1 | import { ToneAudioNodeOptions } from "../core/context/ToneAudioNode.js";
2 | import { SignalOperator } from "./SignalOperator.js";
3 | export type WaveShaperMappingFn = (value: number, index?: number) => number;
4 | type WaveShaperMapping = WaveShaperMappingFn | number[] | Float32Array;
5 | interface WaveShaperOptions extends ToneAudioNodeOptions {
6 | mapping?: WaveShaperMapping;
7 | length: number;
8 | curve?: number[] | Float32Array;
9 | }
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21 | export declare class WaveShaper extends SignalOperator<WaveShaperOptions> {
22 | readonly name: string;
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26 | private _shaper;
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30 | input: WaveShaperNode;
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34 | output: WaveShaperNode;
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47 | constructor(mapping?: WaveShaperMapping, length?: number);
48 | constructor(options?: Partial<WaveShaperOptions>);
49 | static getDefaults(): WaveShaperOptions;
50 | /**
51 | * Uses a mapping function to set the value of the curve.
52 | * @param mapping The function used to define the values.
53 | * The mapping function take two arguments:
54 | * the first is the value at the current position
55 | * which goes from -1 to 1 over the number of elements
56 | * in the curve array. The second argument is the array position.
57 | * @example
58 | * const shaper = new Tone.WaveShaper();
59 | * // map the input signal from [-1, 1] to [0, 10]
60 | * shaper.setMap((val, index) => (val + 1) * 5);
61 | */
62 | setMap(mapping: WaveShaperMappingFn, length?: number): this;
63 | /**
64 | * The array to set as the waveshaper curve. For linear curves
65 | * array length does not make much difference, but for complex curves
66 | * longer arrays will provide smoother interpolation.
67 | */
68 | get curve(): Float32Array | null;
69 | set curve(mapping: Float32Array | null);
70 | /**
71 | * Specifies what type of oversampling (if any) should be used when
72 | * applying the shaping curve. Can either be "none", "2x" or "4x".
73 | */
74 | get oversample(): OverSampleType;
75 | set oversample(oversampling: OverSampleType);
76 | /**
77 | * Clean up.
78 | */
79 | dispose(): this;
80 | }
81 | export {};