1 | import { Match } from '../Any/_Internal';
2 | import { Is } from '../Any/Is';
3 | /**
4 | * @hidden
5 | */
6 | export declare type _Replace<O extends object, M extends any, A extends any, match extends Match> = {
7 | [K in keyof O]: {
8 | 1: A;
9 | 0: O[K];
10 | }[Is<M, O[K], match>];
11 | } & {};
12 | /**
13 | * Update with `A` the fields of `O` that match `M`
14 | * @param O to update
15 | * @param M to select fields
16 | * @param A to update with
17 | * @param match (?=`'default'`) to change precision
18 | * @returns [[Object]]
19 | * @example
20 | * ```ts
21 | * ```
22 | */
23 | export declare type Replace<O extends object, M extends any, A extends any, match extends Match = 'default'> = O extends unknown ? _Replace<O, M, A, match> : never;