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1# Server
2Easy creation and launch of web-server with standard configuration, that serves
3a ReactJS application with or without server-side rendering, supports
4development tools (Hot Module Reloading), and can be further configured for
5the needs of specific projects.
7**Why?** — Each ReactJS application demands a web-server, and there is
8a bunch of generic boilerplate code involved. Here is our solution to this,
9which allows to create a simple, but functional, web-server in a moment, and
10permits to further configurate it for specific use.
12*NOTE:* It is supposed that this server, even with zero configration, supports
13most standard ReactJS setups: i.e. with or without server-side rendering and/or
14Redux. However, the current code was spawned out from a specific codebase that
15used Redux and server-side rendering. Should you experience any problems in any
16other use case, don't hesitate to attract attention to your issues and propose
19### Details
20Technically, our server solution consists of three parts: `dist/server/renderer`
21takes care about the actual rendering of HTML template, injection of config and
22server-side rendered ReactJS markup; `dist/server/server` creates and configures
23ExpressJS server; and `dist/server` assemble them together, sets up and launches
24the native NodeJS server that exposes ExpressJS to the outside world.
26For the practical use, staring the server is as easy as:
28import { server } from 'topcoder-react-utils`;
29import webpackConfig from 'config/webpack/production.js`;
31const options = {}; // A number of extra options can be provided here.
33server(webpackConfig, options);
36The `serverFactory(webpackConfig, options)` function initializes, and launches
37the server, and it returns a Promise that resolves to an object with two fields,
38`expressServer` and `httpServer` that contain the created and launched servers.
40The first argument of the factory, `webpackConfig` is the Webpack config used to
41build the frontend bundle: in production mode server takes out of it `context`,
42`publicPath`, and some other params; in development mode the entire config is
43necessary to run ExpressJS in development mode.
45The second argument, `options`, is optional; it allows to pass in the following
47- **`Application`** — *Component* — Optional. The root ReactJS
48 component of the app. If provided, server will perform server-side rendering,
49 and it will inject the rendered markup into the HTML template it serves.
50- **`devMode`** — *Boolean* — Optional. Specifies, whether the
51 server should be launched in the development mode.
52- **`favicon`** — *String* — Optional. Path to the favicon to be
53 served by the server.
54- **`logger`** — *Object* — Optional. The logger to be used for
55 logging. Defaults to `console`, otherwise it is expected to provide the same
56 interface. Note that `console` is not efficient for production use, because
57 it is not async in NodeJS.
58- **`beforeRender`** — *Function(req, config)* — Optional. The hook to be
59 executed right before the generation of HTML template of the page.
61 **Arguments:**
62 - **`req`** — *Object* — ExpressJS HTTP request;
63 - **`config`** — *Object* — App config that server wants to inject
64 into HTML page template;
66 **Returns:** Promise that resolves to an object with the following fields:
67 - **`configToInject`** — *Object* — Optional. The actual config
68 object
69 to be injected into the page. If omitted, the one proposed by the server
70 will be used.
71 - **`extraScripts`** — *String[]* — Additional script tags to be
72 injected into the page.
73 - **`store`** — *Object* — Redux store which state will be
74 injected into HTML template as the initial state of the app.
75- **`onExpressJsSetup`** — *Function* — Custom setup of ExpressJS
76 server. Express server instance will be passed in as the only argument to this
77 function.
78- **`port`** — *Number|String* — The port to be used by the server.