15.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends, _ as __assign } from './tslib.es6-863e3717.js';
2import { U as Utils } from './Utils-5f9f1f09.js';
3import { select, mouse, selectAll, event } from 'd3';
4import { S as ServerClient } from './ServerClient-f4bd7870.js';
5import { C as Component } from './Component-5b66527b.js';
6import { H as Hierarchy } from './Hierarchy-e68459cc.js';
7import 'awesomplete';
8import { M as ModelAutocomplete } from './ModelAutocomplete-6a9a44cd.js';
10var ModelSearch = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11 __extends(ModelSearch, _super);
12 function ModelSearch(renderTarget) {
13 var _this = _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
14 _this.usedContinuationTokens = {};
15 _this.currentResultIndex = -1;
16 _this.stripHits = function (str) {
17 return str.split('<hit>').map(function (h) { return h.split('</hit>').map(function (h2) { return Utils.strip(h2); }).join('</hit>'); }).join('<hit>');
18 };
19 _this.server = new ServerClient();
20 select("html").on("click." + Utils.guid(), function () {
21 if (_this.clickedInstance && event.target != _this.clickedInstance && _this.contextMenu) {
22 _this.closeContextMenu();
23 _this.clickedInstance = null;
24 }
25 });
26 return _this;
27 }
28 ModelSearch.prototype.ModelSearch = function () {
29 };
30 ModelSearch.prototype.render = function (environmentFqdn, getToken, hierarchyData, chartOptions) {
31 var _this = this;
32 this.chartOptions.setOptions(chartOptions);
33 var self = this;
34 var continuationToken, searchText;
35 var targetElement = select(this.renderTarget);
36 targetElement.html('');
37 this.wrapper = targetElement.append('div').attr('class', 'tsi-modelSearchWrapper');
38 _super.prototype.themify.call(this, this.wrapper, this.chartOptions.theme);
39 var inputWrapper = this.wrapper.append("div")
40 .attr("class", "tsi-modelSearchInputWrapper");
41 var autocompleteOnInput = function (st, event) {
42 self.usedContinuationTokens = {};
43 // blow results away if no text
44 if (st.length === 0) {
45 searchText = st;
46 self.instanceResults.html('');
47 self.currentResultIndex = -1;
48 hierarchyElement.node().style.display = 'block';
49 showMore.node().style.display = 'none';
50 noResults.style('display', 'none');
51 }
52 else if (event.which === 13 || event.keyCode === 13) {
53 hierarchyElement.node().style.display = 'none';
54 self.instanceResults.html('');
55 self.currentResultIndex = -1;
56 noResults.style('display', 'none');
57 searchInstances(st);
58 searchText = st;
59 }
60 };
61 var modelAutocomplete = new ModelAutocomplete(inputWrapper.node());
62 modelAutocomplete.render(environmentFqdn, getToken, __assign({ onInput: autocompleteOnInput, onKeydown: function (event, ap) { _this.handleKeydown(event, ap); } }, chartOptions));
63 var ap = modelAutocomplete.ap;
64 var results = this.wrapper.append('div')
65 .attr("class", "tsi-modelSearchResults").on('scroll', function () {
66 self.closeContextMenu();
67 var that = this;
68 if (that.scrollTop + that.clientHeight + 150 > self.instanceResults.node().clientHeight && searchText.length !== 0) {
69 searchInstances(searchText, continuationToken);
70 }
71 });
72 var noResults = results.append('div').text(this.getString('No results')).classed('tsi-noResults', true).style('display', 'none');
73 var instanceResultsWrapper = results.append('div').attr('class', 'tsi-modelSearchInstancesWrapper');
74 this.instanceResults = instanceResultsWrapper.append('div').attr('class', 'tsi-modelSearchInstances');
