28 kBJSONView Raw
2 "": {
3 "project-id-version": "tripetto 3.10.3",
4 "report-msgid-bugs-to": "support@tripetto.com",
5 "pot-creation-date": "2021-07-06 16:46+0200",
6 "po-revision-date": "2021-07-06 16:47+0200",
7 "last-translator": "Hisam A Fahri",
8 "language-team": "",
9 "language": "id",
10 "mime-version": "1.0",
11 "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
12 "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit",
13 "plural-forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;",
14 "x-generator": "Poedit 3.0"
15 },
16 "builder\u0004**Languages** | Select the language you want to edit labels for": [
17 null,
18 "**Bahasa** | Pilih bahasa yang ingin Anda edit labelnya"
19 ],
20 "builder\u0004**Note:** These signs are used to format the number in de dataset. When the number is displayed in a runner, the appropriate user locale might be applied making it seem like changing these settings has no effect.": [
21 null,
22 "**Catatan:** Tanda-tanda ini digunakan untuk memformat angka dalam dataset. Saat nomor ditampilkan di runner, lokal pengguna yang sesuai mungkin diterapkan sehingga tampaknya mengubah pengaturan ini tidak berpengaruh."
23 ],
24 "builder\u0004**Plural rules** | Specifies the plural form to use ([learn more](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Localization/Localization_and_Plurals))": [
25 null,
26 "**Aturan jamak** | Menentukan bentuk jamak untuk digunakan ([pelajari lebih lanjut](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Localization/Localization_and_Plurals))"
27 ],
28 "builder\u0004A placeholder text is displayed inside an empty input control in the form and can be used to give the respondent a clue on what can be filled in.": [
29 null,
30 "Teks placeholder ditampilkan di dalam kontrol input kosong di formulir dan dapat digunakan untuk memberi petunjuk kepada responden tentang apa yang bisa diisi."
31 ],
32 "builder\u0004Action": [null, "Tindakan"],
33 "builder\u0004Actions": [null, "Aksi"],
34 "builder\u0004Add": [null, "Tambah"],
35 "builder\u0004Add branch": [null, "Tambah cabang"],
36 "builder\u0004Additional regions and dialects": [
37 null,
38 "Wilayah dan dialek tambahan"
39 ],
40 "builder\u0004Alias": [null, "Alias"],
41 "builder\u0004Always use a fixed locale.": [
42 null,
43 "Selalu gunakan lokal tetap."
44 ],
45 "builder\u0004Always use a fixed translation.": [
46 null,
47 "Selalu gunakan terjemahan tetap."
48 ],
49 "builder\u0004Append": [null, "Tambahkan"],
50 "builder\u0004Apply the following transformation to the text value:": [
51 null,
52 "Terapkan transformasi berikut ke nilai teks:"
53 ],
54 "builder\u0004Ascending": [null, "Naik"],
55 "builder\u0004At the end of this branch": [null, "Di akhir cabang ini"],
56 "builder\u0004Automatic": [null, "Otomatis"],
57 "builder\u0004Automatic text value": [null, "Nilai teks otomatis"],
58 "builder\u0004Available locales:": [null, "Lokal yang tersedia:"],
59 "builder\u0004Available translations": [null, "Terjemahan yang tersedia"],
60 "builder\u0004Available translations:": [null, "Terjemahan yang tersedia:"],
61 "builder\u0004Blocks": [null, "Blok"],
62 "builder\u0004Branch": [null, "Cabang"],
63 "builder\u0004Branch properties": [null, "Properti cabang"],
64 "builder\u0004Branches": [null, "Cabang"],
65 "builder\u0004Button": [null, "Tombol"],
66 "builder\u0004Capitalize each word": [
67 null,
68 "Gunakan huruf besar untuk setiap kata"
69 ],
70 "builder\u0004Capitalize first character": [
71 null,
72 "Gunakan huruf besar untuk setiap karakter pertama"
73 ],
74 "builder\u0004Capitalize first character of each sentence": [
75 null,
76 "Gunakan huruf besar untuk karakter pertama setiap kalimat"
77 ],
78 "builder\u0004Change type": [null, "Ubah tipe"],
