1 | # travis-deploy-once
2 |
3 | Run a deployment script only once in the [Travis](https://travis-ci.org/) test matrix.
4 |
5 | [](https://travis-ci.org/semantic-release/travis-deploy-once)
6 | [](https://codecov.io/gh/semantic-release/travis-deploy-once)
7 | [](https://greenkeeper.io/)
8 |
9 | ## :warning: Deprecation Notice :warning:
10 |
11 | **This library is deprecated and will not be maintained. We recommend to use [Build Stages](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages) instead. It’s a clearer and more flexible way to orchestrate jobs within a build.**
12 |
13 | ## Overview
14 |
15 | For Travis builds running multiple jobs (to test with multiple [Node versions](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/javascript-with-nodejs/#Specifying-Node.js-versions) and/or [OSs](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/multi-os)), `travis-deploy-once` run some code only once, after all other jobs have completed successfully.
16 |
17 | `travis-deploy-once` is usually used in the `after_success` step. But if you want your build to break in case the `travis-deploy-once` script returns an error, you can set it in the `script` or `before_script` step (see [Travis Build Lifecycle](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#The-Build-Lifecycle)).
18 |
19 | Your code will run only on the job identified as the build leader, which is determined as follow, by order of priority:
20 | - The job with the ID defined in the [-b](#-b---buildleaderid), [--buildLeaderId](#-b---buildleaderid) CLI options or the [buildLeaderId](#buildleaderid) API option or `BUILD_LEADER_ID` environment variable.
21 | - The job configured with the [latest Node version](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/javascript-with-nodejs/#Specifying-Node.js-versions) (`node_js: node`).
22 | - The job configured with the [lts Node version](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/javascript-with-nodejs/#Specifying-Node.js-versions) (`node_js: lts/*`).
23 | - The job with the highest node version
24 | - The job with the highest job number if none of the jobs specify a node version (see [#42](https://github.com/semantic-release/travis-deploy-once/pull/42))
25 |
26 | **Note**: If multiple jobs match, the one with the highest job ID (which corresponds to the last one defined in `.travis.yml`) will be identified as the build leader.
27 |
28 | ## CLI
29 |
30 | ```bash
31 | Usage: travis-deploy-once.js [script]
32 | ```
33 |
34 | ### CLI usage with script argument
35 |
36 | Run the `script` passed in the first argument only if the current job is the build leader and all other jobs are successful and return with the exit code of the script. Return with exit code `0` otherwise.
37 |
38 | In `.travis.yml`:
39 |
40 | ```yaml
41 | language: node_js
42 | node_js:
43 | - 8
44 | - 6
45 | - 4
46 | os:
47 | - osx
48 | - linux
49 | after_success:
50 | - npm install -g travis-deploy-once
51 | - travis-deploy-once "deploy-script --script-arg script-arg-value"
52 | ```
53 |
54 | The script `deploy-script` will be called only for the node 8 job running on `linux`. It will be passed the arguments `--script-arg script-arg-value`.
55 |
56 | ### CLI usage without script argument
57 |
58 | Return with exit code `0` if the current job is the build leader and all other jobs are successful. Return with exit code `1` otherwise.
59 |
60 | In `.travis.yml`:
61 |
62 | ```yaml
63 | language: node_js
64 | node_js:
65 | - 8
66 | - 6
67 | - 4
68 | os:
69 | - osx
70 | - linux
71 | after_success:
72 | - npm install -g travis-deploy-once
73 | - travis-deploy-once && deploy-script --script-arg script-arg-value
74 | ```
75 |
76 | The script `deploy-script` will be called only for the node 8 job running on `linux`. It will be passed the arguments `--script-arg script-arg-value`.
77 |
78 | ### CLI options
79 |
80 | #### -t, --githubToken
81 |
82 | Type: `String`
83 | Default: `GH_TOKEN` or `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable
84 |
85 | GitHub OAuth token.