75 var showMore = instanceResultsWrapper.append('div').attr('class', 'tsi-showMore').text(this.getString('Show more') + '...').on('click', function () { return searchInstances(searchText, continuationToken); }).style('display', 'none');
76 var hierarchyElement = this.wrapper.append('div')
77 .attr("class", "tsi-hierarchyWrapper");
78 var hierarchy = new Hierarchy(hierarchyElement.node());
79 hierarchy.render(hierarchyData, __assign(__assign({}, this.chartOptions), { withContextMenu: true }));
80 var searchInstances = function (searchText, ct) {
81 if (ct === void 0) { ct = null; }
82 var self = _this;
83 if (ct === 'END')
84 return;
85 if (ct === null || !self.usedContinuationTokens[ct]) {
86 self.usedContinuationTokens[ct] = true;
87 getToken().then(function (token) {
88 self.server.getTimeseriesInstancesSearch(token, environmentFqdn, searchText, ct).then(function (r) {
89 var instances;
90 if (Array.isArray(r.instances)) {
91 continuationToken = r.instancesContinuationToken;
92 instances = r.instances;
93 }
94 else { //new search api with the support of hierarchy navigation
95 if (r.instances.hasOwnProperty('hits')) {
96 instances = r.instances.hits;
97 continuationToken = r.instances.hits.continuationToken;
98 }
99 }
100 if (!continuationToken)
101 continuationToken = 'END';
102 showMore.node().style.display = continuationToken !== 'END' ? 'block' : 'none';
103 if (instances.length == 0) {
104 noResults.style('display', 'block');
105 }
106 else {
107 noResults.style('display', 'none');
108 }
109 instances.forEach(function (i) {
110 var handleClick = function (elt, wrapperMousePos, eltMousePos, fromKeyboard) {
111 if (fromKeyboard === void 0) { fromKeyboard = false; }
112 self.closeContextMenu();
113 if (self.clickedInstance != elt) {
114 self.clickedInstance = elt;
115 i.type = self.types.filter(function (t) {
116 return t.name.replace(/\s/g, '') === (i.highlights.type ? i.highlights.type.split('<hit>').join('').split('</hit>').join('').replace(/\s/g, '') : i.highlights.typeName.split('<hit>').join('').split('</hit>').join('').replace(/\s/g, ''));
117 })[0];
118 var contextMenuActions = self.chartOptions.onInstanceClick(i);
119 self.contextMenu = self.wrapper.append('div');
120 if (!Array.isArray(contextMenuActions)) {
121 contextMenuActions = [contextMenuActions];
122 }
123 var totalActionCount_1 = contextMenuActions.map(function (cma) { return Object.keys(cma).length; }).reduce(function (p, c) { return p + c; }, 0);
124 var currentActionIndex_1 = 0;
125 contextMenuActions.forEach(function (cma, cmaGroupIdx) {
126 Object.keys(cma).forEach(function (k, kIdx, kArray) {
127 var localActionIndex = currentActionIndex_1;
128 self.contextMenu.append('div').text(k).on('click', cma[k]).on('keydown', function () {
129 var evt = event;
130 if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
131 this.click();
132 }
133 if (evt.keyCode === 13 || evt.keyCode === 37) {
134 self.closeContextMenu();
135 var results_1 = self.instanceResults.selectAll('.tsi-modelResultWrapper');
136 results_1.nodes()[self.currentResultIndex].focus();
137 }
138 if (evt.keyCode === 40 && (localActionIndex + 1 < totalActionCount_1)) { // down
139 self.contextMenu.node().children[localActionIndex + 1 + cmaGroupIdx + (kIdx === (kArray.length - 1) ? 1 : 0)].focus();
140 }
141 if (evt.keyCode === 38 && localActionIndex > 0) { // up
142 self.contextMenu.node().children[localActionIndex - 1 + cmaGroupIdx - (kIdx === 0 ? 1 : 0)].focus();
143 }
144 }).attr('tabindex', '0');
145 currentActionIndex_1++;
146 });
147 self.contextMenu.append('div').classed('tsi-break', true);
148 });
149 self.contextMenu.attr('style', function () { return "top: " + (wrapperMousePos - eltMousePos) + "px"; });