79 "builder\u0004Close": [null, "Tutup"],
80 "builder\u0004Closing message": [null, "Pesan penutup"],
81 "builder\u0004Condition": [null, "Kondisi"],
82 "builder\u0004Condition properties": [null, "Properti kondisi"],
83 "builder\u0004Continue with the next section or branch": [
84 null,
85 "Lanjutkan dengan bagian atau cabang selanjutnya"
86 ],
87 "builder\u0004Convert all characters to lowercase": [
88 null,
89 "Ubah semua karakter menjadi huruf kecil"
90 ],
91 "builder\u0004Convert all characters to uppercase": [
92 null,
93 "Ubah semua karakter menjadi huruf besar"
94 ],
95 "builder\u0004Copy to clipboard": [null, "Salin ke papan tempel"],
96 "builder\u0004Currently [YouTube](https://youtube.com) and [Vimeo](https://vimeo.com) videos are supported. Just click the share button of your video and paste the resulting embed link in the field above.": [
97 null,
98 "Saat ini video [YouTube](https://youtube.com) dan [Vimeo](https://vimeo.com) didukung. Cukup klik tombol bagikan video Anda dan tempel tautan sematan yang dihasilkan di bidang di atas."
99 ],
100 "builder\u0004Customize": [null, "Kustomisasi"],
101 "builder\u0004Danger zone": [null, "Zona berbahaya"],
102 "builder\u0004Decimal sign": [null, "Tanda desimal"],
103 "builder\u0004Decimals": [null, "Desimal"],
104 "builder\u0004Delete": [null, "Hapus"],
105 "builder\u0004Delete all": [null, "Hapus semua"],
106 "builder\u0004Delete duplicates": [null, "Hapus duplikat"],
107 "builder\u0004Delete unnamed": [null, "Hapus yang tidak bernama"],
108 "builder\u0004Descending": [null, "Menurun"],
109 "builder\u0004Description": [null, "Deskripsi"],
110 "builder\u0004Digits": [null, "Digit"],
111 "builder\u0004Disable": [null, "Nonaktifkan"],
112 "builder\u0004Do not display in the form": [
113 null,
114 "Jangan tampilkan di formulir"
115 ],
116 "builder\u0004Do nothing": [null, "Jangan lakukan apapun"],
117 "builder\u0004Done": [null, "Selesai"],
118 "builder\u0004Down": [null, "Turun"],
119 "builder\u0004Duplicate": [null, "Gandakan"],
120 "builder\u0004Edit closing message": [null, "Edit pesan penutup"],
121 "builder\u0004Empty branch": [null, "Cabang kosong"],
122 "builder\u0004Enable": [null, "Aktifkan"],
123 "builder\u0004End with closing message": [
124 null,
125 "Akhiri dengan pesan penutup"
126 ],
127 "builder\u0004Explanation": [null, "Penjelasan"],
128 "builder\u0004Export": [null, "Ekspor"],
129 "builder\u0004Export (%1 item)": ["Export (%1 items)", ["Ekspor (%1 item)"]],
130 "builder\u0004Exportability": [null, "Eksportabilitas"],
131 "builder\u0004Follow this branch": [null, "Ikuti cabang ini"],
132 "builder\u0004For each condition match (iteration)": [
133 null,
134 "Untuk setiap kondisi yang cocok (iterasi)"
135 ],
136 "builder\u0004For the first condition match (logical OR)": [
137 null,
138 "Untuk kondisi pertama yang cocok (logika OR)"
139 ],
140 "builder\u0004Form is repeatable": [null, "Formulir dapat diulang"],
141 "builder\u0004Form language": [null, "Bahasa formulir"],
142 "builder\u0004Form properties": [null, "Properti formulir"],
143 "builder\u0004Format": [null, "Format"],
144 "builder\u0004General": [null, "Umum"],
145 "builder\u0004Help text": [null, "Teks bantuan"],
146 "builder\u0004Help with branch behavior": [
147 null,
148 "Bantuan untuk perilaku cabang"
149 ],
150 "builder\u0004Help with branch conditions": [
151 null,
152 "Bantuan untuk kondisi cabang"
153 ],
154 "builder\u0004Help with branch endings": [
155 null,
156 "Bantuan untuk akhiran cabang"
157 ],
158 "builder\u0004Help with branches": [null, "Bantuan untuk cabang"],
159 "builder\u0004Here you specify the language that you have used in the texts of your form.": [
160 null,
161 "Di sini Anda menentukan bahasa yang telah Anda gunakan dalam teks formulir Anda."
