11.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var chai_1 = require("chai");
4var child_process_1 = require("child_process");
5var path_1 = require("path");
6var semver = require("semver");
7var ts = require("typescript");
8var proxyquire = require("proxyquire");
9var index_1 = require("./index");
10var testDir = path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests');
11var EXEC_PATH = path_1.join(__dirname, '../dist/bin');
12var BIN_EXEC = "node \"" + EXEC_PATH + "\" --project \"" + testDir + "/tsconfig.json\"";
13var SOURCE_MAP_REGEXP = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=data:application\/json;charset=utf\-8;base64,[\w\+]+=*$/;
14describe('ts-node', function () {
15 this.timeout(10000);
16 it('should export the correct version', function () {
17 chai_1.expect(index_1.VERSION).to.equal(require('../package.json').version);
18 });
19 describe('cli', function () {
20 this.slow(1000);
21 it('should execute cli', function (done) {
22 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " tests/hello-world", function (err, stdout) {
23 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
24 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n');
25 return done();
26 });
27 });
28 it('should register via cli', function (done) {
29 child_process_1.exec("node -r ../register hello-world.ts", {
30 cwd: testDir
31 }, function (err, stdout) {
32 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
33 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n');
34 return done();
35 });
36 });
37 it('should execute cli with absolute path', function (done) {
38 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " \"" + path_1.join(testDir, 'hello-world') + "\"", function (err, stdout) {
39 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
40 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n');
41 return done();
42 });
43 });
44 it('should print scripts', function (done) {
45 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -p \"import { example } from './tests/complex/index';example()\"", function (err, stdout) {
46 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
47 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('example\n');
48 return done();
49 });
50 });
51 if (semver.gte(ts.version, '1.8.0')) {
52 it('should allow js', function (done) {
53 child_process_1.exec([
55 '-O "{\\\"allowJs\\\":true}"',
56 '-p "import { main } from \'./tests/allow-js/run\';main()"'
57 ].join(' '), function (err, stdout) {
58 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
59 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('hello world\n');
60 return done();
61 });
62 });
63 it('should include jsx when `allow-js` true', function (done) {
64 child_process_1.exec([
66 '-O "{\\\"allowJs\\\":true}"',
67 '-p "import { Foo2 } from \'./tests/allow-js/with-jsx\'; Foo2.sayHi()"'
68 ].join(' '), function (err, stdout) {
69 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
70 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('hello world\n');
71 return done();
72 });
73 });
74 }
75 it('should eval code', function (done) {
76 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -e \"import * as m from './tests/module';console.log(m.example('test'))\"", function (err, stdout) {
77 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
78 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('TEST\n');
79 return done();
80 });
81 });
82 it('should throw errors', function (done) {
83 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -e \"import * as m from './tests/module';console.log(m.example(123))\"", function (err) {
84 if (err === null) {
85 return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.');
86 }
87 chai_1.expect(err.message).to.match(new RegExp(
88 // Node 0.10 can not override the `lineOffset` option.
