3.63 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Degrees, Frequency, Seconds, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js";
2import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js";
3import { Source } from "../Source.js";
4import { FMConstructorOptions, FMOscillatorOptions, ToneOscillatorInterface, ToneOscillatorType } from "./OscillatorInterface.js";
5export { FMOscillatorOptions } from "./OscillatorInterface.js";
7 * FMOscillator implements a frequency modulation synthesis
8 * ```
9 * +-------------+
10 * +---------------+ +-------------+ | Carrier Osc |
11 * | Modulator Osc +>-------> GainNode | | +--->Output
12 * +---------------+ | +>----> frequency |
13 * +--> gain | +-------------+
14 * | +-------------+
15 * +-----------------+ |
16 * | modulationIndex +>--+
17 * +-----------------+
18 * ```
19 *
20 * @example
21 * return Tone.Offline(() => {
22 * const fmOsc = new Tone.FMOscillator({
23 * frequency: 200,
24 * type: "square",
25 * modulationType: "triangle",
26 * harmonicity: 0.2,
27 * modulationIndex: 3
28 * }).toDestination().start();
29 * }, 0.1, 1);
30 * @category Source
31 */
32export declare class FMOscillator extends Source<FMOscillatorOptions> implements ToneOscillatorInterface {
33 readonly name: string;
34 /**
35 * The carrier oscillator
36 */
37 private _carrier;
38 readonly frequency: Signal<"frequency">;
39 readonly detune: Signal<"cents">;
40 /**
41 * The modulating oscillator
42 */
43 private _modulator;
44 /**
45 * Harmonicity is the frequency ratio between the carrier and the modulator oscillators.
46 * A harmonicity of 1 gives both oscillators the same frequency.
47 * Harmonicity = 2 means a change of an octave.
48 * @example
49 * const fmOsc = new Tone.FMOscillator("D2").toDestination().start();
50 * // pitch the modulator an octave below carrier
51 * fmOsc.harmonicity.value = 0.5;
52 */
53 readonly harmonicity: Signal<"positive">;
54 /**
55 * The modulation index which is in essence the depth or amount of the modulation. In other terms it is the
56 * ratio of the frequency of the modulating signal (mf) to the amplitude of the
57 * modulating signal (ma) -- as in ma/mf.
58 */
59 readonly modulationIndex: Signal<"positive">;
60 /**
61 * the node where the modulation happens
62 */
63 private _modulationNode;
64 /**
65 * @param frequency The starting frequency of the oscillator.
66 * @param type The type of the carrier oscillator.
67 * @param modulationType The type of the modulator oscillator.
68 */
69 constructor(frequency?: Frequency, type?: ToneOscillatorType, modulationType?: ToneOscillatorType);
70 constructor(options?: Partial<FMConstructorOptions>);
71 static getDefaults(): FMOscillatorOptions;
72 /**
73 * start the oscillator
74 */
75 protected _start(time: Time): void;
76 /**
77 * stop the oscillator
78 */
79 protected _stop(time: Time): void;
80 protected _restart(time: Seconds): this;
81 get type(): ToneOscillatorType;
82 set type(type: ToneOscillatorType);
83 get baseType(): OscillatorType;
84 set baseType(baseType: OscillatorType);
85 get partialCount(): number;
86 set partialCount(partialCount: number);
87 /**
88 * The type of the modulator oscillator
89 */
90 get modulationType(): ToneOscillatorType;
91 set modulationType(type: ToneOscillatorType);
92 get phase(): Degrees;
93 set phase(phase: Degrees);
94 get partials(): number[];
95 set partials(partials: number[]);
96 asArray(length?: number): Promise<Float32Array>;
97 /**
98 * Clean up.
99 */
100 dispose(): this;