162 ],
163 "builder\u0004Here you specify the language that you have used in the texts of your form. If no language is specified, Tripetto will try to select an appropriate translation automatically.": [
164 null,
165 "Di sini Anda menentukan bahasa yang telah Anda gunakan dalam teks formulir Anda. Jika tidak ada bahasa yang ditentukan, Tripetto akan mencoba memilih terjemahan yang sesuai secara otomatis."
166 ],
167 "builder\u0004Identification number": [null, "Nomod pengenal"],
168 "builder\u0004Ignore this item in the form": [
169 null,
170 "Abaikan item ini di formulir"
171 ],
172 "builder\u0004Image": [null, "Gambar"],
173 "builder\u0004Import": [null, "Impor"],
174 "builder\u0004Import %1 item": ["Import %1 items", ["Impor %1 item"]],
175 "builder\u0004In a single branch": [null, "Dalam satu cabang"],
176 "builder\u0004In separate branches": [null, "Dalam cabang yang berbeda"],
177 "builder\u0004Include in the dataset": [null, "Termasuk di dalam set data"],
178 "builder\u0004Insert": [null, "Masukkan"],
179 "builder\u0004Invalid block": [null, "Blok tidak sah"],
180 "builder\u0004Item": [null, "Item"],
181 "builder\u0004Item is required and cannot be skipped": [
182 null,
183 "Item wajib diisi dan tidak dapat dilewati"
184 ],
185 "builder\u0004Jump to": [null, "Loncat ke"],
186 "builder\u0004Jump to a specific point": [null, "Loncat ke titik tertentu"],
187 "builder\u0004Jump to end": [null, "Loncat ke akhir"],
188 "builder\u0004Jump to the end": [null, "Loncat ke akhir"],
189 "builder\u0004Keywords": [null, "Kata kunci"],
190 "builder\u0004Label": [null, "Label"],
191 "builder\u0004Language": [null, "Bahasa"],
192 "builder\u0004Language selection": [null, "Pilih bahasa"],
193 "builder\u0004Language settings": [null, "Pengeturan bahasa"],
194 "builder\u0004Languages": [null, "Bahasa"],
195 "builder\u0004Languages without a translation": [
196 null,
197 "Bahasa tanpa terjemahan"
198 ],
199 "builder\u0004Left": [null, "Kiri"],
200 "builder\u0004Locale": [null, "Lokal"],
201 "builder\u0004Make exportable and include in the dataset": [
202 null,
203 "Jadikan dapat diekspor dan disertakan dalam kumpulan data"
204 ],
205 "builder\u0004Manual": [null, "Manual"],
206 "builder\u0004Message text": [null, "Pesan teks"],
207 "builder\u0004Messages": [null, "Pesan"],
208 "builder\u0004More options": [null, "Pilihan lainnya"],
209 "builder\u0004Move": [null, "Pindah"],
210 "builder\u0004Name": [null, "Nama"],
211 "builder\u0004New tab/window": [null, "Tab/jendela baru"],
212 "builder\u0004No behavior specified": [
213 null,
214 "Tidak ada perilaku yang ditentukan"
215 ],
216 "builder\u0004No blocks available...": [
217 null,
218 "Tidak ada blok yang tersedia..."
219 ],
220 "builder\u0004No branches available...": [
221 null,
222 "Tidak ada cabang yang tersedia..."
223 ],
224 "builder\u0004No conditions available...": [
225 null,
226 "Tidak ada kondisi yang tersedia..."
