26.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#!/usr/bin/env node
2"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
4exports.bootstrap = exports.main = void 0;
5const path_1 = require("path");
6const util_1 = require("util");
7const Module = require("module");
8let arg;
9const util_2 = require("./util");
10const repl_1 = require("./repl");
11const index_1 = require("./index");
12const node_internal_modules_cjs_helpers_1 = require("../dist-raw/node-internal-modules-cjs-helpers");
13const spawn_child_1 = require("./child/spawn-child");
14const configuration_1 = require("./configuration");
16 * Main `bin` functionality.
17 *
18 * This file is split into a chain of functions (phases), each one adding to a shared state object.
19 * This is done so that the next function can either be invoked in-process or, if necessary, invoked in a child process.
20 *
21 * The functions are intentionally given uncreative names and left in the same order as the original code, to make a
22 * smaller git diff.
23 */
24function main(argv = process.argv.slice(2), entrypointArgs = {}) {
25 const args = parseArgv(argv, entrypointArgs);
26 const state = {
27 shouldUseChildProcess: false,
28 isInChildProcess: false,
29 isCli: true,
30 tsNodeScript: __filename,
31 parseArgvResult: args,
32 };
33 return bootstrap(state);
35exports.main = main;
36/** @internal */
37function bootstrap(state) {
38 if (!state.phase2Result) {
39 state.phase2Result = phase2(state);
40 if (state.shouldUseChildProcess && !state.isInChildProcess) {
41 // Note: When transitioning into the child-process after `phase2`,
42 // the updated working directory needs to be preserved.
43 return (0, spawn_child_1.callInChild)(state);
44 }
45 }
46 if (!state.phase3Result) {
47 state.phase3Result = phase3(state);
48 if (state.shouldUseChildProcess && !state.isInChildProcess) {
49 // Note: When transitioning into the child-process after `phase2`,
50 // the updated working directory needs to be preserved.
51 return (0, spawn_child_1.callInChild)(state);
52 }
53 }
54 return phase4(state);
56exports.bootstrap = bootstrap;
57function parseArgv(argv, entrypointArgs) {
58 arg !== null && arg !== void 0 ? arg : (arg = require('arg'));
59 // HACK: technically, this function is not marked @internal so it's possible
60 // that libraries in the wild are doing `require('ts-node/dist/bin').main({'--transpile-only': true})`
61 // We can mark this function @internal in next major release.
62 // For now, rewrite args to avoid a breaking change.
63 entrypointArgs = { ...entrypointArgs };
64 for (const key of Object.keys(entrypointArgs)) {
65 entrypointArgs[key.replace(/([a-z])-([a-z])/g, (_$0, $1, $2) => `${$1}${$2.toUpperCase()}`)] = entrypointArgs[key];
66 }
67 const args = {
68 ...entrypointArgs,
69 ...arg({
70 // Node.js-like options.
71 '--eval': String,
72 '--interactive': Boolean,
73 '--print': Boolean,
74 '--require': [String],
75 // CLI options.
76 '--help': Boolean,
77 '--cwdMode': Boolean,
78 '--scriptMode': Boolean,
79 '--version': arg.COUNT,
80 '--showConfig': Boolean,
81 '--esm': Boolean,
82 // Project options.
83 '--cwd': String,
84 '--files': Boolean,
85 '--compiler': String,
86 '--compilerOptions': util_2.parse,
87 '--project': String,
88 '--ignoreDiagnostics': [String],
89 '--ignore': [String],
90 '--transpileOnly': Boolean,
91 '--transpiler': String,
92 '--swc': Boolean,
93 '--typeCheck': Boolean,
94 '--compilerHost': Boolean,
95 '--pretty': Boolean,
96 '--skipProject': Boolean,
97 '--skipIgnore': Boolean,
98 '--preferTsExts': Boolean,
99 '--logError': Boolean,
100 '--emit': Boolean,
101 '--scope': Boolean,
102 '--scopeDir': String,
103 '--noExperimentalReplAwait': Boolean,
104 '--experimentalSpecifierResolution': String,
105 // Aliases.
