11.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.createEsmHooks = exports.registerAndCreateEsmHooks = exports.filterHooksByAPIVersion = void 0;
4const index_1 = require("./index");
5const url_1 = require("url");
6const path_1 = require("path");
7const assert = require("assert");
8const util_1 = require("./util");
9const module_1 = require("module");
10// The hooks API changed in node version X so we need to check for backwards compatibility.
11const newHooksAPI = (0, util_1.versionGteLt)(process.versions.node, '16.12.0');
12/** @internal */
13function filterHooksByAPIVersion(hooks) {
14 const { getFormat, load, resolve, transformSource } = hooks;
15 // Explicit return type to avoid TS's non-ideal inferred type
16 const hooksAPI = newHooksAPI
17 ? { resolve, load, getFormat: undefined, transformSource: undefined }
18 : { resolve, getFormat, transformSource, load: undefined };
19 return hooksAPI;
21exports.filterHooksByAPIVersion = filterHooksByAPIVersion;
22/** @internal */
23function registerAndCreateEsmHooks(opts) {
24 // Automatically performs registration just like `-r ts-node/register`
25 const tsNodeInstance = (0, index_1.register)(opts);
26 return createEsmHooks(tsNodeInstance);
28exports.registerAndCreateEsmHooks = registerAndCreateEsmHooks;
29function createEsmHooks(tsNodeService) {
30 tsNodeService.enableExperimentalEsmLoaderInterop();
31 // Custom implementation that considers additional file extensions and automatically adds file extensions
32 const nodeResolveImplementation = tsNodeService.getNodeEsmResolver();
33 const nodeGetFormatImplementation = tsNodeService.getNodeEsmGetFormat();
34 const extensions = tsNodeService.extensions;
35 const hooksAPI = filterHooksByAPIVersion({
36 resolve,
37 load,
38 getFormat,
39 transformSource,
40 });
41 function isFileUrlOrNodeStyleSpecifier(parsed) {
42 // We only understand file:// URLs, but in node, the specifier can be a node-style `./foo` or `foo`
43 const { protocol } = parsed;
44 return protocol === null || protocol === 'file:';
45 }
46 /**
47 * Named "probably" as a reminder that this is a guess.
48 * node does not explicitly tell us if we're resolving the entrypoint or not.
49 */
50 function isProbablyEntrypoint(specifier, parentURL) {
51 return parentURL === undefined && specifier.startsWith('file://');
52 }
53 // Side-channel between `resolve()` and `load()` hooks
54 const rememberIsProbablyEntrypoint = new Set();
55 const rememberResolvedViaCommonjsFallback = new Set();
56 async function resolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve) {
57 const defer = async () => {
58 const r = await defaultResolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve);
59 return r;
60 };
61 // See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/discussions/41711
62 // nodejs will likely implement a similar fallback. Till then, we can do our users a favor and fallback today.
63 async function entrypointFallback(cb) {
64 try {
65 const resolution = await cb();
66 if ((resolution === null || resolution === void 0 ? void 0 : resolution.url) &&
67 isProbablyEntrypoint(specifier, context.parentURL))
68 rememberIsProbablyEntrypoint.add(resolution.url);
69 return resolution;
70 }
71 catch (esmResolverError) {
72 if (!isProbablyEntrypoint(specifier, context.parentURL))
73 throw esmResolverError;
74 try {
75 let cjsSpecifier = specifier;
76 // Attempt to convert from ESM file:// to CommonJS path
77 try {
78 if (specifier.startsWith('file://'))
79 cjsSpecifier = (0, url_1.fileURLToPath)(specifier);
80 }
81 catch { }
82 const resolution = (0, url_1.pathToFileURL)((0, module_1.createRequire)(process.cwd()).resolve(cjsSpecifier)).toString();
83 rememberIsProbablyEntrypoint.add(resolution);
84 rememberResolvedViaCommonjsFallback.add(resolution);
85 return { url: resolution, format: 'commonjs' };
86 }
87 catch (commonjsResolverError) {
88 throw esmResolverError;
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 return addShortCircuitFlag(async () => {
93 const parsed = (0, url_1.parse)(specifier);
94 const { pathname, protocol, hostname } = parsed;
95 if (!isFileUrlOrNodeStyleSpecifier(parsed)) {
96 return entrypointFallback(defer);
97 }
98 if (protocol !== null && protocol !== 'file:') {
99 return entrypointFallback(defer);
100 }
101 // Malformed file:// URL? We should always see `null` or `''`
102 if (hostname) {
103 // TODO file://./foo sets `hostname` to `'.'`. Perhaps we should special-case this.