227 ],
228 "builder\u0004No description specified": [
229 null,
230 "Tidak ada deskripsi yang ditentukan"
231 ],
232 "builder\u0004No language specified": [
233 null,
234 "Tidak ada bahasa yang ditentukan"
235 ],
236 "builder\u0004No name specified": [null, "Tidak ada nama yang ditentukan"],
237 "builder\u0004No title specified": [null, "Tidak ada judul yang ditentukan"],
238 "builder\u0004Nodes": [null, "Node"],
239 "builder\u0004None": [null, "Tidak ada"],
240 "builder\u0004Not all properties are shown, because the block '%1' is not available in the tier '%2'.": [
241 null,
242 "Tidak semua properti ditampilkan, karena blok '%1' tidak tersedia di tingkat '%2'."
243 ],
244 "builder\u0004Not all properties are shown, because the block '%1' is not available.": [
245 null,
246 "Tidak semua properti ditampilkan, karena blok '%1' tidak tersedia."
247 ],
248 "builder\u0004Note": [null, "Catatan"],
249 "builder\u0004Open in": [null, "Buka di"],
250 "builder\u0004Options": [null, "Pilihan"],
251 "builder\u0004Other": [null, "Lainnya"],
252 "builder\u0004Placeholder": [null, "Placeholder"],
253 "builder\u0004Plural": [null, "Jamak"],
254 "builder\u0004Plural message: *%1*": [null, "Pesan jamak: *%1*"],
255 "builder\u0004Prefix": [null, "Imbuhan"],
256 "builder\u0004Prefix when value is plural": [null, "Imbuhan saat nilai"],
257 "builder\u0004Prefix when value is singular": [
258 null,
259 "Imbuhan saat nilai tunggal"
260 ],
261 "builder\u0004Properties": [null, "Properti"],
262 "builder\u0004Quick add (%1)": [null, "Tambah cepat (%1)"],
263 "builder\u0004Redirect": [null, "Alihkan"],
264 "builder\u0004Redirect to a custom URL": [null, "Alihkan ke URL kustom"],
265 "builder\u0004Remove date": [null, "Hilangkan tanggal"],
266 "builder\u0004Rename": [null, "Ganti nama"],
267 "builder\u0004Repeatability": [null, "Pengulangan"],
268 "builder\u0004Required": [null, "Wajib"],
269 "builder\u0004Reset": [null, "Setel ulang"],
270 "builder\u0004Right": [null, "Kanan"],
271 "builder\u0004Same tab/window": [null, "Tab/jendela yang sama"],
272 "builder\u0004Score": [null, "Skor"],
273 "builder\u0004Section": [null, "Bagian"],
274 "builder\u0004Section properties": [null, "Properti bagian"],
275 "builder\u0004Sections": [null, "Bagian"],
276 "builder\u0004Select the plural form for this language...": [
277 null,
278 "Select the plural form for this language..."
279 ],
280 "builder\u0004Separate keywords with a comma or semicolon": [
281 null,
282 "Pisahkan kata kunci dengan koma atau titik koma"
283 ],
284 "builder\u0004Set date": [null, "Atur tanggal"],
285 "builder\u0004Set to now": [null, "Atur ke sekarang"],
286 "builder\u0004Settings": [null, "Pengaturan"],
287 "builder\u0004Show this text in form": [
288 null,
289 "Tampilkan teks ini di dalam formulir"
290 ],
291 "builder\u0004Signs": [null, "Tanda"],
292 "builder\u0004Singular": [null, "Tunggal"],
293 "builder\u0004Some runners will show a button along with the welcome message. When a user clicks this button, the form will appear/begin. Here you can change the default text that is displayed inside that button.": [
294 null,
295 "Beberapa pelari akan menampilkan tombol bersama dengan pesan selamat datang. Ketika pengguna mengklik tombol ini, formulir akan muncul / dimulai. Di sini Anda dapat mengubah teks default yang ditampilkan di dalam tombol itu."
296 ],
297 "builder\u0004Sort": [null, "Sortir"],
298 "builder\u0004Specifies the language of common labels and messages in the runner. Things like buttons, supporting texts and notifications (all the labels that aren't defined in your form itself).": [
299 null,
300 "Menentukan bahasa label dan pesan umum di runner. Hal-hal seperti tombol, teks pendukung, dan pemberitahuan (semua label yang tidak ditentukan dalam formulir Anda sendiri)."
