1.75 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import { readJson, writeFileSync } from 'fs-extra';
2import { resolve, join } from 'path';
3import {
4 recordHARClient,
5 getBrowserArgs,
6 IConditions,
7} from '@tracerbench/core';
9import { TBBaseCommand, getConfig } from '../command-config';
10import {
11 dest,
12 url,
13 cookiespath,
14 filename,
15 marker,
16 config,
17} from '../helpers/flags';
19export default class RecordHAR extends TBBaseCommand {
20 public static description = 'Generates a HAR file from a URL.';
21 public static flags = {
22 url: url({ required: true, default: undefined }),
23 dest: dest({ required: true }),
24 cookiespath: cookiespath({ required: true }),
25 filename: filename({ required: true, default: 'tracerbench' }),
26 marker: marker({ required: true }),
27 config: config(),
28 };
29 public async init() {
30 const { flags } = this.parse(RecordHAR);
31 this.parsedConfig = getConfig(flags.config, flags, this.explicitFlags);
32 }
34 public async run() {
35 const { flags } = this.parse(RecordHAR);
36 const { url, dest, cookiespath, filename, marker } = flags;
37 const { network, cpuThrottleRate, browserArgs } = this.parsedConfig;
38 const conditions: IConditions = {
39 network: network ? network : 'none',
40 cpu: cpuThrottleRate ? parseInt(cpuThrottleRate as string, 10) : 1,
41 };
42 // grab the auth cookies
43 const cookies = await readJson(resolve(cookiespath));
45 // record the actual HAR and return the archive file
46 const harArchive = await recordHARClient(
47 url,
48 cookies,
49 marker,
50 conditions,
51 getBrowserArgs(browserArgs)
52 );
54 const harPath = join(dest, `${filename}.har`);
56 writeFileSync(harPath, JSON.stringify(harArchive));
58 this.log(`HAR recorded and available here: ${harPath}`);
59 }