106 '-e': '--eval',
107 '-i': '--interactive',
108 '-p': '--print',
109 '-r': '--require',
110 '-h': '--help',
111 '-s': '--script-mode',
112 '-v': '--version',
113 '-T': '--transpileOnly',
114 '-H': '--compilerHost',
115 '-I': '--ignore',
116 '-P': '--project',
117 '-C': '--compiler',
118 '-D': '--ignoreDiagnostics',
119 '-O': '--compilerOptions',
120 '--dir': '--cwd',
121 // Support both tsc-style camelCase and node-style hypen-case for *all* flags
122 '--cwd-mode': '--cwdMode',
123 '--script-mode': '--scriptMode',
124 '--show-config': '--showConfig',
125 '--compiler-options': '--compilerOptions',
126 '--ignore-diagnostics': '--ignoreDiagnostics',
127 '--transpile-only': '--transpileOnly',
128 '--type-check': '--typeCheck',
129 '--compiler-host': '--compilerHost',
130 '--skip-project': '--skipProject',
131 '--skip-ignore': '--skipIgnore',
132 '--prefer-ts-exts': '--preferTsExts',
133 '--log-error': '--logError',
134 '--scope-dir': '--scopeDir',
135 '--no-experimental-repl-await': '--noExperimentalReplAwait',
136 '--experimental-specifier-resolution': '--experimentalSpecifierResolution',
137 }, {
138 argv,
139 stopAtPositional: true,
140 }),
141 };
142 // Only setting defaults for CLI-specific flags
143 // Anything passed to `register()` can be `undefined`; `create()` will apply
144 // defaults.
145 const { '--cwd': cwdArg, '--help': help = false, '--scriptMode': scriptMode, '--cwdMode': cwdMode, '--version': version = 0, '--showConfig': showConfig, '--require': argsRequire = [], '--eval': code = undefined, '--print': print = false, '--interactive': interactive = false, '--files': files, '--compiler': compiler, '--compilerOptions': compilerOptions, '--project': project, '--ignoreDiagnostics': ignoreDiagnostics, '--ignore': ignore, '--transpileOnly': transpileOnly, '--typeCheck': typeCheck, '--transpiler': transpiler, '--swc': swc, '--compilerHost': compilerHost, '--pretty': pretty, '--skipProject': skipProject, '--skipIgnore': skipIgnore, '--preferTsExts': preferTsExts, '--logError': logError, '--emit': emit, '--scope': scope = undefined, '--scopeDir': scopeDir = undefined, '--noExperimentalReplAwait': noExperimentalReplAwait, '--experimentalSpecifierResolution': experimentalSpecifierResolution, '--esm': esm, _: restArgs, } = args;
146 return {
147 // Note: argv and restArgs may be overwritten by child process
148 argv: process.argv,
149 restArgs,
150 cwdArg,
151 help,
152 scriptMode,
153 cwdMode,
154 version,
155 showConfig,
156 argsRequire,
157 code,
158 print,
159 interactive,
160 files,
161 compiler,
162 compilerOptions,
163 project,
164 ignoreDiagnostics,
165 ignore,
166 transpileOnly,
167 typeCheck,
168 transpiler,
169 swc,
170 compilerHost,
171 pretty,
172 skipProject,
173 skipIgnore,
174 preferTsExts,
175 logError,
176 emit,
177 scope,
178 scopeDir,
179 noExperimentalReplAwait,
180 experimentalSpecifierResolution,
181 esm,
182 };
184function phase2(payload) {
185 const { help, version, cwdArg, esm } = payload.parseArgvResult;
186 if (help) {
187 console.log(`
188Usage: ts-node [options] [ -e script | script.ts ] [arguments]
192 -e, --eval [code] Evaluate code
193 -p, --print Print result of \`--eval\`
194 -r, --require [path] Require a node module before execution
195 -i, --interactive Opens the REPL even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal
197 --esm Bootstrap with the ESM loader, enabling full ESM support
198 --swc Use the faster swc transpiler
200 -h, --help Print CLI usage
201 -v, --version Print module version information. -vvv to print additional information
202 --showConfig Print resolved configuration and exit
204 -T, --transpileOnly Use TypeScript's faster \`transpileModule\` or a third-party transpiler
205 -H, --compilerHost Use TypeScript's compiler host API
206 -I, --ignore [pattern] Override the path patterns to skip compilation
207 -P, --project [path] Path to TypeScript JSON project file
208 -C, --compiler [name] Specify a custom TypeScript compiler
209 --transpiler [name] Specify a third-party, non-typechecking transpiler
210 -D, --ignoreDiagnostics [code] Ignore TypeScript warnings by diagnostic code
211 -O, --compilerOptions [opts] JSON object to merge with compiler options
213 --cwd Behave as if invoked within this working directory.