301 ],
302 "builder\u0004Specify a label": [null, "Tentukan label"],
303 "builder\u0004Specify different prefix for plural values": [
304 null,
305 "Tentukan awalan yang berbeda untuk nilai jamak"
306 ],
307 "builder\u0004Specify different suffix for plural values": [
308 null,
309 "Tentukan akhiran yang berbeda untuk nilai jamak"
310 ],
311 "builder\u0004Specify hex color or color name": [
312 null,
313 "Tentukan warna hex atau nama warna"
314 ],
315 "builder\u0004Specify the items you wish to import in the input field below, placing each item on a separate row.": [
316 null,
317 "Tentukan item yang ingin Anda impor di kolom input di bawah ini, tempatkan setiap item pada baris terpisah."
318 ],
319 "builder\u0004Static text": [null, "Teks statis"],
320 "builder\u0004Status": [null, "Status"],
321 "builder\u0004Style settings": [null, "Pengaturan gaya"],
322 "builder\u0004Suffix": [null, "Akhiran"],
323 "builder\u0004Suffix when value is plural": [
324 null,
325 "Akhiran saat nilai jamak"
326 ],
327 "builder\u0004Suffix when value is singular": [
328 null,
329 "Akhiran saat nilai tunggal"
330 ],
331 "builder\u0004Tap or click to change": [
332 null,
333 "Ketuk atau klik untuk mengubah"
334 ],
335 "builder\u0004Text": [null, "Teks"],
336 "builder\u0004The closing message is typically shown when a user completes a form or survey. It depends on the runner how this closing message is presented to the user. At the left side of the screen you can select the features you want to activate for the closing message%1.": [
337 null,
338 "Pesan penutup biasanya ditampilkan saat pengguna mengisi formulir atau survei. Itu tergantung pada pelari bagaimana pesan penutup ini disajikan kepada pengguna. Di sisi kiri layar Anda dapat memilih fitur yang ingin Anda aktifkan untuk pesan penutup%1."
339 ],
340 "builder\u0004The locale is used to format things like dates and numbers.": [
341 null,
342 "Lokal digunakan untuk memformat hal-hal seperti tanggal dan angka."
343 ],
344 "builder\u0004The user will navigate to the supplied redirect URL right after the form is submitted. There is no visible closing message.": [
345 null,
346 "Pengguna akan menavigasi ke URL pengalihan yang disediakan tepat setelah formulir dikirimkan. Tidak ada pesan penutup yang terlihat."
347 ],
348 "builder\u0004The welcome message is typically shown at the beginning of a form or survey. It depends on the runner how this welcome message is presented to the user. At the left side of the screen you can select the features you want to activate for the welcome message%1.": [
349 null,
350 "Pesan selamat datang biasanya ditampilkan di awal formulir atau survei. Itu tergantung pada pelari bagaimana pesan selamat datang ini disajikan kepada pengguna. Di sisi kiri layar Anda dapat memilih fitur yang ingin Anda aktifkan untuk pesan selamat datang%1."
351 ],
352 "builder\u0004There are no properties you can manage here.": [
353 null,
354 "Tidak ada properti yang dapat Anda kelola di sini."
355 ],
356 "builder\u0004This additional explanation can be used to help the respondent to understand the question.": [
357 null,
358 "Penjelasan tambahan ini dapat digunakan untuk membantu responden memahami pertanyaan."
359 ],
360 "builder\u0004This alias will be used as identifier in the dataset.": [
361 null,
362 "Alias ini akan digunakan sebagai pengenal dalam set data."
363 ],
364 "builder\u0004This alias will be used as identifier of the item in the dataset instead of the title/name of the item.": [
365 null,
366 "Alias ini akan digunakan sebagai pengenal item dalam dataset, bukan judul / nama item."
