array | Float32Array[];
84 /**
85 * Returns the Float32Array representing the PCM audio data for the specific channel.
86 * @param channel The channel number to return
87 * @return The audio as a TypedArray
88 */
89 getChannelData(channel: number): Float32Array;
90 /**
91 * Cut a subsection of the array and return a buffer of the
92 * subsection. Does not modify the original buffer
93 * @param start The time to start the slice
94 * @param end The end time to slice. If none is given will default to the end of the buffer
95 */
96 slice(start: Seconds, end?: Seconds): ToneAudioBuffer;
97 /**
98 * Reverse the buffer.
99 */
100 private _reverse;
101 /**
102 * If the buffer is loaded or not
103 */
104 get loaded(): boolean;
105 /**
106 * The duration of the buffer in seconds.
107 */
108 get duration(): Seconds;
109 /**
110 * The length of the buffer in samples
111 */
112 get length(): Samples;
113 /**
114 * The number of discrete audio channels. Returns 0 if no buffer is loaded.
115 */
116 get numberOfChannels(): number;
117 /**
118 * Reverse the buffer.
119 */
120 get reverse(): boolean;
121 set reverse(rev: boolean);
122 /**
123 * A path which is prefixed before every url.
124 */
125 static baseUrl: string;
126 /**
127 * Create a ToneAudioBuffer from the array. To create a multichannel AudioBuffer,
128 * pass in a multidimensional array.
129 * @param array The array to fill the audio buffer
130 * @return A ToneAudioBuffer created from the array
131 */
132 static fromArray(array: Float32Array | Float32Array[]): ToneAudioBuffer;
133 /**
134 * Creates a ToneAudioBuffer from a URL, returns a promise which resolves to a ToneAudioBuffer
135 * @param url The url to load.
136 * @return A promise which resolves to a ToneAudioBuffer
137 */
138 static fromUrl(url: string): Promise<ToneAudioBuffer>;
139 /**
140 * All of the downloads
141 */
142 static downloads: Array<Promise<void>>;
143 /**
144 * Loads a url using fetch and returns the AudioBuffer.
145 */
146 static load(url: string): Promise<AudioBuffer>;
147 /**
148 * Checks a url's extension to see if the current browser can play that file type.
149 * @param url The url/extension to test
150 * @return If the file extension can be played
151 * @static
152 * @example
153 * Tone.ToneAudioBuffer.supportsType("wav"); // returns true
154 * Tone.ToneAudioBuffer.supportsType("path/to/file.wav"); // returns true
155 */
156 static supportsType(url: string): boolean;
157 /**
158 * Returns a Promise which resolves when all of the buffers have loaded
159 */
160 static loaded(): Promise<void>;
162export {};