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1# Topcoder React Utils Changelog
3### v0.6.0
4- A better way to build the library: both dev and prod builds are created; and
5 the proper version is selected depending on `NODE_ENV` value at the buildtime
6 (client-side) or runtime (server-side) of the host code.
8 **BREAKING CHANGE:** You should update the way you include style the global
9 stylesheet into the host code, from:
10 ```jsx
11 require('topcoder-react-utils/dist/style.css');
12 ```
13 to
14 ```jsx
15 /* eslint-disable global-require */
16 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
17 require('topcoder-react-utils/dist/prod/style.css');
18 } else {
19 require('topcoder-react-utils/dist/dev/style.css');
20 }
21 /* eslint-enable global-require */
22 ```
23 This will include the proper version of compiled global styles into the host
24 code.
26- Also most of NPM dependencies updated to their latest versions, which might
27 demand some fixes in your code.
29- Adds optional `type` prop to [`<Button>`](docs/button.md)
31### v0.5.0
32All dependencies are force-updated to their latest versions. It might introduce
33breaking changes.
35### v0.4.4
36PoC implementation of **item** actions and reducer.
38### v0.4.3
39- Removes `adopt-dev-deps` script (use
40 [`topcoder-lib-setup`](docs/topcoder-lib-setup-script.md) instead).
42### v0.4.2
43Adds `topcoder-lib-setup` script, which should help to update our ReactJS
44libraries in the host packages. Not mentioned in the docs as it still pending
45to be tested in prod.
47### v0.4.0
48- Updates many dependencies to the latest versions. Presumably, should not
49 introduce breaking changes, but, just in case, tagged as a minor update.
51### v0.3.9
52- Adds `collection` actions and reducer.
54### v0.3.8
55- Fixes `webpack.resolveWeak(..)` for usage from within a host codebase.
57### v0.3.7
58- Adds `<AppChunk>` and `webpack.resolveWeak(..)`.
60### v0.3.6
61- Updated names pattern for static assets.
63### v0.3.5
64- ~~`cdnPublicPath` option added to the standard Webpack config for apps to support
65 assets loading via CDN.~~ *Removed as not useful.*
67### v0.3.4
68- Small fixes in the client / server setup.
69- `createActions(..)` alias added to `redux` utils, to use that function without
70 explicit import of `redux-actions` module.
72### v0.3.3
73- Fixes and enhancements in the client / server setup (HMR, Redux, Server-side
74 rendering);
75- Added: `DevTools` (Redux Dev Tools); `<MetaTags>` (convenient management of
76 meta-tags that provide content for page title, social sharing links, etc.);
77 `redux` utils for creation of Redux store, and various auxiliary operations
78 with actions and reducers.
80### v0.3.2
81- Adds the client-side initialization code, and makes some corrections of the
82 standard Wepback configs and server setup.
84### v0.3.0
85- Added the standard, configurable server setup;
86- Jest utils are now exposed in a different way;
87- Config / isomorphy / webpack utils added;
88- Updated dependencies.
90### v0.2.0
91- Webpack configs for apps updated to emulate `process.env.BABEL_ENV` instead of
92 `process.env.NODE_ENV`. The original intent behind emulation of that constant
93 was to distinguish development and production bundles during the runtime; in
94 our code depending on this package it is `BABEL_ENV` allows to distinguish
95 the builds, while `NODE_ENV` serve to switch between dev and prod APIs to be
96 used during the runtime.
98### v0.1.0
99The first release of the package. In general, everything is set up, we are going
100to move in difference stuff, without changing created package structure.
102### v0.0.x
103Pre-release drafts of the initial package version. A big journey starts here.
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