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6# Topcoder React Utils
7The [Topcoder](https://www.topcoder.com) collection of generic ReactJS
8configurations, components and utilities to be shared between all internal and
9external ReactJS projects developed by the Topcoder community.
11## Content
12- [Installation](#installation)
13- [Reference](#reference)
14 - [Configurations](#configurations)
15 - [Components](#components)
16 - [NodeJS Scripts](#nodejs-scripts)
17 - [Redux Templates](#redux-templates)
18 - [Utilities](#utilities)
19- [Development](#development)
20- [License](#license)
22## Installation
23Install the package as
25$ npm install --save topcoder-react-utils
26$ ./node_modules/.bin/topcoder-lib-setup
28Then import the global stylesheet into the root ReactJS component of your app:
30/* eslint-disable global-require */
31if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
32 require('topcoder-react-utils/dist/prod/style.css');
33} else {
34 require('topcoder-react-utils/dist/dev/style.css');
36/* eslint-enable global-require */
39To upgrade this library to the latest version just execute again
41$ ./node_modules/.bin/topcoder-lib-setup
44## Reference
45### Configurations
46- [**Babel Configurations**](docs/babel-config.md) – Standard
47 configurations for [Babel](https://babeljs.io/);
48- [**ESLint Configurations**](docs/eslint-config.md) – Standard
49 configurations for [ESLint](https://eslint.org/);
50- [**Jest Configurations**](docs/jest-config.md) – Standard configurations
51 for [Jest](https://facebook.github.io/jest/);
52- [**Stylelint Configurations**](docs/stylelint-config.md) – Standard
53 configurations for [Stylelint](https://stylelint.io)
54- [**Webpack Configurations**](docs/webpack-config.md) – Standard
55 configurations for [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/).
57### Components
58- [**`Avatar`**](docs/avatar.md) – The standard component for user avatars;
59- [**`Button`**](docs/button.md) – Handles buttons and button-like links
60 (components that look like regular buttons, but behave as links) in the same
61 uniform manner;
62- [**`Link` and `NavLink`**](docs/link-and-navlink.md) – Auxiliary wrappers
63 around [React Router](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router)'s `<Link>`
64 and `<NavLink>` components; they help to handle external and internal links in
65 the same uniform manner;
66- [**`Modal`**](docs/modal.md) &ndash; Themeable modal component;
67- [**`ScalableRect`**](docs/scalable-rect.md) &ndash; Container that keeps
68 the specified aspect ratio regardless the width you set.
70### NodeJS Scripts
71- [**topcoder-lib-setup**](docs/topcoder-lib-setup-script.md) &ndash; Helps to
72 install and upgrade **topcoder-react-utils** and other similar libraries.
74### Redux Templates
75- [**Item**](docs/redux-item.md) &ndash; An async piece of data in Redux store.
77### Utilities
78- [**Client**](docs/client.md) &ndash; Client-side initialization code.
79- [**Config**](docs/config.md) &ndash; Isomorphic app config;
80- [**Global Styles**](docs/global-styles.md) &ndash; Global styles necessary for
81 a generic application;
82- [**Isomorphy**](docs/isomorphy-utils.md) &ndash; Collection of helpers to deal
83 with isomorphic aspects of the code;
84- [**Jest utils**](docs/jest-utils.md) &ndash; Collection of helpers to be used
85 in Jest tests code;
86- [**Redux utils**](docs/redux-utils.md) &ndash; *TO BE DOCUMENTED*
87- [**SCSS Mixins**](docs/scss-mixins.md) &ndash; Collection of useful style
88 mixins;
89- [**Server**](docs/server.md) &ndash; Easy creation and launch of web-server
90 with standard configuration, that serves a ReactJS application with or without
91 server-side rendering, supports development tools (Hop Module Reloading), and
92 can be further configured for the needs of specific projects.
93- [**Webpack**](docs/webpack-utils.md) &ndash; Various utils related to the
94 Webpack bundling process.
96## Development
97For convenient development you can link this package into your host package:
981. Clone [`topcoder-react-utils`](https://github.com/topcoder-platform/topcoder-react-utils)
99 to your machine, and checkout the branch you are going to work with;
1002. Inside `topcoder-react-utils` folder:
101 - Install dependencies with `$ npm install`;
102 - Locate `node_modules/extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin/index.js` and
103 inside the `isChunk(..)` function (line #358) add `return true;` statement,
104 so that this function always returns *true*. This step is necessary at
105 the moment, because the check `chunk instanceof Chunk` check inside this
106 function does not work as expected when Webpack config is spread across
107 multiple inter-linked packages.
108 - Run the dev build `$ npm run build:dev`. It will compile the package, and
109 also will watch for the file changes to automatically re-compile it as
110 necessary.
1113. Inside the host package execute
112 `$ npm link PATH_TO_TOPCODER_REACT_UTILS_FOLDER`. It will create a symlink
113 from `HOST_PACKAGE/node_modules/topcoder-react-utils` to your local copy of
114 the `topcoder-react-utils` package, so that any changes you do there become
115 automatically available to the host package.
117CI/CD is set up with CircleCI 2.0 for this repo. A commit to any branch, beside
118`master` will trigger testing of the commited code (it will run `$ npm test` and
119ensures that it does not fail). A commit to the protected `master` branch (only
120organization members and repo admins can commit to `master`) will trigger the
121testing, and, if successful, release of the updated package to the NPM registry.
123For successful release to NPM you should bump the package version in the
124`package.json`. To do it conveniently you can use `$ npm version UPDATE_TYPE`
125command, where `UPDATE_TYPE` stays for one of `patch`/`minor`/`major` to bump up
126`2`, `1`, or `0` in a sample version number `v0.1.2`. This command will update
127`package.json` and `package-lock.json`, and create a new commit and tag in the
128checked-out Git branch. Mind that `patch` updates should not introduce
129any breaking changes into the codebase! Breaking changes should be done via
130`minor` or `major` update, and they should be documented in
133## License
134Topcoder React Utils is [MIT Licensed](LICENSE.md)