2.18 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"types.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/transpilers/types.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":["import type * as ts from 'typescript';\nimport type { NodeModuleEmitKind, Service } from '../index';\nimport type { ProjectLocalResolveHelper } from '../util';\n\n/**\n * Third-party transpilers are implemented as a CommonJS module with a\n * named export \"create\"\n *\n * @category Transpiler\n */\nexport interface TranspilerModule {\n create: TranspilerFactory;\n}\n/**\n * Called by ts-node to create a custom transpiler.\n *\n * @category Transpiler\n */\nexport type TranspilerFactory = (\n options: CreateTranspilerOptions\n) => Transpiler;\n/** @category Transpiler */\nexport interface CreateTranspilerOptions {\n // TODO this is confusing because its only a partial Service. Rename?\n // Careful: must avoid stripInternal breakage by guarding with Extract<>\n service: Pick<\n Service,\n Extract<'config' | 'options' | 'projectLocalResolveHelper', keyof Service>\n >;\n /**\n * If `\"transpiler\"` option is declared in an \"extends\" tsconfig, this path might be different than\n * the `projectLocalResolveHelper`\n *\n * @internal\n */\n transpilerConfigLocalResolveHelper: ProjectLocalResolveHelper;\n /**\n * When using `module: nodenext` or `module: node12`, there are two possible styles of emit:\n * - CommonJS with dynamic imports preserved (not transformed into `require()` calls)\n * - ECMAScript modules with `import foo = require()` transformed into `require = createRequire(); const foo = require()`\n * @internal\n */\n nodeModuleEmitKind?: NodeModuleEmitKind;\n}\n/** @category Transpiler */\nexport interface Transpiler {\n // TODOs\n // Create spec for returning diagnostics? Currently transpilers are allowed to\n // throw an error but that's it.\n transpile(input: string, options: TranspileOptions): TranspileOutput;\n}\n/** @category Transpiler */\nexport interface TranspileOptions {\n fileName: string;\n}\n/** @category Transpiler */\nexport interface TranspileOutput {\n outputText: string;\n diagnostics?: ts.Diagnostic[];\n sourceMapText?: string;\n}\n"]}
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