1 | ## 0.15.0
2 |
3 | ### Changes
4 | * [#272](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/272) Fix get/set conflicting method names. ([@pkwarren](https://github.com/pkwarren)).
5 | * [#275](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/275) Add support for proto3 optional presence. ([@awbraunstein](https://github.com/awbraunstein)).
6 | * [#276](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/276) Fixed primitive extension handling. ([@marcuslongmuir](https://github.com/marcuslongmuir)).
7 |
8 | ## 0.14.0
9 |
10 | ### Changes
11 | * [#247](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/247) Added support for grpc and @grpc/grpc-js server interfaces. ([@badsyntax](https://github.com/badsyntax)).
12 |
13 | ## 0.13.0
14 |
15 | ### Changes
16 | * [#236](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/236) Added support for @grpc/grpc-js. ([@badsyntax](https://github.com/badsyntax)).
17 |
18 | ## 0.12.0
19 |
20 | ### Changes
21 | * [#207](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/207) Bazel rules moved to a new repo, see README for migration guide. ([@Dig-Doug](https://github.com/Dig-Doug)).
22 |
23 | ## 0.11.0
24 |
25 | ### Changes
26 | * [#185](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/185) Bazel rules add ES6 output ([@Dig-Doug](https://github.com/Dig-Doug))
27 | * [#193](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/193) Add support for generating grpc-node service types ([@esilkensen](https://github.com/esilkensen))
28 | * [#194](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/194) Bazel rules output UMD modules ([@Dig-Doug](https://github.com/Dig-Doug))
29 |
30 | ### Fixes
31 | * [#183](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/183) Bugfix for field names with leading underscores ([@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable))
32 | * [#191](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/191) Bugfix for bazel rules where names with numbers were not being exported ([@Dig-Doug](https://github.com/Dig-Doug))
33 |
34 | ## 0.10.0
35 |
36 | ### Changes
37 | * [#157](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/157) Generate more accurate types for Proto Enum values. ([@mattvagni](https://github.com/mattvagni))
38 | * [#159](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/159) Swap ordering of `onStatus` and `onEnd` callbacks. ([@hectim](https://github.com/hectim))
39 | * [#160](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/160) Update bazel-related library versions. ([@Dig-Doug](https://github.com/Dig-Doug))
40 |
41 |
42 | ### Fixes
43 | * [#165](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/165) Replace uses of the deprecated `new Buffer()` with `Buffer.from()`. ([@ashi009](https://github.com/ashi009))
44 | * [#161](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/161) Mark `google-protobuf` as a runtime dependency. ([@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable))
45 |
46 | ## 0.9.0
47 |
48 | ### Changes
49 | * [#147](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/147) Use `@improbable-eng/grpc-web` package instead of the soon to be deprecated `grpc-web-client` package. ([@johanbrandhorst](https://github.com/johanbrandhorst))
50 |
51 | ## 0.8.0
52 |
53 | ### Fixes
54 | * [#131](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/131) Fix code-gen problems in client-side and bi-di stream stubs. ([@johanbrandhorst](https://github.com/johanbrandhorst))
55 |
56 | ### Changes
57 | * [#139](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/139) Provide support for grpc-web-client v0.7.0+ ([@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable))
58 | * [#124](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/124) Provide support for cancelling unary calls. ([@virtuald](https://github.com/virtuald))
59 |
60 | ## 0.7.7
61 |
62 | ### Fixes
63 | * Replace usage of `Object.assign` to fix webpack issue. [@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable) in [#110](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/110)
64 | * Errors returned by Unary Services should be optionally null. [@colinking](https://github.com/collinking) in [#116](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/116)
65 | * Fix snake_cased oneof message are generated to incorrect types. [@riku179](https://github.com/riku179) in [#118](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/118)
66 | * `.deb` artificats being deployment to npm. [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves) in [#121](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/121)
67 |
68 | ### Changes
69 | * Add support for `jstype` proto annotations. [@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable) in [#104](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/104)
70 | * Implement Client Streaming and BiDi Streaming for grpc-web service stubs. [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves) in [#82](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/82)
71 |
72 | ## 0.7.6
73 |
74 | ### Fixes
75 | * Broken integration tests on master
76 |
77 | ## 0.7.5
78 |
79 | ### Fixes
80 | * Fixed NPM publish.