214 --files Load \`files\`, \`include\` and \`exclude\` from \`tsconfig.json\` on startup
215 --pretty Use pretty diagnostic formatter (usually enabled by default)
216 --cwdMode Use current directory instead of <script.ts> for config resolution
217 --skipProject Skip reading \`tsconfig.json\`
218 --skipIgnore Skip \`--ignore\` checks
219 --emit Emit output files into \`.ts-node\` directory
220 --scope Scope compiler to files within \`scopeDir\`. Anything outside this directory is ignored.
221 --scopeDir Directory for \`--scope\`
222 --preferTsExts Prefer importing TypeScript files over JavaScript files
223 --logError Logs TypeScript errors to stderr instead of throwing exceptions
224 --noExperimentalReplAwait Disable top-level await in REPL. Equivalent to node's --no-experimental-repl-await
225 --experimentalSpecifierResolution [node|explicit]
226 Equivalent to node's --experimental-specifier-resolution
228 process.exit(0);
229 }
230 // Output project information.
231 if (version === 1) {
232 console.log(`v${index_1.VERSION}`);
233 process.exit(0);
234 }
235 const cwd = cwdArg ? (0, path_1.resolve)(cwdArg) : process.cwd();
236 // If ESM is explicitly enabled through the flag, stage3 should be run in a child process
237 // with the ESM loaders configured.
238 if (esm)
239 payload.shouldUseChildProcess = true;
240 return {
241 cwd,
242 };
244function phase3(payload) {
245 const { emit, files, pretty, transpileOnly, transpiler, noExperimentalReplAwait, typeCheck, swc, compilerHost, ignore, preferTsExts, logError, scriptMode, cwdMode, project, skipProject, skipIgnore, compiler, ignoreDiagnostics, compilerOptions, argsRequire, scope, scopeDir, esm, experimentalSpecifierResolution, } = payload.parseArgvResult;
246 const { cwd } = payload.phase2Result;
247 // NOTE: When we transition to a child process for ESM, the entry-point script determined
248 // here might not be the one used later in `phase4`. This can happen when we execute the
249 // original entry-point but then the process forks itself using e.g. `child_process.fork`.
250 // We will always use the original TS project in forked processes anyway, so it is
251 // expected and acceptable to retrieve the entry-point information here in `phase2`.
252 // See: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/issues/1812.
253 const { entryPointPath } = getEntryPointInfo(payload);
254 const preloadedConfig = (0, configuration_1.findAndReadConfig)({
255 cwd,
256 emit,
257 files,
258 pretty,
259 transpileOnly: (transpileOnly !== null && transpileOnly !== void 0 ? transpileOnly : transpiler != null) ? true : undefined,
260 experimentalReplAwait: noExperimentalReplAwait ? false : undefined,
261 typeCheck,
262 transpiler,
263 swc,
264 compilerHost,
265 ignore,
266 logError,
267 projectSearchDir: getProjectSearchDir(cwd, scriptMode, cwdMode, entryPointPath),
268 project,
269 skipProject,
270 skipIgnore,
271 compiler,
272 ignoreDiagnostics,
273 compilerOptions,
274 require: argsRequire,
275 scope,
276 scopeDir,
277 preferTsExts,
278 esm,
279 experimentalSpecifierResolution: experimentalSpecifierResolution,
280 });
281 // If ESM is enabled through the parsed tsconfig, stage4 should be run in a child
282 // process with the ESM loaders configured.
283 if (preloadedConfig.options.esm)
284 payload.shouldUseChildProcess = true;
285 return { preloadedConfig };
288 * Determines the entry-point information from the argv and phase2 result. This
289 * method will be invoked in two places:
290 *
291 * 1. In phase 3 to be able to find a project from the potential entry-point script.
292 * 2. In phase 4 to determine the actual entry-point script.
293 *
294 * Note that we need to explicitly re-resolve the entry-point information in the final
295 * stage because the previous stage information could be modified when the bootstrap
296 * invocation transitioned into a child process for ESM.
297 *
298 * Stages before (phase 4) can and will be cached by the child process through the Brotli
299 * configuration and entry-point information is only reliable in the final phase. More
300 * details can be found in here: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/issues/1812.
