1 | import { Cents, Degrees, Frequency, Seconds, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js";
2 | import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js";
3 | import { Source } from "../Source.js";
4 | import { AMOscillator } from "./AMOscillator.js";
5 | import { FatOscillator } from "./FatOscillator.js";
6 | import { FMOscillator } from "./FMOscillator.js";
7 | import { Oscillator } from "./Oscillator.js";
8 | import { OmniOscillatorOptions, OmniOscillatorType, ToneOscillatorInterface, ToneOscillatorType } from "./OscillatorInterface.js";
9 | import { PulseOscillator } from "./PulseOscillator.js";
10 | import { PWMOscillator } from "./PWMOscillator.js";
11 | export { OmniOscillatorOptions } from "./OscillatorInterface.js";
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | type AnyOscillator = Oscillator | PWMOscillator | PulseOscillator | FatOscillator | AMOscillator | FMOscillator;
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 | interface OmniOscillatorSource {
20 | fm: FMOscillator;
21 | am: AMOscillator;
22 | pwm: PWMOscillator;
23 | pulse: PulseOscillator;
24 | oscillator: Oscillator;
25 | fat: FatOscillator;
26 | }
27 |
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29 |
30 | export type OmniOscSourceType = keyof OmniOscillatorSource;
31 | type IsAmOrFmOscillator<Osc, Ret> = Osc extends AMOscillator ? Ret : Osc extends FMOscillator ? Ret : undefined;
32 | type IsFatOscillator<Osc, Ret> = Osc extends FatOscillator ? Ret : undefined;
33 | type IsPWMOscillator<Osc, Ret> = Osc extends PWMOscillator ? Ret : undefined;
34 | type IsPulseOscillator<Osc, Ret> = Osc extends PulseOscillator ? Ret : undefined;
35 | type IsFMOscillator<Osc, Ret> = Osc extends FMOscillator ? Ret : undefined;
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43 |
44 | export declare class OmniOscillator<OscType extends AnyOscillator> extends Source<OmniOscillatorOptions> implements Omit<ToneOscillatorInterface, "type"> {
45 | readonly name: string;
46 | readonly frequency: Signal<"frequency">;
47 | readonly detune: Signal<"cents">;
48 | |
49 |
50 |
51 | private _oscillator;
52 | |
53 |
54 |
55 | private _sourceType;
56 | |
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58 |
59 |
60 | constructor(frequency?: Frequency, type?: OmniOscillatorType);
61 | constructor(options?: Partial<OmniOscillatorOptions>);
62 | static getDefaults(): OmniOscillatorOptions;
63 | /**
64 | * start the oscillator
65 | */
66 | protected _start(time: Time): void;
67 | /**
68 | * start the oscillator
69 | */
70 | protected _stop(time: Time): void;
71 | protected _restart(time: Seconds): this;
72 | /**
73 | * The type of the oscillator. Can be any of the basic types: sine, square, triangle, sawtooth. Or
74 | * prefix the basic types with "fm", "am", or "fat" to use the FMOscillator, AMOscillator or FatOscillator
75 | * types. The oscillator could also be set to "pwm" or "pulse". All of the parameters of the
76 | * oscillator's class are accessible when the oscillator is set to that type, but throws an error
77 | * when it's not.
78 | * @example
79 | * const omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator().toDestination().start();
80 | * omniOsc.type = "pwm";
81 | * // modulationFrequency is parameter which is available
82 | * // only when the type is "pwm".
83 | * omniOsc.modulationFrequency.value = 0.5;
84 | */
85 | get type(): OmniOscillatorType;
86 | set type(type: OmniOscillatorType);
87 | /**
88 | * The value is an empty array when the type is not "custom".
89 | * This is not available on "pwm" and "pulse" oscillator types.
90 | * @see {@link Oscillator.partials}
91 | */
92 | get partials(): number[];
93 | set partials(partials: number[]);
94 | get partialCount(): number;
95 | set partialCount(partialCount: number);
96 | set(props: Partial<OmniOscillatorOptions>): this;
97 | /**
98 | * connect the oscillator to the frequency and detune signals
99 | */
100 | private _createNewOscillator;
101 | get phase(): Degrees;
102 | set phase(phase: Degrees);
103 | /**
104 | * The source type of the oscillator.
105 | * @example
106 | * const omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator(440, "fmsquare");
107 | * console.log(omniOsc.sourceType); // 'fm'
108 | */
109 | get sourceType(): OmniOscSourceType;
110 | set sourceType(sType: OmniOscSourceType);
111 | private _getOscType;
112 | /**
113 | * The base type of the oscillator.
114 | * @see {@link Oscillator.baseType}
115 | * @example
116 | * const omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator(440, "fmsquare4");
117 | * console.log(omniOsc.sourceType, omniOsc.baseType, omniOsc.partialCount);
118 | */
119 | get baseType(): OscillatorType | "pwm" | "pulse";
120 | set baseType(baseType: OscillatorType | "pwm" | "pulse");
121 | |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 | get width(): IsPulseOscillator<OscType, Signal<"audioRange">>;
126 | |
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129 |
130 | get count(): IsFatOscillator<OscType, number>;
131 | set count(count: IsFatOscillator<OscType, number>);
132 | |
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134 |
135 |
136 | get spread(): IsFatOscillator<OscType, Cents>;
137 | set spread(spread: IsFatOscillator<OscType, Cents>);
138 | |
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141 |
142 | get modulationType(): IsAmOrFmOscillator<OscType, ToneOscillatorType>;
143 | set modulationType(mType: IsAmOrFmOscillator<OscType, ToneOscillatorType>);
144 | |
145 |
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147 |
148 | get modulationIndex(): IsFMOscillator<OscType, Signal<"positive">>;
149 | |
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151 |
152 |
153 | get harmonicity(): IsAmOrFmOscillator<OscType, Signal<"positive">>;
154 | |
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159 |
160 | get modulationFrequency(): IsPWMOscillator<OscType, Signal<"frequency">>;
161 | asArray(length?: number): Promise<Float32Array>;
162 | dispose(): this;
163 | }