81 |
82 | ## 0.7.4
83 |
84 | ### Changes
85 | * Download protoc when generating protos to ensure a consistent version is being used. [@easyCZ](https://github.com/easyCZ) in [#80](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/80)
86 | * Always generate Service Definitions (`pb_service.d.js` and `pb_service.d.ts`) even if the proto does not define any services. [@lx223 ](https://github.com/lx223) in [#83](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/83)
87 | * Add custom Bazel rule which uses ts-protoc-gen for generation. [@coltonmorris](https://github.com/coltonmorris) in [#84](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/84)
88 | * Add `debug` to `ServiceClientOptions`. [@bianbian-org](https://github.com/bianbian-org) in [#90](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/90)
89 |
90 | ## 0.7.3
91 |
92 | ### Changes
93 | * None (testing release script...)
94 |
95 | ## 0.7.1
96 |
97 | ### Changes
98 | * Fixing bad npm publish
99 |
100 | ## 0.7.0
101 |
102 | ### Changes
103 | * Don't use reserved keywords as function names in grpc service stubs [@jonahbron](https://github.com/jonahbron) and [@jonny-improbable]((https://github.com/jonny-improbable)) in [#61](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/61)
104 |
105 | ### Fixes
106 | * Fix casing mismatch for oneOf declarations. [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves) in [#67](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/67)
107 | * Fix Bazel build [@coltonmorris](https://github.com/coltonmorris) in [#71](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/71)
108 |
109 | ## 0.6.0
110 |
111 | ### Changes
112 | * Generate gRPC Service Stubs for use with grpc-web [@jonahbron](https://github.com/jonahbron) and [@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable) in [#40](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/40)
113 | * Fix filename manipulation bug which would cause problems for users who store generated files with `.proto` in the path. [@easyCZ](https://github.com/easyCZ) in [#56](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/56)
114 |
115 | ## 0.5.2
116 |
117 | ### Changes
118 | * Fixes invalid 0.5.1 publish (fixed prepublishOnly script)
119 |
120 | ## 0.5.1
121 |
122 | ### Changes
123 | * Fixes invalid 0.5.0 publish (added prepublishOnly script)
124 |
125 | ## 0.5.0
126 |
127 | ### Migration Guide
128 | The `protoc-gen-js_service` command has been removed as the `protoc-gen-ts` command now generates both JavaScript and TypeScript. Consumers of `protoc-gen-js_service` should instead use `protoc-gen-ts` and substitute the `--js_service_out=generated` protoc flag with `--ts_out=service=true:generated`.
129 |
130 | ### Changes
131 | * Export Enum Definitions as ALL_CAPS [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves) in [#22](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/issues/22)
132 | * Don't output variables that are not used in typescript service definition [@jonbretman](https://github.com/jonbretman) in [#38](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/38)
133 | * Support Bazel build [@adamyi](https://github.com/adamyi) in [#34](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/34)
134 | * Create JavaScript sources and TypeScript definitions for grpc-web services [@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable) in [#44](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/44)
135 | * Stop using TypeScript Modules in generated grpc-web Service Definitions [@jonny-improbable](https://github.com/jonny-improbable) in [#45](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/45)
136 |
137 | ## 0.4.0
138 |
139 | ### Changes
140 | * Add `pb_` prefix to JS Reserved Keywords [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves) in [#20](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/20)
141 |
142 | ## 0.3.3
143 |
144 | ### Changes
145 | * Fix error on messages without packages [@MarcusLongmuir](https://github.com/MarcusLongmuir) in [#13](https://github.com/improbable-eng/ts-protoc-gen/pull/13)