86 |
87 | #### -b, --buildLeaderId
88 |
89 | Type: `Number`
90 | Default: `BUILD_LEADER_ID` environment variable
91 |
92 | Define which Travis job will run the script (build leader). If not defined the build leader will be the Travis job running on the highest Node version.
93 |
94 | #### -p, --pro
95 |
96 | Type: `Boolean`
97 | Default: `false`
98 |
99 | `true` to use [Travis Pro](https://travis-ci.com), `false` to use [Travis for Open Source](https://travis-ci.org).
100 |
101 | #### -u, --travis-url
102 |
103 | Type: `String`
104 | Default: `TRAVIS_URL` environment variable
105 |
106 | [Travis Enterprise](https://enterprise.travis-ci.com) URL. If defined, the [-p, --pro](#-p---pro) option will be ignored.
107 |
108 | **Note**: This is the URL of the API endpoint, for example `https://travis.example.com/api`.
109 |
110 | #### -h, --help
111 |
112 | Type: `Boolean`
113 |
114 | Show help.
115 |
116 | #### -v, --version
117 |
118 | Type: `Boolean`
119 |
120 | Show version number.
121 |
122 | ## API
123 |
124 | ### API usage
125 |
126 | ```bash
127 | npm install --save travis-deploy-once
128 | ```
129 |
130 | In the module `my-module`:
131 |
132 | ```js
133 | const deployOnce = require('travis-deploy-once');
134 |
135 | try {
136 | const result = await deployOnce({travisOpts: {pro: true}, githubToken: 'xxxxxx', buildLeaderId: 1});
137 |
138 | if (result === true) deployMyThing();
139 | if (result === false) console.log('Some job(s) failed');
140 | if (result === null) console.log('Did not run as the build leader');
141 | } catch (err) {
142 | // something went wrong, and err will tell you what
143 | }
144 | ```
145 |
146 | In `.travis.yml`:
147 |
148 | ```yaml
149 | language: node_js
150 | node_js:
151 | - 8
152 | - 6
153 | - 4
154 | os:
155 | - osx
156 | - linux
157 | after_success:
158 | - npm run my-module
159 | ```
160 |
161 | The script `my-module` with be called for each node version on both OSs and `deployMyThing` will be called only for the node 8 job running on `linux`.
162 |
163 | ### Function `deployOnce([options])`
164 |
165 | Returns a `Promise` that resolves to:
166 | - `true` if the current Travis job is the build leader, the current `script` phase is successful and all other job have completed successfully. => Your code can safely run.
167 | - `false` if at least one Travis job failed. => Your code should not run.
168 | - `null` if the current Travis job is **not** the build leader. => Your code should not run, and will be executed on the build leader.
169 |
170 | Throws an `Error` if:
171 | - It doesn't run on Travis.
172 | - The Github authentication token is missing.
173 | - The Github authentication token is not authorized with Travis.
174 |
175 | #### options
176 |
177 | Type: `Object`
178 |
179 | ##### githubToken
180 |
181 | Type: `String`
182 | Default: `process.env.GH_TOKEN` or `process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN`
183 |
184 | GitHub OAuth token.
185 |
186 | ##### buildLeaderId
187 |
188 | Type: `Number`
189 | Default: `process.env.BUILD_LEADER_ID`
190 |
191 | Define which Travis job will run the script (build leader). If not defined the build leader will be the Travis job running on the highest Node version.
192 |
193 | ##### travisOpts
194 |
195 | Type: `Object`
196 |
197 | ###### pro
198 |
199 | Type: `Boolean`
200 | Default: `false`
201 |
202 | `true` to use [Travis Pro](https://travis-ci.com), `false` to use [Travis for Open Source](https://travis-ci.org).
203 |
204 | ###### enterprise
205 |
206 | Type: `String`
207 | Default: `process.env.TRAVIS_URL`
208 |
209 | [Travis Enterprise](https://enterprise.travis-ci.com) URL. If defined, the [pro](#pro) option will be ignored.
210 |
211 | **Note**: This is the URL of the API endpoint, for example `https://travis.example.com/api`.