7.17 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Param } from "./Param.js";
2import { ToneWithContext, ToneWithContextOptions } from "./ToneWithContext.js";
3export type InputNode = ToneAudioNode | AudioNode | Param<any> | AudioParam;
4export type OutputNode = ToneAudioNode | AudioNode;
6 * The possible options for this node
7 */
8export type ToneAudioNodeOptions = ToneWithContextOptions;
10 * ToneAudioNode is the base class for classes which process audio.
11 * @category Core
12 */
13export declare abstract class ToneAudioNode<Options extends ToneAudioNodeOptions = ToneAudioNodeOptions> extends ToneWithContext<Options> {
14 /**
15 * The name of the class
16 */
17 abstract readonly name: string;
18 /**
19 * The input node or nodes. If the object is a source,
20 * it does not have any input and this.input is undefined.
21 */
22 abstract input: InputNode | undefined;
23 /**
24 * The output nodes. If the object is a sink,
25 * it does not have any output and this.output is undefined.
26 */
27 abstract output: OutputNode | undefined;
28 /**
29 * The number of inputs feeding into the AudioNode.
30 * For source nodes, this will be 0.
31 * @example
32 * const node = new Tone.Gain();
33 * console.log(node.numberOfInputs);
34 */
35 get numberOfInputs(): number;
36 /**
37 * The number of outputs of the AudioNode.
38 * @example
39 * const node = new Tone.Gain();
40 * console.log(node.numberOfOutputs);
41 */
42 get numberOfOutputs(): number;
43 /**
44 * List all of the node that must be set to match the ChannelProperties
45 */
46 protected _internalChannels: OutputNode[];
47 /**
48 * Used to decide which nodes to get/set properties on
49 */
50 private _isAudioNode;
51 /**
52 * Get all of the audio nodes (either internal or input/output) which together
53 * make up how the class node responds to channel input/output
54 */
55 private _getInternalNodes;
56 /**
57 * Set the audio options for this node such as channelInterpretation
58 * channelCount, etc.
59 * @param options
60 */
61 private _setChannelProperties;
62 /**
63 * Get the current audio options for this node such as channelInterpretation
64 * channelCount, etc.
65 */
66 private _getChannelProperties;
67 /**
68 * channelCount is the number of channels used when up-mixing and down-mixing
69 * connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is 2 except for
70 * specific nodes where its value is specially determined.
71 */
72 get channelCount(): number;
73 set channelCount(channelCount: number);
74 /**
75 * channelCountMode determines how channels will be counted when up-mixing and
76 * down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node.
77 * The default value is "max". This attribute has no effect for nodes with no inputs.
78 * * "max" - computedNumberOfChannels is the maximum of the number of channels of all connections to an input. In this mode channelCount is ignored.
79 * * "clamped-max" - computedNumberOfChannels is determined as for "max" and then clamped to a maximum value of the given channelCount.
80 * * "explicit" - computedNumberOfChannels is the exact value as specified by the channelCount.
81 */
82 get channelCountMode(): ChannelCountMode;
83 set channelCountMode(channelCountMode: ChannelCountMode);
84 /**
85 * channelInterpretation determines how individual channels will be treated
86 * when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node.
87 * The default value is "speakers".
88 */
89 get channelInterpretation(): ChannelInterpretation;
90 set channelInterpretation(channelInterpretation: ChannelInterpretation);
91 /**
92 * connect the output of a ToneAudioNode to an AudioParam, AudioNode, or ToneAudioNode
93 * @param destination The output to connect to
94 * @param outputNum The output to connect from
95 * @param inputNum The input to connect to
96 */
97 connect(destination: InputNode, outputNum?: number, inputNum?: number): this;
98 /**
99 * Connect the output to the context's destination node.
100 * @example
101 * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator("C2").start();
102 * osc.toDestination();
103 */
104 toDestination(): this;
105 /**
106 * Connect the output to the context's destination node.
107 * @see {@link toDestination}
108 * @deprecated
109 */
110 toMaster(): this;
111 /**
112 * disconnect the output
113 */
114 disconnect(destination?: InputNode, outputNum?: number, inputNum?: number): this;
115 /**
116 * Connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in series.
117 * @example
118 * const player = new Tone.Player("https://tonejs.github.io/audio/drum-samples/handdrum-loop.mp3");
119 * player.autostart = true;
120 * const filter = new Tone.AutoFilter(4).start();
121 * const distortion = new Tone.Distortion(0.5);
122 * // connect the player to the filter, distortion and then to the master output
123 * player.chain(filter, distortion, Tone.Destination);
124 */
125 chain(...nodes: InputNode[]): this;
126 /**
127 * connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in parallel.
128 * @example
129 * const player = new Tone.Player("https://tonejs.github.io/audio/drum-samples/conga-rhythm.mp3");
130 * player.autostart = true;
131 * const pitchShift = new Tone.PitchShift(4).toDestination();
132 * const filter = new Tone.Filter("G5").toDestination();
133 * // connect a node to the pitch shift and filter in parallel
134 * player.fan(pitchShift, filter);
135 */
136 fan(...nodes: InputNode[]): this;
137 /**
138 * Dispose and disconnect
139 */
140 dispose(): this;
143 * connect together all of the arguments in series
144 * @param nodes
145 */
146export declare function connectSeries(...nodes: InputNode[]): void;
148 * Connect two nodes together so that signal flows from the
149 * first node to the second. Optionally specify the input and output channels.
150 * @param srcNode The source node
151 * @param dstNode The destination node
152 * @param outputNumber The output channel of the srcNode
153 * @param inputNumber The input channel of the dstNode
154 */
155export declare function connect(srcNode: OutputNode, dstNode: InputNode, outputNumber?: number, inputNumber?: number): void;
157 * Disconnect a node from all nodes or optionally include a destination node and input/output channels.
158 * @param srcNode The source node
159 * @param dstNode The destination node
160 * @param outputNumber The output channel of the srcNode
161 * @param inputNumber The input channel of the dstNode
162 */
163export declare function disconnect(srcNode: OutputNode, dstNode?: InputNode, outputNumber?: number, inputNumber?: number): void;
165 * Connect the output of one or more source nodes to a single destination node
166 * @param nodes One or more source nodes followed by one destination node
167 * @example
168 * const player = new Tone.Player("https://tonejs.github.io/audio/drum-samples/conga-rhythm.mp3");
169 * const player1 = new Tone.Player("https://tonejs.github.io/audio/drum-samples/conga-rhythm.mp3");
170 * const filter = new Tone.Filter("G5").toDestination();
171 * // connect nodes to a common destination
172 * Tone.fanIn(player, player1, filter);
173 */
174export declare function fanIn(...nodes: OutputNode[]): void;