150 self.contextMenu.classed('tsi-modelSearchContextMenu', true);
151 select(elt).classed('tsi-resultSelected', true);
152 if (self.contextMenu.node().children.length > 0 && fromKeyboard) {
153 self.contextMenu.node().children[0].focus();
154 }
155 }
156 else {
157 self.clickedInstance = null;
158 }
159 };
160 _this.instanceResults.append('div').html(self.getInstanceHtml(i)) // known unsafe usage of .html
161 .on('click', function () {
162 var mouseWrapper = mouse(self.wrapper.node());
163 var mouseElt = mouse(this);
164 handleClick(this, mouseWrapper[1], mouseElt[1]);
165 })
166 .on('keydown', function () {
167 var evt = event;
168 if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
169 var resultsNodes = _this.instanceResults.selectAll('.tsi-modelResultWrapper').nodes();
170 var height = 0;
171 for (var i = 0; i < _this.currentResultIndex; i++) {
172 height += resultsNodes[0].clientHeight;
173 }
174 handleClick(_this.instanceResults.select('.tsi-modelResultWrapper:focus').node(), height - results.node().scrollTop + 48, 0, true);
175 }
176 self.handleKeydown(evt, ap);
177 }).attr('tabindex', '0').classed('tsi-modelResultWrapper', true);
178 });
179 });
180 });
181 }
182 };
183 getToken().then(function (token) {
184 _this.server.getTimeseriesHierarchies(token, environmentFqdn).then(function (r) {
185 _this.hierarchies = r.hierarchies;
186 });
187 });
188 // get types
189 getToken().then(function (token) {
190 _this.server.getTimeseriesTypes(token, environmentFqdn).then(function (r) {
191 _this.types = r.types;
192 });
193 });
194 };
195 ModelSearch.prototype.handleKeydown = function (event, ap) {
196 if (!ap.isOpened) {
197 var results = this.instanceResults.selectAll('.tsi-modelResultWrapper');
198 if (results.size()) {
199 if (event.keyCode === 40 && this.currentResultIndex < results.nodes().length - 1) {
200 this.currentResultIndex++;
201 results.nodes()[this.currentResultIndex].focus();
202 }
203 else if (event.keyCode === 38) {
204 this.currentResultIndex--;
205 if (this.currentResultIndex <= -1) {
206 this.currentResultIndex = -1;
207 ap.input.focus();
208 }
209 else {
210 results.nodes()[this.currentResultIndex].focus();
211 }
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 };
216 ModelSearch.prototype.closeContextMenu = function () {
217 if (this.contextMenu) {
218 this.contextMenu.remove();
219 }
220 selectAll('.tsi-resultSelected').classed('tsi-resultSelected', false);
221 };
222 ModelSearch.prototype.getInstanceHtml = function (i) {
223 var _this = this;
224 return "<div class=\"tsi-modelResult\">\n <div class=\"tsi-modelPK\">\n " + (i.highlights.name ? this.stripHits(i.highlights.name) : this.stripHits(i.highlights.timeSeriesIds ? i.highlights.timeSeriesIds.join(' ') : i.highlights.timeSeriesId.join(' '))) + "\n </div>\n <div class=\"tsi-modelHighlights\">\n " + this.stripHits(i.highlights.description && i.highlights.description.length ? i.highlights.description : this.getString('No description')) + "\n <br/><table>\n " + (i.highlights.name ? ('<tr><td>' + this.getString("Time Series ID") + '</td><td>' + this.stripHits(i.highlights.timeSeriesIds ? i.highlights.timeSeriesIds.join(' ') : i.highlights.timeSeriesId.join(' ')) + '</td></tr>') : '') + " \n " + i.highlights.instanceFieldNames.map(function (ifn, idx) {
225 var val = i.highlights.instanceFieldValues[idx];
226 if (ifn.indexOf('<hit>') !== -1 || val.indexOf('<hit>') !== -1) {
227 return val.length === 0 ? '' : '<tr><td>' + _this.stripHits(ifn) + '</td><td>' + _this.stripHits(val) + '</tr>';
228 }
229 }).join('') + "\n </table>\n </div>\n </div>";
230 };
231 return ModelSearch;
234export { ModelSearch as M };