301 */
302function getEntryPointInfo(state) {
303 const { code, interactive, restArgs } = state.parseArgvResult;
304 const { cwd } = state.phase2Result;
305 const { isCli } = state;
306 // Figure out which we are executing: piped stdin, --eval, REPL, and/or entrypoint
307 // This is complicated because node's behavior is complicated
308 // `node -e code -i ./script.js` ignores -e
309 const executeEval = code != null && !(interactive && restArgs.length);
310 const executeEntrypoint = !executeEval && restArgs.length > 0;
311 const executeRepl = !executeEntrypoint &&
312 (interactive || (process.stdin.isTTY && !executeEval));
313 const executeStdin = !executeEval && !executeRepl && !executeEntrypoint;
314 /**
315 * Unresolved. May point to a symlink, not realpath. May be missing file extension
316 * NOTE: resolution relative to cwd option (not `process.cwd()`) is legacy backwards-compat; should be changed in next major: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/issues/1834
317 */
318 const entryPointPath = executeEntrypoint
319 ? isCli
320 ? (0, path_1.resolve)(cwd, restArgs[0])
321 : (0, path_1.resolve)(restArgs[0])
322 : undefined;
323 return {
324 executeEval,
325 executeEntrypoint,
326 executeRepl,
327 executeStdin,
328 entryPointPath,
329 };
331function phase4(payload) {
332 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
333 const { isInChildProcess, tsNodeScript } = payload;
334 const { version, showConfig, restArgs, code, print, argv } = payload.parseArgvResult;
335 const { cwd } = payload.phase2Result;
336 const { preloadedConfig } = payload.phase3Result;
337 const { entryPointPath, executeEntrypoint, executeEval, executeRepl, executeStdin, } = getEntryPointInfo(payload);
338 let evalStuff;
339 let replStuff;
340 let stdinStuff;
341 let evalAwarePartialHost = undefined;
342 if (executeEval) {
343 const state = new repl_1.EvalState((0, path_1.join)(cwd, repl_1.EVAL_FILENAME));
344 evalStuff = {
345 state,
346 repl: (0, repl_1.createRepl)({
347 state,
348 composeWithEvalAwarePartialHost: evalAwarePartialHost,
349 ignoreDiagnosticsThatAreAnnoyingInInteractiveRepl: false,
350 }),
351 };
352 ({ evalAwarePartialHost } = evalStuff.repl);
353 // Create a local module instance based on `cwd`.
354 const module = (evalStuff.module = new Module(repl_1.EVAL_NAME));
355 module.filename = evalStuff.state.path;
356 module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(cwd);
357 }
358 if (executeStdin) {
359 const state = new repl_1.EvalState((0, path_1.join)(cwd, repl_1.STDIN_FILENAME));
360 stdinStuff = {
361 state,
362 repl: (0, repl_1.createRepl)({
363 state,
364 composeWithEvalAwarePartialHost: evalAwarePartialHost,
365 ignoreDiagnosticsThatAreAnnoyingInInteractiveRepl: false,
366 }),
367 };
368 ({ evalAwarePartialHost } = stdinStuff.repl);
369 // Create a local module instance based on `cwd`.
370 const module = (stdinStuff.module = new Module(repl_1.STDIN_NAME));
371 module.filename = stdinStuff.state.path;
372 module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(cwd);
373 }
374 if (executeRepl) {
375 const state = new repl_1.EvalState((0, path_1.join)(cwd, repl_1.REPL_FILENAME));
376 replStuff = {
377 state,
378 repl: (0, repl_1.createRepl)({
379 state,
380 composeWithEvalAwarePartialHost: evalAwarePartialHost,
381 }),
382 };
383 ({ evalAwarePartialHost } = replStuff.repl);
384 }
385 // Register the TypeScript compiler instance.
386 const service = (0, index_1.createFromPreloadedConfig)({
387 // Since this struct may have been marshalled across thread or process boundaries, we must restore
388 // un-marshall-able values.