367 ],
368 "builder\u0004This branch": [null, "Cabang ini"],
369 "builder\u0004This section": [null, "Bagian ini"],
370 "builder\u0004Thousands separator": [null, "Pembagi seribu"],
371 "builder\u0004To include the identifier of an item add **<***identifier***>** at the end of each row.": [
372 null,
373 "Untuk menyertakan pengenal item, tambahkan **<*** identifier ***>** di akhir setiap baris."
374 ],
375 "builder\u0004To include the score of an item add **[***score***]** at the end of each row.": [
376 null,
377 "Untuk memasukkan skor item, tambahkan **[*** skor ***]** di akhir setiap baris."
378 ],
379 "builder\u0004Transform": [null, "Mengubah"],
380 "builder\u0004Translations": [null, "Terjemahan"],
381 "builder\u0004Type": [null, "Ketik"],
382 "builder\u0004Type alias identifier here...": [
383 null,
384 "Ketik pengenal alias di sini..."
385 ],
386 "builder\u0004Type help text here...": [
387 null,
388 "Ketik teks bantuan di sini..."
389 ],
390 "builder\u0004Type here (hit @ to insert a variable)": [
391 null,
392 "Ketik di sini (tekan @ untuk memasukkan variabel)"
393 ],
394 "builder\u0004Type here...": [null, "Ketik di sini..."],
395 "builder\u0004Type placeholder text here...": [
396 null,
397 "Ketik teks placeholder di sini..."
398 ],
399 "builder\u0004URL": [null, "URL"],
400 "builder\u0004Unknown condition": [null, "Kondisi tidak diketahui"],
401 "builder\u0004Unnamed": [null, "Tidak bernama"],
402 "builder\u0004Unnamed branch": [null, "Cabang tidak bernama"],
403 "builder\u0004Unnamed section": [null, "Bagian tidak bernama"],
404 "builder\u0004Unnamed sections": [null, "Bagian tidak bernama"],
405 "builder\u0004Up": [null, "Naik"],
406 "builder\u0004Upcoming": [null, "Akan datang"],
407 "builder\u0004Use the best available translation based on browser language.": [
408 null,
409 "Gunakan terjemahan terbaik yang tersedia berdasarkan bahasa browser."
410 ],
411 "builder\u0004Use the locale of the browser.": [
412 null,
413 "Gunakan lokal browser."
414 ],
415 "builder\u0004Value": [null, "Nilai"],
416 "builder\u0004Video": [null, "Video"],
417 "builder\u0004Visibility": [null, "Visibilitas"],
418 "builder\u0004Welcome message": [null, "Pesan selamat datang"],
419 "builder\u0004When a form is repeatable, the user can fill out the same form again after a form is submitted.": [
420 null,
421 "Jika formulir dapat diulang, pengguna dapat mengisi formulir yang sama lagi setelah formulir dikirimkan."
422 ],
423 "builder\u0004When all conditions match (logical AND)": [
424 null,
425 "Jika semua kondisi cocok (logika AND)"
426 ],
427 "builder\u0004When the exportability feature is disabled, the data will be included in the dataset by default. So you mainly want to use this feature to exclude data from the dataset. Activating the checkbox above has the same effect as disabling the whole exportability feature.": [
428 null,
429 "When the exportability feature is disabled, the data will be included in the dataset by default. So you mainly want to use this feature to exclude data from the dataset. Activating the checkbox above has the same effect as disabling the whole exportability feature."
430 ],
431 "builder\u0004You can specify your own labels and messages for different languages. This way, you can customize the translations we supply. You can also add your own translations for languages that don't have a translation yet.": [
432 null,
433 "Anda dapat menentukan label dan pesan Anda sendiri untuk berbagai bahasa. Dengan cara ini, Anda dapat menyesuaikan terjemahan yang kami sediakan. Anda juga dapat menambahkan terjemahan Anda sendiri untuk bahasa yang belum memiliki terjemahan."
434 ],
435 "builder\u0004learn more": [null, "pelajari lebih lanjut"],
436 "builder\u0004pipe": [null, "pipa"],
437 "builder\u0004✔ Copied!": [null, "✔ Disalin!"],
438 "builder:tutorial\u0004**Press**: A single finger held onto the screen or the left mouse button kept pressed.": [
439 null,
440 "**Tekan**: Satu jari ditahan di layar atau tombol kiri mouse terus ditekan."