89 '\\[eval\\]\\.ts \\(1,59\\): Argument of type \'(?:number|123)\' ' +
90 'is not assignable to parameter of type \'string\'\\. \\(2345\\)'));
91 return done();
92 });
93 });
94 it('should be able to ignore diagnostic', function (done) {
95 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " --ignoreDiagnostics 2345 -e \"import * as m from './tests/module';console.log(m.example(123))\"", function (err) {
96 if (err === null) {
97 return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.');
98 }
99 chai_1.expect(err.message).to.match(/TypeError: (?:(?:undefined|foo\.toUpperCase) is not a function|.*has no method \'toUpperCase\')/);
100 return done();
101 });
102 });
103 it('should work with source maps', function (done) {
104 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " tests/throw", function (err) {
105 if (err === null) {
106 return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.');
107 }
108 chai_1.expect(err.message).to.contain([
109 path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests/throw.ts') + ":3",
110 ' bar () { throw new Error(\'this is a demo\') }',
111 ' ^',
112 'Error: this is a demo'
113 ].join('\n'));
114 return done();
115 });
116 });
117 it.skip('eval should work with source maps', function (done) {
118 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -p \"import './tests/throw'\"", function (err) {
119 if (err === null) {
120 return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.');
121 }
122 chai_1.expect(err.message).to.contain([
123 path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests/throw.ts') + ":3",
124 ' bar () { throw new Error(\'this is a demo\') }',
125 ' ^'
126 ].join('\n'));
127 return done();
128 });
129 });
130 it('should support transpile only mode', function (done) {
131 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " --transpileOnly -p \"x\"", function (err) {
132 if (err === null) {
133 return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.');
134 }
135 chai_1.expect(err.message).to.contain('ReferenceError: x is not defined');
136 return done();
137 });
138 });
139 it('should pipe into `ts-node` and evaluate', function (done) {
140 var cp = child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC, function (err, stdout) {
141 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
142 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('hello\n');
143 return done();
144 });
145 cp.stdin.end("console.log('hello')");
146 });
147 it('should pipe into `ts-node`', function (done) {
148 var cp = child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -p", function (err, stdout) {
149 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
150 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('true\n');
151 return done();
152 });
153 cp.stdin.end('true');
154 });
155 it('should pipe into an eval script', function (done) {
156 var cp = child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " --fast -p 'process.stdin.isTTY'", function (err, stdout) {
157 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
158 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('undefined\n');
159 return done();
160 });
161 cp.stdin.end('true');
162 });
163 it('should support require flags', function (done) {
164 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -r ./tests/hello-world -p \"console.log('success')\"", function (err, stdout) {
165 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
166 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\nsuccess\nundefined\n');
167 return done();
168 });
169 });
170 it('should support require from node modules', function (done) {
171 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -r typescript -e \"console.log('success')\"", function (err, stdout) {
172 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
173 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('success\n');
174 return done();
175 });
176 });
177 it.skip('should use source maps with react tsx', function (done) {
178 child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC + " -r ./tests/emit-compiled.ts tests/jsx-react.tsx", function (err, stdout) {
179 chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null);
180 chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('todo');
181 return done();
182 });
183 });
184 });
185 describe('register', function () {
186 index_1.register({
187 project: path_1.join(testDir, 'tsconfig.json'),
188 compilerOptions: {
189 jsx: 'preserve'
190 }
191 });
192 it('should be able to require typescript', function () {
193 var m = require('../tests/module');
194 chai_1.expect(m.example('foo')).to.equal('FOO');
195 });
196 it('should compile through js and ts', function () {
197 var m = require('../tests/complex');
198 chai_1.expect(m.example()).to.equal('example');
199 });
200 it('should work with proxyquire', function () {
201 var m = proxyquire('../tests/complex', {
202 './example': 'hello'
203 });
204 chai_1.expect(m.example()).to.equal('hello');
205 });
206 it('should use source maps', function (done) {
207 try {
208 require('../tests/throw');
209 }
210 catch (error) {
211 chai_1.expect(error.stack).to.contain([
212 'Error: this is a demo',
213 " at Foo.bar (" + path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests/throw.ts') + ":3:18)"
214 ].join('\n'));
215 done();
216 }
217 });
218 describe('JSX preserve', function () {
219 var old = require.extensions['.tsx'];
220 var compiled;
221 before(function () {
222 var _this = this;
223 require.extensions['.tsx'] = function (m, fileName) {
224 var _compile = m._compile;
225 m._compile = function (code, fileName) {
226 compiled = code;
227 return _compile.call(_this, code, fileName);
228 };
229 return old(m, fileName);
230 };
231 });
232 after(function () {
233 require.extensions['.tsx'] = old;
234 });
235 it('should use source maps', function (done) {
236 try {
237 require('../tests/with-jsx.tsx');
238 }
239 catch (error) {
240 chai_1.expect(error.stack).to.contain('SyntaxError: Unexpected token <\n');
241 }
242 chai_1.expect(compiled).to.match(SOURCE_MAP_REGEXP);
243 done();
244 });
245 });
246 });
248//# sourceMappingURL=index.spec.js.map
\No newline at end of file