1 | import { Panner } from "../component/channel/Panner.js";
2 | import { LFOEffect, LFOEffectOptions } from "./LFOEffect.js";
3 | import { Frequency } from "../core/type/Units.js";
4 | export interface AutoPannerOptions extends LFOEffectOptions {
5 | channelCount: number;
6 | }
7 | /**
8 | * AutoPanner is a {@link Panner} with an {@link LFO} connected to the pan amount.
9 | * [Related Reading](https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/autopan-chopper-effect-and-more-liveschool/).
10 | *
11 | * @example
12 | * // create an autopanner and start it
13 | * const autoPanner = new Tone.AutoPanner("4n").toDestination().start();
14 | * // route an oscillator through the panner and start it
15 | * const oscillator = new Tone.Oscillator().connect(autoPanner).start();
16 | * @category Effect
17 | */
18 | export declare class AutoPanner extends LFOEffect<AutoPannerOptions> {
19 | readonly name: string;
20 | /**
21 | * The filter node
22 | */
23 | readonly _panner: Panner;
24 | /**
25 | * @param frequency Rate of left-right oscillation.
26 | */
27 | constructor(frequency?: Frequency);
28 | constructor(options?: Partial<AutoPannerOptions>);
29 | static getDefaults(): AutoPannerOptions;
30 | dispose(): this;
31 | }