441 ],
442 "builder:tutorial\u0004**Tap**: A brief touch with a single finger or a mouseclick.": [
443 null,
444 "**Tap**: Sentuhan singkat dengan satu jari atau klik mouse."
445 ],
446 "builder:tutorial\u0004Adding and editing": [
447 null,
448 "Menambahkan dan mengedit"
449 ],
450 "builder:tutorial\u0004Arranging": [null, "Mengatur"],
451 "builder:tutorial\u0004Cheatsheet": [null, "Contekan"],
452 "builder:tutorial\u0004Double tap (or pinch)": [
453 null,
454 "Ketuk dua kali (atau cubit)"
455 ],
456 "builder:tutorial\u0004Panning": [null, "Panning"],
457 "builder:tutorial\u0004Press + drag": [null, "Tekan + seret"],
458 "builder:tutorial\u0004Press + hold + drag": [null, "Tekan + tahan + seret"],
459 "builder:tutorial\u0004Single tap": [null, "Tap sekali"],
460 "builder:tutorial\u0004To add pages and junctions **tap** the dotted squares and diamonds. To add blocks to a page **tap** the page footer. **Tap** any item to edit it.": [
461 null,
462 "Untuk menambahkan halaman dan persimpangan **ketuk** kotak bertitik dan berlian. Untuk menambahkan blok ke halaman **tap** bagian footer halaman. **Ketuk** item apa pun untuk mengeditnya."
463 ],
464 "builder:tutorial\u0004To move an item on the drawing board **press + hold** it briefly to unlock, and **drag** it to the desired position. Release to drop and relock.": [
465 null,
466 "Untuk memindahkan item di papan gambar **tekan + tahan** sebentar untuk membuka kunci, dan **seret** ke posisi yang diinginkan. Lepaskan untuk melepas dan mengunci kembali."
467 ],
468 "builder:tutorial\u0004To pan the drawing board when a form structure exceeds the screen size **press and drag** it in the desired direction. Or use the scrollbars.": [
469 null,
470 "Untuk menggeser papan gambar saat struktur formulir melebihi ukuran layar **tekan dan seret** ke arah yang diinginkan. Atau gunakan scrollbar."
471 ],
472 "builder:tutorial\u0004To swiftly zoom in on and out of a specific area on the drawing board **double tap** it. Pinch to zoom works for touch devices. Or use the slider.": [
473 null,
474 "Untuk memperbesar dan memperkecil area tertentu di papan gambar dengan cepat **ketuk dua kali**. Pinch to zoom berfungsi untuk perangkat sentuh. Atau gunakan penggeser."
475 ],
476 "builder:tutorial\u0004Zooming": [null, "Pembesaran"],
477 "builder:app\u00041 condition block loaded": [
478 "%1 condition blocks loaded",
479 ["1 blok kondisi dimuat"]
480 ],
481 "builder:app\u00041 node block loaded": [
482 "%1 node blocks loaded",
483 ["1 blok node dimuat"]
484 ],
485 "builder:app\u00041 node/condition is missing its block (%2). This node/condition is indicated with a warning sign. Not all properties can be edited for that node/condition.": [
486 "%1 nodes/conditions are missing their blocks (%2). These nodes/conditions are indicated with a warning sign. Not all properties can be edited for those nodes/conditions.",
487 [
488 "1 node / kondisi kehilangan bloknya (%2). Node / kondisi ini ditandai dengan tanda peringatan. Tidak semua properti dapat diedit untuk node / kondisi itu."
489 ]
490 ],
491 "builder:app\u0004Application is now running in the browser": [
492 null,
493 "Aplikasi saat ini berjalan di browser"
494 ],
495 "builder:app\u0004Error while loading the following blocks (please check if there are no duplicate blocks loaded): %1": [
496 null,
497 "Kesalahan saat memuat blok berikut (periksa apakah tidak ada blok duplikat yang dimuat): %1"
498 ],
499 "builder:app\u0004Fetching definition from host": [
500 null,
501 "Mengambil definisi dari host"
502 ],
503 "builder:app\u0004Not all necessary resources could be loaded. The application cannot start.": [
504 null,
505 "Tidak semua sumber daya yang diperlukan dapat dimuat. Aplikasi tidak dapat dimulai."
