3.07 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import ts from 'typescript';
2import type { Commands, KeysOf, SourceTemplateData, TemplateHelper } from './types';
3export declare class TsWriter<H extends readonly TemplateHelper[] | undefined = readonly TemplateHelper[] | undefined> {
4 readonly helpers?: H | undefined;
5 /**
6 * A simple map of all the sources that have been written.
7 *
8 * The string array represents the result of each write call, **not each written line**.
9 */
10 readonly sources: Record<string, string[]>;
11 private outputs;
12 readonly host: ts.CompilerHost;
13 readonly compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions;
14 /**
15 * Constructs a new TsWriter instance.
16 *
17 * @param optionsOrTsconfigPath Either the compiler options or the path to a tsconfig
18 * file.
19 */
20 constructor(optionsOrTsconfigPath: ts.CompilerOptions | string, helpers?: H | undefined);
21 /**
22 * Collects all the written files and uses typescript to transpile them.
23 *
24 * @returns The result of the transpilation from typescript.
25 */
26 transpile(): Record<string, string>;
27 /**
28 * Generates the code to be written in the provided file. The first argument is an
29 * object with the variables to be used in the template, as well the filename. The rest
30 * of the arguments are the templates to be written in the file.
31 */
32 write<D extends SourceTemplateData<H>, P extends KeysOf<Omit<D, 'helpers'>>[]>(template: TemplateStringsArray, data: D, ...keys: Commands<P[number], D & {
33 helpers: H;
34 }>[]): void;
35 /**
36 * Generates the code to be written **ON TOP** in the provided file. The first argument
37 * is an object with the variables to be used in the template, as well the filename. The
38 * rest of the arguments are the templates to be written in the file.
39 */
40 head<D extends SourceTemplateData<H>, P extends KeysOf<Omit<D, 'helpers'>>[]>(template: TemplateStringsArray, data: D, ...keys: Commands<P[number], D & {
41 helpers: H;
42 }>[]): void;
43 /**
44 * Generates the code to be written in the provided file **ONLY IF NOT ALREADY
45 * WRITTEN**. The first argument is an object with the variables to be used in the
46 * template, as well the filename. The rest of the arguments are the templates to be
47 * written in the file.
48 */
49 writeUnique<D extends SourceTemplateData<H>, P extends KeysOf<Omit<D, 'helpers'>>[]>(template: TemplateStringsArray, data: D, ...keys: Commands<P[number], D & {
50 helpers: H;
51 }>[]): void;
52 /**
53 * Generates the code to be written **ON TOP** in the provided file **ONLY IF NOT
54 * ALREADY WRITTEN**. The first argument is an object with the variables to be used in
55 * the template, as well the filename. The rest of the arguments are the templates to be
56 * written in the file.
57 */
58 headUnique<D extends SourceTemplateData<H>, P extends KeysOf<Omit<D, 'helpers'>>[]>(template: TemplateStringsArray, data: D, ...keys: Commands<P[number], D & {
59 helpers: H;
60 }>[]): void;
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