389 ...preloadedConfig,
390 options: {
391 ...preloadedConfig.options,
392 readFile: (_a = evalAwarePartialHost === null || evalAwarePartialHost === void 0 ? void 0 : evalAwarePartialHost.readFile) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined,
393 fileExists: (_b = evalAwarePartialHost === null || evalAwarePartialHost === void 0 ? void 0 : evalAwarePartialHost.fileExists) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : undefined,
394 tsTrace: index_1.DEFAULTS.tsTrace,
395 },
396 });
397 (0, index_1.register)(service);
398 if (isInChildProcess)
399 require('./child/child-loader').lateBindHooks((0, index_1.createEsmHooks)(service));
400 // Bind REPL service to ts-node compiler service (chicken-and-egg problem)
401 replStuff === null || replStuff === void 0 ? void 0 : replStuff.repl.setService(service);
402 evalStuff === null || evalStuff === void 0 ? void 0 : evalStuff.repl.setService(service);
403 stdinStuff === null || stdinStuff === void 0 ? void 0 : stdinStuff.repl.setService(service);
404 // Output project information.
405 if (version === 2) {
406 console.log(`ts-node v${index_1.VERSION}`);
407 console.log(`node ${process.version}`);
408 console.log(`compiler v${service.ts.version}`);
409 process.exit(0);
410 }
411 if (version >= 3) {
412 console.log(`ts-node v${index_1.VERSION} ${(0, path_1.dirname)(__dirname)}`);
413 console.log(`node ${process.version}`);
414 console.log(`compiler v${service.ts.version} ${(_c = service.compilerPath) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : ''}`);
415 process.exit(0);
416 }
417 if (showConfig) {
418 const ts = service.ts;
419 if (typeof ts.convertToTSConfig !== 'function') {
420 console.error('Error: --showConfig requires a typescript versions >=3.2 that support --showConfig');
421 process.exit(1);
422 }
423 let moduleTypes = undefined;
424 if (service.options.moduleTypes) {
425 // Assumption: this codepath requires CLI invocation, so moduleTypes must have come from a tsconfig, not API.
426 const showRelativeTo = (0, path_1.dirname)(service.configFilePath);
427 moduleTypes = {};
428 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(service.options.moduleTypes)) {
429 moduleTypes[(0, path_1.relative)(showRelativeTo, (0, path_1.resolve)((_d = service.options.optionBasePaths) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.moduleTypes, key))] = value;
430 }
431 }
432 const json = {
433 ['ts-node']: {
434 ...service.options,
435 require: ((_e = service.options.require) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.length)
436 ? service.options.require
437 : undefined,
438 moduleTypes,
439 optionBasePaths: undefined,
440 compilerOptions: undefined,
441 project: (_f = service.configFilePath) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : service.options.project,
442 },
443 ...ts.convertToTSConfig(service.config, (_g = service.configFilePath) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : (0, path_1.join)(cwd, 'ts-node-implicit-tsconfig.json'), service.ts.sys),
444 };
445 console.log(
446 // Assumes that all configuration options which can possibly be specified via the CLI are JSON-compatible.
447 // If, in the future, we must log functions, for example readFile and fileExists, then we can implement a JSON
448 // replacer function.
449 JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
450 process.exit(0);
451 }
452 // Prepend `ts-node` arguments to CLI for child processes.
453 process.execArgv.push(tsNodeScript, ...argv.slice(2, argv.length - restArgs.length));
454 // TODO this comes from BootstrapState
455 process.argv = [process.argv[1]]
456 .concat(executeEntrypoint ? [entryPointPath] : [])
457 .concat(restArgs.slice(executeEntrypoint ? 1 : 0));
458 // Execute the main contents (either eval, script or piped).
459 if (executeEntrypoint) {
460 if (payload.isInChildProcess &&
461 (0, util_2.versionGteLt)(process.versions.node, '18.6.0')) {
462 // HACK workaround node regression
463 require('../dist-raw/runmain-hack.js').run(entryPointPath);
464 }
465 else {
466 Module.runMain();
467 }
468 }
469 else {
470 // Note: eval and repl may both run, but never with stdin.
471 // If stdin runs, eval and repl will not.
472 if (executeEval) {
473 (0, node_internal_modules_cjs_helpers_1.addBuiltinLibsToObject)(global);
474 evalAndExitOnTsError(evalStuff.repl, evalStuff.module, code, print, 'eval');
475 }
476 if (executeRepl) {
477 replStuff.repl.start();
478 }
479 if (executeStdin) {
480 let buffer = code || '';
481 process.stdin.on('data', (chunk) => (buffer += chunk));
482 process.stdin.on('end', () => {
483 evalAndExitOnTsError(stdinStuff.repl, stdinStuff.module, buffer,
484 // `echo 123 | node -p` still prints 123
485 print, 'stdin');
486 });
487 }
488 }
491 * Get project search path from args.
