1 | # Introduction
2 |
3 | A MD5 implementation for TypeScript
4 |
5 | * Can handle Unicode strings
6 | * Supports incremental hashing
7 | * Works with Files and Blobs
8 |
9 | This library also includes tools for:
10 |
11 | * Hashing a file or blob
12 | * A webworker for performing hashing
13 | * A webworker handler for requesting files or blobs to be hashed
14 | * promise based
15 | * files or blobs are queued for processing on the webworker
16 |
17 |
18 | Based on work by
19 |
20 | * Joseph Myers: http://www.myersdaily.org/joseph/javascript/md5-text.html
21 | * André Cruz: https://github.com/satazor/SparkMD5
22 | * Raymond Hill: https://github.com/gorhill/yamd5.js
23 |
24 |
25 | ## Usage
26 |
27 | ### Install
28 |
29 | Install the node module with `npm install ts-md5`
30 |
31 | ### Basic Hashing
32 |
33 | 1. Import the class
34 | * `import {Md5} from 'ts-md5';`
35 | 2. Hash some things
36 | * `Md5.hashStr('blah blah blah')` => hex:string
37 | * `Md5.hashStr('blah blah blah', true)` => raw:Int32Array(4)
38 | * `Md5.hashAsciiStr('blah blah blah')` => hex:string
39 | * `Md5.hashAsciiStr('blah blah blah', true)` => raw:Int32Array(4)
40 |
41 | For more complex uses:
42 |
43 | ```typescript
44 |
45 | md5 = new Md5();
46 |
47 | // Append incrementally your file or other input
48 | // Methods are chainable
49 | md5.appendStr('somestring')
50 | .appendAsciiStr('a different string')
51 | .appendByteArray(blob);
52 |
53 | // Generate the MD5 hex string
54 | md5.end();
55 |
56 | ```
57 |
58 |
59 | ### Hashing a File
60 |
61 | NOTE:: You have to make sure `ts-md5/dist/md5_worker.js` is made available in your build so it can be accessed directly by a browser
62 | It should always remain as a seperate file.
63 |
64 | ```typescript
65 |
66 | import {ParallelHasher} from 'ts-md5';
67 |
68 | let hasher = new ParallelHasher('/path/to/ts-md5/dist/md5_worker.js');
69 | hasher.hash(fileBlob).then(function(result) {
70 | console.log('md5 of fileBlob is', result);
71 | });
72 |
73 | ```
74 |
75 |
76 | ## Building from src
77 |
78 | The project is written in typescript and transpiled into ES5.
79 |
80 | 1. Install TypeScript: `npm install -g typescript` (if you haven't already)
81 | 2. Configure compile options in `tsconfig.json`
82 | 3. Perform build using: `tsc`
83 |
84 | You can find more information here: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/tsconfig.json
85 |
86 | ## Scripts
87 |
88 | 1. Build Script: `npm run build`
89 | 2. Test Script: `npm run test`
90 |
91 |
92 | ## Publishing
93 |
94 | 1. Sign up to https://www.npmjs.com/
95 | 2. Configure `package.json` https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json
96 | 3. run `npm publish` https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/publish
97 |
98 |
99 | # License
100 |
101 | MIT