104 return entrypointFallback(defer);
105 }
106 // pathname is the path to be resolved
107 return entrypointFallback(() => nodeResolveImplementation.defaultResolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve));
108 });
109 }
110 // `load` from new loader hook API (See description at the top of this file)
111 async function load(url, context, defaultLoad) {
112 return addShortCircuitFlag(async () => {
113 var _a;
114 // If we get a format hint from resolve() on the context then use it
115 // otherwise call the old getFormat() hook using node's old built-in defaultGetFormat() that ships with ts-node
116 const format = (_a = context.format) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (await getFormat(url, context, nodeGetFormatImplementation.defaultGetFormat)).format;
117 let source = undefined;
118 if (format !== 'builtin' && format !== 'commonjs') {
119 // Call the new defaultLoad() to get the source
120 const { source: rawSource } = await defaultLoad(url, {
121 ...context,
122 format,
123 }, defaultLoad);
124 if (rawSource === undefined || rawSource === null) {
125 throw new Error(`Failed to load raw source: Format was '${format}' and url was '${url}''.`);
126 }
127 // Emulate node's built-in old defaultTransformSource() so we can re-use the old transformSource() hook
128 const defaultTransformSource = async (source, _context, _defaultTransformSource) => ({ source });
129 // Call the old hook
130 const { source: transformedSource } = await transformSource(rawSource, { url, format }, defaultTransformSource);
131 source = transformedSource;
132 }
133 return { format, source };
134 });
135 }
136 async function getFormat(url, context, defaultGetFormat) {
137 const defer = (overrideUrl = url) => defaultGetFormat(overrideUrl, context, defaultGetFormat);
138 // See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/discussions/41711
139 // nodejs will likely implement a similar fallback. Till then, we can do our users a favor and fallback today.
140 async function entrypointFallback(cb) {
141 try {
142 return await cb();
143 }
144 catch (getFormatError) {
145 if (!rememberIsProbablyEntrypoint.has(url))
146 throw getFormatError;
147 return { format: 'commonjs' };
148 }
149 }
150 const parsed = (0, url_1.parse)(url);
151 if (!isFileUrlOrNodeStyleSpecifier(parsed)) {
152 return entrypointFallback(defer);
153 }
154 const { pathname } = parsed;
155 assert(pathname !== null, 'ESM getFormat() hook: URL should never have null pathname');
156 const nativePath = (0, url_1.fileURLToPath)(url);
157 let nodeSays;
158 // If file has extension not understood by node, then ask node how it would treat the emitted extension.
159 // E.g. .mts compiles to .mjs, so ask node how to classify an .mjs file.
160 const ext = (0, path_1.extname)(nativePath);
161 const tsNodeIgnored = tsNodeService.ignored(nativePath);
162 const nodeEquivalentExt = extensions.nodeEquivalents.get(ext);
163 if (nodeEquivalentExt && !tsNodeIgnored) {
164 nodeSays = await entrypointFallback(() => defer((0, url_1.format)((0, url_1.pathToFileURL)(nativePath + nodeEquivalentExt))));
165 }
166 else {
167 try {
168 nodeSays = await entrypointFallback(defer);
169 }
170 catch (e) {
171 if (e instanceof Error &&
172 tsNodeIgnored &&
173 extensions.nodeDoesNotUnderstand.includes(ext)) {
174 e.message +=
175 `\n\n` +
176 `Hint:\n` +
177 `ts-node is configured to ignore this file.\n` +
178 `If you want ts-node to handle this file, consider enabling the "skipIgnore" option or adjusting your "ignore" patterns.\n` +
179 `https://typestrong.org/ts-node/docs/scope\n`;
180 }
181 throw e;
182 }
183 }
184 // For files compiled by ts-node that node believes are either CJS or ESM, check if we should override that classification
185 if (!tsNodeService.ignored(nativePath) &&
186 (nodeSays.format === 'commonjs' || nodeSays.format === 'module')) {
187 const { moduleType } = tsNodeService.moduleTypeClassifier.classifyModuleByModuleTypeOverrides((0, util_1.normalizeSlashes)(nativePath));
188 if (moduleType === 'cjs') {
189 return { format: 'commonjs' };
190 }
191 else if (moduleType === 'esm') {
192 return { format: 'module' };
193 }
194 }
195 return nodeSays;
196 }
197 async function transformSource(source, context, defaultTransformSource) {
198 if (source === null || source === undefined) {
199 throw new Error('No source');
200 }
201 const defer = () => defaultTransformSource(source, context, defaultTransformSource);
202 const sourceAsString = typeof source === 'string' ? source : source.toString('utf8');
203 const { url } = context;
204 const parsed = (0, url_1.parse)(url);
205 if (!isFileUrlOrNodeStyleSpecifier(parsed)) {
206 return defer();
207 }
208 const nativePath = (0, url_1.fileURLToPath)(url);
209 if (tsNodeService.ignored(nativePath)) {
210 return defer();
211 }
212 const emittedJs = tsNodeService.compile(sourceAsString, nativePath);
213 return { source: emittedJs };
214 }
215 return hooksAPI;
217exports.createEsmHooks = createEsmHooks;
218async function addShortCircuitFlag(fn) {
219 const ret = await fn();
220 // Not sure if this is necessary; being lazy. Can revisit in the future.
221 if (ret == null)
222 return ret;
223 return {
224 ...ret,
225 shortCircuit: true,
226 };
228//# sourceMappingURL=esm.js.map
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