492 */
493function getProjectSearchDir(cwd, scriptMode, cwdMode, scriptPath) {
494 // Validate `--script-mode` / `--cwd-mode` / `--cwd` usage is correct.
495 if (scriptMode && cwdMode) {
496 throw new TypeError('--cwd-mode cannot be combined with --script-mode');
497 }
498 if (scriptMode && !scriptPath) {
499 throw new TypeError('--script-mode must be used with a script name, e.g. `ts-node --script-mode <script.ts>`');
500 }
501 const doScriptMode = scriptMode === true ? true : cwdMode === true ? false : !!scriptPath;
502 if (doScriptMode) {
503 // Use node's own resolution behavior to ensure we follow symlinks.
504 // scriptPath may omit file extension or point to a directory with or without package.json.
505 // This happens before we are registered, so we tell node's resolver to consider ts, tsx, and jsx files.
506 // In extremely rare cases, is is technically possible to resolve the wrong directory,
507 // because we do not yet know preferTsExts, jsx, nor allowJs.
508 // See also, justification why this will not happen in real-world situations:
509 // https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/pull/1009#issuecomment-613017081
510 const exts = ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'];
511 const extsTemporarilyInstalled = [];
512 for (const ext of exts) {
513 if (!(0, util_2.hasOwnProperty)(require.extensions, ext)) {
514 extsTemporarilyInstalled.push(ext);
515 require.extensions[ext] = function () { };
516 }
517 }
518 try {
519 return (0, path_1.dirname)(requireResolveNonCached(scriptPath));
520 }
521 finally {
522 for (const ext of extsTemporarilyInstalled) {
523 delete require.extensions[ext];
524 }
525 }
526 }
527 return cwd;
529const guaranteedNonexistentDirectoryPrefix = (0, path_1.resolve)(__dirname, 'doesnotexist');
530let guaranteedNonexistentDirectorySuffix = 0;
532 * require.resolve an absolute path, tricking node into *not* caching the results.
533 * Necessary so that we do not pollute require.resolve cache prior to installing require.extensions
534 *
535 * Is a terrible hack, because node does not expose the necessary cache invalidation APIs
536 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59865584/how-to-invalidate-cached-require-resolve-results
537 */
538function requireResolveNonCached(absoluteModuleSpecifier) {
539 // node <= 12.1.x fallback: The trick below triggers a node bug on old versions.
540 // On these old versions, pollute the require cache instead. This is a deliberate
541 // ts-node limitation that will *rarely* manifest, and will not matter once node 12
542 // is end-of-life'd on 2022-04-30
543 const isSupportedNodeVersion = (0, util_2.versionGteLt)(process.versions.node, '12.2.0');
544 if (!isSupportedNodeVersion)
545 return require.resolve(absoluteModuleSpecifier);
546 const { dir, base } = (0, path_1.parse)(absoluteModuleSpecifier);
547 const relativeModuleSpecifier = `./${base}`;
548 const req = (0, util_2.createRequire)((0, path_1.join)(dir, 'imaginaryUncacheableRequireResolveScript'));
549 return req.resolve(relativeModuleSpecifier, {
550 paths: [
551 `${guaranteedNonexistentDirectoryPrefix}${guaranteedNonexistentDirectorySuffix++}`,
552 ...(req.resolve.paths(relativeModuleSpecifier) || []),
553 ],
554 });
557 * Evaluate an [eval] or [stdin] script
558 */
559function evalAndExitOnTsError(replService, module, code, isPrinted, filenameAndDirname) {
560 let result;
561 (0, repl_1.setupContext)(global, module, filenameAndDirname);
562 try {
563 result = replService.evalCode(code);
564 }
565 catch (error) {
566 if (error instanceof index_1.TSError) {
567 console.error(error);
568 process.exit(1);
569 }
570 throw error;
571 }
572 if (isPrinted) {
573 console.log(typeof result === 'string'
574 ? result
575 : (0, util_1.inspect)(result, { colors: process.stdout.isTTY }));
576 }
578if (require.main === module) {
579 main();
581//# sourceMappingURL=bin.js.map
\No newline at end of file