1 | const execa = require('execa');
2 | const updateNotifier = require('update-notifier');
3 | const pkg = require('./package.json');
4 |
5 |
6 | updateNotifier({pkg, updateCheckInterval: 0}).notify();
7 |
8 | module.exports = async () => {
9 | const cli = require('yargs')
10 | .command('$0 [script]', 'Run a deployment script only once in the Travis test matrix', yargs => {
11 | yargs
12 | .positional('script', {describe: 'The script to run once', type: 'string'})
13 | .demandCommand(0, 0, '', 'Only one script argument is allowed')
14 | .example('travis-deploy-once --buildLeaderId 1 "deploy-script --script-arg script-arg-value"');
15 | })
16 | .alias('h', 'help')
17 | .alias('v', 'version')
18 | .option('t', {
19 | alias: 'github-token',
20 | describe: 'GitHub OAuth token',
21 | type: 'string',
22 | })
23 | .option('b', {
24 | alias: 'build-leader-id',
25 | describe: 'Define which Travis job will run the script',
26 | type: 'number',
27 | })
28 | .option('p', {
29 | alias: 'pro',
30 | describe: 'Use Travis Pro',
31 | type: 'boolean',
32 | })
33 | .option('u', {
34 | alias: 'travis-url',
35 | describe: 'Travis Enterprise API endpoint URL',
36 | type: 'string',
37 | })
38 | .exitProcess(false);
39 |
40 | try {
41 | const {script, buildLeaderId, githubToken, travisUrl: enterprise, pro, help, version} = cli.argv;
42 | if (Boolean(help) || Boolean(version)) {
43 | process.exitCode = 0;
44 | return;
45 | }
46 | if (
47 | (await require('./lib/travis-deploy-once')({travisOpts: {pro, enterprise}, buildLeaderId, githubToken})) === true
48 | ) {
49 | if (script) {
50 | const shell = execa.shell(script, {reject: false});
51 | shell.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);
52 | shell.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);
53 | process.exitCode = (await shell).code;
54 | } else {
55 | process.exitCode = 0;
56 | }
57 | } else if (!script) {
58 | process.exitCode = 1;
59 | }
60 | } catch (error) {
61 | if (error.name !== 'YError') {
62 | console.error(error);
63 | }
64 | process.exitCode = 1;
65 | }
66 | };