1 | # node-tosource
2 |
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6 |
7 | toSource is a super simple function that converts JavaScript objects back to source code.
8 |
9 | ## Introduction
10 |
11 | Motivation: JSON doesn't support serializing functions, dates, or regular expressions. I wanted
12 | a quick and simple way to push trusted data structures with code from Node down to the browser.
13 |
14 | This should make it easier to share code and modules between the server and client.
15 |
16 | ## Installation
17 |
18 | ```
19 | npm install tosource
20 | ```
21 |
22 | ## Examples
23 |
24 | The following code:
25 |
26 | ```js
27 | import toSource from 'tosource';
28 |
29 | console.log(
30 | toSource([
31 | 4,
32 | 5,
33 | 6,
34 | 'hello',
35 | {
36 | a: 2,
37 | b: 3,
38 | '1': 4,
39 | if: 5,
40 | yes: true,
41 | no: false,
42 | nan: NaN,
43 | infinity: Infinity,
44 | undefined: undefined,
45 | null: null,
46 | foo: function (bar) {
47 | console.log('woo! a is ' + a);
48 | console.log('and bar is ' + bar);
49 | },
50 | },
51 | /we$/gi,
52 | new Date('Wed, 09 Aug 1995 00:00:00 GMT'),
53 | ]),
54 | );
55 | ```
56 |
57 | Output:
58 |
59 | ```
60 | [ 4,
61 | 5,
62 | 6,
63 | "hello",
64 | { 1:4,
65 | a:2,
66 | b:3,
67 | "if":5,
68 | yes:true,
69 | no:false,
70 | nan:NaN,
71 | infinity:Infinity,
72 | "undefined":undefined,
73 | "null":null,
74 | foo:function (bar) {
75 | console.log('woo! a is ' + a);
76 | console.log('and bar is ' + bar);
77 | } },
78 | /we$/gi,
79 | new Date(807926400000) ]
80 | ```
81 |
82 | See [tosource.test.ts][1] for more examples.
83 |
84 | ## Supported Types
85 |
86 | - numbers (including `NaN`, `Infinity`, and `-0`)
87 | - strings
88 | - Arrays (including sparse arrays)
89 | - object literals
90 | - function
91 | - `RegExp` instances
92 | - `Date` instances
93 | - `Map`
94 | - `Set`
95 | - `true` / `false`
96 | - `undefined`
97 | - `null`
98 |
99 | ## Notes
100 |
101 | - Functions are serialized with `func.toString()`, no closure properties are serialized
102 | - Multiple references to the same object become copies
103 | - Circular references are encoded as `{$circularReference:true}`
104 |
105 | ## License
106 |
107 | toSource is open source software under the [zlib license][2].
108 |
109 | [1]: https://github.com/marcello3d/node-tosource/blob/master/src/tosource.test.ts
110 | [2]: https://github.com/marcello3d/node-tosource/blob/master/LICENSE