5.78 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends } from './tslib.es6-863e3717.js';
2import { select } from 'd3';
3import { C as Component } from './Component-5b66527b.js';
5var Tooltip = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6 __extends(Tooltip, _super);
7 function Tooltip(renderTarget) {
8 return _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
9 }
10 Tooltip.prototype.hide = function () {
11 if (this.tooltipDiv) {
12 this.tooltipDiv.style("display", "none");
13 }
14 };
15 Tooltip.prototype.getSVGWidth = function () {
16 return !this.renderTarget.select('.tsi-chartSVG').empty() ? this.renderTarget.select('.tsi-chartSVG').node().getBoundingClientRect().width : 0;
17 };
18 Tooltip.prototype.getSVGHeight = function () {
19 return !this.renderTarget.select('.tsi-chartSVG').empty() ? this.renderTarget.select('.tsi-chartSVG').node().getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
20 };
21 Tooltip.prototype.getLeftOffset = function (chartMargins) {
22 //NOTE - this assumes that the svg's right border is the same as the render target's
23 var renderTargetWidth = this.renderTarget.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
24 return (renderTargetWidth - this.getSVGWidth() + chartMargins.left);
25 };
26 Tooltip.prototype.getTopOffset = function (chartMargins) {
27 //NOTE - this assumes that the svg's bottom border is the same as the render target's
28 var renderTargetHeight = this.renderTarget.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
29 return (renderTargetHeight - this.getSVGHeight() + chartMargins.top);
30 };
31 Tooltip.prototype.isRightOffset = function (tooltipWidth, xPos, chartMarginLeft) {
32 //NOTE - this assumes that the svg's right border is the same as the render target's
33 var renderTargetWidth = this.renderTarget.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
34 return this.getSVGWidth() > (xPos + tooltipWidth + 20 + chartMarginLeft);
35 };
36 Tooltip.prototype.isTopOffset = function (tooltipHeight, yPos, chartMargins) {
37 //NOTE - this assumes that the svg's bottom border is the same as the render target's
38 var renderTargetHeight = this.renderTarget.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
39 var tooltipYPos = yPos + tooltipHeight + 20 + chartMargins.bottom + this.getTopOffset(chartMargins);
40 return renderTargetHeight > tooltipYPos;
41 };
42 Tooltip.prototype.render = function (theme) {
43 var _this = this;
44 var self = this;
45 var tooltip = this.renderTarget.selectAll('.tsi-tooltip').filter(function () {
46 return (this.parentNode === self.renderTarget.node());
47 }).data([theme]);
48 this.tooltipDiv = tooltip.enter().append('div')
49 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltip')
50 .merge(tooltip)
51 .each(function (d) {
52 select(this).selectAll("*").remove();
53 self.tooltipDivInner = select(this).append('div')
54 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipInner');
55 });
56 tooltip.exit().remove();
57 _super.prototype.themify.call(this, this.tooltipDiv, theme);
58 // Element width is an optional parameter which ensures that the tooltip doesn't interfere with the element
59 // when positioning to the right
60 this.draw = function (d, chartComponentData, xPos, yPos, chartMargins, addText, elementWidth, xOffset, yOffset, borderColor, isFromMarker) {
61 if (elementWidth === void 0) { elementWidth = null; }
62 if (xOffset === void 0) { xOffset = 20; }
63 if (yOffset === void 0) { yOffset = 20; }
64 if (borderColor === void 0) { borderColor = null; }
65 if (isFromMarker === void 0) { isFromMarker = false; }
66 _this.tooltipDiv.style("display", "block");
67 _this.tooltipDivInner.text(null);
68 _this.borderColor = borderColor;
69 var leftOffset = isFromMarker ? 0 : _this.getLeftOffset(chartMargins);
70 var topOffset = _this.getTopOffset(chartMargins);
71 addText(_this.tooltipDivInner);
72 _this.tooltipDiv.style("left", Math.round(xPos + leftOffset) + "px")
73 .style("top", Math.round(yPos) + topOffset + "px");
74 var tooltipWidth = _this.tooltipDiv.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
75 var tooltipHeight = _this.tooltipDiv.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
76 var translateX = _this.isRightOffset(tooltipWidth, xPos, chartMargins.left) ? xOffset :
77 (-Math.round(tooltipWidth) - xOffset - (elementWidth !== null ? elementWidth : 0));
78 translateX = Math.max(0 - xPos, translateX);
79 var translateY = 0;
80 if (_this.isTopOffset(tooltipHeight, yPos, chartMargins)) { // Place tooltip @ bottom of point
81 translateY = yOffset;
82 }
83 else {
84 if (!isFromMarker && Math.round(yPos) - yOffset + topOffset - Math.round(tooltipHeight) <= 0) { // Upper bound check to keep tooltip within chart
85 translateY = -(Math.round(yPos) + topOffset);
86 }
87 else {
88 translateY = (-Math.round(tooltipHeight) - yOffset); // Place tooltip @ top of point
89 }
90 }
91 _this.tooltipDiv.style("transform", "translate(" + translateX + "px," + translateY + "px)");
92 if (_this.borderColor) {
93 _this.tooltipDivInner.style('border-left-color', _this.borderColor)
94 .style('border-left-width', '5px');
95 }
96 else {
97 _this.tooltipDivInner.style('border-left-width', '0');
98 }
99 };
100 };
101 return Tooltip;
104export { Tooltip as T };