506 ],
507 "builder:app\u0004Sending definition to host": [
508 null,
509 "Mengirim definisi ke host"
510 ],
511 "builder:app\u0004Sending shutdown signal to host": [
512 null,
513 "Mengirim sinyal matikan ke host"
514 ],
515 "builder:app\u0004Tripetto is now stopped.": [
516 null,
517 "Tripetto sekarang berhenti."
518 ],
519 "builder:cli\u0004Block entry found at %1": [
520 null,
521 "Blok entri ditemukan di %1"
522 ],
523 "builder:cli\u0004Cannot load or create the definition file '%1'!": [
524 null,
525 "Tidak dapat memuat atau membuat file definisi '%1'!"
526 ],
527 "builder:cli\u0004Cannot start Tripetto. You need to supply a valid filename for your form!": [
528 null,
529 "Tidak dapat memulai Tripetto. Anda perlu memberikan nama file yang valid untuk formulir Anda!"
530 ],
531 "builder:cli\u0004Disables automatic opening of the builder in the default browser": [
532 null,
533 "Menonaktifkan pembukaan otomatis pembuat di browser default"
534 ],
535 "builder:cli\u0004Enables verbose logging (logs the loaded blocks)": [
536 null,
537 "Mengaktifkan logging panjang (mencatat blok yang dimuat)"
538 ],
539 "builder:cli\u0004Example:": [null, "Contoh:"],
540 "builder:cli\u0004Options:": [null, "Pilihan:"],
541 "builder:cli\u0004Point your browser to %1 and start editing.": [
542 null,
543 "Arahkan browser Anda ke %1 dan mulailah mengedit."
544 ],
545 "builder:cli\u0004Sets a custom name for the host (defaults to %1)": [
546 null,
547 "Menetapkan nama kustom untuk host (default ke %1)"
548 ],
549 "builder:cli\u0004Sets a custom port for the host (defaults to %1)": [
550 null,
551 "Setel port khusus untuk host (default ke %1)"
552 ],
553 "builder:cli\u0004Sets the language locale to use": [
554 null,
555 "Setel bahasa lokal yang akan digunakan"
556 ],
557 "builder:cli\u0004Sets the preview URL": [null, "Setel URL pratinjau"],
558 "builder:cli\u0004Shows the tutorial dialog in the builder": [
559 null,
560 "Menampilkan dialog tutorial di pembuat"
561 ],
562 "builder:cli\u0004Shows this help information": [
563 null,
564 "Menunjukkan informasi bantuan ini"
565 ],
566 "builder:cli\u0004Shows version information": [
567 null,
568 "Menunjukkan informasi versi"
569 ],
570 "builder:cli\u0004Thanks for using Tripetto!": [
571 null,
572 "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Tripetto!"
573 ],
574 "builder:cli\u0004Tripetto is now running!": [
575 null,
576 "Tripetto sekarang berjalan!"
577 ],
578 "builder:cli\u0004Usage:": [null, "Penggunaan:"],
579 "builder:cli\u0004Using configuration file %1": [
580 null,
581 "Menggunakan file konfigurasi %1"
582 ],
583 "builder:cli\u0004Using translations from %1": [
584 null,
585 "Menggunakan terjemahan dari %1"
586 ],
587 "builder:cli\u0004Version %1": [null, "Versi %1"],
588 "builder:cli\u0004[CLOSED]": [null, "[DITUTUP]"],
589 "builder:cli\u0004[CREATED]": [null, "[DIBUAT]"],
590 "builder:cli\u0004[ERROR]": [null, "[ERROR]"],
591 "builder:cli\u0004[LOADED]": [null, "[MEMUAT]"],
592 "builder:cli\u0004[SAVED]": [null, "[DISIMPAN]"],
593 "builder:cli\u0004file": [null, "berkas"],
594 "builder:cli\u0004options": [null, "pilihan"]